Charges filed in shooting of Kansas City teen who rang wrong doorbell

The young man who was shot has no criminal history....are you saying that because folks like you are cowards to your core, that you have the right to shoot people your cowardice has made you fear?

That's it, ain't it? It's not the progressives who are the chickenshits here; it's people who watch so much fucken Fox News that they believe they're living in a dystopian society a la The Terminator or Predator.
If democrats get their way, nothing is a shootable offense. They expect you to stand there and get robbed, raped, stabbed, or shot and not be able to defend yourself.
Well, what about the pizza party gone wrong in Detroit? An all black event with shots fired, people wounded maybe dead.....barely anything posted about it and as for any charges???
So because some other black kids did something wrong somewhere else, Lester's justified in shooting a black teenager through a door? Maybe if he's that fucken scared, he should have just stayed inside, called the police, and let them shoot the black kid for no apparent reason, which is how it usually works. It would still be an unjustified homicide but Lester would be a free man and the police would probably be acquitted.
I sometimes feel like a Kindergarten teacher. I offered a possibility as to the mindset of an old person living in a dangerous world. Please, please, please pay closer attention.
The unanswered but important question is this man's mental state. What he did was clearly a felony. But why, according to him, did he do it?

This is not the first time this has happened. A Japanese student was killed by someone in Louisiana about thirty years ago, in similar circumstances: [ Yoshihiro Hattori: The door knock that killed a Japanese teenager in US ]

Guns are not going to disappear from America. Don't kid yourself about this, especially given the realities of the racial situation and the great increase in violence as the Left successfully hampers law enforcement. (Blacks murder whites far more, in proportion to their numbers, than vice versa, and, of course, the mainstream media cover it up. But most Black murders are of other Blacks -- which is true for all racial groups: most violence is within the group.)

Is there anything that could be done about this, given that we are not going to confiscate all guns? Requiring attendance at a class teaching gun safety, for all future purchasers of firearms, including what 'stand your ground' and 'citizens arrests' really mean, in law, might help. This is already required in some states for those wishing to exercise 'concealed carry'.

But since there are already more firearms than people in the US, this would only catch new buyers, a fraction of gun owners. A better idea might be a widespread public information campaign, carried by all TV channels, on firearms safety and their legal use in self-defense.

Many people on the Right, and some on the Left, are -- justifiably -- wary about anything that extends government surveillance and knowledge of who owns what. But a public campaign, with widespread publicity -- including showing relevant videos in schools -- would not meet with those objections.

Another idea is: as part of the building code in every state, require doors opening to the outside to have a 'peephole' so that you don't have to open your door to see who's outside. Subsidize the retro-fitting of these. Consider the same requirement for security cameras.

As America disintegrates, and sensible people arm themselves against the accompanying chaos, we're going to see more and more incidents like this. Patriots need to organize, and to learn what is legal, and sensible, in terms of self-defense. If we were organized, and educated about the law, we could probably prevent a lot of needless tragedies.
That's it, ain't it? It's not the progressives who are the chickenshits here; it's people who watch so much fucken Fox News that they believe they're living in a dystopian society a la The Terminator or Predator.
I believe that is 85% of it.....then there are some others who are afraid of some type of karma or retribution....always afraid that the people they have enjoyed shitting on for so long will one day do the same to them...and they are scared to death of it....

But for the rest of us, who have always went thru life treating people with dignity and respect, we don't have such fears....and they hate us for it......

Those are the main differences between most "liberals" and "conservatives" -- liberals are motivated by policies geared to do things FOR PEOPLE; no matter if the people who benefit are conservatives from a red state, or liberals from a blue state.....while conservatives are motivated by policies that are geared to do things AGAINST PEOPLE...specifically the people they hate....
The unanswered but important question is this man's mental state. What he did was clearly a felony. But why, according to him, did he do it?

This is not the first time this has happened. TA Japanese student was killed by someone in Louisiana about thirty years ago, in similar circumstances: [ Yoshihiro Hattori: The door knock that killed a Japanese teenager in US ]

Guns are not going to disappear from America. Don't kid yourself about thi, especially given the realities of the racial situation. (Blacks murder whites far more, in proportion to their numbers, than vice versa, and, of course, the mainstream media cover it up. But most Black murders are of other Blacks -- which is true for all racial groups.: most violence is within the group.)

Is there anything that could be done about this, given that we are not going to confiscate all guns? Requiring attendance at a class teaching gun safety, for all purchasers of firearms, including what 'stand your ground' and 'citizens arrests' really mean, might help. This is already required in some states for those wishing to exercise 'concealed carry'.

But since there are already more firearms than people in the US, this would only catch new buyers, a fraction of gun owners. A better idea might be a widespread public information campaign, carried by all TV channels, on firearms safety and their legal use in self-defense.

Many people on the Right, and some on the Left, are -- justifiably -- wary about anything that extends government surveillance and knowledge of who owns what. But a public campaign, with widespread publicity -- including showing relevant videos in schools -- would not meet with those objections.

Another idea is: as part of the building code in every state, require doors opening to the outside to have a 'peephole' so that you don't have to open your door to see who's outside. Subsidize the retro-fitting of these. Consider the same requirement for security cameras.

As America disintegrates, and sensible people arm themselves against the accompanying chaos, we're going to see more and more incidents like this. Patriots need to organize, and to learn what is legal, and sensible, in terms of self-defense. If we were organized, and educated about the law, we could probably prevent a lot of needless tragedies.
Well, getting rid of guns is out of the question and most people don't support it....

But gettin rid of blacks or at least making a large part of society feel that something can be done specifically to blacks is still a very strong motivating factor in conservative I see a new version of Jim Crow laws on the long as a Republican isn't too afraid to fight for it....because hinting at stats and posting memes like this -- without finishing the thought by talking about policies specifically designed to target blacks -- is cowardly...

The cases in question involve no robbing, raping, or stabbing, just mistakenly going to the wrong address. One black kid badly wounded, and one white girl shot dead. All because idiots with guns used guns as their first line of defense when they should have taken time to assess the perceived threat and made it their last line of defense.

Should we post all of the instances where people make mistakes and cause someone else to die?

But, for some strange reason, guns are the only thing people want to blame and ban.
Well, what about the pizza party gone wrong in Detroit? An all black event with shots fired, people wounded maybe dead.....barely anything posted about it and as for any charges???

Yes, that one will be swept under the rug and ignored.
Should we post all of the instances where people make mistakes and cause someone else to die?

But, for some strange reason, guns are the only thing people want to blame and ban.
If pilots and doctors made mistakes and caused someone to die at the same rate trigger happy cowardly shooters do (off all colors and backgrounds) -- I would think you would want something done about it
Yes, that one will be swept under the rug and ignored.
It has been all over the news since the day it happened......and the people who truly care about the victims are still engaged in this story...

But ironically..dic suckers like you only bring up tragedies like this to deflect for your own racism.....because you definitely don't find their loss of life tragic by any means..
Should we post all of the instances where people make mistakes and cause someone else to die?

But, for some strange reason, guns are the only thing people want to blame and ban.

Doctors -- those people with MD, PAC and ARNP behind their names -- kill far more people than guns kill in the US.

The young man who was shot has no criminal history....are you saying that because folks like you are cowards to your core, that you have the right to shoot people your cowardice has made you fear?

That young man's death is a tragedy indeed. I can't imagine losing a child, as I have 5 children.

But blaming the gun makes you the coward, put the blame where it belongs. The man made a mistake, and I think he's been charged right?

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