Check in here if you mocked Trump for saying that "Obama tapped my wires"

Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...

I love the new "Obama spied on trump" deflection going around......:lol:
The why is the fake news media saying it was OK to spy on Trump?
Trump was not spied on.

The people in the Trump camp, who were in contact with Russian Operatives that appeared to be trying to infiltrate the Trump campaign, were questioned about their Russian Operative contacts by an informant.

This was a counter intelligence investigation in to the Russian's election interference campaign....

they would have been remiss to not find out if these people who joined the Trump campaign, were not doing so, as Russian operatives. A real dereliction of duty if they had not checked it out.

It had NOTHING to do with politics.... had no political reason.

you guys are such pawns for dirty donald... when will you ever learn???
If the FBI had reason or suspicion to be looking at Trump as well as Clinton (as they did), then the FBI would be wrong not to be surveilling Trump, yes?

Trump's campaign committed crimes.

Mueller's investigation has proven that with indictments, pleas, convictions, et al., all having to do with people and Trump's campaign.

Now it appears that Israel and SA and UAE were in on it as well.

Evidence like a fake, bogus dossier?

Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...


I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

This is what I keep telling people...the left is shameless about their criminal, dishonest, anti-American nature.

They're proud of it.
If Crooked Donnie was not such a crook, the FBI would not be investigating him
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...

I love the new "Obama spied on trump" deflection going around......:lol:
The why is the fake news media saying it was OK to spy on Trump?
Trump was not spied on.

The people in the Trump camp, who were in contact with Russian Operatives that appeared to be trying to infiltrate the Trump campaign, were questioned about their Russian Operative contacts by an informant.

This was a counter intelligence investigation in to the Russian's election interference campaign....

they would have been remiss to not find out if these people who joined the Trump campaign, were not doing so, as Russian operatives. A real dereliction of duty if they had not checked it out.

It had NOTHING to do with politics.... had no political reason.

you guys are such pawns for dirty donald... when will you ever learn???

Whenever the left is caught in criminal endeavors, they change the language.'s not *spying*'s *investigating*...

But then..what is a spy?

A spy is an *investigator* who doesn't advise their subject that they are *investigating*.

noun: spy; plural noun: spies
a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...


I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

This is what I keep telling people...the left is shameless about their criminal, dishonest, anti-American nature.

They're proud of it.
If Crooked Donnie was not such a crook, the FBI would not be investigating him

Sure, if the FBI was legit. But evidence proves they have been politicized so your assumption is false

"Definition of spy
spied; spying
transitive verb
1 : to watch secretly usually for hostile purposes"

You say *investigate* But we all know it's spying.

The silly little word games criminals engage in to hide their criminality.

We call it *criminal thinking*.

Definition of SPY
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...

I love the new "Obama spied on trump" deflection going around......:lol:
The why is the fake news media saying it was OK to spy on Trump?
Trump was not spied on.

The people in the Trump camp, who were in contact with Russian Operatives that appeared to be trying to infiltrate the Trump campaign, were questioned about their Russian Operative contacts by an informant.

This was a counter intelligence investigation in to the Russian's election interference campaign....

they would have been remiss to not find out if these people who joined the Trump campaign, were not doing so, as Russian operatives. A real dereliction of duty if they had not checked it out.

It had NOTHING to do with politics.... had no political reason.

you guys are such pawns for dirty donald... when will you ever learn???

Whenever the left is caught in criminal endeavors, they change the language.'s not *spying*'s *investigating*...

But then..what is a spy?

A spy is an *investigator* who doesn't advise their subject that they are *investigating*.

noun: spy; plural noun: spies
a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.


So when this spy infiltrated the Trump campaign, what position did he take? I'm not sure how Trump's organization could have been infiltrated if the guy was never part of the campaign. Care to explain that part to me?
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...

I love the new "Obama spied on trump" deflection going around......:lol:
The why is the fake news media saying it was OK to spy on Trump?
Trump was not spied on.

The people in the Trump camp, who were in contact with Russian Operatives that appeared to be trying to infiltrate the Trump campaign, were questioned about their Russian Operative contacts by an informant.

