Charlie Kirk discusses the MLK myth

BS. You don't know anything about King. Your whole veiw of him is created by one sentence taken out of context by whitess who practice racism. Past discrimination is why whites have what they do now. So what you're really saying is that certain whites want to continue benefitting from past racism by continuing the same racism.
You have to prove that the same racism exists.

The Civil rights movement happened. We are an anti-racist system that has minuscule random pockets of evil like in any category..

By all means, try to prove there’s horrible racism today in our government at all, and in our society beyond minor anecdotal evils that we likely all condone
Dr. King would still be fighting the same fight today that he was in 67, the men you named above go along to get along. It's funny because the same black men you call race hustlers today called Dr. King the same thing before they murdered him.
You’re the racist because you demand all blacks think one way. They are individuals who have a right to think. You’re an ideological plantation owner here. Shame on you. We should strive to move beyond your regressive, racist thinking
You would think that one of these women would have come forward in all these years.
A black woman coming out to the press to say that MLK was a rapist? How do you suppose that would work out for her? Would her neighborhood sympathize with her, or would they hate her fucking guts and make her a pariah for the rest of her life? I think we all know the answer.
Martin Luther King was a flawed human being as all human beings are. A redeemed sinner who sought to do good, not evil. We do not have to agree with every position he took on everything in order to appreciate that he had it right that non violent persuasion was the best way to end racism, and not race riots or SJW militancy and shouting and self-serving opportunism that keeps racism alive and well in America.

I use the analogy that racism ends when we see skin color as of no more importance than eye or hair color. MLK used the analogy that racism ends when we judge people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

A summary of the MLK doctrine of non violence:
King’s notion of nonviolence had six key principles:
--First, one can resist evil without resorting to violence.
--Second, nonviolence seeks to win the “friendship and understanding” of the opponent, not to humiliate him (King, Stride, 84).
--Third, evil itself, not the people committing evil acts, should be opposed.
--Fourth, those committed to nonviolence must be willing to suffer without retaliation as suffering itself can be redemptive
-- Fifth, nonviolent resistance avoids “external physical violence” and “internal violence of spirit” as well: “The nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent but he also refuses to hate him” (King, Stride, 85). The resister should be motivated by love in the sense of the Greek word agape, which means “understanding,” or “redeeming good will for all men” (King, Stride, 86).
--The sixth principle is that the nonviolent resister must have a “deep faith in the future,” stemming from the conviction that “The universe is on the side of justice” (King, Stride, 88).

MLK preached a strong doctrine of replacing hate with Christian love:

And in the midst of it, MLK worked tirelessly to end the injustices of Jim Crow laws. Jailed on trumped up charges, it would be JFK who ordered his release. And it was almost certainly MLK's popularity and influence that prompted LBJ's 1964 Civil Rights Act that ended institutional racism once and for all whatever unintended negative consequences came from that.

I have no problem with MLK being honored for his place in the history of America even though racists of all colors ignore his philosophy and still work to promote racist ideas and policy for their own self interests.
Are you aware of the MLK rape recording in the national archives? It will be released to the public in 2027. MLK isnt just a flawed man. If the recording says what they say it says, MLK was an evil monster.

I don't think MLK would EVER have been another Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. I don't agree with MLK (or anybody else 100% for that matter) on every single point or issue, but the man was very right in much of his point of view. He deserves his place in history.
You cant tell if a man is good or evil just from speeches made to the public. What else do we have to go on other than those speeches?
You’re the racist because you demand all blacks think one way.
When did i demand that? You think black folks should think like Uncle Ben, Uncle Thomas, Tim Scott or any of these other boot licking coons.
They are individuals who have a right to think. You’re an ideological plantation owner here. Shame on you. We should strive to move beyond your regressive, racist thinking.
Save that bullshit, as long as, we stay in a inferior position you are happy.
You have to prove that the same racism exists.

The Civil rights movement happened. We are an anti-racist system that has minuscule random pockets of evil like in any category..

