Cheney ordered concealment of counter-terrorism from Congress

Good insight, dil.

So, stop drinking and hit a treadmill, kid.

I'm afraid nothing is gonna prevent you from continuing to be an imbecile, however.


And just as stupid of you both times.

well, you are an expert in the field.

in any event, nowhere near as comprehensively stupid as this gem:

Cheney was such a great man as Vice President, the real shame of the Bush years is that it generated so much liberal Democrat opposition (i.e., LMSM propaganda attacks) that it prevented him from having any real shot at becoming President.

The national concensus, on balance, is so distorted because of that faux journalism, that the average citizen has no concept of what we have been deprived of.

More than just "a shame." Damn near a tragedy.

more than just "stupid". damn near flatlined.


And just as stupid of you both times.

well, you are an expert in the field.

in any event, nowhere near as comprehensively stupid as this gem:

Cheney was such a great man as Vice President, the real shame of the Bush years is that it generated so much liberal Democrat opposition (i.e., LMSM propaganda attacks) that it prevented him from having any real shot at becoming President.

The national concensus, on balance, is so distorted because of that faux journalism, that the average citizen has no concept of what we have been deprived of.

More than just "a shame." Damn near a tragedy.

more than just "stupid". damn near flatlined.



Dil, as Hawkeye once said of Frank Burns (and you are a classic Frank Burns, by the way),

". . . You are even boring in Technicolor."
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Sotomayor hearings: Sen. Jeff Sessions' personal connection to the process

Sotomayor hearings: Sen. Jeff Sessions' personal connection to the process | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times
Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama has given his opening statement.

Sessions is the committee’s ranking Republican, ever since Arlen Specter switched his affiliation to Democrat.

Sessions has an interesting personal connection to this process.

He came before this committee 22 years ago, when he was nominated by President Reagan to be a U.S. district judge. The committee killed the nomination on a 9-9 vote, in part because some critics of Sessions testified that he had demonstrated “gross insensitivity” on racial issues. A U.S. attorney had testified that he had heard Sessions claim that he had once admired the Ku Klux Klan.

--Kate Linthicum
Funny, Jeff hung in there long enough to become chairman of the committee that rejected him for being a racist .... even his fellow republicans thought he was unworthy of their vote.
Your words mean nothing to me haven't back up one thing you have said. Why don't you start with 2001 is every bit as bad as it is now with job losses?
I'm not denying a recession was going on in 2001, it started in the last year and a half with Clintons term. The bubble?....everyone who looked at the WSJ knew that was going to surprise there sonny. By the way...sonny, every time we have a recession they hand out pink slips...WTF? We have handed out a lot more now than in 2001-2002, I stated my fucking sources...where your just all have no game for me?:lol: Can you be a little more specific in your housing boom rant for me. I don't have any idea what your talking about....housing boom was going to correct the problems of the earlier recession?????? I really don't think you have any idea what your talking about.
Better yet let me be another that you put on your "ignore list." I bet you get out of a lot of debates doing that. :lol::lol:
Well if my words mean nothing to you, old man, I suppose there's not much point in debating after all.

Besides, who am I to deny your wish? I'm sure you'll be much happier on my ignore list. :cuckoo:
he did site his source asswipe...and thats how they spell the word on their site....your doing the same thing here you did to Dude....some people are wise to you now watch yourself...

Or what? You'll fire your superweapon? :lol:

You're the only one I put on ignore and didn't tell in advance, partly because I thought you'd be able to figure it out. My mistake.

So goodbye for the forseeable future, Mr. bespectacled, coat-wearing monkey. Maybe we can talk again after you grow up. :eusa_hand:
Your words mean nothing to me haven't back up one thing you have said. Why don't you start with 2001 is every bit as bad as it is now with job losses?
I'm not denying a recession was going on in 2001, it started in the last year and a half with Clintons term. The bubble?....everyone who looked at the WSJ knew that was going to surprise there sonny. By the way...sonny, every time we have a recession they hand out pink slips...WTF? We have handed out a lot more now than in 2001-2002, I stated my fucking sources...where your just all have no game for me?:lol: Can you be a little more specific in your housing boom rant for me. I don't have any idea what your talking about....housing boom was going to correct the problems of the earlier recession?????? I really don't think you have any idea what your talking about.
Better yet let me be another that you put on your "ignore list." I bet you get out of a lot of debates doing that. :lol::lol:
Well if my words mean nothing to you, old man, I suppose there's not much point in debating after all.

