Cher Calls for Laws to Control Men’s Bodies: ‘Must Be Circumcised, & Show Papers or Penis’

Men who call women such vulgar words as the ones used by you conservatives in this thread sure do hate us women.

You don't understand that we women have had enough of you. We have gained our voices and realized that if we stick together, we can stop you women hating men from destroying lives.

Hate women all you want. We don't care.

What we care about is when you try to legislate our freedom. We aren't pawns. We aren't something you can just order around.

Keep it up. Backlash and karma really work.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase? You must mean you want to kill your children.
Amanda Berry had a daughter, Jocelyn. Jaycee Dugard had two daughters, Starlet and Angel. Dugard was only 11 when she was kidnapped and repeatedly raped. These women have been forced to care for the children of rape to this very day. The children could have been retroactively aborted. They weren't. Where is the thoughtful protection for the victims of violent rape? Where is the caring? At the very least, the burden and memories could have been addressed and these children adopted out. They weren't.

All these calls for caring about rape victims and how awful it is to force young girls to give birth to the children of rapists is garbage. Just garbage. None of these mealy mouthed twats mean what they say. Show me the corpses of Jocelyn Berry, Starlet Dugard and Angel Dugard. Then I will take you seriously.
So what you're basically saying is that an 11 year old who is raped and pregnant as a result should carry it and then let it be adopted out? An 11 year old is still in grade school! What kind of life would she have for those 9 months? And what if her rapist is her father or brother? The child could end up looking like that boy in Deliverance. Who would adopt a kid like that?
And, those two examples aren't very good because they were hidden away and the last thing their rapists were going to do is contact anyone to adopt the babies.
I know a nurse who works part time at PP. She was there one day when two young girls came in. One was 12 and the other one was 10. The 10 year old was pregnant by her father. The 12 year old brought her in to get help with an abortion. Needless to say, neither of them had any money, but the doctor did the abortion for free and contacted the authorities. He had also been raping the 12 year old but she was lucky and never got pregnant. He is now in prison and the girls are in foster care.
And despite your examples, a child of that age is not physically equipped to carry to term a pregnancy and go through delivery. Yes there are examples like yours but there are also many examples of children being ripped apart on the insides because they're not fully developed to carry a pregnancy.
Let me ask you this.....if your 10 or 11 year child was raped and somehow became pregnant, would you force her to carry it to term even if it meant she could be ripped open or even die? Or would you get her a safe abortion to save her from those things? I would never put my daughter through that and honestly, her rapist would never make it to court, I'd see to that.
Men who call women such vulgar words as the ones used by you conservatives in this thread sure do hate us women.

You don't understand that we women have had enough of you. We have gained our voices and realized that if we stick together, we can stop you women hating men from destroying lives.

Hate women all you want. We don't care.

What we care about is when you try to legislate our freedom. We aren't pawns. We aren't something you can just order around.

Keep it up. Backlash and karma really work.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase? You must mean you want to kill your children.
Oh FFS!!! Dramatic much? Kill your children? A "child" is already born and plenty of women, and men, have gone to prison for killing theirs. Abortion is disposing of a clump of cells that looks like a blood clot for a few months.
And, Mother Nature is the biggest abortionist of all via miscarriages.
Men who call women such vulgar words as the ones used by you conservatives in this thread sure do hate us women.

You don't understand that we women have had enough of you. We have gained our voices and realized that if we stick together, we can stop you women hating men from destroying lives.

Hate women all you want. We don't care.

What we care about is when you try to legislate our freedom. We aren't pawns. We aren't something you can just order around.

Keep it up. Backlash and karma really work.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase? You must mean you want to kill your children.
Oh FFS!!! Dramatic much? Kill your children? A "child" is already born and plenty of women, and men, have gone to prison for killing theirs. Abortion is disposing of a clump of cells that looks like a blood clot for a few months.
And, Mother Nature is the biggest abortionist of all via miscarriages.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase?
Men who call women such vulgar words as the ones used by you conservatives in this thread sure do hate us women.

You don't understand that we women have had enough of you. We have gained our voices and realized that if we stick together, we can stop you women hating men from destroying lives.

