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Charlie Hebdo Attacks Strengthen European Anti-Immigration Parties

Have you ever heard of the principle of Occam's razor? It would serve you well here. The idea is that the simplest explanation is true. These guys were inspired by radical islamism and killed these journalists for blaspheming the prophet, and they said that much.
These guys were radicalized by US terror in Muslim lands and by the French surveillance state, which is an even simpler explanation for the Muslim blowback certain to reach these shores again if the US doesn't end its war on Islam.

"French surveillance state". LOL Would that be the 750 areas like Indian reservations that are no-go zones where Muslims get to live under barbaric Shariah law?
My condolences for those killed at both Charlie Hebdo, the delicatessen and the Gendarmes that were gunned down, and I would also like to remind people of the attack on those poor Australian chocolate shop workers last year, and the killing of the English serviceman by mad dog islamic immigrants on the streets of London. This is why there is such an upsurge in anti immigrant sentiment. Muslim imigrants might need to start packing for home. Because our patience is about to run out....
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Muslims kill other Muslims with western weapons sold by Frenchmen and Americans in order to control the natural resources of Eurasia and Africa;

Oh, those poor, poor, helpless muslims - a Westerner puts a gun in their hands and that just forces them to kill other muslims...do the Westerners also use jedi mind tricks to compel the muslims to shoot each other? You're as big a fucking idiot as exists on this forum. If I was a muslim I'd literally be embarrassed that someone as stupid as you is here, trying to defend the indefensible.

maybe you should check with Bibi once he gets back from his hypocritical march for journalistic freedoms in France while he's jailing journalists for revealing his war crimes against Palestinians..

Actually chimp, that's erdo's job.
You bet, Baroness:
"The Baroness Turner of Camden recently argued in The Diplomat that Iran is the 'major driving force' in Iraq’s civil war, and furthermore, that Iran is 'central to the broader conflict that has seemingly put the entire Middle East beyond hope of stability. The Baroness’ article is right about one thing: the Iranian regime brutally suppresses dissidents. But it is not the main party responsible for Iraq’s civil war, or for the broader conflict in the Levant. It may be convenient for dissidents and opponents of the current Iranian regime to blame Iran for the rise of ISIS, but history tells a different story.

"The U.S., Western Europe, and their regional allies in fact bear most of the responsibility for the rise of extremist groups like ISIS. The U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, which Britain notably supported, was a strategic disaster. Contrary to speculation at the time, Saddam Hussein’s secular Ba’athist regime prevented Al Qaeda from operating out of Iraq. Iraq had also been supported by the West before the 1991 Gulf War as a counterbalance against the revolutionary Islamic Republic during the Iran-Iraq War. The U.S.-led invasion changed all of that.

"The Iraq War toppled Saddam, destabilized the country, and led to a wave of sectarian bloodshed. It also made Iraq a safe haven and recruiting ground for Al Qaeda affiliates. Al Qaeda in Iraq, ISIS’s forerunner, was founded in April 2004. AQI conducted brutal attacks on Shia civilians and mosques in hopes of sparking a broader sectarian conflict. Iran naturally supported Shia militias, who fought extremists like AQI, both to expand its influence in Iraq and protect its Shia comrades. Iran cultivated ties with the Maliki government as well. Over the long term, Iran tried to seize the opportunity to turn Iraq from a strategic counterweight into a strategic ally. The U.S. didn’t do much to stop it."
Now, you know.
Iran Didn t Create ISIS We Did The Diplomat
This is more absurdity. I disagree with the Iraq war and agree that the invasion destabilized the region because Saddam was a secular strong man that kept radical islamist groups like ISIS in check, even if he was harsh, it takes a leader like Saddam, Assad, or Mubarak to maintain stability. However, to suggest the manifestation of ISIS is fault of the US or was a response to US occupation is ridiculous. If ISIS was mere "resistance" to the US occupation. They would have disbanded after the US left Iraq in 2011. The fact is, after the US left is when the group established a foothold. There rise correlates with American withdrawal from the region, not American interference in the region. Also, if they were merely "anti-American", and only wanted the US to leave, than why would they attack Assad? Assad is anti-american intervention and anti-zionist, yet he is attacked by them. This is because Radical Sunni Islamism is a ideology rooted in violence, expansion, and war against the infidel, whether they be christian, jewish, secular, shia or even moderate sunni.
My condolences for those killed at both Charlie Hebdo, the delicatessen and the Gendarmes that were gunned down, and I would also like to remind people of the attack on those poor Australian chocolate shop workers last year, and the killing of the English serviceman by mad dog islamic immigrants on the streets of London. This is why there is such an upsurge in anti immigrant sentiment. Muslim imigrants might need to start packing for home. Because our patience is about to run out...
How many more Muslim women and children should we maim, murder, and displace once our patience has run out?
"In addition to hearing a diverse set of views from different Islamic countries, one of the other participants (a prominent English journalist) put it quite simply. 'If the United States wants to improve its image in the Islamic world,' he said, 'it should stop killing Muslims.'”
Why do you blame Muslims for getting mad about US terrorism in the Middle East?
Why they hate us II How many Muslims has the U.S. killed in the past 30 years Foreign Policy
If ISIS was mere "resistance" to the US occupation. They would have disbanded after the US left Iraq in 2011. The fact is, after the US left is when the group established a foothold. There rise correlates with American withdrawal from the region, not American interference in the region.
The US left Iraq in a state of utter chaos presided over by an Iranian puppet whose discriminatory policies against Iraq's Sunni population ensured the rise of militant Islam, especially with key US allies like Saudi Arabia funding the radicals. Maybe you think it's a coincidence that one viscous pack of Islamists has followed another since Reagan created "the base" in Afghanistan, but some of us are not so gullible.
Also, if they were merely "anti-American", and only wanted the US to leave, than why would they attack Assad? Assad is anti-american intervention and anti-zionist, yet he is attacked by them.
They attack Assad because they see him as a secular apostate, and because their US and Saudi paymasters tell them to.
Problem is how do you seperate one group from the other? Its easy to self justify allegiance to western values whilst under 'duress'.

