
The numbers game aside, there is little doubt that Europe is experiencing a problem that could easily have long-term implications. Many countries have a significant population of immigrants who can not be assimilated for various reasons, but primarily religion and specifically Islam. If these populations reach a critical mass, it will once again prove Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech prophetic.

The ostriches of the left prefer to dig their heads in the sands of multiculturalism which they have chosen to adopt in light of the failure of assimilation but of course refuse to recognize the failure of multiculturalism itself. The tragedy is that in their own tolerance and idealism, they have invited and nurtured an extremely intolerant demographic which with time could erode advanced and successful civilizations in favor to something akin to the medieval.
If as you say, multiculturalism is a failure, and cultures with different beliefs can not live peacefully together, then one must destroy the other. I suggest that we not give up on multiculturalism and assimilation, unless the goal is to bring about an Armageddon.
The numbers game aside, there is little doubt that Europe is experiencing a problem that could easily have long-term implications. Many countries have a significant population of immigrants who can not be assimilated for various reasons, but primarily religion and specifically Islam. If these populations reach a critical mass, it will once again prove Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech prophetic.

The ostriches of the left prefer to dig their heads in the sands of multiculturalism which they have chosen to adopt in light of the failure of assimilation but of course refuse to recognize the failure of multiculturalism itself. The tragedy is that in their own tolerance and idealism, they have invited and nurtured an extremely intolerant demographic which with time could erode advanced and successful civilizations in favor to something akin to the medieval.
If as you say, multiculturalism is a failure, and cultures with different beliefs can not live peacefully together, then one must destroy the other. I suggest that we not give up on multiculturalism and assimilation, unless the goal is to bring about an Armageddon.
Multiculturalism is a new and little-tested idea being borne of the failure of assimilation. It has thus far been largely unsuccessful. The entire concept of the nation-state was a commonality between the peoples of that state. In the new world that was challenged with waves of immigrants with many dissimilarities but none-the-less worked because those immigrants were willing to assimilate.

The late 20th century brought on a new challenge to the nation-state because of less travel restrictions, welfare programs and liberal immigration policies. Suddenly, large numbers of migrants came into mostly western societies without the intention becoming part of the culture of the hosting state. The friction between a critical mass of such people and the native population cannot be denied. It is evident the world over (India/Pakistan, South Africa, Kurds/Turkey, Armenia/Turkey, Yugoslavia and so on).

In more rational culture and religions, peace and accommodation has prevailed, especially where I live between the Czechs and Slovaks. But this is not the caliber of people we are addressing here. We are addressing, in fact, people who are largely guided by medieval religion and culture. To hope that they can be assimilated is what brought to mind Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech:

For these dangerous and divisive elements the legislation proposed in the Race Relations Bill is the very pabulum they need to flourish. Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organise to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."

They are no longer proud words on a dusty shelf, if the ever were.
The numbers game aside, there is little doubt that Europe is experiencing a problem that could easily have long-term implications. Many countries have a significant population of immigrants who can not be assimilated for various reasons, but primarily religion and specifically Islam. If these populations reach a critical mass, it will once again prove Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech prophetic.

The ostriches of the left prefer to dig their heads in the sands of multiculturalism which they have chosen to adopt in light of the failure of assimilation but of course refuse to recognize the failure of multiculturalism itself. The tragedy is that in their own tolerance and idealism, they have invited and nurtured an extremely intolerant demographic which with time could erode advanced and successful civilizations in favor to something akin to the medieval.
If as you say, multiculturalism is a failure, and cultures with different beliefs can not live peacefully together, then one must destroy the other. I suggest that we not give up on multiculturalism and assimilation, unless the goal is to bring about an Armageddon.
Multiculturalism is a new and little-tested idea being borne of the failure of assimilation. It has thus far been largely unsuccessful. The entire concept of the nation-state was a commonality between the peoples of that state. In the new world that was challenged with waves of immigrants with many dissimilarities but none-the-less worked because those immigrants were willing to assimilate.

The late 20th century brought on a new challenge to the nation-state because of less travel restrictions, welfare programs and liberal immigration policies. Suddenly, large numbers of migrants came into mostly western societies without the intention becoming part of the culture of the hosting state. The friction between a critical mass of such people and the native population cannot be denied. It is evident the world over (India/Pakistan, South Africa, Kurds/Turkey, Armenia/Turkey, Yugoslavia and so on).

In more rational culture and religions, peace and accommodation has prevailed, especially where I live between the Czechs and Slovaks. But this is not the caliber of people we are addressing here. We are addressing, in fact, people who are largely guided by medieval religion and culture. To hope that they can be assimilated is what brought to mind Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech:

For these dangerous and divisive elements the legislation proposed in the Race Relations Bill is the very pabulum they need to flourish. Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organise to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."

They are no longer proud words on a dusty shelf, if the ever were.