Hate women all you want. We don't care.

What we care about is when you try to legislate our freedom. We aren't pawns. We aren't something you can just order around.

Keep it up. Backlash and karma really work.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase? You must mean you want to kill your children.
Oh FFS!!! Dramatic much? Kill your children? A "child" is already born and plenty of women, and men, have gone to prison for killing theirs. Abortion is disposing of a clump of cells that looks like a blood clot for a few months.
And, Mother Nature is the biggest abortionist of all via miscarriages.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase?
It's the men in the government who want to make the laws that control a woman's right to choose. They want to outlaw all abortions, regardless of the reason. Where the hell have you been? Oh, and it's the religious freaks who want that right too.
Men who call women such vulgar words as the ones used by you conservatives in this thread sure do hate us women.

You don't understand that we women have had enough of you. We have gained our voices and realized that if we stick together, we can stop you women hating men from destroying lives.

Hate women all you want. We don't care.

What we care about is when you try to legislate our freedom. We aren't pawns. We aren't something you can just order around.

Keep it up. Backlash and karma really work.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase? You must mean you want to kill your children.
Oh FFS!!! Dramatic much? Kill your children? A "child" is already born and plenty of women, and men, have gone to prison for killing theirs. Abortion is disposing of a clump of cells that looks like a blood clot for a few months.
And, Mother Nature is the biggest abortionist of all via miscarriages.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase?
It's the men in the government who want to make the laws that control a woman's right to choose. They want to outlaw all abortions, regardless of the reason. Where the hell have you been? Oh, and it's the religious freaks who want that right too.
Like I said, you want to kill babies, and you lie about abortions. Why do you liberal scum lie all the time?
Men who call women such vulgar words as the ones used by you conservatives in this thread sure do hate us women.

You don't understand that we women have had enough of you. We have gained our voices and realized that if we stick together, we can stop you women hating men from destroying lives.

Hate women all you want. We don't care.

What we care about is when you try to legislate our freedom. We aren't pawns. We aren't something you can just order around.

Keep it up. Backlash and karma really work.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase? You must mean you want to kill your children.
Oh FFS!!! Dramatic much? Kill your children? A "child" is already born and plenty of women, and men, have gone to prison for killing theirs. Abortion is disposing of a clump of cells that looks like a blood clot for a few months.
And, Mother Nature is the biggest abortionist of all via miscarriages.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase?
It's the men in the government who want to make the laws that control a woman's right to choose. They want to outlaw all abortions, regardless of the reason. Where the hell have you been? Oh, and it's the religious freaks who want that right too.
Like I said, you want to kill babies, and you lie about abortions. Why do you liberal scum lie all the time?
You're the one lying about abortions. No one is killing babies when they have an abortion in the first or second trimester, and if it's necessary after that, it's for a VERY good medical reason, and not something a woman does on a whim. But keep spouting your lies if it makes you feel better.
Oh, and until you can became pregnant, STFU! You have absolutely NO right to tell a woman what she can and can't do regarding abortion.
But then, you're the type who thinks they have a right to tell women how they should live and behave, right?
Amanda Berry had a daughter, Jocelyn. Jaycee Dugard had two daughters, Starlet and Angel. Dugard was only 11 when she was kidnapped and repeatedly raped. These women have been forced to care for the children of rape to this very day. The children could have been retroactively aborted. They weren't. Where is the thoughtful protection for the victims of violent rape? Where is the caring? At the very least, the burden and memories could have been addressed and these children adopted out. They weren't.