V for Vendetta had it right; ban the book, the institutions, no practicing of the death cult of islam allowed, period. Some might say it should be allowed if strictly monitored, but I don't because no genuine religion has anywhere near the violent bent islam has, and to have to spend huge sums for an "islamic administrative depot" to oversee its practicing is not tenable. After a few centuries, it will hopefully vanish anyway given that it is based on nonsense anyway.
The US left Iraq in a state of utter chaos presided over by an Iranian puppet whose discriminatory policies against Iraq's Sunni population ensured the rise of militant Islam, especially with key US allies like Saudi Arabia funding the radicals. Maybe you think it's a coincidence that one viscous pack of Islamists has followed another since Reagan created "the base" in Afghanistan, but some of us are not so gullible.

So now its the US' fault that iran mobilized terrorist militias in iraq, and that maliki discriminated against sunni despite the US demanding he treat them fairly, got it. Fuckbrain idiot, is there anything that happens that you do not try to blame the US for? Gullible, you don't have the brainpower to even begin to think for yourself, every post you spew is cut-and-paste garbage from iran press TV's and Russia Today's websites.
"The U.S., Western Europe, and their regional allies in fact bear most of the responsibility for the rise of extremist groups like ISIS. The U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, which Britain notably supported, was a strategic disaster. Contrary to speculation at the time, Saddam Hussein’s secular Ba’athist regime prevented Al Qaeda from operating out of Iraq. Iraq had also been supported by the West before the 1991 Gulf War as a counterbalance against the revolutionary Islamic Republic during the Iran-Iraq War. The U.S.-led invasion changed all of that.

Not that anyone knows or gives a FF about the "diplomat," I can't help but laugh when dim people post such garbage. If the US tried to stop/reduce iranian interference with the iraqi gov't, these same muslim-loving c-nts would have screeched for the US to mind its own business, get out of the middle east, etc. As for saddam operating against al qaeda, he was harboring them for years:

Articles Saddam and al-Qaeda

"Claims that there were no links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda are wrong. Documents just released by the Pentagon prove it.
Also, if they were merely "anti-American", and only wanted the US to leave, than why would they attack Assad? Assad is anti-american intervention and anti-zionist, yet he is attacked by them.
They attack Assad because they see him as a secular apostate, and because their US and Saudi paymasters tell them to.
Exactly, Assad is secular. This proves my point. Radical Islam is not an anti-imperialist ideology, or a response to US foreign policy. Rather an expansionist and agressive ideology that wishes to convert or eliminate anyone that does not hold to their religious view, independent of what the US does.

Also, the idea that the US controls ISIS is a goofy conspiracy theory with no proof. It is a baseless and paranoid claim on the lines of something Alex Jones would say. There would be no reason for the US to create an army that is breaking up the State they created in Iraq and undermining the Maliki government they installed. Also, ISIS fights US backed FSA forces in Syria, they would have no reason to undermine their client FSA army. I will agree, some American weapons get to ISIS through FSA deserters, but to say the US conspired to create an Army that has thrown Iraq into chaos and undermine FSA progress is ridiculous.
There goes my dream of immigrating to Europe.
Why don't you want to remain in India? It was interesting, many of the Indians I knew who came to the US for university went back to India for work instead of staying in the US. I don't know if that is the same in the UK or mainland Europe. But due to dwindling economic growth in the US, they felt there was more opportunity in India.

I guess I don't understand the impulse to leave one's homeland, except if one is in a war zone or destitution. Perhaps leave to study for a few years. But how come your dream isn't to be part of building up your country while it is on the rise? I don't mean to ask this to be antagonistic, but out of genuine curiosity.

Also how to do you about Prime Minister Modi and the nationalists in India?

