Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

People have the same right to know the cop who kill Babbitt they same way they had a right to know the cop who killed Floyd.

Not really. The Congress voted years ago that people don't have the right to know who any police officer is in the Capital police.
The problem is that the persecution was working to get people to vote guilty based on the jury's desire to avoid Rioting, not on the guilt or innocence of the defendant.

Reminds me of the trial of Jesus H. Christ, where Mr. Pilate wanted to avoid problems with the local leaders and condemned Him even though the facts of the case didn't justify it.

That's not the American system, Officer Chauvin deserves a trial by jurors who could give a shit less if the cities of America burn

Which is why it should have been held in a small town somewhere out of the state and far from any city where the lowlifes won't travel to.

This is no different than the Mafia days where jurors were afraid they'd disappear if they voted against an accused mob member.
But we have BLM in bed with the whole supposedly legit Progressive Socialist political party.
DUPE - and it's every bit as STOOPid as the first ;)

A new interview with an alternate juror named Lisa Christensen, who lives in Brooklyn Center, provides new insight into the courtroom dynamics.

All of this call for a mistrial because of the opinion of a juror who wasn't in the deliberation, and who wasn't supposed to discuss the case with the other jurors.
The problem is that the persecution was working to get people to vote guilty based on the jury's desire to avoid Rioting, not on the guilt or innocence of the defendant.

Reminds me of the trial of Jesus H. Christ, where Mr. Pilate wanted to avoid problems with the local leaders and condemned Him even though the facts of the case didn't justify it.

That's not the American system, Officer Chauvin deserves a trial by jurors who could give a shit less if the cities of America burn

Which is why it should have been held in a small town somewhere out of the state and far from any city where the lowlifes won't travel to.

This is no different than the Mafia days where jurors were afraid they'd disappear if they voted against an accused mob member.

They did that in the Rodney King asskicking and the verdict didn't come back the way the hateful sonofofabitches wanted so they did a do over with a racist Negro jury.
Justice served. The article was about an alternate juror who didn’t get a standing and said the cop was guilty. Separately the article throws in an anonymous “quote” from “one juror” that has no context and has a broken link for citation. BULLSHIT.
Bald garbage piece. Sounds like Breitbart.
Why don't you believe in Due Process?
I do believe in sound reporting though. And clear thinking.
So why do you think it's garage that a juror was concerned about riots in response to her verdict?
It's garbage that her consideration about that BEFORE the trial somehow means it influenced her final decision, or that it means ALL the actual jurors felt that way. Of course, anyone would think of that when they were called up. But at least this particular woman was relieved to find she didn't have to worry about it because he was clearly guilty.

I have an ex friend that was found guilty in federal court and sentenced to 5 years in prison. When he was in prison he found out that one of the jurors in his case looked at his LinkedIn profile before his case. His attorney filed an appeal and won it. Now there’s going to be another trial.

A juror aware of the possible implications of violence his decision could lead to gives a reasonable enough theory that outside influences might have played a roll in his decision. Jurors are not supposed to know anything regarding the case of what is outside the courtroom.

The video evidence does speak for itself, but due process is important no matter how heinous the crime.
But it wasn't a juror.
More from the alternate juror

Christensen was one of two alternate jurors dismissed by Judge Peter Cahill on Monday as the case went to verdict deliberations. She is the first person chosen for the jury to speak out publicly about the case, which is permitted now that the trial has concluded.

"I felt he was guilty," Lisa Christensen said during a "CBS This Morning" interview. "I didn't know it would have been guilty on all counts,
but I would have said guilty."
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

Did he say that's why he voted guilty? Just because of potential rioting?
Minor detail, right?
The judge is already aware of jury intimidation. He was one step away from declaring a mistrial himself.

He also made it very clear that on an appeal, a mistrial could very easily be declared.

Now it's a slam dunk.
Unfortunately the jury sent a completely different message. If they were afraid of backlash, and didn't think Chauvin guilty, they would have convicted him of 2nd degree manslaughter, and not guilty of the murder charges.

Instead they found him guilty of all counts ,and did so by unanimous verdict in record time. It may seem strange to you, but the jury paid attention to the evidence presented, and it wasn't even close. They asked no questions or sought any clarifications from the judge.
He wasn't murdered. He O.D. on fentanyl. He had three times the amount of an overdose in his system. Had he not been a junkie hopped up on a deadly dose of fentanyl, he'd be alive today. He killed himself.
Hopped up on fentanyl? Obviously you don't know what fentanyl is.
Obviously you don't know it can kill you.
she is not stupid enough to believe trump's lies....hardly on your level of idiot .. westwall

Trumps lies hurt no one but himself, bones. Xidens lies have hurt real Americans. Kamala Harris's lies kept innocent people locked up for years after they had been proven not guilty.

I suggest you look at the nature of the lie, and who it hurts.

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