Change the Premise and Opposition Wins Gay Legal Challenges: Simple as That

After reading the OP's articles, do you think LGBTs are "born that way"?

  • Yes, I still believe in spite of all those studies, that gays are born that way.

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • No, it looks like they're learned behaviors from the studies.

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • I'm still unclear after reading the articles.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Other.

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
Whether born that way (they obviously are) or by choice, why shouldn't nudists be allowed to practice that behavior in public?

How does their nudity effect your marriage?

They knew they liked being nude at a very young age

Why is one behavior protected and others not?

Public nudity is illegal. Would you like to make being gay in public illegal? Bring back public stonings?

That's it? It's illegal? That's your argument?

Times are changing right?

I used you're arguments to show how silly yours were, and all you can come up with is that?

Well, it is. Should it be? Don't care. Prefer to cover up myself. Public nudity is illegal. Do you want being gay in public to be a crime? How about being Christian in public? They aren't born Christian.
Not talking about having sex. Talking about kissing and making out in parks. Having Gay pride parades where they dress up as the characters of the YMCA or other outlandish gear. I'm talking about acting gay in public.


Is that different than acting straight in public?


Prove she's straight

Maybe she's just behaving as an exhibitionist?

Maybe she was born an exhibitionist?

Maybe she knew she was an exhibitionist from a young age?

How does her exhibitionism effect your marriage?

Do you not understand the post that was responded to? Do you believe, as Slyhunter, that gays should not be allowed to "Be gay" in public.
Not talking about having sex. Talking about kissing and making out in parks. Having Gay pride parades where they dress up as the characters of the YMCA or other outlandish gear. I'm talking about acting gay in public.


Is that different than acting straight in public?


Prove she's straight

Maybe she's just behaving as an exhibitionist?

Maybe she was born an exhibitionist?

Maybe she knew she was an exhibitionist from a young age?

How does her exhibitionism effect your marriage?

Personally I'd go for a 10 point grading scale. Any woman with a grade of 8, 9, or 10 would be free to present Boobies in public at any time.

Severn or less? Keep'em covered baby.


Is that different than acting straight in public?


Prove she's straight

Maybe she's just behaving as an exhibitionist?

Maybe she was born an exhibitionist?

Maybe she knew she was an exhibitionist from a young age?

How does her exhibitionism effect your marriage?

Personally I'd go for a 10 point grading scale. Any woman with a grade of 8, 9, or 10 would be free to present Boobies in public at any time.

Severn or less? Keep'em covered baby.



We agree on something!

Is that different than acting straight in public?


Prove she's straight

Maybe she's just behaving as an exhibitionist?

Maybe she was born an exhibitionist?

Maybe she knew she was an exhibitionist from a young age?

How does her exhibitionism effect your marriage?

Do you not understand the post that was responded to? Do you believe, as Slyhunter, that gays should not be allowed to "Be gay" in public.

Same argument. I can prove you were born nude, can't prove you were born gay. Being naked in public is actually more natural then gay. Why is one to be protected and the other not?
Prove she's straight

Maybe she's just behaving as an exhibitionist?

Maybe she was born an exhibitionist?

Maybe she knew she was an exhibitionist from a young age?

How does her exhibitionism effect your marriage?

Do you not understand the post that was responded to? Do you believe, as Slyhunter, that gays should not be allowed to "Be gay" in public.

Same argument. I can prove you were born nude, can't prove you were born gay. Being naked in public is actually more natural then gay. Why is one to be protected and the other not?

I can prove you weren't born Christian but you can't prove I wasn't born gay. Why should one be protected and the other not.
Whether born that way or by choice, why shouldn't gays be allowed to marry the person they love?

Whether born that way (they obviously are) or by choice, why shouldn't nudists be allowed to practice that behavior in public?

How does their nudity effect your marriage?

They knew they liked being nude at a very young age

Why is one behavior protected and others not?

Public nudity is illegal. Would you like to make being gay in public illegal?

Yes. :evil:
Do you not understand the post that was responded to? Do you believe, as Slyhunter, that gays should not be allowed to "Be gay" in public.

