Cheney on Meet the Press

Dick Cheney is a patriot, who served his country with distinction..Unlike the America hating scum be have now. Joe Biden? is barely coherent. Maybe early onset Alzheimer's or just plain stupid

We must have different ideas of what constitutes serving with distinction. I thought he was just another politician and professional bureaucrat.....not a war hero.
One doesn't have to serve as a soldier in war to serve his country genius. two term vice president, two time secretary of defense, congressman ect... probably the best and most influential vice president in American history:thup:

That's not inaccurate, nor is it a good thing. We're god damned lucky we survived the fucking sociopathic homicidal maniac.
I caught Dick Cheney on Meet the Press this morning - anyone else look in on that?

I had almost forgotten how much of an asshole Dick Cheney is. We got to listen once again to his disingenuous account of how the CIA torturing of prisoners was not torture and how the current Report on Torture is worthless, because it is a "partisan attack." Facts are not partisan, Dick.

Honestly - how could anyone like this evil person? How could he ever have gained the power that he did in this country? I laughed out loud when he had to resort to the "now you're asking a hypothetical question" in order to dodge having to answer it - oldest trick in the books.

Drop our of the public eye, Cheney. Just go away somewhere, occupy yourself with destroying ants with a magnifying glass and shut the fuck up. This is a civilized county - your are not welcome here.

He makes more sense in five minutes than Obama and his cadre of fools have in the last 5 years. There isn't one fact in that report; just a bunch of opinions written by Dem staffers.. not one person form the CIA was contacted about any of this.. it's political payback. The beauty of it is that POS Feinstein knew all along about all of this; and she condoned it.

And of course good little fools like yourself lap it all up.

If it weren't so pathetic, it would be hilarious.
Cheney represents well the failure that is neo-con dogma, its contempt for the rule of law and international law that brought about unlawful torture, the failed, illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the needless deaths of thousands.

How does anyone live with this scum that posts this?

That's right , he didn't use one cuss word like you. Too bad you're not capable of an intelligent response to his post.
Damn right I was concerned about our troops.
These troops had to put up with a body/vehicle armor shortages and troops shortages. Over 3,000 troops died while we didn't have enough troops, until they finally used a troops surge to get a firm control in Iraq. We never invaded with enough troops to secure the country or munition dumps. The result was the munition dumps left unguarded which resulted in many IED troops deaths from material stolen from munition dumps. It took four years for Bush/Cheney to admit we didn't have enough troops and they finally had the troop surge.
What were they thinking? Our troops were put in unneeded danger with shortage of troops and body/vehicle armor. Who wasn't that concerned about the troops?

And the democrats (who signed off on the joint resolution of Congress) celebrated every one of their caskets arriving home to Dover AF Base with all the main stream media taking photos....DAILY.

Porker posted- "And the democrats (who signed off on the joint resolution of Congress) celebrated every one of their caskets arriving home to Dover AF Base with all the main stream media taking photos....DAILY." :bsflag:

Well, I'd sure like to see proof backing your entire post.
Personally, I am sure it's all bullshit. I never saw Congressional Dems celebrate each coffin coming home. If they did, it would have been headlines in even the most liberal media as that would have been totally outrageous and disgusting. Also, I know for a fact that photographs of troop coffins coming home was banned from 1991 through 2009.
So, I'd say Porker you just got caught in a huge, huge lie.
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Dick Cheney is a patriot, who served his country with distinction..Unlike the America hating scum be have now. Joe Biden? is barely coherent. Maybe early onset Alzheimer's or just plain stupid

We must have different ideas of what constitutes serving with distinction. I thought he was just another politician and professional bureaucrat.....not a war hero.
One doesn't have to serve as a soldier in war to serve his country genius. two term vice president, two time secretary of defense, congressman ect... probably the best and most influential vice president in American history:thup:

Good thing since Cheney spent the Vietnam war avoiding responsibility while better men did his fighting for him.
Yeah. Better men like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

No I mean better men like Colin Powell and Jim Web, you know.....people who actually served their country.

Well, I'd sure like to see proof backing your entire post.
Personally, I am sure it's all bullshit. I never saw Congressional Dems celebrate each coffin coming home. If they did, it would have been headlines in even the most liberal media as that would have been totally outrageous and disgusting. Also, I know for a fact that photographs of troop coffins coming home was banned from 1991 through 2009.
So, I'd say Porker you just got caught in a huge, huge lie.

Then CNN, PMSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS were sure as hell guilty of violating "THE BAN". I'll declare that the ONLY LIE in this thread is your contention that those flag draped caskets were NOT SHOWN ON TV every time a new batch was delivered at Dover. In addition to the caskets, those networks couldn't wait to update their running list of KIAs from the IRAQ and AFGHAN wars on their long as BUSH remained president. When the community organizer, Obola was sworn in in January, 2009 the videos, photos and the running lists of dead soldiers ceased to exist on their news sites and on their internet sites.

