Charles Krauthammer Explains Problem With Ground Zero Mosque Perfectly

Building a church in Mecca and calling it the Church of the Crusaders would be a bad thing.

Building a mosque at Ground Zero and calling it the Cordoba Center is a bad thing for the same reason.

EDIT: If you dont understand the implications of the name Cordoba let me know and I'll explain it for you.

Your going to have to "Splain" the Cordoba bit

I thought it was a car Chrysler built in the 70s with rich Corinthian leather

RIP Ricardo

No problemo sir.

Cordoba represents religious waring and hatred between Christians and Muslims. First the muslims conqured cordoba, tore down their church, and build a mosque on the ground. Then the christians re-conqured the area, tore down the mosque, and built another church.

Here is some light reading Great Mosque of Córdoba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Great Mosque of Córdoba, now known as the Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (English: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption) was a mosque built by the Umayyads on the site of a Christian Visigothic Church[1] in the Andalusian city of Córdoba, Spain. It is regarded as perhaps the most accomplished monument of the Umayyad dynasty of Córdoba. After the Spanish Reconquista, it was rebuilt as Roman Catholic church with a Gothic cathedral inserted into the centre of the large Moorish building. Today the entire building is used to house the Cathedral of the diocese of Córdoba in Spain.

Naming it the cordoba center is akin to building a memorial to the japanese air force at pearl harbor and calling it the "Tora Tora Tora Center" or building a memorial to fallen american soldiers at hiroshima and calling it the "Little Boy Memorial"

Or, like I said originally, building a church in mecca and calling it the "Church of the Crusades" or "The Crusaders Church of Christ" or something like that.

Naming it the cordoba center is akin to building a memorial to the japanese air force at pearl harbor and calling it the "Tora Tora Tora Center" or building a memorial to fallen american soldiers at hiroshima and calling it the "Little Boy Memorial"

Why would that be an accurate analogy?

None of these people were involved in 9-11, none are celebrating 9-11....they just want to practice their religion

It would be like if my wife were killed by a black man and a black family were to move in a block away.....should I be outraged and protest that black family?

The same could be said about building a church in mecca, yet the muslims in the entire country there wont allow a church to be built by people who weren't involved in the crusades simply because what the crusaders did, in the name of christ, left such a scar on their civilization.

Its not about the right to build on private property or the right to build a mosque, nor is it about religious freedom. It is about the impact and perception of the people in this country in regards to the fact that muslims, in the name of islam, used their bastardized version that faith as a reason to murder 3,000 americans of all religions and races. This fact has left a scar on the psyche of americans that anyone who has any tolerance would not ignore.

Choosing the name "Cordoba" for the center, considering its implications, is very insensitive and intolerant to the feelings of the majority of americans who dont agree with the location chosen to build the mosque/center.

And around and around we go in a circular argument.

No one is saying they can not build a mosque there and no one is saying they dont have the right to worship allah as muslims in america.

What we are saying is that choosing that location and naming it what they are is very intolerant and insensitive to the scars many americans have over what happened on 9/11. To deny the reasons for these scars as they relate to the Muslim faith is to be intentionally obtuse on the matter.

You can try and describe people with whatever negative terminology you wish but it doesn't change the basics of the situation or the opinions of many who oppose that specific location and/or name.

Those of us who view the situation, as I do, are not scared of the false labels that many involved in the debate are trying to paint on us for opposing this location as we know these labels are innacurate and false.
Your going to have to "Splain" the Cordoba bit

I thought it was a car Chrysler built in the 70s with rich Corinthian leather

RIP Ricardo

No problemo sir.

Cordoba represents religious waring and hatred between Christians and Muslims. First the muslims conqured cordoba, tore down their church, and build a mosque on the ground. Then the christians re-conqured the area, tore down the mosque, and built another church.

Here is some light reading Great Mosque of Córdoba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Naming it the cordoba center is akin to building a memorial to the japanese air force at pearl harbor and calling it the "Tora Tora Tora Center" or building a memorial to fallen american soldiers at hiroshima and calling it the "Little Boy Memorial"

Or, like I said originally, building a church in mecca and calling it the "Church of the Crusades" or "The Crusaders Church of Christ" or something like that.

