
I'm putting this everywhere BUT the porch. :D Because it fits the Tavern, The Coffee Shop, and here.

Great looking menu. I'll have a Frasier's chicken Panini and a tall glass of green Guiness beer. :)





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I don't know about anyone else, but I am digging that Pacer is here and taking Norms place cuz he is doing a damn fine job of keeping this place interesting. I know I need to be here more I will make more of an effort to come in, sit awhile, chat. :)
Ok and alrighty then. Got my green tea, plopped my ass on a barstool and now ask what the hell is everyone up to today? What's yer plans? And what are your plans for tonight?

Hubby and I have the house to ourselves so it is very peaceful. Inlaws went to town to some shindig and of course we were not invited and even if we were..we wouldn't go. But it would be nice to hear a "wanna come along?" once in awhile. Shrug. Oh well. We will live.

Today, I went and got the cat some different food. She is getting so skinny. And puking up what she eats sometimes. So....back on the more expensive Fancy Feast and she ate the whole can, no puking. I have her carrier ready though in case I have to take her to the vet. Hope I don't. I'm running out of spare cash what with all the critters getting sick at the same time. Karma is doing better though. I gotta find out what is going on with her blook work once it comes in but in the meantime...she is peachy keen.

Messed around in the garden a bit...rearranged some pots, the umbrella and table, lounge chair, etc. It's really nice today so I have been out there as much as possible.

For tonight? No clue. Prolly same o same o.

And youse guys?
I don't know about anyone else, but I am digging that Pacer is here and taking Norms place cuz he is doing a damn fine job of keeping this place interesting. I know I need to be here more I will make more of an effort to come in, sit awhile, chat. :)
Thank you, Gracie. What can I get you to drink? Stats is missing in action today. :)
Stat is prolly sawing logs since our daytime is his wee hours of the night, lol.
I helped myself to some hot green tea. Ol arthritis is flaring up in my wrist today and green tea seems to help. But thanks!
Hmm. I just noticed that Pacer needs a raise. Y'all rep the shit outta him. I just did. Gotta get this bartender some more greenies!
Hmm. I just noticed that Pacer needs a raise. Y'all rep the shit outta him. I just did. Gotta get this bartender some more greenies!
lol Thank you, Gracie. I am not a regular employee of Cheers. I just fill in when Stats is away.
Ok and alrighty then. Got my green tea, plopped my ass on a barstool and now ask what the hell is everyone up to today? What's yer plans? And what are your plans for tonight?
I was debating on going out tonight but the bars are already packed. I have beer in the fridge and good Irish music and am going to stay at home, relax, turn up the music, and have a cold one. :)
Ellen DeGeneres wishes everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day (segment 0:01 to 0:15)

[ame=]Ellen Show - Know or Go St. Patrick's Day! March 17, 2014 - YouTube[/ame]
Hmm. I just noticed that Pacer needs a raise. Y'all rep the shit outta him. I just did. Gotta get this bartender some more greenies!

Gracie, I just tipped, Pacer, but you need to take it up with that old skinflint, Stat. He is so tightfisted he still has the first quarter he made shoveling snow! Pacer is a saint to put up with him! :badgrin:
I just came in from outside and was blessed with a visitor. Today's messenger for USMB (and myself) is Hawk. Guess who visited? Yep.
I have seen hawks before. Lots of them. Flying. Some on poles as I passed by in the car. Never saw one this close up though. It's windy today...beautiful, warm, but windy. Santa Ana's are kicking up a storm so I had to unfold my patio umbrellas so they wouldn't fly away. While I was out there, I was sitting in the sun and what came swooping in from the wind? A hawk. It's beautiful. On a branch almost not big enough for it, swaying with the leaves and limbs of the tree. Too dangerous to fly right now I guess. But still...I thought it fitting...Hawk messenger, Hawk shows up in my yard in my tree just surfing the wind waves on that branch, looking at me then inspecting the yard from its perch, then looking at me again. I wave to it, say hello, it just looks at me, lol. Then it flew off and I thought is off on it's hunt, but not 60 seconds or so later....BAM. It is back again. This time on a bigger branch but same tree. I wave at it again, admire it's beauty. It's still out there but I had to come in. Just too windy. Hawk visited ME today. [MENTION=11703]strollingbones[/MENTION]
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