Challenge:Liberals on this Board...Especially Students...Show HARD Evidence that Trump is Racist

Kind of agree. Until either we can read minds or Rump comes out and says it directly (and being a known liar that's not worth much) we don't have the basis to know if Rump is a racist. Obviously he's an elitist but that's a broader scope than "racist".

But that's the wrong question anyway. Being a racist wouldn't win votes except from a racist fringe. But baiting the racists, with oblique and semi-oblique code words ("the best words") serves to bring them into one's camp without personally committing to racism. Hence "they're rapists" and "shut down Muslims" and "very fine people" and cue Pavlovian salivation, with plausible deniability.

Whether Rump is personally racist is kind of a moot point. Far more important is that he's a master baiter, as is any proficient con artist. I halfway want to guess that the OP doesn't know the crucial difference between racism and race baiting. The other possibility is he does know and is deliberately conflating to obscure the baiting, but I really don't think he has the intelligence to even figure that out.

I don't see him as an "elitist". He's a crass rich guy, but he also enjoys things normal people enjoy. Bad food, golf, crappy TV (at least making it if not watching it). I'd rather have a rich asshole running things who doesn't act like his shit don't stink than some well meaning snooty academic telling me what I SHOULD do with my life, what I SHOULD think, and if I don;t follow the rules sic government on me or browbeat me to death.

I don't mean by "elitist" somebody who has snobby tastes. I mean somebody who literally sees himself as a superior life form. Who carries the view that there's simply a set of societal castes and some are destined to be on the bottom while they, the elitist, are destined to be the --- well, the Elite. This was drummed into Rump from childhood by his father and clearly he bought the whole package. It appeals to his narcissism.

So racism is one way to express such an elitism -- but it's not the only way.

The actual racist vote is really freaking small. What Trump appeals to is the average american's annoyance at progressives penchant to support people who don't follow the rules over people who do.

Eh -- again, that's the con artist selling fantasy-monsters. Monsters of Mexican rapists and Muslim terrorists and a foreign President and protestors "ruining America" and economic rivals "laughing at us" and "because you'd be in jail" and "fire the sumbitches" and "the news media is the enemy" and on and on and on. That's what a political con artist does: divide and conquer. And in order to divide you need the subhuman monsters, and he's all too happy to create them.

As I just said --- baiting. It's what he does.

When you're successful thinking highly of yourself is natural.
I know I think very highly of myself.

"Thinking highly of oneself" is not what we're talking here. What this is is "thinking elitely of oneself". That means the belief that oneself is a superior being, i.e. literally better than everyone else. And there's no secret about that belief --- he goes out of his way to remind the world that that's exactly what he thinks, every day even at three in the morning.

Racism as in the thread title would be one form of that but it's specific to race. The racist thinks himself superior to another specific person on account of their skin colors. I don't think Rump thinks himself superior on account of race alone, if we mean literal race as in skin color. Rather he thinks he's of a "master race" in the generalized meaning of the term. A more accurate term would be that he thinks he's of a "master class" -- it's more like the castes of India than the skin colors of what we traditionally call "racism".

I've seen nothing that supports the idea that Trump's high opinion of himself is extended in his mind to his fellow "class", the vast majority of which was against him in the election and who's various champions he viciously ridiculed and crushed.

You're overthinking it. And perhaps I underdescribed it.

When I say Rump thinks of himself as part of a master "class" --- that class is in effect, population of one.

If you mean as a class "the rich", that's not what defines this class as I mean it. It's not defined by material wealth but by personal attitude. I'm not sure you could take the class of "the rich" and find that attitude universally. You'd find it, no doubt, but it wouldn't be universal.

In the same way you could take some other wealth class, say "poor whites" and find the attitude of racism in it. where the racist thinks himself superior to another race. That doesn't mean all poor whites have that attitude (are racist)

Nor does it mean their economic status brought them to that attitude ---- but in both cases it helps.

So my use of the word "class" here is more at "caste". A social group put into its position of power via "destiny".

Of course, the next analytical step from here is that Rump by this definition, does not believe that "all men are created equal". And we can take that wherever it needs to go.
I don't see him as an "elitist". He's a crass rich guy, but he also enjoys things normal people enjoy. Bad food, golf, crappy TV (at least making it if not watching it). I'd rather have a rich asshole running things who doesn't act like his shit don't stink than some well meaning snooty academic telling me what I SHOULD do with my life, what I SHOULD think, and if I don;t follow the rules sic government on me or browbeat me to death.