Multiculturalism is a new and little-tested idea being borne of the failure of assimilation...

Assimilation has not "failed."
No, assimilation has not failed. multiculturalism has.
If as you say, multiculturalism is a failure, and cultures with different beliefs can not live peacefully together, then one must destroy the other. I suggest that we not give up on multiculturalism and assimilation, unless the goal is to bring about an Armageddon.
Multiculturalism is a new and little-tested idea being borne of the failure of assimilation. It has thus far been largely unsuccessful. The entire concept of the nation-state was a commonality between the peoples of that state. In the new world that was challenged with waves of immigrants with many dissimilarities but none-the-less worked because those immigrants were willing to assimilate.

The late 20th century brought on a new challenge to the nation-state because of less travel restrictions, welfare programs and liberal immigration policies. Suddenly, large numbers of migrants came into mostly western societies without the intention becoming part of the culture of the hosting state. The friction between a critical mass of such people and the native population cannot be denied. It is evident the world over (India/Pakistan, South Africa, Kurds/Turkey, Armenia/Turkey, Yugoslavia and so on).

In more rational culture and religions, peace and accommodation has prevailed, especially where I live between the Czechs and Slovaks. But this is not the caliber of people we are addressing here. We are addressing, in fact, people who are largely guided by medieval religion and culture. To hope that they can be assimilated is what brought to mind Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech:

For these dangerous and divisive elements the legislation proposed in the Race Relations Bill is the very pabulum they need to flourish. Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organise to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."

They are no longer proud words on a dusty shelf, if the ever were.

Multiculturalism is a new and little-tested idea being borne of the failure of assimilation...

Assimilation has not "failed."
No, assimilation has not failed. multiculturalism has.

In fact they assimilated quite off taxpayer money...
Marathon bombings mastermind Tamerlan Tsarnaev was living on taxpayer-funded state welfare benefits even as he was delving deep into the world of radical anti-American Islamism, the Herald has learned.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev got Mass. welfare benefits | Boston Herald

They received refugee status, qualified for welfare, got to go to schools that most Americans born here would never get the opportunity to attend. Our generosity was repaid with an attack. As a taxpayer I am outraged.

Now the point of assimilation was that you didn't erase your old traditions, as we all had roots that began elsewhere, and many are celebrated, but those that came learned the language and learned to live with multiple cultures and religions. They took a pledge of allegiance to America. When you become a citizen you become an American First.
The numbers game aside, there is little doubt that Europe is experiencing a problem that could easily have long-term implications. Many countries have a significant population of immigrants who can not be assimilated for various reasons, but primarily religion and specifically Islam. If these populations reach a critical mass, it will once again prove Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech prophetic.

The ostriches of the left prefer to dig their heads in the sands of multiculturalism which they have chosen to adopt in light of the failure of assimilation but of course refuse to recognize the failure of multiculturalism itself. The tragedy is that in their own tolerance and idealism, they have invited and nurtured an extremely intolerant demographic which with time could erode advanced and successful civilizations in favor to something akin to the medieval.
If as you say, multiculturalism is a failure, and cultures with different beliefs can not live peacefully together, then one must destroy the other. I suggest that we not give up on multiculturalism and assimilation, unless the goal is to bring about an Armageddon.
Multiculturalism is a new and little-tested idea being borne of the failure of assimilation. It has thus far been largely unsuccessful. The entire concept of the nation-state was a commonality between the peoples of that state. In the new world that was challenged with waves of immigrants with many dissimilarities but none-the-less worked because those immigrants were willing to assimilate.

The late 20th century brought on a new challenge to the nation-state because of less travel restrictions, welfare programs and liberal immigration policies. Suddenly, large numbers of migrants came into mostly western societies without the intention becoming part of the culture of the hosting state. The friction between a critical mass of such people and the native population cannot be denied. It is evident the world over (India/Pakistan, South Africa, Kurds/Turkey, Armenia/Turkey, Yugoslavia and so on).

In more rational culture and religions, peace and accommodation has prevailed, especially where I live between the Czechs and Slovaks. But this is not the caliber of people we are addressing here. We are addressing, in fact, people who are largely guided by medieval religion and culture. To hope that they can be assimilated is what brought to mind Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech:

For these dangerous and divisive elements the legislation proposed in the Race Relations Bill is the very pabulum they need to flourish. Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organise to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."

They are no longer proud words on a dusty shelf, if the ever were.
There are a number of places in this world where cultural assimilation or multicultural tolerance does not exist. The US is certainly not one of them. My cousin has been married to a Muslim for over 20 years. He is certainly not a fundamentalist and neither is any member of his family. Thousands of Muslims are serving along side Protestants and Jews in the military. As of 2006, some 212 Muslim-American soldiers had been awarded Combat Action Ribbons for their service in Iraq and Afghanistan, and seven had been killed in combat. The mayor of Teaneck New Jersey is a Muslim and his deputy mayor is an Orthodox Jew. We have had Muslim American ambassadors, congressman, and CEO's of some of our largest corporations.

