CHART: Who Really Caused The Deficit?

Hey you rethugs out there.

Did Tricky Dick Cheney REALLY say that "deificts don't matter"?

Why would he say that?

Educating Libtards is what we do here.

He was talking about the re-electiion prospects of a sitting POTUS. and using Reagan as an example of how a budget deficit did not matter when it came to his re-election. Unfortunately, he was absolutely right.

He was not saying deficits were not bad for the Nation, as you assholes who live the Liberal Lie want to confer.

Thankfully, thanks to Obama reckless disregard for fiscal sanity, this metric has finally changed and people are figuring out that deficits actually DO matter.
Oh cali girl who knows everything Rethug and about debt; did Dick Cheney really say that deficits don't matter?

What did he mean by that. That deficits don't matter if a Rethug is in the White House?

Do you know the answer?
He was talking about the re-electiion prospects of a sitting POTUS. and using Reagan as an example of how a budget deficit did not matter when it came to his re-election. Unfortunately, he was absolutely right.

He was not saying deficits were not bad for the Nation, as you assholes who live the Liberal Lie want to confer.

Now that is some creative bullshit writing right there. I listened to Cheney make that comment and he didn't say ANYTHING like you said he did.

Do you rethugs communicate in some way Dems don't and so you know what people REALLY meant when they say something stupid. Like Cheney saying "deficits don't matter".

Try again.
Sometimes you people really do just crack me I just love how so many of you seem to think the deficit started with either Bush or Obama. Both men have contributed to it but it started long before either of them were President.

You got that right and both parties are to blame.
He was talking about the re-electiion prospects of a sitting POTUS. and using Reagan as an example of how a budget deficit did not matter when it came to his re-election. Unfortunately, he was absolutely right.

He was not saying deficits were not bad for the Nation, as you assholes who live the Liberal Lie want to confer.

I listened to Cheney make that comment and he didn't say ANYTHING like you said he did.

You have no comprehension skills, obviously.

Hey. No worries!

Your welfare and foodstamps come the first of the month, either way!
You may be on to something snipper.

Deficits don't matter to a Rethug in the White House and yes, Bush 2 and Reagan both proved that.
(and got re elected)

So how is it that Rethugs can sell the bullshit to the American people that deficits don't matter if a Rethug is President but deficits are terrible if a Dem is in the WH?

I think the Rethug dumbing down of the American electorate is working.
You may be on to something snipper.

Deficits don't matter to a Rethug in the White House and yes, Bush 2 and Reagan both proved that.
(and got re elected)

So how is it that Rethugs can sell the bullshit to the American people that deficits don't matter if a Rethug is President but deficits are terrible if a Dem is in the WH?

I think the Rethug dumbing down of the American electorate is working.

I thought deficits stimulate the economy?

Why do you hate stimulating the economy?
You have no comprehension skills, obviously.

What? And how did you know what Cheney really meant. Link it up so I can read it from the "horses ass" so to speak. You know, where he was speaking about Reagan and how the deficits wouldn't matter to his re election effort.

If you can't provide that link, guess what that makes you.

Beside being a liar, you are dumber than a box of rocks. Me on welfare and food stamps. Are you fuking stupid? Yes you are.

Next thing you will be saying how you own this wonderful business and yet spend 15 hours a day posting up stupid shit on a message board. Seems like it may be you drawing a welfare check. Most people with a real job can't post bull shit all day like you do. They have work to do.
I thought deficits stimulate the economy?

Why do you hate stimulating the economy?

Frank, this is way past your pay grade. Stick with the guitar. You'll make millions and be in the top 1% very soon.

But a simple question for you. Did dick cheney really say that deficits don't matter? What did he mean?
Sniper says that he meant that deficts don't matter if a Rethug is trying to get re elected. I don't think that is what he meant. Maybe you know.

And if the guvmint sent you a check for a million borrowed bucks, would that stimulate your economy?
It would mine. So I guess deficit spending would stimulate someones economy.
I listened to Cheney make that comment and he didn't say ANYTHING like you said he did.

You sure you listened to Cheney make that comment, then?


That is so totally not true. The military depleted. Thousands of Americans dead and tens of thousands maimed for life. The cost of taking care of a single quadriplegic over the course of 20 years is nearly a couple of millions dollars. I've linked to that in the past. Then you have the cost of expensive modern medicine. These start adding up to multiples of trillions. The cost so far of taking care of the Iraqi maimed as been assigned to Obama by Republicans. Just more of their dirt they shit onto the America people. Republicans are the scummyists, dirtiest, most lying and ruinous party America has experienced in her lifetime. There is nothing they've touched they haven't mangled.