Why would that be an accurate analogy?

None of these people were involved in 9-11, none are celebrating 9-11....they just want to practice their religion

It would be like if my wife were killed by a black man and a black family were to move in a block away.....should I be outraged and protest that black family?

The same could be said about building a church in mecca, yet the muslims in the entire country there wont allow a church to be built by people who weren't involved in the crusades simply because what the crusaders did, in the name of christ, left such a scar on their civilization.

Its not about the right to build on private property or the right to build a mosque, nor is it about religious freedom. It is about the impact and perception of the people in this country in regards to the fact that muslims, in the name of islam, used their bastardized version that faith as a reason to murder 3,000 americans of all religions and races. This fact has left a scar on the psyche of americans that anyone who has any tolerance would not ignore.

Choosing the name "Cordoba" for the center, considering its implications, is very insensitive and intolerant to the feelings of the majority of americans who dont agree with the location chosen to build the mosque/center.

And around and around we go in a circular argument.

No one is saying they can not build a mosque there and no one is saying they dont have the right to worship allah as muslims in america.

What we are saying is that choosing that location and naming it what they are is very intolerant and insensitive to the scars many americans have over what happened on 9/11. To deny the reasons for these scars as they relate to the Muslim faith is to be intentionally obtuse on the matter.

You can try and describe people with whatever negative terminology you wish but it doesn't change the basics of the situation or the opinions of many who oppose that specific location and/or name.

Those of us who view the situation, as I do, are not scared of the false labels that many involved in the debate are trying to paint on us for opposing this location as we know these labels are innacurate and false.
Do you think Muslims shouldn't set foot on ground zero? After all, that would probably offend a good deal of people.
Charles Krauthammer Explains Problem With Ground Zero Mosque Perfectly

"A place is made sacred by a widespread belief that it was visited by the miraculous or the transcendent (Lourdes, the Temple Mount), by the presence there once of great nobility and sacrifice (Gettysburg), or by the blood of martyrs and the indescribable suffering of the innocent (Auschwitz). When we speak of Ground Zero as hallowed ground, what we mean is that it belongs to those who suffered and died there -- and that such ownership obliges us, the living, to preserve the dignity and memory of the place, never allowing it to be forgotten, trivialized or misappropriated. ... Religious institutions in this country are autonomous. Who is to say that the [near-Ground Zero] mosque won't one day hire an Anwar al-Aulaqi -- spiritual mentor to the Fort Hood shooter and the Christmas Day bomber, and one-time imam at the Virginia mosque attended by two of the 9/11 terrorists? An Aulaqi preaching in Virginia is a security problem. An Aulaqi preaching at Ground Zero is a sacrilege. Location matters. Especially this location. Ground Zero is the site of the greatest mass murder in American history -- perpetrated by Muslims of a particular Islamist orthodoxy in whose cause they died and in whose name they killed...

This is islamophobia. It is not an indictment of the crimes committed on 911, it is an indictment of Islam.

Ironic; the US Constitution the right always points to as a document that must never be ignored, is now an inconvenience.

Where did he say in that quote, or in the link provided with it, that they do not have a right to build the church? Try reading a little before making a dishonest assesment of what the quote is saying. Re-read it.

plymco_pilgrim said:
And not once have I, the creator of this thread, ever stated that those who wish to build the Cordoba center in that spot do not have the right to do so. What people, like myself, are saying is that the location is not a good choice for the obvious reasons that the attackers on 9/11 were muslims who used that faith as their motivation to murder 3,000 americans of all religions. Just like it would be bad to build a church in mecca and call it the crusaders church, it is and would be disrespectful to the inhabitants of the area.

Just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean you should. Examples of this can be found in the quote in the first post.

Are you really THAT obtuse??? Krautfucker is saying they have the 'right' to build it...just DON'T...