All these calls for caring about rape victims and how awful it is to force young girls to give birth to the children of rapists is garbage. Just garbage. None of these mealy mouthed twats mean what they say. Show me the corpses of Jocelyn Berry, Starlet Dugard and Angel Dugard. Then I will take you seriously.
So what you're basically saying is that an 11 year old who is raped and pregnant as a result should carry it and then let it be adopted out? An 11 year old is still in grade school! What kind of life would she have for those 9 months? And what if her rapist is her father or brother? The child could end up looking like that boy in Deliverance. Who would adopt a kid like that?
And, those two examples aren't very good because they were hidden away and the last thing their rapists were going to do is contact anyone to adopt the babies.
I know a nurse who works part time at PP. She was there one day when two young girls came in. One was 12 and the other one was 10. The 10 year old was pregnant by her father. The 12 year old brought her in to get help with an abortion. Needless to say, neither of them had any money, but the doctor did the abortion for free and contacted the authorities. He had also been raping the 12 year old but she was lucky and never got pregnant. He is now in prison and the girls are in foster care.
And despite your examples, a child of that age is not physically equipped to carry to term a pregnancy and go through delivery. Yes there are examples like yours but there are also many examples of children being ripped apart on the insides because they're not fully developed to carry a pregnancy.
Let me ask you this.....if your 10 or 11 year child was raped and somehow became pregnant, would you force her to carry it to term even if it meant she could be ripped open or even die? Or would you get her a safe abortion to save her from those things? I would never put my daughter through that and honestly, her rapist would never make it to court, I'd see to that.
What I'm saying is what I have said from the beginning. If you believe that rape victims should not be forced to birth and raise the children of their rapists then you should support taking the children of rape away from Amanda Berry and Jaycee Dugard. Are they not forced, to this very day, to care for the children of violent rape? Why wasn't this done?
It's the men in the government who want to make the laws that control a woman's right to choose. They want to outlaw all abortions, regardless of the reason. Where the hell have you been? Oh, and it's the religious freaks who want that right too.
Timely abortions are legal in all fifty states, your obnoxious claims notwithstanding. Why are you spouting off such b.s. when it's just obviously not so?
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase? You must mean you want to kill your children.
Oh FFS!!! Dramatic much? Kill your children? A "child" is already born and plenty of women, and men, have gone to prison for killing theirs. Abortion is disposing of a clump of cells that looks like a blood clot for a few months.
And, Mother Nature is the biggest abortionist of all via miscarriages.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase?
It's the men in the government who want to make the laws that control a woman's right to choose. They want to outlaw all abortions, regardless of the reason. Where the hell have you been? Oh, and it's the religious freaks who want that right too.
Like I said, you want to kill babies, and you lie about abortions. Why do you liberal scum lie all the time?
You're the one lying about abortions. No one is killing babies when they have an abortion in the first or second trimester, and if it's necessary after that, it's for a VERY good medical reason, and not something a woman does on a whim. But keep spouting your lies if it makes you feel better.
Oh, and until you can became pregnant, STFU! You have absolutely NO right to tell a woman what she can and can't do regarding abortion.
But then, you're the type who thinks they have a right to tell women how they should live and behave, right?
No scum bag it's all over the news that the democrats want to kill full term babies. Why you always have to lie? Murderer.
I would like to see her talk with her son/daughter(????) " No honey! Circumcised...NOT CUT OFF!"
Men who call women such vulgar words as the ones used by you conservatives in this thread sure do hate us women.

You don't understand that we women have had enough of you. We have gained our voices and realized that if we stick together, we can stop you women hating men from destroying lives.

Hate women all you want. We don't care.

What we care about is when you try to legislate our freedom. We aren't pawns. We aren't something you can just order around.

Keep it up. Backlash and karma really work.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase? You must mean you want to kill your children.
Oh FFS!!! Dramatic much? Kill your children? A "child" is already born and plenty of women, and men, have gone to prison for killing theirs. Abortion is disposing of a clump of cells that looks like a blood clot for a few months.
And, Mother Nature is the biggest abortionist of all via miscarriages.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase?
It's the men in the government who want to make the laws that control a woman's right to choose. They want to outlaw all abortions, regardless of the reason. Where the hell have you been? Oh, and it's the religious freaks who want that right too.
Like I said, you want to kill babies, and you lie about abortions. Why do you liberal scum lie all the time?
There is nothing wrong with a bit of honesty. Yes it is killing babies and I'm okay with that. Killing the baby before it has developed a central nervous system is humane. See how easy that was?
Amanda Berry had a daughter, Jocelyn. Jaycee Dugard had two daughters, Starlet and Angel. Dugard was only 11 when she was kidnapped and repeatedly raped. These women have been forced to care for the children of rape to this very day. The children could have been retroactively aborted. They weren't. Where is the thoughtful protection for the victims of violent rape? Where is the caring? At the very least, the burden and memories could have been addressed and these children adopted out. They weren't.

