Check this chart of top marginal taxes for decades

Our national debt is somewhere around $13 trillion.

At at some piont like all debts it's going to have to be paid off.

What's the plan for that?

Cut spending, starting with all the subsidy and entitlement programs, foreign aid, pet projects, etc.... have a flat tax rate on every dollar earned by every citizen... figure out what rate will allow us to pay for our required governmental spending plus enough to start paying down the debt... pass a constitutional amendment requiring 80% congressional approval and presidential signing to allow any deficit spending, citing the absolute constitutional authority allowing that spending... every citizen paying for the running of the government and the paying down of the debt that the government has carelessly created

Yeah, it all sounds good but you and I both know that it ain't going to happen.

You asked what the plan was.... You and I know we will not get it done with big government types... hence why my support for conservatives... and hence my disdain for tax and spend liberals, people supporting of a tax system where ~50% don't pay a cent of income tax, spend happy 'middle of the road' republicans, increased and ever expanding government spending and government handouts, etc
Our national debt is somewhere around $13 trillion.

At at some piont like all debts it's going to have to be paid off.

What's the plan for that?
First, stop overspending. Slash it to the bone, all departments and budgets. THEN start paying off debt with the overage.

No need to hurt the economy more by increasing taxes. Hell, end subsidies will do marvels.
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That's all a nice way of saying they are protecting my assets from theft. In particular, they are protecting whichever asset is being stolen. Like any other firm, the amount they charge for this protection is based in some measure on how much they are protecting.....................

That's a matter of my constitutional right to ownership being violated.

Not at all. Theft is a criminal issue. Property ownership rights protection is a constitutional right.

Theft (a criminal issue) is handled by the police (whose pay I provide) as a means of protecting my property (a constitutional protection.)

One of the primary duties of a police officer is to intervene in the protection of my constitutionally-protected property. That's why I pay his salary. and if I have a more expensive house (more to protect) I pay a larger portion of his salary.
That's all a nice way of saying they are protecting my assets from theft. In particular, they are protecting whichever asset is being stolen. Like any other firm, the amount they charge for this protection is based in some measure on how much they are protecting.

Not at all. There is not a "cost" to protection of property ownership rights. It's a constitutional right.

Suggestion: next time someone steals your car or your stereo, call the feds.
What is wrong with right wingers? If ALL of the nation's money is concentrated in the hands of only 1% of the population, then no one else has any money to spend. Result? Depression. It's that "common sense" they claim they have over education. The super rich don't make nearly the jobs the right thinks they do. They have been completely bamboozled.

Here's the data set, Vlad.

Please show me which year the New Deal wealth redistribution ended the Great Depression

1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%.

Take your time, I've only been posting it for about 6 weeks and still haven't gotten a defensible answer from anyone
That's all a nice way of saying they are protecting my assets from theft. In particular, they are protecting whichever asset is being stolen. Like any other firm, the amount they charge for this protection is based in some measure on how much they are protecting.

Not at all. There is not a "cost" to protection of property ownership rights.

your police work for free, do they?

your patent attorney, he does it pro-bono?
What is wrong with right wingers? If ALL of the nation's money is concentrated in the hands of only 1% of the population, then no one else has any money to spend. Result? Depression. It's that "common sense" they claim they have over education. The super rich don't make nearly the jobs the right thinks they do. They have been completely bamboozled.

Here's the data set, Vlad.

Please show me which year the New Deal wealth redistribution ended the Great Depression

1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%.

Take your time, I've only been posting it for about 6 weeks and still haven't gotten a defensible answer from anyone

your own evidence shows that the unemployment rate fell by well over 30% during the expansion that started in 1933. Even a fucking hilarious avatar can't change that.
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Theft (a criminal issue) is handled by the police (whose pay I provide) as a means of protecting my property (a constitutional protection.)

One of the primary duties of a police officer is to intervene in the protection of my constitutionally-protected property. That's why I pay his salary. and if I have a more expensive house (more to protect) I pay a larger portion of his salary.

I'm truly not sure where the disconnect is between what I am trying to convey and what must be coming across. Let me try this- if someone steals something from you, do they legally own it at that point?
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I'm truly not sure where the disconnect is between what I am trying to convey. Let me try this- if someone steals something from you, do they legally own it at that point?

