Charges dropped in Smollett case


JUSSIE’S SECOND ACT ... Smollett likely to face federal charges

"Jussie Smollett may have had the criminal charges related to his alleged staged hate crime dropped, but the "Empire" star may still face both federal charges and civil lawsuits
related to the scandal.

Smollett also may still face federal charges of mail fraud, as the FBI is investigating whether or not he also sent himself hate mail laced with white powder a week before the alleged attack occurred. If convicted, Smollett could face up to a decade in prison."

Jussie Smollett hoax charges dropped, but federal investigation, lawsuits could be next
Oh no Smollett was acting quite on his own when he conceived and implemented his hoax. When he realized he was in over his head is when he asked for help.
It appears when his attempts to get attention and a fatter paycheck failed he brought the brothers in to 'play the role' of 2 racist white Trump-supporting, 'MAGA' Hat-wearing, racist anti-homosexual white supremacists....

Unfortunately Smollett chose one of the coldest nights in the middle of a super-storm in Chicago, when almost all of Chicago was inside out of the cold. None of the surveillance cameras from stores, banks, businesses, traffic cameras, etc... showed such white supremacists as described by Smollett - just the brothers, who were also caught on camera in a store buying the faux crime gear used in their 'scene'.
This just reeks with Chicago style political shenanigans
The 'funny' thing is the 'Godfather' of Chicago-style Politics - Rham Emmanuel himself - was completely blindsided by this sudden move to drop all Felony counts, seal all documents/evidence, and turn Smollett from convicted faux hate crime perpetrator to self-professed victim again.

Rhambo and the Chicago Chief of Police were PISSED as they spoke in front of the cameras about this travesty.

Who could / would pull such a political move on Emmanuel without daring to coordinate with him 1st? Whoever did so may just find out there are consequences to pulling off such a move in Chicago's political arena, Rhambo's back yard....
Not outrage at all, showing you to your face your hypocrisy.
Nice try.

Prosecutors led by Alexander R. Acosta, who is now the secretary of labor, violated federal law when they failed to tell victims about an agreement not to prosecute Jeffrey E. Epstein, a wealthy New York financier accused of molesting dozens of underage girls, a federal judge ruled on Thursday.
When you start throwing your disgust in both directions while making blanket statements, get back to us.
Till then you have zero credibility.

Prosecutors Broke Law in Agreement Not to Prosecute Jeffrey Epstein, Judge Rules

I said from the start he would never see any jail time. The democrat hell hole of Chicago has shown us all again their hate for the law abiding. What if the this fake hate crime had succeeded? Ruining the lives of innocents? Liberal scum are worse than animals, IMO. He's the victim according to one attorney.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
In a shocking announcement Tuesday morning, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office said it will not be prosecuting Jussie Smollett, who was previously accused of faking an anti-black, anti-gay hate crime in Chicago in order to drum up publicity for his role on the TV drama “Empire.”

Fox News has learned the judge granted a nolle pros, which essentially means that the case has been dropped and that he will no longer be prosecuted for the alleged crime.

It’s unclear at this time why the court decided not to proceed with prosecution, but the former “Empire” star is expected to give a statement after he leaves the courthouse later today.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
Thanks for your fake outrage, but I haven't done what you claim. All child molesters should go down, but just because the faggot you point out didn't, does not mean Juicy Fruit should. The Obamas are neck deep in this crap.
LIke all buttstains, you lie, but it's ok, the feds are looking at juicy now.
Pilot1, if they do that, Soros will do to America what he did to Great Britain. Just a reminder: The Trade of the Century: When George Soros Broke the British Pound

And that's why the British hate George Soros and we should be careful. This guy is into pandemic blood-letting on an international level. He's pushing a leftist agenda of communist takeover for a reason: selfishness. If we go after him for this, we will pay a price, and all those fancy Democrat people pushing 'socialism' will play stupid all the way to their numbered bank accounts.