I don't mean by "elitist" somebody who has snobby tastes. I mean somebody who literally sees himself as a superior life form. Who carries the view that there's simply a set of societal castes and some are destined to be on the bottom while they, the elitist, are destined to be the --- well, the Elite. This was drummed into Rump from childhood by his father and clearly he bought the whole package. It appeals to his narcissism.

So racism is one way to express such an elitism -- but it's not the only way.

The actual racist vote is really freaking small. What Trump appeals to is the average american's annoyance at progressives penchant to support people who don't follow the rules over people who do.

Eh -- again, that's the con artist selling fantasy-monsters. Monsters of Mexican rapists and Muslim terrorists and a foreign President and protestors "ruining America" and economic rivals "laughing at us" and "because you'd be in jail" and "fire the sumbitches" and "the news media is the enemy" and on and on and on. That's what a political con artist does: divide and conquer. And in order to divide you need the subhuman monsters, and he's all too happy to create them.

As I just said --- baiting. It's what he does.

When you're successful thinking highly of yourself is natural.
I know I think very highly of myself.

"Thinking highly of oneself" is not what we're talking here. What this is is "thinking elitely of oneself". That means the belief that oneself is a superior being, i.e. literally better than everyone else. And there's no secret about that belief --- he goes out of his way to remind the world that that's exactly what he thinks, every day even at three in the morning.

Racism as in the thread title would be one form of that but it's specific to race. The racist thinks himself superior to another specific person on account of their skin colors. I don't think Rump thinks himself superior on account of race alone, if we mean literal race as in skin color. Rather he thinks he's of a "master race" in the generalized meaning of the term. A more accurate term would be that he thinks he's of a "master class" -- it's more like the castes of India than the skin colors of what we traditionally call "racism".

I've seen nothing that supports the idea that Trump's high opinion of himself is extended in his mind to his fellow "class", the vast majority of which was against him in the election and who's various champions he viciously ridiculed and crushed.

You're overthinking it. And perhaps I underdescribed it.

When I say Rump thinks of himself as part of a master "class" --- that class is in effect, population of one.

If you mean as a class "the rich", that's not what defines this class as I mean it. It's not defined by material wealth but by personal attitude. I'm not sure you could take the class of "the rich" and find that attitude universally. You'd find it, no doubt, but it wouldn't be universal.

In the same way you could take some other wealth class, say "poor whites" and find the attitude of racism in it. where the racist thinks himself superior to another race. That doesn't mean all poor whites have that attitude (are racist)

Nor does it mean their economic status brought them to that attitude ---- but in both cases it helps.

So my use of the word "class" here is more at "caste". A social group put into its position of power via "destiny".

Of course, the next analytical step from here is that Rump by this definition, does not believe that "all men are created equal". And we can take that wherever it needs to go.

The problem with "master race" or "master class" is that a person who believes in it, will discriminate in favor of that group.

By playing word games so that you define an individual as a "class", you are spouting meaningless static.

How will Trump, in theory, discriminate in favor of his "class" if it is actually just him?

Everyone who thinks he or she is qualified to be the most powerful man in the world, has a very healthy ego.

He is not a member of any "caste".
I don't mean by "elitist" somebody who has snobby tastes. I mean somebody who literally sees himself as a superior life form. Who carries the view that there's simply a set of societal castes and some are destined to be on the bottom while they, the elitist, are destined to be the --- well, the Elite. This was drummed into Rump from childhood by his father and clearly he bought the whole package. It appeals to his narcissism.

So racism is one way to express such an elitism -- but it's not the only way.

Eh -- again, that's the con artist selling fantasy-monsters. Monsters of Mexican rapists and Muslim terrorists and a foreign President and protestors "ruining America" and economic rivals "laughing at us" and "because you'd be in jail" and "fire the sumbitches" and "the news media is the enemy" and on and on and on. That's what a political con artist does: divide and conquer. And in order to divide you need the subhuman monsters, and he's all too happy to create them.

As I just said --- baiting. It's what he does.

When you're successful thinking highly of yourself is natural.
I know I think very highly of myself.

"Thinking highly of oneself" is not what we're talking here. What this is is "thinking elitely of oneself". That means the belief that oneself is a superior being, i.e. literally better than everyone else. And there's no secret about that belief --- he goes out of his way to remind the world that that's exactly what he thinks, every day even at three in the morning.

