Chew on This One; Trump Won 44% of the Hispanic Voters in Nevada

Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

First off, you people have been claiming the end of Trump for months. And every time you people scream, his poll numbers get higher.

So here's just another dog barking at the wind, and wondering why no one cares.

Second, you missed the entire point. We don't care if 27%, or 16% or whatever vote for Trump.

You people on the left claimed that Trump was racists and anti-hispanic. The fact that a sizable chunk of the Hispanic population is willing to vote for Trump, means that apparently he's not as racist as you have claimed.

With 81% of Hispanics having an unfavorable view of Trump, it does not seem many will vote for him

Gives swing states Florida, Nevada and Colorado to Hillary
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

First off, you people have been claiming the end of Trump for months. And every time you people scream, his poll numbers get higher.

So here's just another dog barking at the wind, and wondering why no one cares.

Second, you missed the entire point. We don't care if 27%, or 16% or whatever vote for Trump.

You people on the left claimed that Trump was racists and anti-hispanic. The fact that a sizable chunk of the Hispanic population is willing to vote for Trump, means that apparently he's not as racist as you have claimed.

With 81% of Hispanics having an unfavorable view of Trump, it does not seem many will vote for him

Gives swing states Florida, Nevada and Colorado to Hillary

16% is a massive number, given if he was truly anti-Hispanic, the number would be 0%.

If Trump openly said he hated Jesus Christ, and thought Christians should be imprisoned, the number that supported him would be far lower than 16%.
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

Jake, Jake, now there YOU go again! Like your numbers, they are fantastic.

But now, why don't you delve into them a little deeper, and tell all these nice people where almost all of that vote is at!

Here, let me help you, since I don't want you to have to decide which moniker you want to poat it under, Jake or RIGHTWINGER, lol.

California, Illinois, and Texas! Think the GOP was going to win California or Illinois? NOT! How about the Democrats winning Texas? Ummmmmm, no!

Then explain also to these nice people, which segment of the Hispanic population is MOST AGAINST the Democrats, virtually split 50-50, or even leaning GOP. Here, let me again assist....CUBAN AMERICANS. Oh my, where are they mostly concentrated-) Oh geeze, that would be Florida. Here, let me spell that for you slowly, F-L-O-R-I-D-A!

So you go ahead with your propaganda, and we will use FACTS instead-)
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

Jake, Jake, now there YOU go again! Like your numbers, they are fantastic.

But now, why don't you delve into them a little deeper, and tell all these nice people where almost all of that vote is at!

Here, let me help you, since I don't want you to have to decide which moniker you want to poat it under, Jake or RIGHTWINGER, lol.

California, Illinois, and Texas! Think the GOP was going to win California or Illinois? NOT! How about the Democrats winning Texas? Ummmmmm, no!

Then explain also to these nice people, which segment of the Hispanic population is MOST AGAINST the Democrats, virtually split 50-50, or even leaning GOP. Here, let me again assist....CUBAN AMERICANS. Oh my, where are they mostly concentrated-) Oh geeze, that would be Florida. Here, let me spell that for you slowly, F-L-O-R-I-D-A!

So you go ahead with your propaganda, and we will use FACTS instead-)
Cubans in Florida are a minority of all Hispanics in the state. And even Cubans sometimes vote Democrat, such as they did in both of Clinton's elections.

In the last presidential election, about 71% of Hispanics nationally voted Democrat. And nationally, Hispanics comprise about 17% of the overall population.
Yep, the guy that supposedly hates Hispanics and is wanting to deport all of them, he won 44% of Hispanics voters.

When have Trumps critics been right about this guy? I mean like EVER?

Nevada caucuses results: Donald Trump wins Latino vote - CNN Video

The only problem with your figures is that only 9% of Hispanic voters actually voted. Of that, indeed Trump received 46%.

But honestly, I believe that at this point, Trump has the nomination.

So 4% of Hispanics voted Trump then?
Nothing to tout.
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

First off, you people have been claiming the end of Trump for months. And every time you people scream, his poll numbers get higher.

So here's just another dog barking at the wind, and wondering why no one cares.

Second, you missed the entire point. We don't care if 27%, or 16% or whatever vote for Trump.

You people on the left claimed that Trump was racists and anti-hispanic. The fact that a sizable chunk of the Hispanic population is willing to vote for Trump, means that apparently he's not as racist as you have claimed.

With 81% of Hispanics having an unfavorable view of Trump, it does not seem many will vote for him

Gives swing states Florida, Nevada and Colorado to Hillary

16% is a massive number, given if he was truly anti-Hispanic, the number would be 0%.

If Trump openly said he hated Jesus Christ, and thought Christians should be imprisoned, the number that supported him would be far lower than 16%.

16% does seem more than he deserves

But he can still draw votes from Cubans and wealthy Hispanics looking for tax cuts
Common knowledge these last 15 years.


So, in other words, it's an outright lie that's gone through the right-wing echo chamber long enough that it's become "true" to you guys.

Why don't you actually look up some polling information on it?

You'll be surprised.

As you know, polling isn't all it's cracked-up to be.


Of course it is.

Why challenge your truthiness with reality, after all?

You have your reality, I have mine.