By all means, try to prove there’s horrible racism today in our government at all, and in our society beyond minor anecdotal evils that we likely all condone
That is what MAGA is all about, you want to go back to the good old days, the 50s, 40s, etc.
Are you aware of the MLK rape recording in the national archives? It will be released to the public in 2027. MLK isnt just a flawed man. If the recording says what they say it says, MLK was an evil monster.

I don't know about that and will leave that to those who like to tear down people of history and make them into villains. All I know is MLK helped change hearts and minds of millions of Americans, both black and white in a good way, and helped change bad attitudes into better ones. I won't take that away from him.
I don't know about that and will leave that to those who like to tear down people of history and make them into villains.
Um, if there is such a tape, wouldnt it be appropriate to tear down the villain?
You cant tell if a man is good or evil just from speeches made to the public. What else do we have to go on other than those speeches?
No you can't. And yes I've read a lot of the negatives said about MLK. But if his wife knew his sins and could forgive him and choose to carry on the good of his legacy, who am I to judge him? The man may have been a bad man at times, feet of clay and all that. But I am reminded that we all sin and fall short. And God used a lot of imperfect people to do great things in the Bible. Who is to say that doesn't still happen?
No you can't. And yes I've read a lot of the negatives said about MLK. But if his wife knew his sins and could forgive him and choose to carry on the good of his legacy, who am I to judge him?
What makes you think his wife knows all of his sins? You think MLK would go home after watching and encouraging a rape and share that story with his wife? If nutbag serial killers can hide their darkness from their wives, MLK certainly could too.

Hitler loved dogs and the trains were always on time. We still judge him.
Um, if there is such a tape, wouldnt it be appropriate to tear down the villain?
Criticize, prosecute those who do wrong yes. I don't know if such a tape exists. It could just be another rumor started by race baiters to destroy MLK's message. I don't know.

I don't worship any human being as I know we all are imperfect unworthy creatures to be worshipped by anybody. And yes some people who have done some pretty great things have also done some pretty bad things. And I know some people who have done some pretty bad things have also repented of those things meaning they changed. They stopped doing them.

I leave it up to God to judge the hearts and minds of others. That's not given to me to do. And I judge what those of history did and what good or bad came from that. That is what history is for. To teach us, inform us, remind us.

MLK in his civil rights efforts was not perfect. But he did a lot of good. I won't take that away from him.
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What makes you think his wife knows all of his sins? You think MLK would go home after watching and encouraging a rape and share that story with his wife? If nutbag serial killers can hide their darkness from their wives, MLK certainly could too.

Hitler loved dogs and the trains were always on time. We still judge him.
What makes you think you know all his sins? Who is given to know all of anybody's sins? We know that King confessed to his wife and was highly criticized for it as she was recovering from serious surgery at the time. But again if she forgave him, who are you, who am I to do any less?
Criticize, prosecute those who do wrong yes. I don't know if such a tape exists. It could just be another rumor started by race baiters to destroy MLK's message. I don't know.

I don't worship any human being as I know we all are imperfect unworthy creatures to be worshipped by anybody. And yes some people who have done some pretty great things have also done some pretty bad things. And I know some people who have done some pretty bad things have also repented of those things meaning they changed. They stopped doing them.

I leave it up to God to judge the hearts and minds of others. That's not given to me to do. And I judge what those of history did and what good or bad came from that. That is what history is for. To teach us, inform us, remind us.

MLK in his civil rights efforts was not perfect. But he did a lot of good. I won't take that away from him.
We probably shouldnt have schools and streets named after him if the tape turns out to be real, right? We should tear down ALL of his statues if the tape is real, right?
I can't imagine MLK was much bothered by being called names any more than Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Clarence Thomas, Shelby Steele, William Raspberry and many many others who contributed so much positive energy to society and were MLK's contemporaries or maybe just a wee bit younger.
MLK would have followed the money. Those others are intellectuals and academics.
We probably shouldnt have schools and streets named after him if the tape turns out to be real, right? We should tear down ALL of his statues if the tape is real, right?
I do not believe in tearing down historical markers. The purpose of history is to teach, inform, remind, learn from and that means ALL of history, the good and the bad.
Why is that none of these dumbasses can never give us any names of all these woman Dr. King supposedly slept with.

Look at the crooked ass men you fools worship, hell you worship an orange criminal today.

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