
There you go, Gracie. :) Until I figure how to get the Mai out of the Mai Tai, enjoy. :)

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We have some nice soft music for you, too. Take your time and relax and enjoy. :)

[ame=]Classy Jazz - YouTube[/ame]
Good morning, Stats. A busload of people has just been dropped off at your door. :)

I have to back later, but want to leave my cat with you all.....

Dang it, Pacer.....did you let my cat get drunk? I asked for someone to watch my cat, and this is the way I found him....

dang it, pacer.....did you let my cat get drunk? I asked for someone to watch my cat, and this is the way i found him....

lol I am so sorry, Mertex. I don't know how he got into the beer. lol
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dang it, pacer.....did you let my cat get drunk? I asked for someone to watch my cat, and this is the way i found him....

lol I am so sorry, Mertex. I don't know how he got into the beer. lol

I know how....this is what was going on....which one is you?

Neither one. lol I took the cat to the vet down the street. She said he's going to be fine. He just needs to sleep it off.

Hmmmm, just got home from work, noticing a trend:




Just for starters.

So, being the numbers dude that I am, I started to do some digging, wanting to keep abreast of the subject, and my initial research brought up this:


And to my astonishment, I now know what a really, really georgeous tit looks like!! Behold:


That, my friends, is a tit.

Ladies, yer doing it all wrong.


[MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION], dear brother, I thought I would help you to keep abreast of this issue as well. Dear brother [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], likewise. And dear brother [MENTION=20450]MarcATL[/MENTION], this might be helpful information. And dear brother [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION], are the tits that pretty where you live? As blue, or maybe somewhat lighter in color. And dear brother [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION], I wonder if there are bigger tits than this specimen? What you think? And dear brother [MENTION=36767]Bloodrock44[/MENTION], we may need to collect more valuable tit data. Can you help? You know, everything: how fast they fly, how hard or soft they are, how big they get, whether the let you pet them or not, how much they eat.... :)

And I now wonder if flying tits are like a work of graciousness and art in the sky....

Ahhh, tits in the sky. That is just a little piece of heaven on earth.
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