All these calls for caring about rape victims and how awful it is to force young girls to give birth to the children of rapists is garbage. Just garbage. None of these mealy mouthed twats mean what they say. Show me the corpses of Jocelyn Berry, Starlet Dugard and Angel Dugard. Then I will take you seriously.
So what you're basically saying is that an 11 year old who is raped and pregnant as a result should carry it and then let it be adopted out? An 11 year old is still in grade school! What kind of life would she have for those 9 months? And what if her rapist is her father or brother? The child could end up looking like that boy in Deliverance. Who would adopt a kid like that?
And, those two examples aren't very good because they were hidden away and the last thing their rapists were going to do is contact anyone to adopt the babies.
I know a nurse who works part time at PP. She was there one day when two young girls came in. One was 12 and the other one was 10. The 10 year old was pregnant by her father. The 12 year old brought her in to get help with an abortion. Needless to say, neither of them had any money, but the doctor did the abortion for free and contacted the authorities. He had also been raping the 12 year old but she was lucky and never got pregnant. He is now in prison and the girls are in foster care.
And despite your examples, a child of that age is not physically equipped to carry to term a pregnancy and go through delivery. Yes there are examples like yours but there are also many examples of children being ripped apart on the insides because they're not fully developed to carry a pregnancy.
Let me ask you this.....if your 10 or 11 year child was raped and somehow became pregnant, would you force her to carry it to term even if it meant she could be ripped open or even die? Or would you get her a safe abortion to save her from those things? I would never put my daughter through that and honestly, her rapist would never make it to court, I'd see to that.
What I'm saying is what I have said from the beginning. If you believe that rape victims should not be forced to birth and raise the children of their rapists then you should support taking the children of rape away from Amanda Berry and Jaycee Dugard. Are they not forced, to this very day, to care for the children of violent rape? Why wasn't this done?
What you're not admitting to is they were kidnapped and held hostage. No one knew they had given birth except their kidnapper so how was anyone going to take the babies away from them? Amanda Berry's child was 6 and she was 17 when she escaped, Jaycee's daughters were 11 and 15 at the time of her reappearance, and you think that they should have been taken from her and adopted out at that age? Are you freaking serious?
Oh FFS!!! Dramatic much? Kill your children? A "child" is already born and plenty of women, and men, have gone to prison for killing theirs. Abortion is disposing of a clump of cells that looks like a blood clot for a few months.
And, Mother Nature is the biggest abortionist of all via miscarriages.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase?
It's the men in the government who want to make the laws that control a woman's right to choose. They want to outlaw all abortions, regardless of the reason. Where the hell have you been? Oh, and it's the religious freaks who want that right too.
Like I said, you want to kill babies, and you lie about abortions. Why do you liberal scum lie all the time?
You're the one lying about abortions. No one is killing babies when they have an abortion in the first or second trimester, and if it's necessary after that, it's for a VERY good medical reason, and not something a woman does on a whim. But keep spouting your lies if it makes you feel better.
Oh, and until you can became pregnant, STFU! You have absolutely NO right to tell a woman what she can and can't do regarding abortion.
But then, you're the type who thinks they have a right to tell women how they should live and behave, right?
No scum bag it's all over the news that the democrats want to kill full term babies. Why you always have to lie? Murderer.
Kill full term babies after they are born. Some dipshit woman the next room over screeching "my bbbboooooddddyyyy!"
Men who call women such vulgar words as the ones used by you conservatives in this thread sure do hate us women.

You don't understand that we women have had enough of you. We have gained our voices and realized that if we stick together, we can stop you women hating men from destroying lives.

Hate women all you want. We don't care.

What we care about is when you try to legislate our freedom. We aren't pawns. We aren't something you can just order around.

