Charges dropped in Smollett case

Over A Dozen Felonies Dropped.
All Records SEALED so no FOIA Requests can gain access to the information about the case.
18 Hours of Community Service with JESSE JACKSON is his punishment.
Smollett continues to claim his innocence.
...and Rham Emmanuel & the Chicago Police Chief are PISSED!

Democrats put on another 'clinic' on how to deny 'Equal Justice' to Trump-Hating Hollywood Criminals...

Anyone know...just what was his Community Service?"
BREAKING: George Soros Donated $408,000 to Kim Foxx, Prosecutor Who Let Jussie Smollett Walk

BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) March 26, 2019

quelle surprise
So George Soros Donated $408,000 to Kim Foxx the Prosecutor who let Jussie Smollett go free all of a sudden? Who'd a thunk it? I guess Tucker Carlson didn't know that when I posted what he said a couple of posts ago...:

If you give big money to a politician then you own his or her ass. The Obamas went to their Sugar Daddy to call in favors.

Typical corrupt Democrat politics.

I hope the Trump administration pursues Federal charges against the racist asshole.
What I want to know is how come George Soros gets away with doling out money to obstruct justice without a single query? Oh, wait. He destroyed Great Britain when they called him on the carpet. He can destroy a country's economy if they call him out.
Esp if a pig is kissing me. I do not like pigs and I do not eat pig meat.

You must be Muslim or Jewish then...

As for Smollett the reality is the guy faked attacks against him and should have faced trial but he will not.

I know you think it is just peachy for someone like Smollett to lie to police but I can understand why the City of Chicago and it Police force disagree with you.

The D.A. is the idiot here...

Why must I be Muslim or Jewish??

Why must you attack every Jewish Politician?

Also Penelope just because Cook County dropped the charges does not mean Smollett is cleared of all charges...

He still has to worry about Federal Charges seeing he mailed himself a fake death threat and if my memory is correct with a fake substance in it...

So as you whine about the Jewish Mayor not being a man and being like Trump just remember your boy Smollett broke the law and just because the Cook County D.A. was bought off does not mean the Feds will be...

Oh is he jewish, glad you told me that. I think he was innocent from the start, and I'm sticking by it. He is not my boy , and I do not watch his movie, I didn't even know who he was before this.

Is the black Chief of Police a jew as well??
I don't know, but GEORGE $ORO$ used to be

George Soros religion
The birth-name of George Soros is György Schwartz, he changed his family name in 1936 from Schwartz to Soros to avoid antisemitism. George Soros later said that he "grew up in a Jewish, anti-semitic home," and that his parents were "uncomfortable with their religious roots.". Soros is an atheist.
George Soros - Religion-wiki

This is not about Soros, esp his religious views. This is about exoneration.

The second in command said he is not exonerated talking about Smollett , that means Muller thinks Tramp is guilty as well, but Barr let him go.

See how this works??
I love how you sheep are all about innocent till proven guilty....till it is someone from the other side and then they are guilty no matter what.

Partisans can have no consistency

Sent from my iPhone using
'MO" made a phone call to Fox, her good buddy and Fox sent word to her underlings that 'Smell-it' was to be given a free pass.
The forgotten wonderful FACT is the letters 'Smell-it' sent through the mail mean he WILL face serious federal prison time.
Anyone know...just what was his Community Service?"
I heard it was going around to businesses telling them to either donate to Jackson's 'Rainbow Coalition' or be called 'racist' and have a protest / march be held against them ... like Jackson did in the old days when he was having to pay for his illegitimate kid.

Over A Dozen Felonies Dropped.
All Records SEALED so no FOIA Requests can gain access to the information about the case.
18 Hours of Community Service with JESSE JACKSON is his punishment.
Smollett continues to claim his innocence.
...and Rham Emmanuel & the Chicago Police Chief are PISSED!

Democrats put on another 'clinic' on how to deny 'Equal Justice' to Trump-Hating Hollywood Criminals...

Anyone know...just what was his Community Service?"
'Smell-it' stuffed envelopes for Jesse Jackson. At least he turned up at Jackson's office. Who he did and what he did at the office is unknown.
Jessie Jackson had a hand in this also as well as the string pullers controlling the Democrats. He got off due to his fame and knowing the right Democrats, especially Chicago Democrats like the Obamas, Valerie Jarrett, and Jackson.
BREAKING: George Soros Donated $408,000 to Kim Foxx, Prosecutor Who Let Jussie Smollett Walk

BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) March 26, 2019

quelle surprise
So George Soros Donated $408,000 to Kim Foxx the Prosecutor who let Jussie Smollett go free all of a sudden? Who'd a thunk it? I guess Tucker Carlson didn't know that when I posted what he said a couple of posts ago...:

If you give big money to a politician then you own his or her ass. The Obamas went to their Sugar Daddy to call in favors.

Typical corrupt Democrat politics.