Racism as in the thread title would be one form of that but it's specific to race. The racist thinks himself superior to another specific person on account of their skin colors. I don't think Rump thinks himself superior on account of race alone, if we mean literal race as in skin color. Rather he thinks he's of a "master race" in the generalized meaning of the term. A more accurate term would be that he thinks he's of a "master class" -- it's more like the castes of India than the skin colors of what we traditionally call "racism".

I've seen nothing that supports the idea that Trump's high opinion of himself is extended in his mind to his fellow "class", the vast majority of which was against him in the election and who's various champions he viciously ridiculed and crushed.

You're overthinking it. And perhaps I underdescribed it.

When I say Rump thinks of himself as part of a master "class" --- that class is in effect, population of one.

If you mean as a class "the rich", that's not what defines this class as I mean it. It's not defined by material wealth but by personal attitude. I'm not sure you could take the class of "the rich" and find that attitude universally. You'd find it, no doubt, but it wouldn't be universal.

In the same way you could take some other wealth class, say "poor whites" and find the attitude of racism in it. where the racist thinks himself superior to another race. That doesn't mean all poor whites have that attitude (are racist)

Nor does it mean their economic status brought them to that attitude ---- but in both cases it helps.

So my use of the word "class" here is more at "caste". A social group put into its position of power via "destiny".

Of course, the next analytical step from here is that Rump by this definition, does not believe that "all men are created equal". And we can take that wherever it needs to go.

The problem with "master race" or "master class" is that a person who believes in it, will discriminate in favor of that group.

By playing word games so that you define an individual as a "class", you are spouting meaningless static.

How will Trump, in theory, discriminate in favor of his "class" if it is actually just him?

Everyone who thinks he or she is qualified to be the most powerful man in the world, has a very healthy ego.

He is not a member of any "caste".

Yeah I know he isn't. And you know he isn't.
The issue is that HE thinks he is.

Again, what I describe is not a "class" in the sense of an entire section of a population. It's a membership of one. And given that number, yes exactly he DOES discriminate in favor of that group. Everything in his little adolescent bubble is "me me me" and "I want" and anything that doesn't serve that self-indulgence gets the brunt of the next adolescent attack. So as long as you understand the "class" is sparsely populated, you're right.

I'm not sure who else if anyone Rump would consider in his particular caste aside from obviously his father. Perhaps Ivana. She proved to be every bit as ambitious as him and when her skiing ability made him look amateurish by comparison, he completely melted down. No doubt that's why he jettisoned her; in Rump's caste as he sees it, there can BE only one.
When you're successful thinking highly of yourself is natural.
I know I think very highly of myself.

"Thinking highly of oneself" is not what we're talking here. What this is is "thinking elitely of oneself". That means the belief that oneself is a superior being, i.e. literally better than everyone else. And there's no secret about that belief --- he goes out of his way to remind the world that that's exactly what he thinks, every day even at three in the morning.

Racism as in the thread title would be one form of that but it's specific to race. The racist thinks himself superior to another specific person on account of their skin colors. I don't think Rump thinks himself superior on account of race alone, if we mean literal race as in skin color. Rather he thinks he's of a "master race" in the generalized meaning of the term. A more accurate term would be that he thinks he's of a "master class" -- it's more like the castes of India than the skin colors of what we traditionally call "racism".

I've seen nothing that supports the idea that Trump's high opinion of himself is extended in his mind to his fellow "class", the vast majority of which was against him in the election and who's various champions he viciously ridiculed and crushed.

You're overthinking it. And perhaps I underdescribed it.

When I say Rump thinks of himself as part of a master "class" --- that class is in effect, population of one.

If you mean as a class "the rich", that's not what defines this class as I mean it. It's not defined by material wealth but by personal attitude. I'm not sure you could take the class of "the rich" and find that attitude universally. You'd find it, no doubt, but it wouldn't be universal.

In the same way you could take some other wealth class, say "poor whites" and find the attitude of racism in it. where the racist thinks himself superior to another race. That doesn't mean all poor whites have that attitude (are racist)

Nor does it mean their economic status brought them to that attitude ---- but in both cases it helps.

So my use of the word "class" here is more at "caste". A social group put into its position of power via "destiny".

Of course, the next analytical step from here is that Rump by this definition, does not believe that "all men are created equal". And we can take that wherever it needs to go.

The problem with "master race" or "master class" is that a person who believes in it, will discriminate in favor of that group.