Keep it up. Backlash and karma really work.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase? You must mean you want to kill your children.
Oh FFS!!! Dramatic much? Kill your children? A "child" is already born and plenty of women, and men, have gone to prison for killing theirs. Abortion is disposing of a clump of cells that looks like a blood clot for a few months.
And, Mother Nature is the biggest abortionist of all via miscarriages.
What control do men have over womens bodies, nutcase?
It's the men in the government who want to make the laws that control a woman's right to choose. They want to outlaw all abortions, regardless of the reason. Where the hell have you been? Oh, and it's the religious freaks who want that right too.
Like I said, you want to kill babies, and you lie about abortions. Why do you liberal scum lie all the time?
No one, and I mean no one is doing late term abortions on healthy moms and babies. There are 4 providers in the US who will do late term abortions. These are heavily regulated and only done in situations where the alternative is neonatal hospice. They are done when fetuses have a medical condition that is incompatible with life. Abortions done for the health of the mother are done prior to viability (<24 weeks) due to premature rupture of membranes/infection of the uterus, severe pre eclampsia etc which are imminently life threatening to the mother (and baby as well) as baby cannot survive without the mother. After viability, if the mothers life is threatened, they deliver the baby and try to save them both. These are heartbreaking agonizing decisions being made in a situation with no good options. These are tragic for sure, but they are happening in wanted pregnancies. These are women who have painted their nurseries, named their babies, purchased their layettes and would never choose to be in these situations. This is not a “I changed my mind at 38 weeks” abortion. These women deserve our compassion just as much as mothers who experience stillbirths. They do not need to be prosecuted or vilified. The headlines and photos are misleading. They’re showing a healthy 3 month old and stating that it’s now legal to kill healthy babies in New York. The truth is far more nuanced and complex. It’s time we offered the women in these situations some grace."
Amanda Berry had a daughter, Jocelyn. Jaycee Dugard had two daughters, Starlet and Angel. Dugard was only 11 when she was kidnapped and repeatedly raped. These women have been forced to care for the children of rape to this very day. The children could have been retroactively aborted. They weren't. Where is the thoughtful protection for the victims of violent rape? Where is the caring? At the very least, the burden and memories could have been addressed and these children adopted out. They weren't.

All these calls for caring about rape victims and how awful it is to force young girls to give birth to the children of rapists is garbage. Just garbage. None of these mealy mouthed twats mean what they say. Show me the corpses of Jocelyn Berry, Starlet Dugard and Angel Dugard. Then I will take you seriously.
So what you're basically saying is that an 11 year old who is raped and pregnant as a result should carry it and then let it be adopted out? An 11 year old is still in grade school! What kind of life would she have for those 9 months? And what if her rapist is her father or brother? The child could end up looking like that boy in Deliverance. Who would adopt a kid like that?
And, those two examples aren't very good because they were hidden away and the last thing their rapists were going to do is contact anyone to adopt the babies.
I know a nurse who works part time at PP. She was there one day when two young girls came in. One was 12 and the other one was 10. The 10 year old was pregnant by her father. The 12 year old brought her in to get help with an abortion. Needless to say, neither of them had any money, but the doctor did the abortion for free and contacted the authorities. He had also been raping the 12 year old but she was lucky and never got pregnant. He is now in prison and the girls are in foster care.
And despite your examples, a child of that age is not physically equipped to carry to term a pregnancy and go through delivery. Yes there are examples like yours but there are also many examples of children being ripped apart on the insides because they're not fully developed to carry a pregnancy.
Let me ask you this.....if your 10 or 11 year child was raped and somehow became pregnant, would you force her to carry it to term even if it meant she could be ripped open or even die? Or would you get her a safe abortion to save her from those things? I would never put my daughter through that and honestly, her rapist would never make it to court, I'd see to that.
What I'm saying is what I have said from the beginning. If you believe that rape victims should not be forced to birth and raise the children of their rapists then you should support taking the children of rape away from Amanda Berry and Jaycee Dugard. Are they not forced, to this very day, to care for the children of violent rape? Why wasn't this done?
What you're not admitting to is they were kidnapped and held hostage. No one knew they had given birth except their kidnapper so how was anyone going to take the babies away from them? Amanda Berry's child was 6 and she was 17 when she escaped, Jaycee's daughters were 11 and 15 at the time of her reappearance, and you think that they should have been taken from her and adopted out at that age? Are you freaking serious?
Are they children of rape? Surely you cannot be suggesting that either Dugard or Berry loved those girls. Don't please don't. You have already been very convincing in your argument that FORCED to carry and give birth to a child of rape is so traumatic that no woman should ever be forced to do this horrible thing. Especially a girl of 11. Not just forced to bring these twisted pieces of life into the world but without medical care. Without pain medication. This is as bad as it gets. Yet we perpetuate the agony forced on these girls by requiring them, to this very day and beyond, to care for the children of violent rape. They are treated as if they do not really see the face of evil every time they look at these girls.