I RESTATE for pea brains like you...This is islamophobia. It is not an indictment of the crimes committed on 911, it is an indictment of Islam.

You are becoming a bigger moron by the day.
Your going to have to "Splain" the Cordoba bit

I thought it was a car Chrysler built in the 70s with rich Corinthian leather

RIP Ricardo

No problemo sir.

Cordoba represents religious waring and hatred between Christians and Muslims. First the muslims conqured cordoba, tore down their church, and build a mosque on the ground. Then the christians re-conqured the area, tore down the mosque, and built another church.

Here is some light reading Great Mosque of Córdoba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Naming it the cordoba center is akin to building a memorial to the japanese air force at pearl harbor and calling it the "Tora Tora Tora Center" or building a memorial to fallen american soldiers at hiroshima and calling it the "Little Boy Memorial"

Or, like I said originally, building a church in mecca and calling it the "Church of the Crusades" or "The Crusaders Church of Christ" or something like that.

Why would that be an accurate analogy?

None of these people were involved in 9-11, none are celebrating 9-11....they just want to practice their religion

It would be like if my wife were killed by a black man and a black family were to move in a block away.....should I be outraged and protest that black family?

The same could be said about building a church in mecca, yet the muslims in the entire country there wont allow a church to be built by people who weren't involved in the crusades simply because what the crusaders did, in the name of christ, left such a scar on their civilization.

Its not about the right to build on private property or the right to build a mosque, nor is it about religious freedom. It is about the impact and perception of the people in this country in regards to the fact that muslims, in the name of islam, used their bastardized version that faith as a reason to murder 3,000 americans of all religions and races. This fact has left a scar on the psyche of americans that anyone who has any tolerance would not ignore.

Choosing the name "Cordoba" for the center, considering its implications, is very insensitive and intolerant to the feelings of the majority of americans who dont agree with the location chosen to build the mosque/center.

And around and around we go in a circular argument.

No one is saying they can not build a mosque there and no one is saying they dont have the right to worship allah as muslims in america.

What we are saying is that choosing that location and naming it what they are is very intolerant and insensitive to the scars many americans have over what happened on 9/11. To deny the reasons for these scars as they relate to the Muslim faith is to be intentionally obtuse on the matter.

You can try and describe people with whatever negative terminology you wish but it doesn't change the basics of the situation or the opinions of many who oppose that specific location and/or name.

Those of us who view the situation, as I do, are not scared of the false labels that many involved in the debate are trying to paint on us for opposing this location as we know these labels are innacurate and false.

Your camp is an intellectually void anti-American emotionally immature ass zit festering with the unconscious desire of giving victory to terrorists by default.
What is wrong guys and gal? Truth hard to argue with directly?

@ Ravi: Never said or implied that but nice way to ignore the points made since you can't seem to provide a valid counter to them

@ BFGRN: I'm sorry you have a comprehension problem with this specific issue

@ CurveLight: You never fail to resort to insults instead of intellect.

kudos to the 3 of you for showing how bankrupt your comebacks to the true issue with the mosque's location and name are.

I'll respond if any one of the 3 of you can actually make a valid point directly challenging the opinion I present. If you want to just respond with an insult feel free but that won't get you further responses.
Well golly gee, I sure would be all broken up inside if you didn't appreciate my comments.:lol:

I'm not the one here trying to make a comparison...but I think you know that, miss smarty pants.:D

why would i have appreciated it? it wasn't intended for anyone who thinks like me to appreciate it. it was intended for the echo chamber.

as it happened, i edited it out but you jumped on the post too quickly.

i can't help it if nasty little digs pass as funny to you. :thup:

No, it's just that you can't help making assumptions...which is your problem.;)

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure... like i said. if you think that passes for cute, i'm sure the echo chamber will love it. :thup:
What is wrong guys and gal? Truth hard to argue with directly?

