
Hey guys!! I'm baaaaaaaack, lol.

Meanwhile..CeeCee is an online pal I met while wandering the net and I told her to get her butt here. Stat met her elsewhere too...hence me sending her to him.

Welcome Cee Cee!

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Hey guys!! I'm baaaaaaaack, lol.

Meanwhile..CeeCee is an online pal I met while wandering the net and I told her to get her butt here. Stat met her elsewhere too...hence me sending her to him.

Welcome Cee Cee!

Welcome back!!

I got in about 2 hours ago, from a 10 hour train ride from hell, I feel whipped like Mondale and you know it was a rough day when all I wanna do is eat some Chicken Kung Pao, look at some Debby does Dallas and hit the hay.

Hey guys!! I'm baaaaaaaack, lol.

Meanwhile..CeeCee is an online pal I met while wandering the net and I told her to get her butt here. Stat met her elsewhere too...hence me sending her to him.

Welcome Cee Cee!

Thanks Gracie! It will take me awhile to find my way around here but eventually I'll get the hang of this place!
Hey guys!! I'm baaaaaaaack, lol.

Meanwhile..CeeCee is an online pal I met while wandering the net and I told her to get her butt here. Stat met her elsewhere too...hence me sending her to him.

Welcome Cee Cee!

Thanks Gracie! It will take me awhile to find my way around here but eventually I'll get the hang of this place!

It's a great place, CeeCee. Everyone that posts in here are good people and I consider friends. :smiliehug:
Hey CeeCee...just a few things you should know since you are new here:

50 posts you gotta make...then you can pm, post links (not to other boards), pics, etc.

Different sections (zones) of usmb have different rules. Might wanna read up on them so you don't get in trouble.

There is a thanks button here...which is handy. You can thank any posts that you think deserver your thanks. Or not. Its up to you. There is also a rep system...but I turned mine off because too many put stock into it. It has its good uses though. You can tell who is "popular" by how high..or low...the rep is on that individual which shows on the right side of their name. Personally, I thought it was a detriment so I requested Staff to turn it off. I suggest you let yours ride until you see if you like it or not. :)

The Flame Zone is like the back alley. If you like fisticuffs, then that is where you can go. If you don't like battles, avoid it.

There a lots of members who enjoy the various "club" Cheers, The Coffee Shop, etc. Most are in the Lounge area. One is in the Rubber Room. Again, for various reasons according to various rules for that region.

I know I am forgetting some stuff, but if you have any questions, and since you cannot pm yet...ask here. We will help you the best we can. :)
Oh, and if you bring over the others we both know...send them here first. The intro section is fine, but in here they will be with you, stat and me during their first steps of being members of usmb. I do hope they come. This place is ALWAYS bookin' along. No waiting for responses, lol.
[MENTION=49922]CeeCee[/MENTION], if you need any help when Gracie is not online, then just ask me or others here in Cheers!!!!

I told her:

Go to Cheers. Find Stat, Grandma, Mertex, Wolfsister, Drifter...or anyone in Cheers and you will be taken care of until I can get there myself. :smiliehug:
Meanwhile.....last week...i went to the new dentist that told me I needed dentures because my teeth had too many restorations and she didn't want to clean them if I was just going to have them pulled. I was shocked. That is the first time a dentist EVER told me that. She also said she could not clean my teeth the way cen-cal pays (medi-cal) but for ONLY 113 bucks, she could do a better job. Again, I am all WTF??? Is she getting money from patients by telling them they have to pay for better care because cen-cal doesn't pay her what she wants? AND, she told me I had two cavities on the left side..upper and bottom.

So..i wanted a second opinion and went to my old dentist. He took full xrays, found 2 cavities that are TINY small right in the front two bottom teeth and was agog when he checked my teeth. He said: "You don't have cavities where she said. See the xray? Look here. And, your bones are good. You jaw bones and your teeth. They are lightly discolored due to age and smoking but WHY would this person tell you to get dentures? I don't get it" and I said yeah..I know. I didn't get it either. make a long story short....he will be filling my two tiny cavities in August, he will allow payments, and he gave me a major reduction on the cost. I will not return to the other dentist. She is a crook. And a liar.
Meanwhile.....last week...i went to the new dentist that told me I needed dentures because my teeth had too many restorations and she didn't want to clean them if I was just going to have them pulled. I was shocked. That is the first time a dentist EVER told me that. She also said she could not clean my teeth the way cen-cal pays (medi-cal) but for ONLY 113 bucks, she could do a better job. Again, I am all WTF??? Is she getting money from patients by telling them they have to pay for better care because cen-cal doesn't pay her what she wants? AND, she told me I had two cavities on the left side..upper and bottom.

So..i wanted a second opinion and went to my old dentist. He took full xrays, found 2 cavities that are TINY small right in the front two bottom teeth and was agog when he checked my teeth. He said: "You don't have cavities where she said. See the xray? Look here. And, your bones are good. You jaw bones and your teeth. They are lightly discolored due to age and smoking but WHY would this person tell you to get dentures? I don't get it" and I said yeah..I know. I didn't get it either. make a long story short....he will be filling my two tiny cavities in August, he will allow payments, and he gave me a major reduction on the cost. I will not return to the other dentist. She is a crook. And a liar.

You need to report the other dentist to the board. That is malpractice and gives dentists a bad name that they don't deserve.
But which board? The dental board....or the cen-cal/Medi-cal people? And do I want to go that far? People have a her or be suspicious. With me..she picked the wrong old lady to try to con, lol.

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