Cheerleaders with a collar: An open letter to the Black preachers stunting for Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
This is beautifully written - Discuss intelligently after actually READING, or not at all. Thanks in advance.

In the letter below, delivered exclusively to theGrio, several well-known, Black pastors have come together to collectively rebut their fellow sisters and brothers in Christ. Below are their thoughts on why Donald Trump is the most divisive leader our country has ever witnessed and how Trump’s Black pastors have completely lost touch with their spiritual and cultural connections.


Dear Colleagues in Christ:

With heartbreak, yet hope, we reach out to you in the name of our Lord and Liberator, Jesus, the Christ. It was unsettling and upsetting to witness the meeting with you, our moral leaders, and one of the most amoral persons to ever occupy the White House in the name of discussing prison reform.

We are sure it must have been intoxicating to walk the corridors of power and sit at the table of governing authority. Unfortunately, those precincts of power have been infected by white supremacy and moral bankruptcy. Dr. Cornel West is correct, “we are in the spiritual eclipse of decency, honesty and integrity,” leaving our nation in the chaotic shadows of emboldened racism, ugly xenophobia, predatory patriarchy and unvarnished greed.”

Given your proximity to power and your “seat at the table” in this toxic, political climate, it’s painfully disappointing that instead of being prophetic clergy persons you became presidential cheerleaders. We could never imagine the eighth century prophets cheering the kings of Judah and Israel who were in similar political climates. We know John the Baptist wasn’t content to cheer Herod on and express his gratitude and honor for a seat at the table, declaring that Herod was the most “pro-Jewish king in our lifetime.”

We need not remind you of the posture of the Prince of Peace, our Savior from the streets, when He stood before Herod and Pilate. He didn’t even pray for them. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was quoted yesterday but not emulated. Dr. King had a seat at the table at the White House, but he brought the menu of a civil and voting rights agenda to Presidents who transformed the nation.​


Cheerleaders with a collar: An open letter to the Black preachers stunting for Donald Trump - theGrio

I think black clergy and leaders SHOULD meet with Trump but do it like Dr. King did. King did not cower at the sight of JFK and tell him how great he is and beg for a few crumbs
He demanded civil rights and voting rights, he insisted JFK take action against southern terrorists

Today’s leaders should do the same instead of settling for a photo op with a grinning Trump
This is beautifully written - Discuss intelligently after actually READING, or not at all. Thanks in advance.

In the letter below, delivered exclusively to theGrio, several well-known, Black pastors have come together to collectively rebut their fellow sisters and brothers in Christ. Below are their thoughts on why Donald Trump is the most divisive leader our country has ever witnessed and how Trump’s Black pastors have completely lost touch with their spiritual and cultural connections.


Dear Colleagues in Christ:

With heartbreak, yet hope, we reach out to you in the name of our Lord and Liberator, Jesus, the Christ. It was unsettling and upsetting to witness the meeting with you, our moral leaders, and one of the most amoral persons to ever occupy the White House in the name of discussing prison reform.

We are sure it must have been intoxicating to walk the corridors of power and sit at the table of governing authority. Unfortunately, those precincts of power have been infected by white supremacy and moral bankruptcy....​

I stopped reading here. The writer is obvious a moron and a race baiting asshole.


I think black clergy and leaders SHOULD meet with Trump but do it like Dr. King did. King did not cower at the sight of JFK and tell him how great he is and beg for a few crumbs
He demanded civil rights and voting rights, he insisted JFK take action against southern terrorists

Today’s leaders should do the same instead of settling for a photo op with a grinning Trump

Anyone who would claim that white supremacy is a problem in " the corridors of power " today is a race baiting asshole who should be shunned by mainstream society.

This is beautifully written - Discuss intelligently after actually READING, or not at all. Thanks in advance.