By playing word games so that you define an individual as a "class", you are spouting meaningless static.

How will Trump, in theory, discriminate in favor of his "class" if it is actually just him?

Everyone who thinks he or she is qualified to be the most powerful man in the world, has a very healthy ego.

He is not a member of any "caste".

Yeah I know he isn't. And you know he isn't.
The issue is that HE thinks he is.

Again, what I describe is not a "class" in the sense of an entire section of a population. It's a membership of one. And given that number, yes exactly he DOES discriminate in favor of that group. Everything in his little adolescent bubble is "me me me" and "I want" and anything that doesn't serve that self-indulgence gets the brunt of the next adolescent attack. So as long as you understand the "class" is sparsely populated, you're right.

I'm not sure who else if anyone Rump would consider in his particular caste aside from obviously his father. Perhaps Ivana. She proved to be every bit as ambitious as him and when her skiing ability made him look amateurish by comparison, he completely melted down. No doubt that's why he jettisoned her; in Rump's caste as he sees it, there can BE only one.

You are using word games to smear someone for looking out for their own interests.

That's stupid and dishonest.

Sure. Kid in his twenties working for his dad. I'm sure he was making the calls.


he was 26.... that ain't a young kid when donny grew up in the business enviroment that he did. where do you think he learned how to screw people over? you saying he was stupid not to have known? lol... of course he did & went right along with it. guess money trumps morals, right cartoon boy?

Sure. Kid in his twenties working for his dad. I'm sure he was making the calls.


he was 26.... that ain't a young kid when donny grew up in the business enviroment that he did. where do you think he learned how to screw people over? you saying he was stupid not to have known? lol... of course he did & went right along with it. guess money trumps morals, right cartoon boy?

Sounds pretty young to me.

If he was half, hell a TENTH as racist as you fuckers like to pretend he is,

you wouldn't have to go back to 19 fucking 73 to find "evidence".

Actually against both of them. Rump was handed an executive chair in 1971.

The US had sent "tester" subjects carrying exactly the same credentials and background to apply for living spaces. The white ones were welcomed and the black ones were turned away.

During a break in the depositions Rump went to the chief investigator Elyse Goldweber and said, "come on Elyse --- you don't want to live with 'them' either".

The Trumps hired notorious sleazeball Roy Cohn to countersue the government for harassment. He lost that. As reparation the Trumps had to file regular reports showing future compliance. And about three years later they were back in court for failure to comply with that.

Rump of course will sell that as "no admission of guilt". But then that's the same Rump who claims he has umpteen billion dollars, who says he will build a wall that Mexico will pay for, and who says he never went bankrupt, so consider the source. And the record.
When you're successful thinking highly of yourself is natural.
I know I think very highly of myself.

"Thinking highly of oneself" is not what we're talking here. What this is is "thinking elitely of oneself". That means the belief that oneself is a superior being, i.e. literally better than everyone else. And there's no secret about that belief --- he goes out of his way to remind the world that that's exactly what he thinks, every day even at three in the morning.

Racism as in the thread title would be one form of that but it's specific to race. The racist thinks himself superior to another specific person on account of their skin colors. I don't think Rump thinks himself superior on account of race alone, if we mean literal race as in skin color. Rather he thinks he's of a "master race" in the generalized meaning of the term. A more accurate term would be that he thinks he's of a "master class" -- it's more like the castes of India than the skin colors of what we traditionally call "racism".

I've seen nothing that supports the idea that Trump's high opinion of himself is extended in his mind to his fellow "class", the vast majority of which was against him in the election and who's various champions he viciously ridiculed and crushed.

You're overthinking it. And perhaps I underdescribed it.

When I say Rump thinks of himself as part of a master "class" --- that class is in effect, population of one.

If you mean as a class "the rich", that's not what defines this class as I mean it. It's not defined by material wealth but by personal attitude. I'm not sure you could take the class of "the rich" and find that attitude universally. You'd find it, no doubt, but it wouldn't be universal.

In the same way you could take some other wealth class, say "poor whites" and find the attitude of racism in it. where the racist thinks himself superior to another race. That doesn't mean all poor whites have that attitude (are racist)

Nor does it mean their economic status brought them to that attitude ---- but in both cases it helps.

So my use of the word "class" here is more at "caste". A social group put into its position of power via "destiny".

Of course, the next analytical step from here is that Rump by this definition, does not believe that "all men are created equal". And we can take that wherever it needs to go.

