Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"


Someone is going to run the country.

That's the part you're missin'.

Some is going to run the country. But that doesn't mean anyone has to support the ones that get elected to do it. Regardless if one is worse or not.

We ain't talking about something simple, like choosing a cheap bad steak over one that's just a little better, but more expensive.

The biggest difference between the Republicans and democrats is the voters perception of the two. 90% of the BS both sides put out about both sides, is still BS. But it's enough to not only allow them to constantly gain then lose their majorities. But it's also enough to keep both in power and squelch any decent third party from ever becoming viable.

So we end up with a bad party every single election.
Out of curiosity, how far down would you follow this logic? Is there ANY point where you'd say, "I can't vote for either of these idiots"? Or would you dutifully vote for one of the goons served up to you no matter how bad the supposed "choice"?
This is the question I'd really like all the two-party apologists, or at least those trying to sell the "lesser-of-two-evils" nonsense, to answer.

It makes a difference. If what you're really saying is, "I don't believe that both candidates are crap. One of them, although not perfect, will do a good job and will make things better overall. I'm voting for them", that's one thing. I wouldn't agree, currently, but I can respect the logic.

But - if you're really saying you'll vote for one of the two party candidates, no matter how bad both are. Well, that's insane.
I didn't want Romney.

And nobody liked Romney.

So why couldn't Ron Paul get any traction?

Because both the Establishment and the Media were against him...and that was a death sentence...until Donald Trump.

Trump wasn't supposed to be President!

It was supposed to be Jeb! v Hillary.

Controlled opposition.

It was TRUMP that broke the Establishment and the Media's back.

It was TRUMP that ushered in the age of independent media.

TODAY a Ron Paul COULD get traction because people know for a fact the Media is biased.

And now...if Trump gets RE-ELECT, it will be a deathblow to Legacy Media.

And the Establishment won't be far behind.

But, because you have you head stuck up your sanctimonious can't see that. You're just starin' at your own shit.

Everything you're saying is based on the false premise that there are only two choices. And, no matter how many times you repeat it, no matter how adamantly the TWO parties insist that there are only TWO choices, it's a lie.
Do you deny that EITHER a Republican OR a Democrat is for SURE going to run this country for the next four years?

Out of curiosity, how far down would you follow this logic? Is there ANY point where you'd say, "I can't vote for either of these idiots"? Or would you dutifully vote for one of the goons served up to you no matter how bad the supposed "choice"?

If you went to a restaurant, the only one in town, and all they had on the menu was shit and vomit - would you do research on the internet to sort out which was better for you? Or which was less poisonous? Or would you just skip a meal?

Not a good analogy.

That choice only affects me.

Voting affects the lives of 370 million people

The Trolley problem is a great analogy...from your perspective.

Either Trump or Biden is going to decide the trajectory of the country for the next four years without the hindrance of the prospect of re-election.
Do you deny that EITHER a Republican OR a Democrat is for SURE going to run this country for the next four years?
It's not a given, no. It's possible people will wake up. it's Not likely though.

Now. Stop dodging and answer my question:

How far down would you follow this logic? Is there ANY point where you'd say, "I can't vote for either of these idiots"? Or would you dutifully vote for one of the goons served up to you no matter how bad the supposed "choice"?
This is the question I'd really like all the two-party apologists, or at least those trying to sell the "lesser-of-two-evils" nonsense, to answer.

It makes a difference. If what you're really saying is, "I don't believe that both candidates are crap. One of them, although not perfect, will do a good job and will make things better overall. I'm voting for them", that's one thing. I wouldn't agree, currently, but I can respect the logic.

But - if you're really saying you'll vote for one of the two party candidates, no matter how bad both are. Well, that's insane.
I think President Trump is the best President since Reagan.

And I was like six years old when he was elected.

Does he have his problems?


But I believe he has the best interests of America and it's citizens at heart.

I make the "lesser of two evils" argument from your perspective...

...because I've had to make it myself.

I didn't like Romney, or McCain.

But I had to look at them, look at the alternative, and hold my nose and pull the lever for that which would cause the least amount of harm.
I think President Trump is the best President since Reagan.

And I was like six years old when he was elected.

Does he have his problems?


But I believe he has the best interests of America and it's citizens at heart.
Ok that's fine. As I said, I can respect that logic. I think you're wrong about Trump, but you're not insane.

But you're still not answering my question. Is there any point where you'd reject both candidates? If you thought Trump sucked, would you still vote for him anyway - because that's what you're asking me to do.
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