In the letter below, delivered exclusively to theGrio, several well-known, Black pastors have come together to collectively rebut their fellow sisters and brothers in Christ. Below are their thoughts on why Donald Trump is the most divisive leader our country has ever witnessed and how Trump’s Black pastors have completely lost touch with their spiritual and cultural connections.


Dear Colleagues in Christ:

With heartbreak, yet hope, we reach out to you in the name of our Lord and Liberator, Jesus, the Christ. It was unsettling and upsetting to witness the meeting with you, our moral leaders, and one of the most amoral persons to ever occupy the White House in the name of discussing prison reform.

We are sure it must have been intoxicating to walk the corridors of power and sit at the table of governing authority. Unfortunately, those precincts of power have been infected by white supremacy and moral bankruptcy. Dr. Cornel West is correct, “we are in the spiritual eclipse of decency, honesty and integrity,” leaving our nation in the chaotic shadows of emboldened racism, ugly xenophobia, predatory patriarchy and unvarnished greed.”

Given your proximity to power and your “seat at the table” in this toxic, political climate, it’s painfully disappointing that instead of being prophetic clergy persons you became presidential cheerleaders. We could never imagine the eighth century prophets cheering the kings of Judah and Israel who were in similar political climates. We know John the Baptist wasn’t content to cheer Herod on and express his gratitude and honor for a seat at the table, declaring that Herod was the most “pro-Jewish king in our lifetime.”

We need not remind you of the posture of the Prince of Peace, our Savior from the streets, when He stood before Herod and Pilate. He didn’t even pray for them. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was quoted yesterday but not emulated. Dr. King had a seat at the table at the White House, but he brought the menu of a civil and voting rights agenda to Presidents who transformed the nation.​


Cheerleaders with a collar: An open letter to the Black preachers stunting for Donald Trump - theGrio

Why don't they just cut to the chase and said what they mean?





I think black clergy and leaders SHOULD meet with Trump but do it like Dr. King did. King did not cower at the sight of JFK and tell him how great he is and beg for a few crumbs
He demanded civil rights and voting rights, he insisted JFK take action against southern terrorists

Today’s leaders should do the same instead of settling for a photo op with a grinning Trump

I swear, if he'd asked one of these guys to shine his shoes - They'd have done it!

I stopped reading here. The writer is obvious a moron and a race baiting asshole FUCK HIM.

It was written by a whole bunch of normal black preachers - both male and female. I asked politely not to comment unless you read the piece.

Beat it
The very essence of triggered. Poor poor regressive racists, on display for all to see. We gots ta keep dem niggas on the farm!

I think black clergy and leaders SHOULD meet with Trump but do it like Dr. King did. King did not cower at the sight of JFK and tell him how great he is and beg for a few crumbs
He demanded civil rights and voting rights, he insisted JFK take action against southern terrorists

Today’s leaders should do the same instead of settling for a photo op with a grinning Trump

I swear, if he'd asked one of these guys to shine his shoes - They'd have done it!


And what did they do or say that deserves such contempt from you?
I stopped reading here. The writer is obvious a moron and a race baiting asshole FUCK HIM.

It was written by a whole bunch of normal black preachers - both male and female. I asked politely not to comment unless you read the piece.

Beat it

I did read the piece, up to the point that they started spouting divisive and hateful bullshit.

If you want polite discussion, don't open by calling the other side white supremacists.

And what did they do or say that deserves such contempt from you?

They are providing a photo-op to a man who cares nothing about them and is not what anyone with a brain could call a "Christian".
They've sold their souls (and their very heritage) to a morally bankrupt, racist buffoon.
This is beautifully written - Discuss intelligently after actually READING, or not at all. Thanks in advance.

In the letter below, delivered exclusively to theGrio, several well-known, Black pastors have come together to collectively rebut their fellow sisters and brothers in Christ. Below are their thoughts on why Donald Trump is the most divisive leader our country has ever witnessed and how Trump’s Black pastors have completely lost touch with their spiritual and cultural connections.