@ Ravi: Never said or implied that but nice way to ignore the points made since you can't seem to provide a valid counter to them

@ BFGRN: I'm sorry you have a comprehension problem with this specific issue

@ CurveLight: You never fail to resort to insults instead of intellect.

kudos to the 3 of you for showing how bankrupt your comebacks to the true issue with the mosque's location and name are.

I'll respond if any one of the 3 of you can actually make a valid point directly challenging the opinion I present. If you want to just respond with an insult feel free but that won't get you further responses.

You can't seriously be bitching about a lack of intellectualism. That's like Roger Clemens bitching about people commiting perjury.

The "truth" here is blaming Islam for 9/11, in any form, is as fucking stoopid as the Liberals who scream about gun bans every time a freak kills co-workers or classmates

The overarching and overlooked problem is you are bowing to terrorists and giving them victory. The goal of terrorism is to use fear to get people to change how they live and forsake principles they would otherwise preach tongue-dried for hours on end. You want to stop fellow Americans from living their lives by the Constitution because you are consumed with fear. Your banner that it is somehow "disrespectful" to build a Mosque in NYC is smoke and mirrors because the real reason you don't want it is you believe Islam is to blame for 9/11 and even after a decade you are still decaying in ignorance and allowing fear to guide your every move. You want truth? No. You want to feel like your bigotry is justified when you know damn well it is not.
What is wrong guys and gal? Truth hard to argue with directly?

@ Ravi: Never said or implied that but nice way to ignore the points made since you can't seem to provide a valid counter to them

@ BFGRN: I'm sorry you have a comprehension problem with this specific issue

@ CurveLight: You never fail to resort to insults instead of intellect.

kudos to the 3 of you for showing how bankrupt your comebacks to the true issue with the mosque's location and name are.

I'll respond if any one of the 3 of you can actually make a valid point directly challenging the opinion I present. If you want to just respond with an insult feel free but that won't get you further responses.

You can't seriously be bitching about a lack of intellectualism. That's like Roger Clemens bitching about people commiting perjury.

The "truth" here is blaming Islam for 9/11, in any form, is as fucking stoopid as the Liberals who scream about gun bans every time a freak kills co-workers or classmates

The overarching and overlooked problem is you are bowing to terrorists and giving them victory. The goal of terrorism is to use fear to get people to change how they live and forsake principles they would otherwise preach tongue-dried for hours on end. You want to stop fellow Americans from living their lives by the Constitution because you are consumed with fear. Your banner that it is somehow "disrespectful" to build a Mosque in NYC is smoke and mirrors because the real reason you don't want it is you believe Islam is to blame for 9/11 and even after a decade you are still decaying in ignorance and allowing fear to guide your every move. You want truth? No. You want to feel like your bigotry is justified when you know damn well it is not.

Please re-read the enitre post, including the two quoted posts, at the top of the page of this post of yours I just quoted. You are overlooking the reality of what the name Cordoba represents and implies.

Please figure that aspect into your response so that there is something credible for me to respond to. You are not using the full context of my opinion in your response to me so that it actually relates to the conversation and has validity.

In its current state your response is dishonest.
What is wrong guys and gal? Truth hard to argue with directly?

@ Ravi: Never said or implied that but nice way to ignore the points made since you can't seem to provide a valid counter to them

@ BFGRN: I'm sorry you have a comprehension problem with this specific issue

@ CurveLight: You never fail to resort to insults instead of intellect.

kudos to the 3 of you for showing how bankrupt your comebacks to the true issue with the mosque's location and name are.

I'll respond if any one of the 3 of you can actually make a valid point directly challenging the opinion I present. If you want to just respond with an insult feel free but that won't get you further responses.

What is wrong guys and gal? Truth hard to argue with directly?

@ Ravi: Never said or implied that but nice way to ignore the points made since you can't seem to provide a valid counter to them

@ BFGRN: I'm sorry you have a comprehension problem with this specific issue

@ CurveLight: You never fail to resort to insults instead of intellect.

kudos to the 3 of you for showing how bankrupt your comebacks to the true issue with the mosque's location and name are.