I'm not sure either:confused:

No, if someone steals something from me they do not legally own it. That is because they have violated my right to exclusive ownership of that property. They have violated a constitutional right that is protected, in the case of goods, by the local police and the legal system. In the case of intellectual property, it is protected by federal patent / copyright law and the legal system.
Did the rich get rich all on their own or did they achieve their goals through the efforts (and sometimes exploitation) of others?

For the most part, no they don't. The bulk of millionaires are first generation millionaires.
That's all a nice way of saying they are protecting my assets from theft. In particular, they are protecting whichever asset is being stolen. Like any other firm, the amount they charge for this protection is based in some measure on how much they are protecting.

Not at all. There is not a "cost" to protection of property ownership rights.

your police work for free, do they?

your patent attorney, he does it pro-bono?

This is a discussion about federal tax rates, not state and local law enforcement costs. There is not a cost at the federal level for property ownership rights protection.
This is a discussion about federal tax rates, not state and local law enforcement costs.

State and local law enforcement costs are picked up in part by the federal government.

There is not a cost at the federal level for property ownership rights protection.

That would come as quite a surprise to myriad attorneys working on intellectual property rights at the patent office, DoJ etc...who don't work for free.
No, if someone steals something from me they do not legally own it. That is because they have violated my right to exclusive ownership of that property.


Now, your right to exclusive ownership is a constitutional right, and is equal to the rights that everyone else has, and is protected equally by the constitution. The federal government does not incur costs to protect those rights, whether you are wealthy or a pauper. If you are wealthy, and you own a gazillion dollars worth of stuff, your insurance rates for coverage will be higher, but it's the insurer that you are paying to insure your property- not the federal government.
This is a discussion about federal tax rates, not state and local law enforcement costs.

State and local law enforcement costs are picked up in part by the federal government.

There is not a cost at the federal level for property ownership rights protection.

That would come as quite a surprise to myriad attorneys working on intellectual property rights at the patent office, DoJ etc...who don't work for free.

And you have exposed yet another expansion of federal government tendrils that does not belong... answer, cut federal funding of local police

you do not get a patent for free, you are indeed charged for it... and please show me the law where a poor person cannot get a patent or that they do not have those property rights given to anyone else

Again... you confuse the right with what it is a person has, can get for themselves, etc

What Does It Cost to Obtain a Patent
No, if someone steals something from me they do not legally own it. That is because they have violated my right to exclusive ownership of that property.


Now, your right to exclusive ownership is a constitutional right, and is equal to the rights that everyone else has, and is protected equally by the constitution. The federal government does not incur costs to protect those rights, whether you are wealthy or a pauper.
of course they do! They create and maintain the structure that I use to enforce those rights, they maintain a military to make sure that everyone is protected by those rights, and they pay the salaries of a wide range of people involved in protecting my right to the property I own.
And you have exposed yet another expansion of federal government tendrils that does not belong... answer, cut federal funding of local police

yes, but we're dealing with the world as it is, not the world that diamonddave wants it to be.
you do not get a patent for free, you are indeed charged for it...

Yes, you are charged for it. Then, if it is violated the government spends money to protect your property.
of course they do! They create and maintain the structure that I use to enforce those rights, they maintain a military to make sure that everyone is protected by those rights, and they pay the salaries of a wide range of people involved in protecting my right to the property I own.

Does this structure cost vary, depending on the property value of different citizens?
Does this structure cost vary, depending on the property value of different citizens?

Yes, of course. People who have no intellectual property will never cost the patent office any money defending their intellectual property.
you do not get a patent for free, you are indeed charged Yes, you are charged for it. Then, if it is violated the government spends money to protect your property.

Are all citizens given the same rights to pursue a patent and have it protected?
Are all citizens given the same rights to pursue a patent and have it protected?

No. The NIH, The USDA, The CDC, the Army Corps of Engineers, The Dept of Defense and a wide range of other government operations that either manage or collaborate with private sector interests are quite exclusive in the handling of this "right".

Try to create a drug based on NIH research - or a seed based on USDA research - and see how that patent process works out for ya.

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