Change You May Never Ever Get To See Again: No Compromise GOP


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Linked at Real Clear Politics October 29, 2010, is a New Republic article which more or less suggests that no honeymoon will be allowed if the Tea/Party GOP gets the House majority. Boehner will be expected to be a compromiser, of all the lunancy that the lunatics will be bringing in with them.

"Here’s a question from the Bloomberg poll:

'If Republicans win control of Congress, what do you want to happen—do you want the parties to stick to their principles even if it means gridlock and nothing gets done, or do you want the parties to work together even if it means compromising some principles?"

The response:

"Stick to principles:' 16 percent
"Work together even if it means compromising: '80 percent"

So that aside(?), What does that have to say about Health Care, Really? Compromise about it! What does that have to say about the Stimulus Spending, really? Compromise About It! What does that have to say about Financial Regulation overhaul, really? Compromise about it! What does that have to say about the entire Obama Democratic agenda? Since the answer is "Comprise About It," then Change Is likely there to stay.

Former Governor of New York, Mario Cuomo, used to describe the U. S. economy as, "The Lucky and The Left Out!" Mostly, that kind of economy has worsened, and so left out was the neglected Obama base. RNC Steele may tend to understand that best, then candidate Meek thought it could be ignored, and so at his peril.

There is much in the economy that stayed the same, which was generally collapsing when the Democrats became empowered in the House, the Senate, and the White House: And at the same time.

Going forward, it is noted that ignoring that Change was not yet completed: Will still be to the peril of the majority party seen as uncompromising., unable to work with The White House.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Doing same thing, unsuccessfully, over and over again: Is called by GOP insane! Two examples are GOP California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and California GOP Candidate for Governor, Meg Whitman. Governor mainly claims better delivery of the lines, (in immigrant English(?)! Maybe new fanatics send small government contingent, even to Little Big Horn, even again: Equipped lust like in 1797! Things done over and over again. . . . .is not about compromise at all.)
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