Besides, who am I to deny your wish? I'm sure you'll be much happier on my ignore list. :cuckoo:

no one cares.
he did site his source asswipe...and thats how they spell the word on their site....your doing the same thing here you did to Dude....some people are wise to you now watch yourself...

Or what? You'll fire your superweapon? :lol:

You're the only one I put on ignore and didn't tell in advance, partly because I thought you'd be able to figure it out. My mistake.

So goodbye for the forseeable future, Mr. bespectacled, coat-wearing monkey. Maybe we can talk again after you grow up. :eusa_hand:

suck my hairy balls you fucking twat....your a fraud....and a coward...soon every one here will be on your little pussy list....
Your words mean nothing to me haven't back up one thing you have said. Why don't you start with 2001 is every bit as bad as it is now with job losses?
I'm not denying a recession was going on in 2001, it started in the last year and a half with Clintons term. The bubble?....everyone who looked at the WSJ knew that was going to surprise there sonny. By the way...sonny, every time we have a recession they hand out pink slips...WTF? We have handed out a lot more now than in 2001-2002, I stated my fucking sources...where your just all have no game for me?:lol: Can you be a little more specific in your housing boom rant for me. I don't have any idea what your talking about....housing boom was going to correct the problems of the earlier recession?????? I really don't think you have any idea what your talking about.
Better yet let me be another that you put on your "ignore list." I bet you get out of a lot of debates doing that. :lol::lol:
Well if my words mean nothing to you, old man, I suppose there's not much point in debating after all.

Besides, who am I to deny your wish? I'm sure you'll be much happier on my ignore list. :cuckoo:

Debate? don't know how to debate need to go back to school. :lol:
Glad I made the grade with some of USMB's best. :cool:
We just hit the 1 trillion mark deficit, unemployment is at 9.5%, North Korea firing missles on a regular basis and the left is worrying about what Bush and Cheney did. What happened to Obama not wanting to live in the past. This is nothing more than an attempt to distract from the current problems facing the US.
That's funny, really. Someone posted a video to "prove" that global warming is not caused by mankind. All those participating spoke with British accents. I commented, at the time, how weird it was that wingnuts cite British sources when it is to their advantage.
BTW, many news sources carried this story today ... read, read, read.
Does this source meet with your approval?
Officials Say Cheney Directed CIA to Be Silent on Counter-Terror Plan - Political News -

I never cite any media. I only believe in going to the source. And then, I expect that source to be fully vetted as to who is paying him for the information, how the information was obtained and what the sources politics are.

We are way past the time in which we believe anything any of the media outlets tell us.
That surely eliminates Fox as a viable source.

Along with the New York Times, the L.A. Times, CNBC, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, The Guardian, AP, UPI, Reuters etc., etc.
I notice that you were honest enough not to question my statement that the WSJ has an editorial policy that does not influence its news coverage.

This is not, of course, the same with the (liberal) NYTimes, and may account for the drop in readership of the Times, but not so with the Journal.

And of course FOX news is totally unbiased also, correct? I will agree the Times is biased but I wager you won't agree that FOX is right wing.

I see by your signature that you are one of those miltant moderates.

Remember, sit on the fence, you get splinters.

FOX is balanced? You have heard the name Hannity, haven't you? That opinion is biased itself. It is difficult for me to find CNN biased. I know people who watch FOX all day long and they are all skewed and have one opinion...the right (wing) opinion.

My signature defines me. I find myself agreeing with the GOP on occasions but find myself siding with the Democrats most of the time. The one thing that turns me away from the GOP is the lack of compassion and empathy that I see there. It seems the mantra of the GOP is "My way of No Way." They need to be more open and more inclusive or they will no longer exist.