I hope the Trump administration pursues Federal charges against the racist asshole.
Pilot1, if they do that, Soros will do to America what he did to Great Britain. Just a reminder: The Trade of the Century: When George Soros Broke the British Pound

And that's why the British hate George Soros and we should be careful. This guy is into pandemic blood-letting on an international level. He's pushing a leftist agenda of communist takeover for a reason: selfishness. If we go after him for this, we will pay a price, and all those fancy Democrat people pushing 'socialism' will play stupid all the way to their numbered bank accounts.

For that reason, I have no answers. All I can do is pray to God that he will help those George Soros ruined because they said no to his bids for wealth for himself and his own glory.
Last edited:
You must be Muslim or Jewish then...

As for Smollett the reality is the guy faked attacks against him and should have faced trial but he will not.

I know you think it is just peachy for someone like Smollett to lie to police but I can understand why the City of Chicago and it Police force disagree with you.

The D.A. is the idiot here...

Why must I be Muslim or Jewish??

Why must you attack every Jewish Politician?

Also Penelope just because Cook County dropped the charges does not mean Smollett is cleared of all charges...

He still has to worry about Federal Charges seeing he mailed himself a fake death threat and if my memory is correct with a fake substance in it...

So as you whine about the Jewish Mayor not being a man and being like Trump just remember your boy Smollett broke the law and just because the Cook County D.A. was bought off does not mean the Feds will be...

Oh is he jewish, glad you told me that. I think he was innocent from the start, and I'm sticking by it. He is not my boy , and I do not watch his movie, I didn't even know who he was before this.

Is the black Chief of Police a jew as well??
I don't know, but GEORGE $ORO$ used to be

George Soros religion
The birth-name of George Soros is György Schwartz, he changed his family name in 1936 from Schwartz to Soros to avoid antisemitism. George Soros later said that he "grew up in a Jewish, anti-semitic home," and that his parents were "uncomfortable with their religious roots.". Soros is an atheist.
George Soros - Religion-wiki

This is not about Soros, esp his religious views. This is about exoneration.

The second in command said he is not exonerated talking about Smollett , that means Muller thinks Tramp is guilty as well, but Barr let him go.

See how this works??
You're way off base, honey, this is about how George Soros' MONEY TALKS.

As I said before: The Trade of the Century: When George Soros Broke the British Pound
I read a little while ago that Smollett's attorneys agreed to forfeit his bail money ($100,000). I suspect more money changed hands, somehow.
Over A Dozen Felonies Dropped.
All Records SEALED so no FOIA Requests can gain access to the information about the case.
18 Hours of Community Service with JESSE JACKSON is his punishment.
Smollett continues to claim his innocence.
...and Rham Emmanuel & the Chicago Police Chief are PISSED!

Democrats put on another 'clinic' on how to deny 'Equal Justice' to Trump-Hating Hollywood Criminals...

Anyone know...just what was his Community Service?"

He spent 18 hours hanging out at the Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition...ostensibly stuffing envelopes and "consulting" on a chorus program.
I read a little while ago that Smollett's attorneys agreed to forfeit his bail money ($100,000). I suspect more money changed hands, somehow.

He forfeited only $10K of the bail money.

Chicago Mayor, Police Superintendent Slam Prosecutors for Dropping Charges Against Jussie Smollett

Mueller and the rest of the Liberal Lie Brigade told bigger whoppers about President Trump and didn't even do that.

I can't blame Smollett for being self righteous about this.
I read a little while ago that Smollett's attorneys agreed to forfeit his bail money ($100,000). I suspect more money changed hands, somehow.

He forfeited only $10K of the bail money.

Chicago Mayor, Police Superintendent Slam Prosecutors for Dropping Charges Against Jussie Smollett

Mueller and the rest of the Liberal Lie Brigade told bigger whoppers about President Trump and didn't even do that.

I can't blame Smollett for being self righteous about this.

Well, of course. He's part of the Political In Group Auxiliary, so of course he feels he shouldn't be held accountable. Membership has its privileges, donchanow.
You must be Muslim or Jewish then...

As for Smollett the reality is the guy faked attacks against him and should have faced trial but he will not.

I know you think it is just peachy for someone like Smollett to lie to police but I can understand why the City of Chicago and it Police force disagree with you.

The D.A. is the idiot here...

Why must I be Muslim or Jewish??

Why must you attack every Jewish Politician?

Also Penelope just because Cook County dropped the charges does not mean Smollett is cleared of all charges...

He still has to worry about Federal Charges seeing he mailed himself a fake death threat and if my memory is correct with a fake substance in it...

So as you whine about the Jewish Mayor not being a man and being like Trump just remember your boy Smollett broke the law and just because the Cook County D.A. was bought off does not mean the Feds will be...

Oh is he jewish, glad you told me that. I think he was innocent from the start, and I'm sticking by it. He is not my boy , and I do not watch his movie, I didn't even know who he was before this.