The problem with "master race" or "master class" is that a person who believes in it, will discriminate in favor of that group.

By playing word games so that you define an individual as a "class", you are spouting meaningless static.

How will Trump, in theory, discriminate in favor of his "class" if it is actually just him?

Everyone who thinks he or she is qualified to be the most powerful man in the world, has a very healthy ego.

He is not a member of any "caste".

Yeah I know he isn't. And you know he isn't.
The issue is that HE thinks he is.

Again, what I describe is not a "class" in the sense of an entire section of a population. It's a membership of one. And given that number, yes exactly he DOES discriminate in favor of that group. Everything in his little adolescent bubble is "me me me" and "I want" and anything that doesn't serve that self-indulgence gets the brunt of the next adolescent attack. So as long as you understand the "class" is sparsely populated, you're right.

I'm not sure who else if anyone Rump would consider in his particular caste aside from obviously his father. Perhaps Ivana. She proved to be every bit as ambitious as him and when her skiing ability made him look amateurish by comparison, he completely melted down. No doubt that's why he jettisoned her; in Rump's caste as he sees it, there can BE only one.


^^^ says it all right there ^^^

Sure. Kid in his twenties working for his dad. I'm sure he was making the calls.


he was 26.... that ain't a young kid when donny grew up in the business enviroment that he did. where do you think he learned how to screw people over? you saying he was stupid not to have known? lol... of course he did & went right along with it. guess money trumps morals, right cartoon boy?

Sounds pretty young to me.

If he was half, hell a TENTH as racist as you fuckers like to pretend he is,

you wouldn't have to go back to 19 fucking 73 to find "evidence".

that was only the beginning. & it is clear hard evidence just like the OP wanted. a god damn lawsuit that DONALD J TRUMP WAS SUED REGARDING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

no matter how you slice it or dice it... he was right there in the thick of it.


how easy is it to grab your ankles for president tinkles these days, cartoon boy?
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments
His $50000 fine for refusing to rent to blacks?
Might help if you knew the def of liberal?
For the individual and small gov
No Latin ??
No college?
1973, against his dad.



& him.


Sure. Kid in his twenties working for his dad. I'm sure he was making the calls.


he was 26.... that ain't a young kid when donny grew up in the business enviroment that he did. where do you think he learned how to screw people over? you saying he was stupid not to have known? lol... of course he did & went right along with it. guess money trumps morals, right cartoon boy?

Sounds pretty young to me.

If he was half, hell a TENTH as racist as you fuckers like to pretend he is,

you wouldn't have to go back to 19 fucking 73 to find "evidence".

that was only the beginning. & it is clear hard evidence just like the OP wanted. a god damn lawsuit that DONALD J TRUMP WAS SUED REGARDING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

no matter how you slice it or dice it... he was right there in the thick of it.


how easy is it to grab your ankles for president tinkles these days, cartoon boy?

So, if that was "only the beginning" you must have plenty of examples from say, this century?

Actually against both of them. Rump was handed an executive chair in 1971.

The US had sent "tester" subjects carrying exactly the same credentials and background to apply for living spaces. The white ones were welcomed and the black ones were turned away.

During a break in the depositions Rump went to the chief investigator Elyse Goldweber and said, "come on Elyse --- you don't want to live with 'them' either".

The Trumps hired notorious sleazeball Roy Cohn to countersue the government for harassment. He lost that. As reparation the Trumps had to file regular reports showing future compliance. And about three years later they were back in court for failure to comply with that.

Rump of course will sell that as "no admission of guilt". But then that's the same Rump who claims he has umpteen billion dollars, who says he will build a wall that Mexico will pay for, and who says he never went bankrupt, so consider the source. And the record.

The Trump record on discrimination had already gone back a long way. A quarter-century earlier back around 1951, Woody Guthrie, a tenant for a time in Fred Trump's properties, wrote this:

I suppose that Old Man Trump knows just how much racial hate
He stirred up in that bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed that color line
Here at his Beach Haven family project

Beach Haven ain't my home!
No, I just can't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain,
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
Where no black folks come to roam,
No, no, Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

I'm calling out my welcome to you and your man both
Welcoming you here to Beach Haven
To love in any way you please and to have some kind of a decent place
To have your kids raised up in.