I'll respond if any one of the 3 of you can actually make a valid point directly challenging the opinion I present. If you want to just respond with an insult feel free but that won't get you further responses.

You can't seriously be bitching about a lack of intellectualism. That's like Roger Clemens bitching about people commiting perjury.

The "truth" here is blaming Islam for 9/11, in any form, is as fucking stoopid as the Liberals who scream about gun bans every time a freak kills co-workers or classmates

The overarching and overlooked problem is you are bowing to terrorists and giving them victory. The goal of terrorism is to use fear to get people to change how they live and forsake principles they would otherwise preach tongue-dried for hours on end. You want to stop fellow Americans from living their lives by the Constitution because you are consumed with fear. Your banner that it is somehow "disrespectful" to build a Mosque in NYC is smoke and mirrors because the real reason you don't want it is you believe Islam is to blame for 9/11 and even after a decade you are still decaying in ignorance and allowing fear to guide your every move. You want truth? No. You want to feel like your bigotry is justified when you know damn well it is not.

Please re-read the enitre post, including the two quoted posts, at the top of the page of this post of yours I just quoted. You are overlooking the reality of what the name Cordoba represents and implies.

Please figure that aspect into your response so that there is something credible for me to respond to. You are not using the full context of my opinion in your response to me so that it actually relates to the conversation and has validity.

In its current state your response is dishonest.

Thank you for proving you are only interested in justifying your bigotry.
why would i have appreciated it? it wasn't intended for anyone who thinks like me to appreciate it. it was intended for the echo chamber.

as it happened, i edited it out but you jumped on the post too quickly.

i can't help it if nasty little digs pass as funny to you. :thup:

No, it's just that you can't help making assumptions...which is your problem.;)

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure... like i said. if you think that passes for cute, i'm sure the echo chamber will love it. :thup:

Again, you're the one assuming what I thought of my comment. It was a basic observation that some wanted to compare the mosque to strip clubs. I don't know what's wrong with "her body...her choice". There might have been some irony in that remark if anything. If you don't like my "humor", "snark", "sarcasm", or any other way you choose to interpret my posts, it really is your problem. You can ignore me or attempt to "scold" me, but I won't change my posting style.:D
What is wrong guys and gal? Truth hard to argue with directly?

@ Ravi: Never said or implied that but nice way to ignore the points made since you can't seem to provide a valid counter to them

@ BFGRN: I'm sorry you have a comprehension problem with this specific issue

@ CurveLight: You never fail to resort to insults instead of intellect.

kudos to the 3 of you for showing how bankrupt your comebacks to the true issue with the mosque's location and name are.

I'll respond if any one of the 3 of you can actually make a valid point directly challenging the opinion I present. If you want to just respond with an insult feel free but that won't get you further responses.
I thought it was a valid question that followed logically from your, and others, wish that a mosque shouldn't exist in a city that already has many mosques and in fact one four blocks away.

If you don't want mosques in the area why would you want Muslims at Ground Zero period?
What is wrong guys and gal? Truth hard to argue with directly?

@ Ravi: Never said or implied that but nice way to ignore the points made since you can't seem to provide a valid counter to them

@ BFGRN: I'm sorry you have a comprehension problem with this specific issue

@ CurveLight: You never fail to resort to insults instead of intellect.

kudos to the 3 of you for showing how bankrupt your comebacks to the true issue with the mosque's location and name are.

I'll respond if any one of the 3 of you can actually make a valid point directly challenging the opinion I present. If you want to just respond with an insult feel free but that won't get you further responses.
I thought it was a valid question that followed logically from your, and others, wish that a mosque shouldn't exist in a city that already has many mosques and in fact one four blocks away.

If you don't want mosques in the area why would you want Muslims at Ground Zero period?

I never used the fact that there are many mosques already in new york as a reason to not build this mosque in this location. I'm not sure why you are ascribing such behavior to me.

I have been very clear and specific with my reason for not approving of this specific mosque, the Cordoba Center, being built in that location. You can go back to the previous page and read my post at the very top if you have forgotten these reasons.