Is the black Chief of Police a jew as well??
I don't know, but GEORGE $ORO$ used to be

George Soros religion
The birth-name of George Soros is György Schwartz, he changed his family name in 1936 from Schwartz to Soros to avoid antisemitism. George Soros later said that he "grew up in a Jewish, anti-semitic home," and that his parents were "uncomfortable with their religious roots.". Soros is an atheist.
George Soros - Religion-wiki

This is not about Soros, esp his religious views. This is about exoneration.

The second in command said he is not exonerated talking about Smollett , that means Muller thinks Tramp is guilty as well, but Barr let him go.

See how this works??
TDS. Thread has nothing to do with Trump.
He might still have a price to pay. This is completely a political turd that makes him and the shitstain obamas stink.
He might still have a price to pay. This is completely a political turd that makes him and the shitstain obamas stink.

If Smollett was merely acting at the behest of Obama and Soros when he staged this hoax, why should he take the fall at all?

Its tough to stand up to the power that be if they ordered this event, I'm not sure that everyone has that much courage. Particularly a known girly-man like Smollett.
Not outrage at all, showing you to your face your hypocrisy.
Nice try.

Prosecutors led by Alexander R. Acosta, who is now the secretary of labor, violated federal law when they failed to tell victims about an agreement not to prosecute Jeffrey E. Epstein, a wealthy New York financier accused of molesting dozens of underage girls, a federal judge ruled on Thursday.
When you start throwing your disgust in both directions while making blanket statements, get back to us.
Till then you have zero credibility.

Prosecutors Broke Law in Agreement Not to Prosecute Jeffrey Epstein, Judge Rules

I said from the start he would never see any jail time. The democrat hell hole of Chicago has shown us all again their hate for the law abiding. What if the this fake hate crime had succeeded? Ruining the lives of innocents? Liberal scum are worse than animals, IMO. He's the victim according to one attorney.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
In a shocking announcement Tuesday morning, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office said it will not be prosecuting Jussie Smollett, who was previously accused of faking an anti-black, anti-gay hate crime in Chicago in order to drum up publicity for his role on the TV drama “Empire.”

Fox News has learned the judge granted a nolle pros, which essentially means that the case has been dropped and that he will no longer be prosecuted for the alleged crime.

It’s unclear at this time why the court decided not to proceed with prosecution, but the former “Empire” star is expected to give a statement after he leaves the courthouse later today.

Jussie Smollett charges dropped, actor won't be prosecuted on charges he faked attack
Thanks for your fake outrage, but I haven't done what you claim. All child molesters should go down, but just because the faggot you point out didn't, does not mean Juicy Fruit should. The Obamas are neck deep in this crap.
You must be Muslim or Jewish then...

As for Smollett the reality is the guy faked attacks against him and should have faced trial but he will not.

I know you think it is just peachy for someone like Smollett to lie to police but I can understand why the City of Chicago and it Police force disagree with you.

The D.A. is the idiot here...

Why must I be Muslim or Jewish??

Why must you attack every Jewish Politician?

Also Penelope just because Cook County dropped the charges does not mean Smollett is cleared of all charges...

He still has to worry about Federal Charges seeing he mailed himself a fake death threat and if my memory is correct with a fake substance in it...

So as you whine about the Jewish Mayor not being a man and being like Trump just remember your boy Smollett broke the law and just because the Cook County D.A. was bought off does not mean the Feds will be...

Oh is he jewish, glad you told me that. I think he was innocent from the start, and I'm sticking by it. He is not my boy , and I do not watch his movie, I didn't even know who he was before this.

Is the black Chief of Police a jew as well??
I don't know, but GEORGE $ORO$ used to be

George Soros religion
The birth-name of George Soros is György Schwartz, he changed his family name in 1936 from Schwartz to Soros to avoid antisemitism. George Soros later said that he "grew up in a Jewish, anti-semitic home," and that his parents were "uncomfortable with their religious roots.". Soros is an atheist.
George Soros - Religion-wiki

This is not about Soros, esp his religious views. This is about exoneration.

The second in command said he is not exonerated talking about Smollett , that means Muller thinks Tramp is guilty as well, but Barr let him go.

See how this works??

Jesus, you are just spinning and your TDS is as bad as the ODS when Obama was President.

The good thing is Smollett still faces the Feds, so when he is found guilty I will expect you to scream the Fourth Reich has risen and tell everyone it is racist to hold Smollett accountable for his actions...
He might still have a price to pay. This is completely a political turd that makes him and the shitstain obamas stink.

If Smollett was merely acting at the behest of Obama and Soros when he staged this hoax, why should he take the fall at all?

Its tough to stand up to the power that be if they ordered this event, I'm not sure that everyone has that much courage. Particularly a known girly-man like Smollett.

Oh no Smollett was acting quite on his own when he conceived and implemented his hoax. When he realized he was in over his head is when he asked for help.

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