Cheering About Keeping Gitmo Open?!?!?

That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Is that something we should be PROUD of? Seriously?!??


You're a prime candidate for GITMO.

What's your address, Achmed?

Tell us about those cleared for release that are waiting on Congress to approve it.

I checked with them and they don't want to go back to their shithole countries.

It's not surprising that you're cluless. Better to get a laugh or a thumbs up.
That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Is that something we should be PROUD of? Seriously?!??

It is something the Democrats should step up to. If the US is to take the lead in fighting terrorism, then the US needs to make the tough decisions, not the just the easy ones. The President made the point that these are not just criminals, they are no pow's, they are unlawful enemy combatants, and their incarceration is not covered by any international convention, so they have to be held outside the US because we have no laws that cover this situation.

Mr. Fuckhead.......WHO brought the number of detainees at GITMO down from over 700 to 40???

But, maybe GITMO should stay open.....
I mean, where should we put Trump's entourage in the upcoming months?.....................LOL
That's what the Republican party has been reduced to?

Is that something we should be PROUD of? Seriously?!??

It is something the Democrats should step up to. If the US is to take the lead in fighting terrorism, then the US needs to make the tough decisions, not the just the easy ones. The President made the point that these are not just criminals, they are no pow's, they are unlawful enemy combatants, and their incarceration is not covered by any international convention, so they have to be held outside the US because we have no laws that cover this situation.
Hummmm but wasn't it under the Repubs that the twin-towers animals were taught to fly!!!!!!!!!!!!! moreover too the schism created between the Shias's and Sunnies in Iraq allowed the Birth and Growth of ISIS, was under the Republican Watch...Thanks The Republican Party of the UNITED STATES(NOT) for such a LOUSY JOB

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