Why is that? Why aren't these children of violent rape removed?
Amanda Berry had a daughter, Jocelyn. Jaycee Dugard had two daughters, Starlet and Angel. Dugard was only 11 when she was kidnapped and repeatedly raped. These women have been forced to care for the children of rape to this very day. The children could have been retroactively aborted. They weren't. Where is the thoughtful protection for the victims of violent rape? Where is the caring? At the very least, the burden and memories could have been addressed and these children adopted out. They weren't.

All these calls for caring about rape victims and how awful it is to force young girls to give birth to the children of rapists is garbage. Just garbage. None of these mealy mouthed twats mean what they say. Show me the corpses of Jocelyn Berry, Starlet Dugard and Angel Dugard. Then I will take you seriously.
So what you're basically saying is that an 11 year old who is raped and pregnant as a result should carry it and then let it be adopted out? An 11 year old is still in grade school! What kind of life would she have for those 9 months? And what if her rapist is her father or brother? The child could end up looking like that boy in Deliverance. Who would adopt a kid like that?
And, those two examples aren't very good because they were hidden away and the last thing their rapists were going to do is contact anyone to adopt the babies.
I know a nurse who works part time at PP. She was there one day when two young girls came in. One was 12 and the other one was 10. The 10 year old was pregnant by her father. The 12 year old brought her in to get help with an abortion. Needless to say, neither of them had any money, but the doctor did the abortion for free and contacted the authorities. He had also been raping the 12 year old but she was lucky and never got pregnant. He is now in prison and the girls are in foster care.
And despite your examples, a child of that age is not physically equipped to carry to term a pregnancy and go through delivery. Yes there are examples like yours but there are also many examples of children being ripped apart on the insides because they're not fully developed to carry a pregnancy.
Let me ask you this.....if your 10 or 11 year child was raped and somehow became pregnant, would you force her to carry it to term even if it meant she could be ripped open or even die? Or would you get her a safe abortion to save her from those things? I would never put my daughter through that and honestly, her rapist would never make it to court, I'd see to that.
What I'm saying is what I have said from the beginning. If you believe that rape victims should not be forced to birth and raise the children of their rapists then you should support taking the children of rape away from Amanda Berry and Jaycee Dugard. Are they not forced, to this very day, to care for the children of violent rape? Why wasn't this done?
What you're not admitting to is they were kidnapped and held hostage. No one knew they had given birth except their kidnapper so how was anyone going to take the babies away from them? Amanda Berry's child was 6 and she was 17 when she escaped, Jaycee's daughters were 11 and 15 at the time of her reappearance, and you think that they should have been taken from her and adopted out at that age? Are you freaking serious?
Are they children of rape? Surely you cannot be suggesting that either Dugard or Berry loved those girls. Don't please don't. You have already been very convincing in your argument that FORCED to carry and give birth to a child of rape is so traumatic that no woman should ever be forced to do this horrible thing. Especially a girl of 11. Not just forced to bring these twisted pieces of life into the world but without medical care. Without pain medication. This is as bad as it gets. Yet we perpetuate the agony forced on these girls by requiring them, to this very day and beyond, to care for the children of violent rape. They are treated as if they do not really see the face of evil every time they look at these girls.

Why is that? Why aren't these children of violent rape removed?

Maybe those who gave birth to them and are caring for them are much better people than you. Maybe they realize those innocent children are not guilty of any crime, much less a capital one.

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