

See the @ sign in front of your name? That is what you use to "call" someone to a particular post in a particular thread. But, some folks don't like it when they are called, so use it sparingly. I did it so you would know how to holler for me if you get lost in usmb, lol. Or if you have a question. Just do the [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION] and I will be notified. You will see you were notified in your notification area where pms are.

:) the top of the page in the red bar, you will see Home, UserCP, Active Topics, Community, New Posts, etc....if you click Active Topics or New Posts, all the stuff recently added will be shown to you and you can pick and choose which thread interests you. The more you wander here, the more folks you will meet. You will get this all down soon be smart lady, lol.
Okay, I am slowly getting it....a headache, lol!

All the quotes within quotes...don't give up on me yet, it's just that I'm busy packing and my mind isn't totally where it should be.
No hurry, hon. Took me forever when I first came here. I wasn't used to such a big board...and so many forums and so many people here all at once! Wow. It kinda intimidated me. But not for long. :lol:
LadySunshine is here, CeeCee! (HFL) from elsewhere. She did an intro thread. I sent her here too, to Cheers.:)
I have another funny:

A man and a pretty woman who had never met before found themselves sharing a sleeping compartment on a train.
The man on the top bunk and the lady on the bottom bunk.
During the night, man woke and asked "Sorry to bother you, but would you reach into the closet to get me the 2nd blanket, I'm freezing!"
"I have a better idea" she replied, "Why don't we pretend we are married?"
"Wow what a great idea!" he said.
"Good" she said, "Get your own blanket yourself, you lazy bastard!"
They both have already been to Foxfyre's coffee shop and drank up all the latte's. :lol:

I have been semi hovering over them just to make sure they got comfy. I want them to stay, lol.

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