
Unkto -

You are obvious very proud of your all means tell us how many countries you have travelled and lived in. I'd be fascinated to hear. Impress me!
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Meathead -

Firstly, many of the people polled did not know if terror was ever justified - hence did not necessarily support it.

Secondly, I am always delighted to hear from people who have travelled extensively, particularly if they have travelled more extensively than I have. I've never actually said anything on this board avout how many countries I have been to because I tend to think it's a bit pretentious, but if it is important to you, I'd be delighted to compare.
I find it odd that you would think anything of being pretentious. Pretension and self-righteousness permeate your posts to the extent that you are so easily derided. I am not even going to mention analytical or math skills.
Meathead -

People are often derided on this board, particularly when they are very obviously right. The ironic thing for me is that I cannot think of anything more pretentious than this constant need to call anyone and everyone who disagrees with you an idiot.

The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are moderate. Exactly how large that majority if varies massively from country to country, but the good news is that the majority of Muslim people are no threat to anyone at all. Countries like Indonesia, Turkey and Senegal are trying very hard to become role models of Islamic Democracy, and are in many cases are succesful in doing so. (The annual Bali Democracy Forum being one example of that. I attended last year and was hugely impressed by it).

Anytime you would like to tell us about the extent of your travels, I'd be delighted to hear about them. After all, you have the opportunity to prove that you have travelled more than I have, right?
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Meathead -

I am often derided on this board, particularly when I am also very obviously right.

The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are moderate. Exactly how large that majority if varies massively from country to country, but the good news is that the majority of Muslim people are no threat to anyone at all. Countries like Indonesia, Turkey and Senegal are trying very hard to become role models of Islamic Democracy, and are in many cases are succesful in doing so. (The annual Bali Democracy Forum being one example of that. I attended last year and was hugely impressed by it).

Anytime you would like to tell us about the extent of your travels, I'd be delighted to hear about them. After all, you have the opportunity to prove that you have travelled more than I have, right?

How do you figure that?
HG -

I'll start a thread on this when I have time, but the last piece of research I read showed:

- 79% of Moroccans feel violence against civlians is NEVER justified, and 5% say it is rarely justified.
- 66% of Indonesians feel violence against civilians is never justified, and 18% rarely justified.
- 66% of Turks feel violence against civilians is never justified, and 6% rarely justified.

Certainly the numbers are lower in countries like Lebanon, Pakistan and the OT, but then they would also be as high or higher in countries like Tunisia, Malaysia and Senegal.

I do agree with Meathead that a country in which perhaps 15% of people feel terror is justified is disturbing in itself - but it is still a distinct minority.
Nonsense, absolutely nonsense.

Research repeatedly shows that more that th overwhelming majorty of Muslims do not support violence against any civilian target. It varies massively from country to country, of course, but in general there can be no question at all that support for terror against civilian targets is minor.


Research shows exactly the opposite.

{World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.}

{Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).}

{World Public Opinion: 81% of Egyptians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Pakistanis want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
49% (plurality) of Indonesians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Moroccans want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country}

For instance:

- 79% of Moroccans feel violence against civlians is NEVER justified, and 5% say it is rarely justified.
- 66% of Indonesians feel violence against civilians is never justified, and 18% rarely justified.
- 66% of Turks feel violence against civilians is never justified, and 6% rarely justified.

How does that tally with their being "little" moderation?

Uncensored -

Why does you posting one piece of research make all other reseach "bullshit"?

Ilar -

If Unkotare didn't care what I think, he wouldn't be stalking me.
HG -

I'll start a thread on this when I have time, but the last piece of research I read showed:

- 79% of Moroccans feel violence against civlians is NEVER justified, and 5% say it is rarely justified.
- 66% of Indonesians feel violence against civilians is never justified, and 18% rarely justified.
- 66% of Turks feel violence against civilians is never justified, and 6% rarely justified.

Certainly the numbers are lower in countries like Lebanon, Pakistan and the OT, but then they would also be as high or higher in countries like Tunisia, Malaysia and Senegal.

I do agree with Meathead that a country in which perhaps 15% of people feel terror is justified is disturbing in itself - but it is still a distinct minority.

Yeah, those are ass numbers.

But I do know this...Muslims believe it is perfectly acceptable to lie in order to further their cause and hide their intent, save their own skins. They will say and do ANYTHING.
You just contradicted yourself in one post. Grats.

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world and is pretty peaceful.

Yeah it is, fucktard.

