
Before I go drink my coffee.....wanna make sure I say a good word to everyone....I hope I can come back later on....

In and out today, but tonight when I get home from work, I'll sleep till about 3 am my time (9 PM on the East Coast) and then get up and do some election returns stuff over in the Elections section, where all the hot data people meet!!

But I'll be here too, chugging down some fine wine with friends.
Well, I'm back...took my young friend from Holland shopping, and treated her to a meal at PF was delicious. I had the Chino Latino and Pineapple pork....a seasonal item but it was delicious. I brought the left over (a lot) to Mr. Mertex and I won't be cooking supper.

Also, found out when I got back that our AC for upstairs went out....and we're having the whole unit replaced.....:eek::eek: $$$$$$$ out the window.....:eek: And tonight, we just have's really hot.....
Well, I'm back...took my young friend from Holland shopping, and treated her to a meal at PF was delicious. I had the Chino Latino and Pineapple pork....a seasonal item but it was delicious. I brought the left over (a lot) to Mr. Mertex and I won't be cooking supper.

Also, found out when I got back that our AC for upstairs went out....and we're having the whole unit replaced.....:eek::eek: $$$$$$$ out the window.....:eek: And tonight, we just have's really hot.....

It's been 17 years since I have lived with AC. Pretty much used to the heat now.

People wear less clothing, too!

Now, sometimes that is attractive, and sometimes it is,well, Walmartian

(yes, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] - that was an opening !!!)

Well, I'm back...took my young friend from Holland shopping, and treated her to a meal at PF was delicious. I had the Chino Latino and Pineapple pork....a seasonal item but it was delicious. I brought the left over (a lot) to Mr. Mertex and I won't be cooking supper.

Also, found out when I got back that our AC for upstairs went out....and we're having the whole unit replaced.....:eek::eek: $$$$$$$ out the window.....:eek: And tonight, we just have's really hot.....

It's been 17 years since I have lived with AC. Pretty much used to the heat now.

People wear less clothing, too!

Now, sometimes that is attractive, and sometimes it is,well, Walmartian

(yes, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] - that was an opening !!!)


We lived in NH for 5 years and didn't have AC for the first 4 years...then Mr. Mertex decided he had to have a window unit for the 3 days of 90 degree weather you get in that part of the the time he finished installing it, the temp had dropped to where he didn't need to turn it on....:lol:
Goodnight Wolfsister.....I'm going to bed, too, it's been a long, long day.

I need to sleep as well, but I can't tear myself away from the Mafia game...

So, do I do some shots and crash, or do I drink the rest of the coffee and sleep in tomorrow?
I need to sleep as well, but I can't tear myself away from the Mafia game...

So, do I do some shots and crash, or do I drink the rest of the coffee and sleep in tomorrow?

Drink the coffee, sleep in tomorrow. These are the hours that the insomiacs of the world are awake figuring out ways to wreak havoc on the rest of the civilized
I need to sleep as well, but I can't tear myself away from the Mafia game...

So, do I do some shots and crash, or do I drink the rest of the coffee and sleep in tomorrow?

Do the shots and crash.....drinking the rest of the coffee will only have you walking around like a Zombie.....oh, wait.....Wake may be able to use you in the next game.....:lol:
I need to sleep as well, but I can't tear myself away from the Mafia game...

So, do I do some shots and crash, or do I drink the rest of the coffee and sleep in tomorrow?

admit it, yer hooked on that stuff!!!


(which I why I didn't even start....)


You don't even drink coffee? How un-American......three lashes with a wet noodle for you.....and now, I must go and drink your share of coffee........:)

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I need to sleep as well, but I can't tear myself away from the Mafia game...

So, do I do some shots and crash, or do I drink the rest of the coffee and sleep in tomorrow?

admit it, yer hooked on that stuff!!!


(which I why I didn't even start....)


You don't even drink coffee? How un-American......three slashes with a wet noodle for you.....and now, I must go and drink your share of coffee........:)


Do you have a license for that wet noodle? :D

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