For that reason, I have no answers. All I can do is pray to God that he will help those George Soros ruined because they said no to his bids for wealth for himself and his own glory.

That was weird.
OH, shit face, tRump cum stained face,
I checked to see if you posted any outrage over Acosta/Epstein, not a word

Not outrage at all, showing you to your face your hypocrisy.
Nice try.

Prosecutors led by Alexander R. Acosta, who is now the secretary of labor, violated federal law when they failed to tell victims about an agreement not to prosecute Jeffrey E. Epstein, a wealthy New York financier accused of molesting dozens of underage girls, a federal judge ruled on Thursday.
When you start throwing your disgust in both directions while making blanket statements, get back to us.
Till then you have zero credibility.

Prosecutors Broke Law in Agreement Not to Prosecute Jeffrey Epstein, Judge Rules

I said from the start he would never see any jail time. The democrat hell hole of Chicago has shown us all again their hate for the law abiding. What if the this fake hate crime had succeeded? Ruining the lives of innocents? Liberal scum are worse than animals, IMO. He's the victim according to one attorney.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
In a shocking announcement Tuesday morning, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office said it will not be prosecuting Jussie Smollett, who was previously accused of faking an anti-black, anti-gay hate crime in Chicago in order to drum up publicity for his role on the TV drama “Empire.”

Fox News has learned the judge granted a nolle pros, which essentially means that the case has been dropped and that he will no longer be prosecuted for the alleged crime.

It’s unclear at this time why the court decided not to proceed with prosecution, but the former “Empire” star is expected to give a statement after he leaves the courthouse later today.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
Thanks for your fake outrage, but I haven't done what you claim. All child molesters should go down, but just because the faggot you point out didn't, does not mean Juicy Fruit should. The Obamas are neck deep in this crap.
LIke all buttstains, you lie, but it's ok, the feds are looking at juicy now.
Over A Dozen Felonies Dropped.
All Records SEALED so no FOIA Requests can gain access to the information about the case.
18 Hours of Community Service with JESSE JACKSON is his punishment.
Smollett continues to claim his innocence.
...and Rham Emmanuel & the Chicago Police Chief are PISSED!

Democrats put on another 'clinic' on how to deny 'Equal Justice' to Trump-Hating Hollywood Criminals...

Anyone know...just what was his Community Service?"
'Smell-it' stuffed envelopes for Jesse Jackson. At least he turned up at Jackson's office. Who he did and what he did at the office is unknown.
This whole thing is just plain bad....2 days of community service with his idol (no doubt) where they sat and drank to his forth coming release.

What's the name of the Prosecutor again? Ross?
I love how you sheep are all about innocent till proven guilty....till it is someone from the other side and then they are guilty no matter what.

Partisans can have no consistency

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The Grand Jury indicted him with 16 felony counts ! His penalty was 18 hours with Jesse Jackson stuffing envelopes while he stayed in a hotel!!!! They probably got drunk together and had a great ime!
I would like to see what the Feds think of this... Of course, he is a liberal, black and famous, so good luck with that.
OH, shit face, tRump cum stained face,
I checked to see if you posted any outrage over Acosta/Epstein, not a word

Not outrage at all, showing you to your face your hypocrisy.
Nice try.

Prosecutors led by Alexander R. Acosta, who is now the secretary of labor, violated federal law when they failed to tell victims about an agreement not to prosecute Jeffrey E. Epstein, a wealthy New York financier accused of molesting dozens of underage girls, a federal judge ruled on Thursday.
When you start throwing your disgust in both directions while making blanket statements, get back to us.
Till then you have zero credibility.

Prosecutors Broke Law in Agreement Not to Prosecute Jeffrey Epstein, Judge Rules

I said from the start he would never see any jail time. The democrat hell hole of Chicago has shown us all again their hate for the law abiding. What if the this fake hate crime had succeeded? Ruining the lives of innocents? Liberal scum are worse than animals, IMO. He's the victim according to one attorney.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
In a shocking announcement Tuesday morning, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office said it will not be prosecuting Jussie Smollett, who was previously accused of faking an anti-black, anti-gay hate crime in Chicago in order to drum up publicity for his role on the TV drama “Empire.”