I am not against muslims building mosques in the USA or against muslims visiting or being at ground zero.

I have a question. If I'm against a mosque called the cordoba center at ground zero due to the facts and opinions I have provided how does that make me against muslims in general or against muslims visiting ground zero?

Remember what Cordoba stands for, christians and muslims waring with each other and tearing down each others most precious structures, religious buildings.órdoba
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What is wrong guys and gal? Truth hard to argue with directly?

@ Ravi: Never said or implied that but nice way to ignore the points made since you can't seem to provide a valid counter to them

@ BFGRN: I'm sorry you have a comprehension problem with this specific issue

@ CurveLight: You never fail to resort to insults instead of intellect.

kudos to the 3 of you for showing how bankrupt your comebacks to the true issue with the mosque's location and name are.

I'll respond if any one of the 3 of you can actually make a valid point directly challenging the opinion I present. If you want to just respond with an insult feel free but that won't get you further responses.
I thought it was a valid question that followed logically from your, and others, wish that a mosque shouldn't exist in a city that already has many mosques and in fact one four blocks away.

If you don't want mosques in the area why would you want Muslims at Ground Zero period?

I never used the fact that there are many mosques already in new york as a reason to not build this mosque in this location. I'm not sure why you are ascribing such behavior to me.

I have been very clear and specific with my reason for not approving of this specific mosque, the Cordoba Center, being built in that location. You can go back to the previous page and read my post at the very top if you have forgotten these reasons.

I am not against muslims building mosques in the USA or against muslims visiting or being at ground zero.

I have a question. If I'm against a mosque called the cordoba center at ground zero due to the facts and opinions I have provided how does that make me against muslims in general or against muslims visiting ground zero?

Remember what Cordoba stands for, christians and muslims waring with each other and tearing down each others most precious structures, religious buildings. Great Mosque of Córdoba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your cherry picked artificial facts do not justify your bigotry.
:rofl: @ curvelight's dishonesty about me. At least Ravi's post isn't total codswallop :lol:.
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What is wrong guys and gal? Truth hard to argue with directly?

@ Ravi: Never said or implied that but nice way to ignore the points made since you can't seem to provide a valid counter to them

@ BFGRN: I'm sorry you have a comprehension problem with this specific issue

@ CurveLight: You never fail to resort to insults instead of intellect.

kudos to the 3 of you for showing how bankrupt your comebacks to the true issue with the mosque's location and name are.

I'll respond if any one of the 3 of you can actually make a valid point directly challenging the opinion I present. If you want to just respond with an insult feel free but that won't get you further responses.

I'm sorry you are totally blind to the depth and scope of your ignorance. The Cordoba Center will NOT be AT ground zero, it will be 2 blocks away...So moron, just how BIG of an anti-Islamic buffer do you want???????

: The center is not at Ground Zero but two blocks away, and the Cordoba Initiative seeks to build a center, not a mosque. The center is not designed as a local mosque for a Muslim community but rather to serve the wider community.

It is meant to improve interfaith and Muslim-West relations and promote tolerance -- not just to provide services to Muslims. The proposed 15-story community center will include a prayer room, offices, meeting rooms, gym, swimming pool and performing arts center.

American attitudes toward Islam and Muslims often blur the line between the peaceful and rational mainstream majority of Muslims on the one hand and the acts of a small but dangerous minority on the other.