Beach Haven ain't my home!
No, I just can't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain,
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
Where no black folks come to roam,
No, no, Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!
("Old man" is a colloquialism for Authority here --- Fred Trump was in his mid-forties at the time)

Does all this mean either Trump was a racist? Not necessarily. Clearly they saw themselves as an upper class that didn't need to associate, or do business with, lower untouchable classes. But whether they saw blacks as an inferior caste on account of their race, as opposed to their economic power, remains an open question. They held the same contempt for Hispanics, which is not a race, so that would lean us toward the latter. And in the present day cases "Muslim" and "Mexican" and "female" and "media" are not races either ---- but they could be considered "inferior castes".

A quarter-century before that, Fred was famously arrested at a Ku Klux Klan rally. What his presence there indicated, no one knows, but that too doesn't automatically indicate racism per se. The Klan of that time was vehemently against not just Blacks and Catholics and Jews, but immigrants and labor unions, Being already engaged in house-building, Fred could certainly have been interested in the ideas of quashing immigrants and/or labor, both of which would affect his business.

& him.


Sure. Kid in his twenties working for his dad. I'm sure he was making the calls.


he was 26.... that ain't a young kid when donny grew up in the business enviroment that he did. where do you think he learned how to screw people over? you saying he was stupid not to have known? lol... of course he did & went right along with it. guess money trumps morals, right cartoon boy?

Sounds pretty young to me.

If he was half, hell a TENTH as racist as you fuckers like to pretend he is,

you wouldn't have to go back to 19 fucking 73 to find "evidence".

that was only the beginning. & it is clear hard evidence just like the OP wanted. a god damn lawsuit that DONALD J TRUMP WAS SUED REGARDING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

no matter how you slice it or dice it... he was right there in the thick of it.


how easy is it to grab your ankles for president tinkles these days, cartoon boy?

So, if that was "only the beginning" you must have plenty of examples from say, this century?

--- And (next) does he have examples from even-numbered years during a month with a Q in it at a time when Mercury was in Pisces and it was raining in Bucharest? :eusa_think:

Actually against both of them. Rump was handed an executive chair in 1971.

The US had sent "tester" subjects carrying exactly the same credentials and background to apply for living spaces. The white ones were welcomed and the black ones were turned away.

During a break in the depositions Rump went to the chief investigator Elyse Goldweber and said, "come on Elyse --- you don't want to live with 'them' either".

The Trumps hired notorious sleazeball Roy Cohn to countersue the government for harassment. He lost that. As reparation the Trumps had to file regular reports showing future compliance. And about three years later they were back in court for failure to comply with that.

Rump of course will sell that as "no admission of guilt". But then that's the same Rump who claims he has umpteen billion dollars, who says he will build a wall that Mexico will pay for, and who says he never went bankrupt, so consider the source. And the record.

The Trump record on discrimination had already gone back a long way. A quarter-century earlier back around 1951, Woody Guthrie, a tenant for a time in Fred Trump's properties, wrote this:

I suppose that Old Man Trump knows just how much racial hate
He stirred up in that bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed that color line
Here at his Beach Haven family project

Beach Haven ain't my home!
No, I just can't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain,
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
Where no black folks come to roam,
No, no, Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

I'm calling out my welcome to you and your man both
Welcoming you here to Beach Haven
To love in any way you please and to have some kind of a decent place
To have your kids raised up in.

Beach Haven ain't my home!
No, I just can't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain,
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
Where no black folks come to roam,
No, no, Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!
("Old man" is a colloquialism for Authority here --- Fred Trump was in his mid-forties at the time)

Does all this mean either Trump was a racist? Not necessarily. Clearly they saw themselves as an upper class that didn't need to associate, or do business with, lower untouchable classes. But whether they saw blacks as an inferior caste on account of their race, as opposed to their economic power, remains an open question. They held the same contempt for Hispanics, which is not a race, so that would lean us toward the latter. And in the present day cases "Muslim" and "Mexican" and "female" and "media" are not races either ---- but they could be considered "inferior castes".

A quarter-century before that, Fred was famously arrested at a Ku Klux Klan rally. What his presence there indicated, no one knows, but that too doesn't automatically indicate racism per se. The Klan of that time was vehemently against not just Blacks and Catholics and Jews, but immigrants and labor unions, Being already engaged in house-building, Fred could certainly have been interested in the ideas of quashing immigrants and/or labor, both of which would affect his business.

Lol, so 1973 wasn't long enough ago, you have to go back even further?

Any thing from this century?

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