Same argument. I can prove you were born nude, can't prove you were born gay. Being naked in public is actually more natural then gay. Why is one to be protected and the other not?

I can prove you weren't born Christian but you can't prove I wasn't born gay. Why should one be protected and the other not.

You need to read the constitution a bit more closely (1). You need to go back and find any post in which I have posted an argument I've made using religion (2). If you can't answer my questions, then quit using them to argue your silly points (3), because THEY ARE YOU'RE ARGUMENTS.
As much as read the New testament, I cannot find the teachings of condemnation, hatred, and scorn......I keep running into these principles, never see "UNLESS THEY ____________":

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
As much as read the New testament, I cannot find the teachings of condemnation, hatred, and scorn......I keep running into these principles, never see "UNLESS THEY ____________":

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
You want to understand God you need to read the old testament and there you'll see he's a genocidal narcissistic bastard.
Same argument. I can prove you were born nude, can't prove you were born gay. Being naked in public is actually more natural then gay. Why is one to be protected and the other not?

I can prove you weren't born Christian but you can't prove I wasn't born gay. Why should one be protected and the other not.

You need to read the constitution a bit more closely (1). You need to go back and find any post in which I have posted an argument I've made using religion (2). If you can't answer my questions, then quit using them to argue your silly points (3), because THEY ARE YOU'RE ARGUMENTS.

:lol: You post ridiculous Strawman analogies, but get pissy if I use better ones.

Pop, I don't care how you try to justify your bigotry. That you try is toats adorbs.
Whether born that way (they obviously are) or by choice, why shouldn't nudists be allowed to practice that behavior in public?

How does their nudity effect your marriage?

They knew they liked being nude at a very young age

Why is one behavior protected and others not?

Public nudity is illegal. Would you like to make being gay in public illegal?

Yes. :evil:

You want to stone us like that GOP candidate?
I can prove you weren't born Christian but you can't prove I wasn't born gay. Why should one be protected and the other not.

You need to read the constitution a bit more closely (1). You need to go back and find any post in which I have posted an argument I've made using religion (2). If you can't answer my questions, then quit using them to argue your silly points (3), because THEY ARE YOU'RE ARGUMENTS.

:lol: You post ridiculous Strawman analogies, but get pissy if I use better ones.

Pop, I don't care how you try to justify your bigotry. That you try is toats adorbs.

The premise, that same sex couples are equal to opposite sex couples is the false argument.

Logic is pissy to SeaWitch?

A nudist feels he was born that way, does not effect anyone's marriage and knew he was a nudist his/her entire life. Why the discrimination when their lifestyle is far more consistent with nature than your?

Hater. Bigot.
I can prove you weren't born Christian but you can't prove I wasn't born gay. Why should one be protected and the other not.

Unfortunately, the damage done to the US legal system by setting a precedent for special protections from the 14th given to a tiny exclusive group [LGBT] of deviant sexual behaviors makes us all err on the side of caution as to the heavy, heavy evidence offered in the OP.

You're up against the world's leading institutions Seawytch. Behaviors in minority cannot dictate to a majority in this country. You aren't a race, you aren't a gender, you aren't a country of origin, you aren't a religion...well...a cult maybe...

But cults don't tell the majority what's what. It works the other way around.
Same argument. I can prove you were born nude, can't prove you were born gay. Being naked in public is actually more natural then gay. Why is one to be protected and the other not?

I can prove you weren't born Christian but you can't prove I wasn't born gay. Why should one be protected and the other not.

You need to read the constitution a bit more closely (1). You need to go back and find any post in which I have posted an argument I've made using religion (2). If you can't answer my questions, then quit using them to argue your silly points (3), because THEY ARE YOU'RE ARGUMENTS.

And you need to read its case law.

By doing so you would learn that citizens have the right to decide for themselves aspects of their personal lives free from interference by the state; the right to make that choice is entitled to Constitutional protections.

Prohibiting nudity in public is applied to everyone equally, no particular class of persons is singled out for exclusion, which is not the case when states single out same-sex couples and deny them access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in.
Hate is a learned behavior. No baby is born hating anyone.

