Chaos! Montana GOP senator Supercilious Steve Daines to miss Kavanaugh vote for daughter’s wedding

I hope his daughter has a 3-day wedding, like my lovely parents did back in the day.

I wish her and her hubby a happy, loving and successful marriage.

Like you actually give a flying flip except that it might hurt Republicans......:rolleyes:
3 votes, that's all it takes...

3 people with integrity and moral character...

If our Government is an extension of the people, our will, then the vote should be pretty telling...


Yes are nuts.

There is hardly anyone in the senate with integrity and moral character.

Haven't figure it out yet...have you ?
I bet he can multi task- He can vote and attend a wedding all in one day!

If he's actually a Republican, I can't see how anything less than life or death would keep him away from something as critical as THIS vote.

There's GOT to be a way for Senators to vote in absentia?
I bet he can multi task- He can vote and attend a wedding all in one day!

If he's actually a Republican, I can't see how anything less than life or death would keep him away from something as critical as THIS vote.

There's GOT to be a way for Senators to vote in absentia?

The date isn't set in stone. McConnell can switch it to any day he desires.
maybe God is listening to our prayers... :)

I'm sure he is. He wants to help people who support the defeat of this nomination so as not to risk losing constitutional protections to killing babies, and wants to help a party that's trying to take his name entirely out of society.

God works in strange ways I'm told.
i'm a prisoner of hope. this FEEL i have is that Kavanaugh will be confirmed!
So we delay the vote another day or two, don't say we never gifted you anything libs.
maybe God is listening to our prayers... :)

I'm sure he is. He wants to help people who support the defeat of this nomination so as not to risk losing constitutional protections to killing babies, and wants to help a party that's trying to take his name entirely out of society.

God works in strange ways I'm told.
the R's chose to turn their backs on God and his Word.... many D's never knew his Word...

who disappointed Him more? :dunno:
It's just funny to me how the GOP has become the party of:

Big spending
Sexual Assault
Mass murder
Kim Jong Un

And yet they still hate gays and blacks and Hispanics.


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