Charles Manson Follower Approved for Parole

A summary of 17 follow-up studies of adult felony probationers found that felony rearrest rates ranged from 12 to 65 percent. The year the stats are taken from is almost twenty years old, but better than anything we have seen to this point.

5 - See more at: Privatizing Probation and Parole
My friends in law enforcement say it's 90% now. Parole has been dramatically increased in the past 20 years as prisoners are released rather than just building a new prison.
A summary of 17 follow-up studies of adult felony probationers found that felony rearrest rates ranged from 12 to 65 percent. The year the stats are taken from is almost twenty years old, but better than anything we have seen to this point.

5 - See more at: Privatizing Probation and Parole
My friends in law enforcement say it's 90% now. Parole has been dramatically increased in the past 20 years as prisoners are released rather than just building a new prison.
A single statement about what the has been told without any evidence that it was true.
A summary of 17 follow-up studies of adult felony probationers found that felony rearrest rates ranged from 12 to 65 percent. The year the stats are taken from is almost twenty years old, but better than anything we have seen to this point.

5 - See more at: Privatizing Probation and Parole
My friends in law enforcement say it's 90% now. Parole has been dramatically increased in the past 20 years as prisoners are released rather than just building a new prison.
90 percent is pretty high and must include parole violations like hanging out with another ex-con which are not actually crimes.
There is no point in keeping her incarcerated at this point. The only reason anyone gives a rat's ass is because she was a Manson follower 50 years ago.
May she move in next door to you then.
I doubt that she would be allowed to move to the Czech Republic as she'll be on parole for the rest of her life. Regardless, she is a threat to no one.
90% parolees will commit another crime.
Look, I know something about "the family" and some were certifiable, like Manson and Susan Atkins. Van Houghten was more a young dingbat who got caught up in something and showed terrible judgement.
Funny how I have not heard any of the surviving family members of the victims what their opinions are.
rates of recidivsim - DDC Yahoo Search Results

This may help, not 90% but significant nonetheless.

National Statistics on Recidivism

Bureau of Justice Statistics studies have found high rates of recidivism among released prisoners. One study tracked 404,638 prisoners in 30 states after their release from prison in 2005.[1] The researchers found that:

  • Within three years of release, about two-thirds (67.8 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested.
  • Within five years of release, about three-quarters (76.6 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested.
  • Of those prisoners who were rearrested, more than half (56.7 percent) were arrested by the end of the first year.
  • Property offenders were the most likely to be rearrested, with 82.1 percent of released property offenders arrested for a new crime compared with 76.9 percent of drug offenders, 73.6 percent of public order offenders and 71.3 percent of violent offenders.
A summary of 17 follow-up studies of adult felony probationers found that felony rearrest rates ranged from 12 to 65 percent. The year the stats are taken from is almost twenty years old, but better than anything we have seen to this point.

5 - See more at: Privatizing Probation and Parole
My friends in law enforcement say it's 90% now. Parole has been dramatically increased in the past 20 years as prisoners are released rather than just building a new prison.
90 percent is pretty high and must include parole violations like hanging out with another ex-con which are not actually crimes.

I don't know the details, but terms of parole are just rules to follow just like laws are.
rates of recidivsim - DDC Yahoo Search Results

This may help.

National Statistics on Recidivism

Bureau of Justice Statistics studies have found high rates of recidivism among released prisoners. One study tracked 404,638 prisoners in 30 states after their release from prison in 2005.[1] The researchers found that:

  • Within three years of release, about two-thirds (67.8 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested.
  • Within five years of release, about three-quarters (76.6 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested.
  • Of those prisoners who were rearrested, more than half (56.7 percent) were arrested by the end of the first year.
  • Property offenders were the most likely to be rearrested, with 82.1 percent of released property offenders arrested for a new crime compared with 76.9 percent of drug offenders, 73.6 percent of public order offenders and 71.3 percent of violent offenders.
Pretty obvious they're hiding something when the latest data is 11 years old.
rates of recidivsim - DDC Yahoo Search Results

This may help.

National Statistics on Recidivism

Bureau of Justice Statistics studies have found high rates of recidivism among released prisoners. One study tracked 404,638 prisoners in 30 states after their release from prison in 2005.[1] The researchers found that:

  • Within three years of release, about two-thirds (67.8 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested.
  • Within five years of release, about three-quarters (76.6 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested.
  • Of those prisoners who were rearrested, more than half (56.7 percent) were arrested by the end of the first year.
  • Property offenders were the most likely to be rearrested, with 82.1 percent of released property offenders arrested for a new crime compared with 76.9 percent of drug offenders, 73.6 percent of public order offenders and 71.3 percent of violent offenders.
Pretty obvious they're hiding something when the latest data is 11 years old.
Jake is a veritable dingbat, but his link is correct.
Manson would have been out years ago if he didn't tell the parole board that he wanted to kill people. Strange, since he didn't commit any of the murders.
well at her age, is it cheaper to keep her in prison or on parole. I heard on PBS that it cost 70 some bucks a day for prisoners in AL, but on parole it'd be around 7-8 bucks a day. Whatever is cheaper. I mean at 66 she is not going to get a job, and most likely is not going to kill anyone. I doubt if she will be shopping at the mall, probably at the dollar stores.
Why don't we let every murderer and rapist out on parole? Think of the cost savings!