Fox News has learned the judge granted a nolle pros, which essentially means that the case has been dropped and that he will no longer be prosecuted for the alleged crime.

It’s unclear at this time why the court decided not to proceed with prosecution, but the former “Empire” star is expected to give a statement after he leaves the courthouse later today.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
Thanks for your fake outrage, but I haven't done what you claim. All child molesters should go down, but just because the faggot you point out didn't, does not mean Juicy Fruit should. The Obamas are neck deep in this crap.
LIke all buttstains, you lie, but it's ok, the feds are looking at juicy now.
I don't know anything about that and once again, the buttstain proves nothing.
Spinning for rich racists having to not follow laws, how Leftard of you.

Duly noted you didn't understand the points being made. Maybe you need to turn on the hate radio to be sure about what you think.

I have a question for everyone in this thread.

For the left: I guess that a prosecutor choosing to NOT prosecute a suspect means they are innocent. Like the Prosecutor choosing to NOT prosecute Trump? That makes Trump innocent, right?

Oh, no. Either you did it or you didn't.

I really believe Trump Colluded with Russia and obstructed justice.
I really think that Smollett staged a fake attack on himself.

The fact that prosecutors figured they couldn't win a case in court is immaterial to these truths.

All that said, even believing that Smollett did everything he is accused of, I'm fine with this outcome. There was no value to putting him in prison.

I wish he had apologized and made restitution, but I really don't care that much at the end of the day. It's another celebrity acting like a fool, and we have plenty of that in this country.

I'm more concerned when you put a fool celebrity in charge of the nukes after the people clearly said "No".
Spinning for rich racists having to not follow laws, how Leftard of you.

Duly noted you didn't understand the points being made. Maybe you need to turn on the hate radio to be sure about what you think.

I have a question for everyone in this thread.

For the left: I guess that a prosecutor choosing to NOT prosecute a suspect means they are innocent. Like the Prosecutor choosing to NOT prosecute Trump? That makes Trump innocent, right?

Oh, no. Either you did it or you didn't.

I really believe Trump Colluded with Russia and obstructed justice.
I really think that Smollett staged a fake attack on himself.

The fact that prosecutors figured they couldn't win a case in court is immaterial to these truths.

All that said, even believing that Smollett did everything he is accused of, I'm fine with this outcome. There was no value to putting him in prison.

I wish he had apologized and made restitution, but I really don't care that much at the end of the day. It's another celebrity acting like a fool, and we have plenty of that in this country.

I'm more concerned when you put a fool celebrity in charge of the nukes after the people clearly said "No".
Chicago PD has asked the FBI to step in. I just stocked up on popcorn.
As I look at a thread filled with leftists cheerleading for a rich racist who just walked for a crime ordinary Americans are sitting in prison for I’d have to say you’re as clueless as usual.

I don't think ordinary Americans should go to jail for this sort of thing, either, and they usually don't. They usually pay a fine and are required to do community service.

Again, go back to Hate Radio..... they'll tell you what you think.

I watched the Press Conference held by Rhambo and the Chicago Police Chief - they made it perfectly clear that all the evidence proved / proves Smollett was guilty of the more than a dozen felonies for which he was charged.

I'm sure he was. But here's the problem.

Where was the presser from these two jokers when Jason van Dyke shot LaQuan McDonald 16 times? Oh, that's right. There wasn't... it was covered up. There was also no Presser when it was revealed that Ronald Watts had framed dozens of men for drug possession. Or the presser when it was revealed Cdr. John Burge tortured false confessions out of dozens of suspects.

I could go on and on about the misconduct of the CPD, which is sad, because most of the men and women on it are pretty decent. But if this became a trial of a popular celebrity against the CPD, no one would really want to piss up that rope.

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