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
Edmund Burke
"A place is made sacred by a widespread belief that it was visited by the miraculous or the transcendent (Lourdes, the Temple Mount), by the presence there once of great nobility and sacrifice (Gettysburg), or by the blood of martyrs and the indescribable suffering of the innocent (Auschwitz). When we speak of Ground Zero as hallowed ground, what we mean is that it belongs to those who suffered and died there -- and that such ownership obliges us, the living, to preserve the dignity and memory of the place, never allowing it to be forgotten, trivialized or misappropriated. ... Religious institutions in this country are autonomous. Who is to say that the [near-Ground Zero] mosque won't one day hire an Anwar al-Aulaqi -- spiritual mentor to the Fort Hood shooter and the Christmas Day bomber, and one-time imam at the Virginia mosque attended by two of the 9/11 terrorists? An Aulaqi preaching in Virginia is a security problem. An Aulaqi preaching at Ground Zero is a sacrilege. Location matters. Especially this location. Ground Zero is the site of the greatest mass murder in American history -- perpetrated by Muslims of a particular Islamist orthodoxy in whose cause they died and in whose name they killed. ... America is a free country where you can build whatever you want -- but not anywhere. That's why we have zoning laws. No liquor store near a school, no strip malls where they offend local sensibilities, and, if your house doesn't meet community architectural codes, you cannot build at all. These restrictions are for reasons of aesthetics. Others are for more profound reasons of common decency and respect for the sacred. No commercial tower over Gettysburg, no convent at Auschwitz -- and no mosque at Ground Zero. Build it anywhere but there." --columnist Charles Krauthammer

Sacrilege at Ground Zero - Opinion - PatriotPost.US

A little visual help. As you can see the proposed 13 story ceneter will be taller than the building (the 10 story one one to the right of the destroyed building in the middle of the last picture, the mosque/center will be built right behind it). With the mosque being the at the top of the building it will be in clear view of ground zero.




- See the bottom of the first post in this BFGRN? The three pictures? It will visible from ground zero as you can see the top of the current 14 story building on the lot.

-The mosque is planned to be the top floor of the center

- Let me let a muslim explain the issue to you in this interview

[ame=]YouTube - Muslim Raheel Raza Opposes Ground Zero Mosque - Pawns Bloomberg[/ame]

Attend with Diligence and strict Integrity to the Interest of your Correspondents and enter into no Engagements which you have not the almost certain Means of performing.
George Mason -
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"A place is made sacred by a widespread belief that it was visited by the miraculous or the transcendent (Lourdes, the Temple Mount), by the presence there once of great nobility and sacrifice (Gettysburg), or by the blood of martyrs and the indescribable suffering of the innocent (Auschwitz). When we speak of Ground Zero as hallowed ground, what we mean is that it belongs to those who suffered and died there -- and that such ownership obliges us, the living, to preserve the dignity and memory of the place, never allowing it to be forgotten, trivialized or misappropriated. ... Religious institutions in this country are autonomous. Who is to say that the [near-Ground Zero] mosque won't one day hire an Anwar al-Aulaqi -- spiritual mentor to the Fort Hood shooter and the Christmas Day bomber, and one-time imam at the Virginia mosque attended by two of the 9/11 terrorists? An Aulaqi preaching in Virginia is a security problem. An Aulaqi preaching at Ground Zero is a sacrilege. Location matters. Especially this location. Ground Zero is the site of the greatest mass murder in American history -- perpetrated by Muslims of a particular Islamist orthodoxy in whose cause they died and in whose name they killed. ... America is a free country where you can build whatever you want -- but not anywhere. That's why we have zoning laws. No liquor store near a school, no strip malls where they offend local sensibilities, and, if your house doesn't meet community architectural codes, you cannot build at all. These restrictions are for reasons of aesthetics. Others are for more profound reasons of common decency and respect for the sacred. No commercial tower over Gettysburg, no convent at Auschwitz -- and no mosque at Ground Zero. Build it anywhere but there." --columnist Charles Krauthammer

Sacrilege at Ground Zero - Opinion - PatriotPost.US

A little visual help. As you can see the proposed 13 story ceneter will be taller than the building (the 10 story one one to the right of the destroyed building in the middle of the last picture, the mosque/center will be built right behind it). With the mosque being the at the top of the building it will be in clear view of ground zero.




- See the bottom of the first post in this BFGRN? The three pictures? It will visible from ground zero as you can see the top of the current 14 story building on the lot.