I feel in many ways they model European nationalists. They are national conservatives yes?
There goes my dream of immigrating to Europe.
Why don't you want to remain in India? It was interesting, many of the Indians I knew who came to the US for university went back to India for work instead of staying in the US. I don't know if that is the same in the UK or mainland Europe. But due to dwindling economic growth in the US, they felt there was more opportunity in India.

I guess I don't understand the impulse to leave one's homeland, except if one is in a war zone or destitution. Perhaps leave to study for a few years. But how come your dream isn't to be part of building up your country while it is on the rise? I don't mean to ask this to be antagonistic, but out of genuine curiosity.

Also how to do you about Prime Minister Modi and the nationalists in India?

I feel in many ways they model European nationalists. They are national conservatives yes?

Is this you?

Stephen Steinlight Center for Immigration Studies
There goes my dream of immigrating to Europe.
Why don't you want to remain in India? It was interesting, many of the Indians I knew who came to the US for university went back to India for work instead of staying in the US. I don't know if that is the same in the UK or mainland Europe. But due to dwindling economic growth in the US, they felt there was more opportunity in India.

I guess I don't understand the impulse to leave one's homeland, except if one is in a war zone or destitution. Perhaps leave to study for a few years. But how come your dream isn't to be part of building up your country while it is on the rise? I don't mean to ask this to be antagonistic, but out of genuine curiosity.

Also how to do you about Prime Minister Modi and the nationalists in India?

I feel in many ways they model European nationalists. They are national conservatives yes?

Is this you?

Stephen Steinlight Center for Immigration Studies
There goes my dream of immigrating to Europe.
Why don't you want to remain in India? It was interesting, many of the Indians I knew who came to the US for university went back to India for work instead of staying in the US. I don't know if that is the same in the UK or mainland Europe. But due to dwindling economic growth in the US, they felt there was more opportunity in India.

I guess I don't understand the impulse to leave one's homeland, except if one is in a war zone or destitution. Perhaps leave to study for a few years. But how come your dream isn't to be part of building up your country while it is on the rise? I don't mean to ask this to be antagonistic, but out of genuine curiosity.

Also how to do you about Prime Minister Modi and the nationalists in India?

I feel in many ways they model European nationalists. They are national conservatives yes?

Is this you?

Stephen Steinlight Center for Immigration Studies

Is it a very common Jewish name?
There goes my dream of immigrating to Europe.
Why don't you want to remain in India? It was interesting, many of the Indians I knew who came to the US for university went back to India for work instead of staying in the US. I don't know if that is the same in the UK or mainland Europe. But due to dwindling economic growth in the US, they felt there was more opportunity in India.

I guess I don't understand the impulse to leave one's homeland, except if one is in a war zone or destitution. Perhaps leave to study for a few years. But how come your dream isn't to be part of building up your country while it is on the rise? I don't mean to ask this to be antagonistic, but out of genuine curiosity.

Also how to do you about Prime Minister Modi and the nationalists in India?

I feel in many ways they model European nationalists. They are national conservatives yes?

Is this you?

Stephen Steinlight Center for Immigration Studies

Is it a very common Jewish name?
How about you answer my questions and then we can discuss my jewish ancestry?
There goes my dream of immigrating to Europe.
Why don't you want to remain in India? It was interesting, many of the Indians I knew who came to the US for university went back to India for work instead of staying in the US. I don't know if that is the same in the UK or mainland Europe. But due to dwindling economic growth in the US, they felt there was more opportunity in India.

I guess I don't understand the impulse to leave one's homeland, except if one is in a war zone or destitution. Perhaps leave to study for a few years. But how come your dream isn't to be part of building up your country while it is on the rise? I don't mean to ask this to be antagonistic, but out of genuine curiosity.

Also how to do you about Prime Minister Modi and the nationalists in India?

I feel in many ways they model European nationalists. They are national conservatives yes?

Is this you?

Stephen Steinlight Center for Immigration Studies

Is it a very common Jewish name?
How about you answer my questions and then we can discuss my jewish ancestry?

I forgot about your question. Your name distracted me. Good night! I have to hit the bed now.
Why don't you want to remain in India? It was interesting, many of the Indians I knew who came to the US for university went back to India for work instead of staying in the US. I don't know if that is the same in the UK or mainland Europe. But due to dwindling economic growth in the US, they felt there was more opportunity in India.

I guess I don't understand the impulse to leave one's homeland, except if one is in a war zone or destitution. Perhaps leave to study for a few years. But how come your dream isn't to be part of building up your country while it is on the rise? I don't mean to ask this to be antagonistic, but out of genuine curiosity.

Also how to do you about Prime Minister Modi and the nationalists in India?

I feel in many ways they model European nationalists. They are national conservatives yes?

Is this you?

Stephen Steinlight Center for Immigration Studies

Is it a very common Jewish name?
How about you answer my questions and then we can discuss my jewish ancestry?

I forgot about your question. Your name distracted me. Good night! I have to hit the bed now.
I can smell the curry through the screen.

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