Your turn...
And of course FOX news is totally unbiased also, correct? I will agree the Times is biased but I wager you won't agree that FOX is right wing.

I see by your signature that you are one of those miltant moderates.

Remember, sit on the fence, you get splinters.

FOX is balanced? You have heard the name Hannity, haven't you? That opinion is biased itself. It is difficult for me to find CNN biased. I know people who watch FOX all day long and they are all skewed and have one opinion...the right (wing) opinion.

My signature defines me. I find myself agreeing with the GOP on occasions but find myself siding with the Democrats most of the time. The one thing that turns me away from the GOP is the lack of compassion and empathy that I see there. It seems the mantra of the GOP is "My way of No Way." They need to be more open and more inclusive or they will no longer exist.

Your turn...

Sounds like your on board with redistribution of wealth huh? Lack of compassion and empathy....I don't see that from the GOP.
By the way if you ever watch Hannity, yes he is biased, but he always have people from the other side to balance it out, as does O'Reilly. Ever watch Shephard Smith? He has no slant on the news, and just gives the facts. Something a person can't get from the big 3, MSNBC, or CNN
And of course FOX news is totally unbiased also, correct? I will agree the Times is biased but I wager you won't agree that FOX is right wing.

I see by your signature that you are one of those miltant moderates.

Remember, sit on the fence, you get splinters.

FOX is balanced? You have heard the name Hannity, haven't you? That opinion is biased itself. It is difficult for me to find CNN biased. I know people who watch FOX all day long and they are all skewed and have one opinion...the right (wing) opinion.

My signature defines me. I find myself agreeing with the GOP on occasions but find myself siding with the Democrats most of the time. The one thing that turns me away from the GOP is the lack of compassion and empathy that I see there. It seems the mantra of the GOP is "My way of No Way." They need to be more open and more inclusive or they will no longer exist.

Your turn...

You are not being totally honest. CNN's Rick Sanchez, as well as Anderson (Tea-Bagging) Cooper are as partisan as Hannity, just not as entertaining.

I rarely make my arguments Democrat vs. GOP, as the more pertinent distinction, in my Manichean worldview, is liberal vs. conservative.

And along those lines, "compassion and empathy " identifies a clear distinction between the two groups.

A major difference is the goal of the political process. For the Liberal, it is equality. For the Conservative, it is liberty.

I'd be happy to expand on this.
A major difference is the goal of the political process. For the Liberal, it is equality. For the Conservative, it is liberty.

I'd be happy to expand on this.

ok so lets put equality and liberty together and see what we come up with....
I see by your signature that you are one of those miltant moderates.

Remember, sit on the fence, you get splinters.

FOX is balanced? You have heard the name Hannity, haven't you? That opinion is biased itself. It is difficult for me to find CNN biased. I know people who watch FOX all day long and they are all skewed and have one opinion...the right (wing) opinion.

My signature defines me. I find myself agreeing with the GOP on occasions but find myself siding with the Democrats most of the time. The one thing that turns me away from the GOP is the lack of compassion and empathy that I see there. It seems the mantra of the GOP is "My way of No Way." They need to be more open and more inclusive or they will no longer exist.

Your turn...

You are not being totally honest. CNN's Rick Sanchez, as well as Anderson (Tea-Bagging) Cooper are as partisan as Hannity, just not as entertaining.

I rarely make my arguments Democrat vs. GOP, as the more pertinent distinction, in my Manichean worldview, is liberal vs. conservative.

And along those lines, "compassion and empathy " identifies a clear distinction between the two groups.

A major difference is the goal of the political process. For the Liberal, it is equality. For the Conservative, it is liberty.

I'd be happy to expand on this.

And I wagered you couldn't see FOX as biased. Nuff sais...
Bush and Cheney should be prosecuted for numerous crimes.

Torture, lying, spying on Americans, using the Justice Dept. for political persecution, etc....

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