Cheating & Infidelity - Can you forgive?

Could you forgive a Cheating Significant Other?

  • Yes. Everyone deserves a 2nd chance.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. If they do it once, they'll do it again

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • Yes. We were having issues so, if we can resolve those, it prob. won't happen again

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. It means they never really loved me

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
I disagree wholeheartedly. Being male is not a guarantee of infidelity. Of course, if you cheat and that's your justification for it, don't let me rob you of your excuse!
I think it depends on the why....
I mean, if you just don't like your spouse and married out of the initial lust that wore off, you are likely to keep cheating....
If you cheat because your spouse is neglectful (either in bed or emotionally), you are doing it to meet a need that's not being met. If that is understood, I think it can be repaired.... if the spouse agrees to change and work on it.....

Then there are people that just like relationships when they are new and exciting, and get bored once that wears off. They should NEVER be married!
That's why Jesus never married, he knew he would get his heart broken....
I disagree wholeheartedly. Being male is not a guarantee of infidelity. Of course, if you cheat and that's your justification for it, don't let me rob you of your excuse!

Yeah but you're a female. Of course you disagree, women act differently and expect men to be that way also while missing one important difference.

Men arent women
Do you think a marriage and relationship can overcome an infidelity?

Or, more accurately, do YOU think you could forgive and repair your relationship if you found out your spouse had been cheating on you?

What if it was just an "emotional" affair, but no actual physical cheating?
What if it was only kissing but nothing else?

Do you think it can be one time thing, or, do you think "once a cheater, always a cheater"?

I think it is very easy to think you would know that answer in advance.

I think every situation is different- every couple is different.

There was a brilliant quote on "Madame Secretary" from her oldest daughter that went something like this:

"Mom, I realized I shouldn't judge you only on your worst"

I don't know how I would react- I doubt I will ever need to decide- however, if i did- I hope I would find it in my heart to forgive.

Forgiveness is powerful medicine- not forgiving is poison to the soul.
I think expecting your spouse to be perfect and never be attracted to, or, even fail to resist, is no necessarily and indication of their love for you.

Perhaps it is more a reflection of their commitment?
Not taking vows seriously?

Dunno, but lot of women think if their man cheats they don't love them.
They do, but want their cake and eat it too....
Do you think a marriage and relationship can overcome an infidelity?

Or, more accurately, do YOU think you could forgive and repair your relationship if you found out your spouse had been cheating on you?

What if it was just an "emotional" affair, but no actual physical cheating?
What if it was only kissing but nothing else?

Do you think it can be one time thing, or, do you think "once a cheater, always a cheater"?

Bonzi -

Where........and why do you keep coming up with topics like this ?

These insecurity topics are getting old.

Shadow 355
Do you think a marriage and relationship can overcome an infidelity?

Or, more accurately, do YOU think you could forgive and repair your relationship if you found out your spouse had been cheating on you?

What if it was just an "emotional" affair, but no actual physical cheating?
What if it was only kissing but nothing else?

Do you think it can be one time thing, or, do you think "once a cheater, always a cheater"?

Bonzi -

Where........and why do you keep coming up with topics like this ?

These insecurity topics are getting old.

Shadow 355

How is this an insecurity topic?
Both men and women cheat for the same reasons. Women just have better PR so their infidelity gets glossed over. To answer the question, trust has to be rebuilt but I'm not sure my opinion of the relationship will ever be fully repaired

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