And your contention that they were banned at all is pure BULLSHIT.

KIA caskets arriving at DOVER - Google Search

Gee I wonder where all these photo came from?
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Well, I'd sure like to see proof backing your entire post.
Personally, I am sure it's all bullshit. I never saw Congressional Dems celebrate each coffin coming home. If they did, it would have been headlines in even the most liberal media as that would have been totally outrageous and disgusting. Also, I know for a fact that photographs of troop coffins coming home was banned from 1991 through 2009.
So, I'd say Porker you just got caught in a huge, huge lie.

Then CNN, PMSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS were sure as hell guilty of violating "THE BAN". I'll declare that the ONLY LIE in this thread is your contention that those flag draped caskets were NOT SHOWN ON TV every time a new batch was delivered at Dover. In addition to the caskets, those networks couldn't wait to update their running list of KIAs from the IRAQ and AFGHAN wars on their long as BUSH remained president. When the community organizer, Obola was sworn in in January, 2009 the videos, photos and the running lists of dead soldiers ceased to exist on their news sites and on their internet sites.

And your contention that they were banned at all is pure BULLSHIT.

KIA caskets arriving at DOVER - Google Search

Gee I wonder where all these photo came from?

Pentagon lifts media ban on coffin photos - NBC News
updated 2/26/2009 3:46:40 PM ET
WASHINGTON — Families of America’s war dead will be allowed to decide if news organizations can photograph the homecomings of their loved ones, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday.
Gates said he decided to allow media photos of flag-draped caskets at Dover Air Force Base, Del., if the families agree. A working group will come up with details and logistics.
The new policy reverses a ban put in place in 1991 by then President George H.W. Bush. Some critics contended the government was trying to hide the human cost of war.
"We should not presume to make the decision for the families — we should actually let them make it," Gates said at a Pentagon news conference.
"We’ve seen so many families go through so much," added Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He said the goal is to meet family needs in the most dignified way possible
Pentagon Families to decide on coffin photos - US news - Military NBC News

It's amazing that all the media outlets you claim shot photo graphs/film being as they were banned from even being near the receiving area. Do you know how many hoops they'd have had to jump through with all the military personal at Dover, there's pretty tight security a Dover.
What you may have seen is this:
Hundreds of Photos Of Caskets Released
Friday, April 29, 2005
From a row of silhouetted hearses on a rain-drenched tarmac to a convoy of olive-green trucks each bearing a casket, hundreds of images of flag-draped coffins of American service members killed at war were released by the Pentagon this week in response to a lawsuit.
The more than 700 photographs, taken by military photographers from 2001 to 2004, show coffins from Iraq and Afghanistan lining the mechanical silver interiors of Air Force C-17 jets. Many depict solemn honor guard ceremonies for the fallen troops at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware and other U.S. military facilities.
Hundreds of Photos Of Caskets Released

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Dick Cheney is a patriot, who served his country with distinction..Unlike the America hating scum be have now. Joe Biden? is barely coherent. Maybe early onset Alzheimer's or just plain stupid

We must have different ideas of what constitutes serving with distinction. I thought he was just another politician and professional bureaucrat.....not a war hero.
One doesn't have to serve as a soldier in war to serve his country genius. two term vice president, two time secretary of defense, congressman ect... probably the best and most influential vice president in American history:thup:

Good thing since Cheney spent the Vietnam war avoiding responsibility while better men did his fighting for him.
Yeah. Better men like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

No I mean better men like Colin Powell and Jim Web, you know.....people who actually served their country.

Military men are good as well:thup:

We must have different ideas of what constitutes serving with distinction. I thought he was just another politician and professional bureaucrat.....not a war hero.
One doesn't have to serve as a soldier in war to serve his country genius. two term vice president, two time secretary of defense, congressman ect... probably the best and most influential vice president in American history:thup:

Good thing since Cheney spent the Vietnam war avoiding responsibility while better men did his fighting for him.
Yeah. Better men like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

No I mean better men like Colin Powell and Jim Web, you know.....people who actually served their country.

Military men are good as well:thup:


Now you're starting to catch on.......I mean men who served their country in uniform, putting themselves at risk for all the tourists and talkers who never really do anything important with their lives.
One doesn't have to serve as a soldier in war to serve his country genius. two term vice president, two time secretary of defense, congressman ect... probably the best and most influential vice president in American history:thup:

Good thing since Cheney spent the Vietnam war avoiding responsibility while better men did his fighting for him.
Yeah. Better men like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

No I mean better men like Colin Powell and Jim Web, you know.....people who actually served their country.