This was a counter intelligence investigation in to the Russian's election interference campaign....

they would have been remiss to not find out if these people who joined the Trump campaign, were not doing so, as Russian operatives. A real dereliction of duty if they had not checked it out.

It had NOTHING to do with politics.... had no political reason.

you guys are such pawns for dirty donald... when will you ever learn???

Whenever the left is caught in criminal endeavors, they change the language.'s not *spying*'s *investigating*...

But then..what is a spy?

A spy is an *investigator* who doesn't advise their subject that they are *investigating*.

noun: spy; plural noun: spies
a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.


I thought investigating was changed to 'matter'?

So confusing

The Russians were the ones infiltrating the Trump campaign. And that's a fact.

Don't you guys care about freedom?
Is that why Trump gave Russia 20%of our uranium?

Nobody gave Russia 20% of our uranium. Why do you keep repeating this this one of those Goebbels moves about telling a lie enough times?
It's not a lie, Hillary signed off on an uranium deal for donations

And that is a lie as well. She had neither the power to approve or disapprove the deal. The State Dept was one of multiple agencies that have a Rep on the committee. The committee is an advisory one only, the POTUS is the only one with approval or disapproval power.

Someone would have to be pretty stupid to bribe one member of a committee that has no actual power

Sent from my iPhone using
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...


I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

This is what I keep telling people...the left is shameless about their criminal, dishonest, anti-American nature.

They're proud of it.
If Crooked Donnie was not such a crook, the FBI would not be investigating him

Sure, if the FBI was legit. But evidence proves they have been politicized so your assumption is false

The FBI is our most trusted law enforcement agency
Trump is our least trusted President
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...

I love the new "Obama spied on trump" deflection going around......:lol:
The why is the fake news media saying it was OK to spy on Trump?
Trump was not spied on.

The people in the Trump camp, who were in contact with Russian Operatives that appeared to be trying to infiltrate the Trump campaign, were questioned about their Russian Operative contacts by an informant.

This was a counter intelligence investigation in to the Russian's election interference campaign....

they would have been remiss to not find out if these people who joined the Trump campaign, were not doing so, as Russian operatives. A real dereliction of duty if they had not checked it out.

It had NOTHING to do with politics.... had no political reason.

you guys are such pawns for dirty donald... when will you ever learn???

"“Good person” stance. When you adopt this criminal thinking pattern, you consider yourself to be a good person, no matter what. You work
hard to present that image to others. In fact, you may not only consider yourself a good person,but may think you’re better than others!"
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...


I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

This is what I keep telling people...the left is shameless about their criminal, dishonest, anti-American nature.

They're proud of it.
If Crooked Donnie was not such a crook, the FBI would not be investigating him

Sure, if the FBI was legit. But evidence proves they have been politicized so your assumption is false

You're another one of those silly DEEP STATERS, aren't you?
Once again, no one can even agree on FACTS.

Of course, the reason is, because corporations are infiltrated with folks from the intel agencies whose main purpose it is to spread disinformation.


You tell folks this, and they just don't believe it. It is easier to convince them of the media lies then to convince them they themselves have been believing in lies themselves.

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media
‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media

"“Former CIA director John Brennan has become the latest member of the NBC News and MSNBC family, officially signing with the network as a contributor,” chirps a recent article by The Wrap, as though that’s a perfectly normal thing to have to write and not a ghastly symptom of an Orwellian dystopia. NBC reports that the former head of the depraved, lying, torturing, propagandizing, drug trafficking, coup-staging, warmongering Central Intelligence Agency “is now a senior national security and intelligence analyst.”


"Former CIA analyst and now paid CNN analyst Phil Mudd, who last year caused Cuomo’s show to have to issue a retraction and apology for a completely baseless claim he made on national television asserting that WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is “a pedophile”, is once again making headlines for suggesting that the FBI is entering into a showdown with the current administration over Trump’s decision to declassify the controversial Nunes memo.