Dear Colleagues in Christ:

With heartbreak, yet hope, we reach out to you in the name of our Lord and Liberator, Jesus, the Christ. It was unsettling and upsetting to witness the meeting with you, our moral leaders, and one of the most amoral persons to ever occupy the White House in the name of discussing prison reform.

We are sure it must have been intoxicating to walk the corridors of power and sit at the table of governing authority. Unfortunately, those precincts of power have been infected by white supremacy and moral bankruptcy. Dr. Cornel West is correct, “we are in the spiritual eclipse of decency, honesty and integrity,” leaving our nation in the chaotic shadows of emboldened racism, ugly xenophobia, predatory patriarchy and unvarnished greed.”

Given your proximity to power and your “seat at the table” in this toxic, political climate, it’s painfully disappointing that instead of being prophetic clergy persons you became presidential cheerleaders. We could never imagine the eighth century prophets cheering the kings of Judah and Israel who were in similar political climates. We know John the Baptist wasn’t content to cheer Herod on and express his gratitude and honor for a seat at the table, declaring that Herod was the most “pro-Jewish king in our lifetime.”

We need not remind you of the posture of the Prince of Peace, our Savior from the streets, when He stood before Herod and Pilate. He didn’t even pray for them. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was quoted yesterday but not emulated. Dr. King had a seat at the table at the White House, but he brought the menu of a civil and voting rights agenda to Presidents who transformed the nation.​


Cheerleaders with a collar: An open letter to the Black preachers stunting for Donald Trump - theGrio

Your paranoia is’re scared shitless of Blacks embracing this administration.
But WHY?
Mexicrats are pissed at Blacks for controlling their fertility rate.
Your party told Blacks to go fuck themselves when they started importing their beloved wetbacks as a loyal, far more fertile replacement.
And what did they do or say that deserves such contempt from you?

They are providing a photo-op to a man who cares nothing about them and is not what anyone with a brain could call a "Christian".
They've sold their souls (and their very heritage) to a morally bankrupt, racist buffoon.

Grow up... you incessant, childish name calling has grown old.

I think black clergy and leaders SHOULD meet with Trump but do it like Dr. King did. King did not cower at the sight of JFK and tell him how great he is and beg for a few crumbs
He demanded civil rights and voting rights, he insisted JFK take action against southern terrorists

Today’s leaders should do the same instead of settling for a photo op with a grinning Trump

Anyone who would claim that white supremacy is a problem in " the corridors of power " today is a race baiting asshole who should be shunned by mainstream society.

Funny you could say that after the alt right demonstrations this weekend

We still have white supremacy groups and our president refuses to condemn them
And what did they do or say that deserves such contempt from you?

They are providing a photo-op to a man who cares nothing about them and is not what anyone with a brain could call a "Christian".
They've sold their souls (and their very heritage) to a morally bankrupt, racist buffoon.

Your assumption that he does not care about them is unsupported and unlikely.

Trump might not be a good Christian, but at least he is not the hostile to Christians like you libs are.

They sold nothing.

And your race baiting is noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole.

What is the real reason?

I think black clergy and leaders SHOULD meet with Trump but do it like Dr. King did. King did not cower at the sight of JFK and tell him how great he is and beg for a few crumbs
He demanded civil rights and voting rights, he insisted JFK take action against southern terrorists

Today’s leaders should do the same instead of settling for a photo op with a grinning Trump

Not 'southern' terrorists -- dimocrap terrorists.

Why do you scum keep running away from your party's history?

Are you ashamed of it?
"I don't agree with Donald Trump therefore he is divisive"?

Fuck that shit.

Yes, there is no question that Donald Trump has split and hardened this nation into three parts. 1/3 poorly educated white rural Orangelings with racial anxiety, 1/3 indies and Democrats and the other third moderate traditional conservatives with a brain. Without question, THE most divisive POTUS in history.

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