{"An hour after the announcement, two trucks of Kopassus special forces arrived in Ermera. The men were dressed in the black T-shirts of the Aitarak militia. Militia members recruited in West Timor accompanied them. Joao and others watched their arrival from a hillside coffee plantation."
"The soldiers, armed with automatic weapons and carrying cans of petrol, were after independence leaders. "
"They called house-to-house and they burned out the political leaders," Joao said. "When the houses burnt, they let the women and children out, but they pushed the men back into the fire where they died."
Then the terrorists marched through the village, burning buildings, shooting, and slashing people with machetes. "After they cut with machete, they shouted and danced because they are happy they kill people," Joao said. "They say 'you dogs. You do not have the right to independence'."
On September 12, The Age reported that on September 5, Inge Lempp, an election observer with the International Federation for East Timor (IFET), intercepted "radio communications between Indonesian arm operatives and militias around the town of Same in East Timor."
"Those blondies from IFET. Take them out of the car and kill them," ordered the army leader, "then throw their bodies in the river."
"'Throw their bodies in the river.' I heard that repeated three times to different militia heads," Lempp reported. Lempp escaped safely, but thousands of East Timorese were not so fortunate. The Age reported that on September 8, the Timorese wife of an Australian aid worker saw stacks of corpses in police headquarters "in a building once used as a torture cell for political prisoners." In Indonesia the police are part of the military.
"My wife told me she saw bodies stacked high, thousands of them," Ira Bainbridge said. "She smelt the bodies.... My wife saw arms and legs and dripping blood."}

East Timor Genocide in East Timor

What's a little genocide by your Muslim allies? You have a dictatorship to establish, you can't worry about a little mass murder!
How was a hand cuffed and naked Tamerlan killed?
Dzhokhar climbed out of the boat unaided with no visible wounds . Where were the guns , grenades etc and how did he get that amazing wound which appeared later .
Those naughty Seals and members of The Craft .


Tamerlan had so many bullet holes the doctors didn't count them all. Dzokhar had almost bled out by the time they got him out of the boat.

What would have happened if that boat owner had investigated a little bit more and just delayed his call to the police until Dzokhar had bled to death?
You just contradicted yourself in one post. Grats.

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world and is pretty peaceful.

Yeah it is, fucktard.

It certainly is. Absolutely.

Which is proven by the fact the only example Uncensored could find occured almost 40 years ago - and in another country. (East Timor is an independent state, NOT part of Indonesia).
Uncensored -

Why does you posting one piece of research make all other reseach "bullshit"?

Ilar -

If Unkotare didn't care what I think, he wouldn't be stalking me.

Saigon, learn to count.

And the two major polls I posted are major news. ANYONE paying so much as hint of attention saw them.

What you posted was without cite - I assume you made it up.
Yeah, those are ass numbers.

But I do know this...Muslims believe it is perfectly acceptable to lie in order to further their cause and hide their intent, save their own skins. They will say and do ANYTHING.'re a Muslim?

I mean here you are attacking a piece of research you have not even seen, and with no basis at all for you to describe them as "ass numbers". You'd say ANYTHING, obviously.

btw. It is usually considered to be only DRUZE who may lie in order to protect the faith.
Yeah, those are ass numbers.

But I do know this...Muslims believe it is perfectly acceptable to lie in order to further their cause and hide their intent, save their own skins. They will say and do ANYTHING.

"There is no shame in deceiving the Kafir" - Words of the Warlord Muhammad, from The Hadith al Bukhari

The god of the Muslims told them that lying to non-Muslims is just dandy. Allah is just a prop, a two bit Djin; Muhammad is the read god of Islam.
And the two major polls I posted are major news. ANYONE paying so much as hint of attention saw them.

What you posted was without cite - I assume you made it up.

Why would I want to do that?

It's a very long piece of research, and I'll start a thread on it in a few days - with all of the links, of course. It's from Pew Research.

I still see no reason to discard the Pew research simply because another piece of research offers slightly different results.
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And yet your own research tells us that 3/4 American Muslims do not support terrorism.

Can you imagine the left if a story came out "25% of Christians support terrorism?" The hate sites of MoveOn and ThinkProgress would be demanding a Kristalnacht - not that they don't demand it anyway; but they would demand that all Christians be rounded up into camps immediately.

But when it's the allies of the left, why then it's "ONLY" 1 in 4 who want to brutally murder strangers. What good people they are..

Can you explain why you equate 75% with something which does not exist?

Do you play Russian Roulette? Can you explain why you equate the 5 empty cylinders with the single loaded one?

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