If you really hate the idea of multiculturalism, then you have something in common with Islamic Fundamentalists.
If as you say, multiculturalism is a failure, and cultures with different beliefs can not live peacefully together, then one must destroy the other. I suggest that we not give up on multiculturalism and assimilation, unless the goal is to bring about an Armageddon.
Multiculturalism is a new and little-tested idea being borne of the failure of assimilation. It has thus far been largely unsuccessful. The entire concept of the nation-state was a commonality between the peoples of that state. In the new world that was challenged with waves of immigrants with many dissimilarities but none-the-less worked because those immigrants were willing to assimilate.

The late 20th century brought on a new challenge to the nation-state because of less travel restrictions, welfare programs and liberal immigration policies. Suddenly, large numbers of migrants came into mostly western societies without the intention becoming part of the culture of the hosting state. The friction between a critical mass of such people and the native population cannot be denied. It is evident the world over (India/Pakistan, South Africa, Kurds/Turkey, Armenia/Turkey, Yugoslavia and so on).

In more rational culture and religions, peace and accommodation has prevailed, especially where I live between the Czechs and Slovaks. But this is not the caliber of people we are addressing here. We are addressing, in fact, people who are largely guided by medieval religion and culture. To hope that they can be assimilated is what brought to mind Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech:

For these dangerous and divisive elements the legislation proposed in the Race Relations Bill is the very pabulum they need to flourish. Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organise to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."

They are no longer proud words on a dusty shelf, if the ever were.
There are a number of places in this world where cultural assimilation or multicultural tolerance does not exist. The US is certainly not one of them. My cousin has been married to a Muslim for over 20 years. He is certainly not a fundamentalist and neither is any member of his family. Thousands of Muslims are serving along side Protestants and Jews in the military. As of 2006, some 212 Muslim-American soldiers had been awarded Combat Action Ribbons for their service in Iraq and Afghanistan, and seven had been killed in combat. The mayor of Teaneck New Jersey is a Muslim and his deputy mayor is an Orthodox Jew. We have had Muslim American ambassadors, congressman, and CEO's of some of our largest corporations.

If you really hate the idea of multiculturalism, then you have something in common with Islamic Fundamentalists.
I am pretty sure you're confusing multiculturalism with assimilation and your list of achievements by Muslim-Americans is certainly underwhelming in any case.
The problem with multiculturalism is that it is insulating to other nations, as America benefits from it, other nations consider it as harvesting the best & brightest from their homelands via bribery, thus leaving them to drown in their own shit.
Multi Culturism thrives in Team GB . It has enriched our nation hugely .
The base violence level of a gun crazed nation like America makes it far harder to succeed at the same pace .
Multi Culturism thrives in Team GB . It has enriched our nation hugely .
The base violence level of a gun crazed nation like America makes it far harder to succeed at the same pace .
Why is multiculturalism so easily confused with assimilation?

You've got a guy here (Tamerlan) who came from some shit hole and instead of assimilating after getting citizenship, marrying and sponging off his host state, chose to kill as many people as he could. Assimilation does not result in that, but multiculturalism can.
I take it that you follow the long leftist tradition of just making your numbers up?

Islam by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yanno...........................I've actually been to both Spain and Portugal. Matter of fact, on several of my visits there, I picked up some Lladro porcelain figures for people when I went there.

Got news for you................there are MANY more Catholic churches over there than there are mosques.

Sorry........................but I really don't see either Spain or Portugal going Islamic any time soon. That's just right wing bullshit meant to scare you about the Muslims here.

Spain Islamic:eek: Sorry but they have been there,AND DONE THAT:D tor
Spain was at one time Moorish/Islamic, thus the beautiful architecture/art.
Many Americans, including most reactionaries, are very dull on geography. Most know their backyards but not much else.

It's the curse of being a large, important country.

In the US, China and Russia much of the TV news is about the US, China and Russia.

Whereas in Finland, much of the news is about the US, China and Russia!

Coming from small countries we need to travel to see different landscapes and cultures. I don't meet many Finns who have not been to 20 - 30 countries, anyway.

But it makes sense that if you grow up in Wyoming your first trips are not to Spain, Italy and Asia, but to California, Florida and NYC.
I hate to tell you this, but in several cities in Wyoming, the per capita rate of people who hold doctoral degrees is higher than any other state in the union. And we had people in our Symphony Orchestra who came to live where the deer and the antelope play, from the best symphonies in America, who loved our community's penchant for excellence and generosity. ;)
Take a look at these idiots

[ame=]WILD RUSSIAN ROAD RAGE IN CHECHNYA Gun shots fired! - YouTube[/ame]

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