Oh shut your pie hole with the hate garbage. The radical homosexuals are just as if not more hateful than the people they claim hate them.

Hate is usually caused from experience, bad ones most of the time. So as hard as it is for your leftarded moonbat illogical mind to wrap your mind around the concept, Hate breeds Hate. Call off the hardline elements of the gay agenda & things will simmer down, I guarante it. People just want to be left alone, and are willing to leave others alone once you all stfu and quit trying to use shaming language and trying to claim "hate" as a term only the left can define.

By the way, you didn't answer my question. How could homosexuality be genetic if identical twins can end up having both a straight & a gay in the pairing? Come on now genius who tells everyone else their stupid yet never backs up his shit...Answer the question.
you really are a festering boil on the arse of humanity.
Here's an article on how child predators learn their orientation BEHAVIORS. It jibes with the Canadian university review above and even concludes its likely "a form of social learning took place"...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.” 5,23,24,46...

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

It essentially works the same way as bullying, then.

Ask any clinical psychologist, and he/ she will confirm that most children who are bullied eventually metamorphose into bullies themselves in what could be described as a bit of a sadomasochistic process. A hazing ritual, so to speak.

The way it works is that the bullied child needs acceptance, so no matter how deeply physically, emotionally and/ or spiritually the child has been crippled by the bullies in question, the child learns that bullying is a perfectly normal behavior, and he/ she thus continues to seek their adulation at his/ her own peril. The bullies in turn eventually respect the bullied child and/ or accept him/ her into their gang.

In other words, the bullies in question represent the sadists and the bullied child, the masochist.

Presto! A new bully is born! And the sadomasochistic victim-to-abuser cycle continues.

One need not look very deeply at the process or overanalyze it to see how it works every day in the adult world, as he/ she can see the very same process afoot in:

  • College fraternities. Brutal hazing of new pledges.

  • The military. Drill sergeants aren't known for being the nicest guys, are they? But wow, they sure do make some outstanding killers.

  • Street gangs. A much more vicious example of the college fraternity paradigm.

  • Prisons. One learns really quickly not to beat his/ her chest when he/ she begins serving his/ her sentence, because no matter how big and/ or tough he/ she believes himself/ herself to be. there's always going to be someone there in the clink who is bigger and/ or tougher than him/ her. But if the new prisoner defends himself/ herself, then he/ she earns the other inmates' respect.

  • Pro sports locker rooms. Anyone who has any cognitive abilities and who remembers the Miami Dolphins' 2013 locker room charade can surely see how much it resembles the behaviors among prison inmates.

Along with the bullying process among children, the above five adult environments IMHO exemplarily demonstrate how the victim-to-abuser cycle mentioned in the links you gave us in your opening post work with regard to more than learned sexual behaviors.

Simple as that, really — like your thread title says, Silhouette. :thup:
You need to read the constitution a bit more closely (1). You need to go back and find any post in which I have posted an argument I've made using religion (2). If you can't answer my questions, then quit using them to argue your silly points (3), because THEY ARE YOU'RE ARGUMENTS.

:lol: You post ridiculous Strawman analogies, but get pissy if I use better ones.

Pop, I don't care how you try to justify your bigotry. That you try is toats adorbs.

The premise, that same sex couples are equal to opposite sex couples is the false argument.

Logic is pissy to SeaWitch?

A nudist feels he was born that way, does not effect anyone's marriage and knew he was a nudist his/her entire life. Why the discrimination when their lifestyle is far more consistent with nature than your?

Hater. Bigot.

The irony of you mentioning logic is rich beyond words. Pops idea of logic:

Pops: Gays can't marry because they don't have babies naturally
Logical people: Older and infertile couples can't have babies naturally
Pops: Yeah, but that's "normal"

Ta-da! Pop's "logic"

Nobody discriminates against nudists. No one can run around naked, not just nudists. You really don't understand the nature of discrimination do you? Nudists are not treated differently than everyone else. They are not kept from enjoying all the same laws, benefits and protections as people who are not nudists. Your analogies aren't just illogical, they're downright stupid.

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