Military men are good as well:thup:


Now you're starting to catch on.......I mean men who served their country in uniform, putting themselves at risk for all the tourists and talkers who never really do anything important with their lives.

Then Hillary should not be elected president.

I hate Cheney, and the war in Iraq. But, I am not seeing terrorist as sweet little victims, either. Waterboard them suckers! It won't kill them, not like what ISIL or Al queda would do. I am sure somebody talked, regardless of popular opinion and that saves countless lives. I have no problem with it at all. I bet our founding fathers would have condoned this if it happened in 1776. But the brits weren't such demonic assholes bent on absolute control.
I hate Cheney, and the war in Iraq. But, I am not seeing terrorist as sweet little victims, either. Waterboard them suckers! It won't kill them, not like what ISIL or Al queda would do. I am sure somebody talked, regardless of popular opinion and that saves countless lives. I have no problem with it at all. I bet our founding fathers would have condoned this if it happened in 1776. But the brits weren't such demonic assholes bent on absolute control.

How about the 25% of people tortured who turned out to be completely innocent of anything? Water board them suckers some more........can't be too sure, right?
I hate Cheney, and the war in Iraq. But, I am not seeing terrorist as sweet little victims, either. Waterboard them suckers! It won't kill them, not like what ISIL or Al queda would do. I am sure somebody talked, regardless of popular opinion and that saves countless lives. I have no problem with it at all. I bet our founding fathers would have condoned this if it happened in 1776. But the brits weren't such demonic assholes bent on absolute control.

Absoltute horseshit. Torture doesn't work, and humans have known this for literally centuries. All it does is let some sadist get his jollies at the expense of a prisoner and polarize the opposition. The U.S. Army Field Manual knows it too. This is political partisanship run amok.

>> As for K.S.M. himself, who (as Jane Mayer writes) was waterboarded, reportedly hung for hours on end from his wrists, beaten, and subjected to other agonies for weeks, Bush said he provided “many details of other plots to kill innocent Americans.” K.S.M. was certainly knowledgeable. It would be surprising if he gave up nothing of value. But according to a former senior C.I.A. official, who read all the interrogation reports on K.S.M., “90 percent of it was total fucking bullshit.” A former Pentagon analyst adds: “K.S.M. produced no actionable intelligence. He was trying to tell us how stupid we were.” << -- Tortured Reasoning

A Texas sheriff was arrested and convicted for waterboarding people his crew would pull over. A US soldier was court martialed for doing it to a captured North Vietnamese soldier in 1968. The Khmer Rouge did it. These are The Dick Cheney's kind of people.
One doesn't have to serve as a soldier in war to serve his country genius. two term vice president, two time secretary of defense, congressman ect... probably the best and most influential vice president in American history:thup:

Good thing since Cheney spent the Vietnam war avoiding responsibility while better men did his fighting for him.
Yeah. Better men like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

No I mean better men like Colin Powell and Jim Web, you know.....people who actually served their country.

Military men are good as well:thup:


Now you're starting to catch on.......I mean men who served their country in uniform, putting themselves at risk for all the tourists and talkers who never really do anything important with their lives.

I'm guessing you voted for John McCain over Obama then?
We must have different ideas of what constitutes serving with distinction. I thought he was just another politician and professional bureaucrat.....not a war hero.
One doesn't have to serve as a soldier in war to serve his country genius. two term vice president, two time secretary of defense, congressman ect... probably the best and most influential vice president in American history:thup:

Good thing since Cheney spent the Vietnam war avoiding responsibility while better men did his fighting for him.
Yeah. Better men like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

No I mean better men like Colin Powell and Jim Web, you know.....people who actually served their country.

Military men are good as well:thup:

Did you forget that he was asked to leave the military?
One doesn't have to serve as a soldier in war to serve his country genius. two term vice president, two time secretary of defense, congressman ect... probably the best and most influential vice president in American history:thup:

Good thing since Cheney spent the Vietnam war avoiding responsibility while better men did his fighting for him.
Yeah. Better men like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

No I mean better men like Colin Powell and Jim Web, you know.....people who actually served their country.

Military men are good as well:thup:

Did you forget that he was asked to leave the military?

Today's politically correct military isn't what it used to be...

West's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal (two Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters, one Valor Device); Army Achievement Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster); Valorous Unit Award; Air Assault Badge; and the Master Parachutist Badge
He was terrific. Didn't back down one inch. He was there, weren't...neither were the rest of you wimps. Feinstein was there but the bitch can't remember. Grow a pair...and think back to 911.
Oh please, stop hiding behind 9/11

Cheney is a 5 time draft dodger who said he had better things to do than defend his country with his ass on the line rather than from behind some specious legal advice on torture from scared bureaucrats

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