More and more of the outlets from which Americans get their information are being filled not just with garden variety establishment loyalists, but with longstanding members of the U.S. intelligence community. These men got to their positions of power within these deeply sociopathic institutions based on their willingness to facilitate any depravity in order to advance the secret agendas of the U.S. power establishment, and now they’re being paraded in front of mainstream Americans on cable news on a daily basis. The words of these “experts” are consistently taken and reported on by smaller news outlets in print and online media in a way that seeds their authoritative assertions throughout public consciousness.

The term “deep state” does not refer to a conspiracy theory but to a simple concept in political analysis which points to the undeniable reality that (A) plutocrats, (B) intelligence agencies, (C) defense agencies, and (D) the mainstream media hold large amounts of power in America despite their not being part of its elected government. You don’t need to look far to see how these separate groups overlap and collaborate to advance their own agendas in various ways. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, for example, is deeply involved in all of the aforementioned groups: (A) as arguably the wealthiest person ever he is clearly a plutocrat, with a company that is trying to control the underlying infrastructure of the economy; (B) he is a CIA contractor; (C) he is part of a Pentagon advisory board; and (D) his purchase of the Washington Post in 2013 gave him total control over a major mainstream media outlet.

Bezos did not purchase the Washington Post because his avaricious brain predicted that newspapers were about to make a profitable resurgence; he purchased it for the same reason he has inserted himself so very deeply into America’s unelected power infrastructure – he wants to ensure a solid foundation for the empire he is building. He needs a potent propaganda outlet to manufacture support for the power establishment that he is weaving his plutocratic tentacles through. This is precisely the same reason other mass media-controlling plutocrats are stocking their propaganda machines with intelligence community insiders."
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...


I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

You mean except for the fact that he was......that is what the FISA warrants were for and why they had to get them illegally.
If the FBI had reason or suspicion to be looking at Trump as well as Clinton (as they did), then the FBI would be wrong not to be surveilling Trump, yes?

Trump's campaign committed crimes.

Mueller's investigation has proven that with indictments, pleas, convictions, et al., all having to do with people and Trump's campaign.

Now it appears that Israel and SA and UAE were in on it as well.

Evidence like a fake, bogus dossier?

besides the golden showers, what else in the Dossier has not been true?
Trump was right...and he is still right today...face it dems...Obama is a criminal thug and you all voted for him...a dirty filthy lying Kenyan....

Not me, I did not vote for him just as I did not vote for the corrupt guy there now.
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...


I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

This is what I keep telling people...the left is shameless about their criminal, dishonest, anti-American nature.

They're proud of it.
If Crooked Donnie was not such a crook, the FBI would not be investigating him

Sure, if the FBI was legit. But evidence proves they have been politicized so your assumption is false

The FBI is our most trusted law enforcement agency
Trump is our least trusted President

Leftist Lie Translator:

"The FBI is an unconstitutional and rogue agency that carries out the criminal endeavors of the Democrat Party.
"Trump has huge support from American citizens."
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...


I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

This is what I keep telling people...the left is shameless about their criminal, dishonest, anti-American nature.

They're proud of it.
If Crooked Donnie was not such a crook, the FBI would not be investigating him

Sure, if the FBI was legit. But evidence proves they have been politicized so your assumption is false

You're another one of those silly DEEP STATERS, aren't you?
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...


I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

You mean except for the fact that he was......that is what the FISA warrants were for and why they had to get them illegally.

You are not a very smart person at all. Not a single FISA warrant was signed to spy on Trump himself.
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...

I love the new "Obama spied on trump" deflection going around......:lol:
The why is the fake news media saying it was OK to spy on Trump?
Trump was not spied on.

The people in the Trump camp, who were in contact with Russian Operatives that appeared to be trying to infiltrate the Trump campaign, were questioned about their Russian Operative contacts by an informant.

This was a counter intelligence investigation in to the Russian's election interference campaign....

they would have been remiss to not find out if these people who joined the Trump campaign, were not doing so, as Russian operatives. A real dereliction of duty if they had not checked it out.

It had NOTHING to do with politics.... had no political reason.

you guys are such pawns for dirty donald... when will you ever learn???

Care here to maintain that it's okay to use a fake dossier to set up political candidates...

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