She has been in there since when 1972, why keep her in there.
Because she is a murderer.
Suicide is legal in Calif now. She has a way out.

Tate husband was arrested for raping a 13 year old and he fled to England and continued to make movies, and even got awards for them, and is probably rich as can be.
Yes, the left love supporting him and his movies.
1st degree murder should be execution, period.
Manson would have been out years ago if he didn't tell the parole board that he wanted to kill people. Strange, since he didn't commit any of the murders.

He is still very dangerous, someone has to be powerful to get others to kill for him, but he gave them LSD and other drugs. The cult leaders are very scarey how they can control people the way they do, and the younger without family the easier it is, in those days communes and hippy lifestyles were very common in CA.
Why don't we let every murderer and rapist out on parole? Think of the cost savings!

She has been in there since when 1972, why keep her in there.
Because she is a murderer.
Suicide is legal in Calif now. She has a way out.

Tate husband was arrested for raping a 13 year old and he fled to England and continued to make movies, and even got awards for them, and is probably rich as can be.
Yes, the left love supporting him and his movies.
1st degree murder should be execution, period.
Manson would have been out years ago if he didn't tell the parole board that he wanted to kill people. Strange, since he didn't commit any of the murders.

He is still very dangerous, someone has to be powerful to get others to kill for him, but he gave them LSD and other drugs. The cult leaders are very scarey how they can control people the way they do, and the younger without family the easier it is, in those days communes and hippy lifestyles were very common in CA.
Of course cult leaders are scary. Look at obama. He looks like Baron Samedi.
She has been in there since when 1972, why keep her in there.
Because she is a murderer.
Suicide is legal in Calif now. She has a way out.

Tate husband was arrested for raping a 13 year old and he fled to England and continued to make movies, and even got awards for them, and is probably rich as can be.
Yes, the left love supporting him and his movies.
1st degree murder should be execution, period.
Manson would have been out years ago if he didn't tell the parole board that he wanted to kill people. Strange, since he didn't commit any of the murders.

He is still very dangerous, someone has to be powerful to get others to kill for him, but he gave them LSD and other drugs. The cult leaders are very scarey how they can control people the way they do, and the younger without family the easier it is, in those days communes and hippy lifestyles were very common in CA.
Of course cult leaders are scary. Look at obama. He looks like Baron Samedi.

I would hardly put Pres. Obama in the same league as Manson or any cult leader. Now if Cruz gets in, its possible.
There is no point in keeping her incarcerated at this point. The only reason anyone gives a rat's ass is because she was a Manson follower 50 years ago.
May she move in next door to you then.
I doubt that she would be allowed to move to the Czech Republic as she'll be on parole for the rest of her life. Regardless, she is a threat to no one.
meathead?....are you an American who lives there because of work or other reasons?....or are you a real Czech?.....just curious....
Keep her worthless ass in prison. Her victims are still deceased.

And, didn't they all receive death sentences originally that were changed to life instead when CA outlawed executions, or something like that?
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.
Since there is no really nice way to execute someone...
I am not a real Czech, although my son is. I am a real American and a real Greek, although my son insists that I am part Czech because of him. He may be right I suppose.
Keep her worthless ass in prison. Her victims are still deceased.

And, didn't they all receive death sentences originally that were changed to life instead when CA outlawed executions, or something like that?
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.
Since there is no really nice way to execute someone...
if they killed someone do the old "eye for an eye" die the way you killed....
Keep her worthless ass in prison. Her victims are still deceased.

And, didn't they all receive death sentences originally that were changed to life instead when CA outlawed executions, or something like that?
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.
Since there is no really nice way to execute someone...
Who cares if a guy or gal really is guilty of a heinous crime? Don't boil them in water but go ahead and make them fill their mouth water and a gun barrel and pull the trigger. Their will be no pain. There will be no back of a head either.
I am not a real Czech, although my son is. I am a real American and a real Greek, although my son insists that I am part Czech because of him. He may be right I suppose.
so what is it like living there? just son is living right now in the UK and he said its really different....
Keep her worthless ass in prison. Her victims are still deceased.

And, didn't they all receive death sentences originally that were changed to life instead when CA outlawed executions, or something like that?
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.
Since there is no really nice way to execute someone...
if they killed someone do the old "eye for an eye" die the way you killed....
Mathew 5
38“You have heard that it was said, ‘AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.’ 39“But I say to you, do not resist him who is evil; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40“And if anyone wants to sue you, and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. 41“And whoever shall force you to go one mile, go with him two. 42“Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

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