Even without the Iraq war, which Republicans hid from the American people (no surprise there), the Bush tax cuts, the drugs for votes bill, refusing to invest in American infrastructure and helping the Chamber of Commerce and China move millions of jobs to China. As we linked to before, the COC gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats. Even some Republicans don't like that, as hard as it is to believe. Maybe they think everything should be going to Republicans?
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I thought deficits stimulate the economy?

Why do you hate stimulating the economy?

Frank, this is way past your pay grade. Stick with the guitar. You'll make millions and be in the top 1% very soon.

But a simple question for you. Did dick cheney really say that deficits don't matter? What did he mean?
Sniper says that he meant that deficts don't matter if a Rethug is trying to get re elected. I don't think that is what he meant. Maybe you know.

And if the guvmint sent you a check for a million borrowed bucks, would that stimulate your economy?
It would mine. So I guess deficit spending would stimulate someones economy.

I never thought of Dick Cheney as an economist

I thought Krugman and Corzine were supposed to be Obama's economic brain trust and are on record that deficits stimulate the economy. In fact Krugman thinks the deficit is $2 Trillion too small

Are they wrong?

I thought deficits were a good thing?
Really? Keep in mind that Bush inherited a budget in surplus from Clinton.

HUH? WTF !!!

The Surplus Hoax

Imagine a corporation suffering losses and being deep in debt. In order to boost its stock prices and the bonuses of its officers, the corporation quietly borrows funds in the bond market and uses them not only to cover its losses but also to retire some corporate stock and thereby bid up its price. And imagine the management boasting of profits and surpluses. But that's what the Clinton Administration has been doing with alacrity and brazenness. It suffers sizeable budget deficits, increasing the national debt by hundreds of billions of dollars, but uses trust funds to meet expenditures and then boasts of surpluses which excites the spending predilection of politicians in both parties."


That is so totally not true. The military depleted. Thousands of Americans dead and tens of thousands maimed for life. The cost of taking care of a single quadriplegic over the course of 20 years is nearly a couple of millions dollars. I've linked to that in the past. Then you have the cost of expensive modern medicine. These start adding up to multiples of trillions. The cost so far of taking care of the Iraqi maimed as been assigned to Obama by Republicans. Just more of their dirt they shit onto the America people. Republicans are the scummyists, dirtiest, most lying and ruinous party America has experienced in her lifetime. There is nothing they've touched they haven't mangled.

Even without the Iraq war, which Republicans hid from the American people (no surprise there), the Bush tax cuts, the drugs for votes bill, refusing to invest in American infrastructure and helping the Chamber of Commerce and China move millions of jobs to China. As we linked to before, the COC gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats. Even some Republicans don't like that, as hard as it is to believe. Maybe they think everything should be going to Republicans?

So, today deficits are bad?

Why did we do the Corzine/Obama Stimulus?

Why is Krugman saying the deficits isn't nearly big enough?
Really? Keep in mind that Bush inherited a budget in surplus from Clinton.

HUH? WTF !!!

The Surplus Hoax

Imagine a corporation suffering losses and being deep in debt. In order to boost its stock prices and the bonuses of its officers, the corporation quietly borrows funds in the bond market and uses them not only to cover its losses but also to retire some corporate stock and thereby bid up its price. And imagine the management boasting of profits and surpluses. But that's what the Clinton Administration has been doing with alacrity and brazenness. It suffers sizeable budget deficits, increasing the national debt by hundreds of billions of dollars, but uses trust funds to meet expenditures and then boasts of surpluses which excites the spending predilection of politicians in both parties."


It's like Obama's April 2012 "Surplus"
Really? Keep in mind that Bush inherited a budget in surplus from Clinton.

HUH? WTF !!!

The Surplus Hoax

Imagine a corporation suffering losses and being deep in debt. In order to boost its stock prices and the bonuses of its officers, the corporation quietly borrows funds in the bond market and uses them not only to cover its losses but also to retire some corporate stock and thereby bid up its price. And imagine the management boasting of profits and surpluses. But that's what the Clinton Administration has been doing with alacrity and brazenness. It suffers sizeable budget deficits, increasing the national debt by hundreds of billions of dollars, but uses trust funds to meet expenditures and then boasts of surpluses which excites the spending predilection of politicians in both parties."


It's like Obama's April 2012 "Surplus"

Yeah, man. Don't trust any government figures, they are self-serving.

Its how the right operates.

they fuck things up and then blame the dem that gets elected after them for the entire mess and the cost of cleaning it up.

The policies they push help the wealthy but fuck the country up.

So eventually a dem gets office.

Then they give all the blame for their messes to the dems.

Then about the time the Dem policies start cleaning up the mess they scream its not working FAST enough.

then they get elected and take the credit for the results the Dems created and start the process over again.

Its been going on for decades.

Its why they have to cheat in elections to win.

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