-The mosque is planned to be the top floor of the center

- Let me let a muslim explain the issue to you in this interview

[ame=]YouTube - Muslim Raheel Raza Opposes Ground Zero Mosque - Pawns Bloomberg[/ame]

Attend with Diligence and strict Integrity to the Interest of your Correspondents and enter into no Engagements which you have not the almost certain Means of performing.
George Mason -

OK, so.................HOW BIG OF AN ANTI-ISLAMIC BUFFER DO YOU WANT???????????????????????????????????????????????
"A place is made sacred by a widespread belief that it was visited by the miraculous or the transcendent (Lourdes, the Temple Mount), by the presence there once of great nobility and sacrifice (Gettysburg), or by the blood of martyrs and the indescribable suffering of the innocent (Auschwitz). When we speak of Ground Zero as hallowed ground, what we mean is that it belongs to those who suffered and died there -- and that such ownership obliges us, the living, to preserve the dignity and memory of the place, never allowing it to be forgotten, trivialized or misappropriated. ... Religious institutions in this country are autonomous. Who is to say that the [near-Ground Zero] mosque won't one day hire an Anwar al-Aulaqi -- spiritual mentor to the Fort Hood shooter and the Christmas Day bomber, and one-time imam at the Virginia mosque attended by two of the 9/11 terrorists? An Aulaqi preaching in Virginia is a security problem. An Aulaqi preaching at Ground Zero is a sacrilege. Location matters. Especially this location. Ground Zero is the site of the greatest mass murder in American history -- perpetrated by Muslims of a particular Islamist orthodoxy in whose cause they died and in whose name they killed. ... America is a free country where you can build whatever you want -- but not anywhere. That's why we have zoning laws. No liquor store near a school, no strip malls where they offend local sensibilities, and, if your house doesn't meet community architectural codes, you cannot build at all. These restrictions are for reasons of aesthetics. Others are for more profound reasons of common decency and respect for the sacred. No commercial tower over Gettysburg, no convent at Auschwitz -- and no mosque at Ground Zero. Build it anywhere but there." --columnist Charles Krauthammer

Sacrilege at Ground Zero - Opinion - PatriotPost.US

A little visual help. As you can see the proposed 13 story ceneter will be taller than the building (the 10 story one one to the right of the destroyed building in the middle of the last picture, the mosque/center will be built right behind it). With the mosque being the at the top of the building it will be in clear view of ground zero.




- See the bottom of the first post in this BFGRN? The three pictures? It will visible from ground zero as you can see the top of the current 14 story building on the lot.

-The mosque is planned to be the top floor of the center

- Let me let a muslim explain the issue to you in this interview

[ame=]YouTube - Muslim Raheel Raza Opposes Ground Zero Mosque - Pawns Bloomberg[/ame]

Attend with Diligence and strict Integrity to the Interest of your Correspondents and enter into no Engagements which you have not the almost certain Means of performing.
George Mason -

OK, so.................HOW BIG OF AN ANTI-ISLAMIC BUFFER DO YOU WANT???????????????????????????????????????????????

I would be fine with it on that lot if it was just a little shorter so that it is out of view from the memorial and had been introduced and proposed with a different name.
- See the bottom of the first post in this BFGRN? The three pictures? It will visible from ground zero as you can see the top of the current 14 story building on the lot.

-The mosque is planned to be the top floor of the center

- Let me let a muslim explain the issue to you in this interview

YouTube - Muslim Raheel Raza Opposes Ground Zero Mosque - Pawns Bloomberg

Attend with Diligence and strict Integrity to the Interest of your Correspondents and enter into no Engagements which you have not the almost certain Means of performing.
George Mason -

OK, so.................HOW BIG OF AN ANTI-ISLAMIC BUFFER DO YOU WANT???????????????????????????????????????????????

I would be fine with it on that lot if it was just a little shorter so that it is out of view from the memorial and had been introduced and proposed with a different name.

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
Oscar Wilde truly are blind to your ignorance...

I always believed America stood for freedom. But a new generation of ignorant and fear filled Americans are out to destroy that. You shame this country and what it stands for. To the very core, YOU are un-American.

Stop being a pea brain...educate yourself!

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