Time will tell which is actual.


I couldn't have put it better myself.

Although I doubt you'll ever let your fantasies go. You'll come up with some way to rationalize it, even after you've been proven wrong.

I've been proven wrong several times since 2008. Before that I was nearly 100%.

Hardly recognize the place.
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

Jake, Jake, now there YOU go again! Like your numbers, they are fantastic.

But now, why don't you delve into them a little deeper, and tell all these nice people where almost all of that vote is at!

Here, let me help you, since I don't want you to have to decide which moniker you want to poat it under, Jake or RIGHTWINGER, lol.

California, Illinois, and Texas! Think the GOP was going to win California or Illinois? NOT! How about the Democrats winning Texas? Ummmmmm, no!

Then explain also to these nice people, which segment of the Hispanic population is MOST AGAINST the Democrats, virtually split 50-50, or even leaning GOP. Here, let me again assist....CUBAN AMERICANS. Oh my, where are they mostly concentrated-) Oh geeze, that would be Florida. Here, let me spell that for you slowly, F-L-O-R-I-D-A!

So you go ahead with your propaganda, and we will use FACTS instead-)
Cubans in Florida are a minority of all Hispanics in the state. And even Cubans sometimes vote Democrat, such as they did in both of Clinton's elections.

In the last presidential election, about 71% of Hispanics nationally voted Democrat. And nationally, Hispanics comprise about 17% of the overall population.

Not gonna debate the issue, because it is what it is. If you educate yourself as to who and why, you will be much better off for it, lol.

You just keep believing your "over all" poll not using subsets, and you will be surprised when Florida is in the GOP column come November.

I am tired of typing explanations as to WHY to lefties, the ones on this board I am attempting to reach know exactly why what I say is true, and if they want to explain it to you, it is up to them.
What percentage of the queer vote do saggy tits Hillary and commie socialist Bernie get? 20/80 ?

Perhaps some of the liberturd men in this thread can tell us how they swing. ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Latino's are going to disappoint Democrats who think they will be a solid voter bloc for them. Most Latinos have no interest in going down the welfare hole and staying poor forever. They come here and look for work, so they can send money to their families back home. A Latino on welfare isn't going to be able to do that.
I had occasion to visit a friend who owns a peach orchard. He hires a travelling group of Mexican pickers each year to pick the crop then the pickers move on.
Here's what I saw first hand and have been told by the orchard owner.......who has been in the business for thirty years.
Nowadays the Mexican pickers are hired in Mexico, by someone who is involved with a Cartel. The pickers have to pay an ongoing fee to the Cartel to keep working on the crew.
The pickers are now all young men who try to send a percentage of what they earn back to their families. Many decide to have the orchard owner send the percentage, usually about 90% back directly to the family. That way the pickers can't drink and gamble their pay away. This also helps keep the pay away from the 'professional' gamblers the Cartel includes with each crew. Oh ya. The Cartel hires professional cards cheats and some 'enforcers' to steal as much hard earned pay as the Cartel can get their hands on. The money is sent back to the Cartel.
The Cartel doesn't like that the pickers ask the orchard owner to safeguard their pay. The Cartel is always claiming the orchard owners are 'cheating' the pickers when it's not true. This causes constant turmoil within the picking crew. Just what the Cartel wants to happen.
Most young pickers who make this agreement with the orchard owners are not hired the following season by the Cartel.
This means each year a 'green' crew not used to picking, say peaches, arrives causing even more problems.
There's alway lots of young Mexican men looking for work.
Producers of fruit and vegetables in the US are choosing to invest in more and more automated picking/harvesting technology.
In the case of the peach orchard the owner is now planting trees especially being grown and pruned to facilitate automated picking.
The Cartels are destroying thousands of much needed jobs as a result of their greed.
Latino's are going to disappoint Democrats who think they will be a solid voter bloc for them. Most Latinos have no interest in going down the welfare hole and staying poor forever. They come here and look for work, so they can send money to their families back home. A Latino on welfare isn't going to be able to do that.
I had occasion to visit a friend who owns a peach orchard. He hires a travelling group of Mexican pickers each year to pick the crop then the pickers move on.
Here's what I saw first hand and have been told by the orchard owner.......who has been in the business for thirty years.
Nowadays the Mexican pickers are hired in Mexico, by someone who is involved with a Cartel. The pickers have to pay an ongoing fee to the Cartel to keep working on the crew.
The pickers are now all young men who try to send a percentage of what they earn back to their families. Many decide to have the orchard owner send the percentage, usually about 90% back directly to the family. That way the pickers can't drink and gamble their pay away. This also helps keep the pay away from the 'professional' gamblers the Cartel includes with each crew. Oh ya. The Cartel hires professional cards cheats and some 'enforcers' to steal as much hard earned pay as the Cartel can get their hands on. The money is sent back to the Cartel.
The Cartel doesn't like that the pickers ask the orchard owner to safeguard their pay. The Cartel is always claiming the orchard owners are 'cheating' the pickers when it's not true. This causes constant turmoil within the picking crew. Just what the Cartel wants to happen.
Most young pickers who make this agreement with the orchard owners are not hired the following season by the Cartel.
This means each year a 'green' crew not used to picking, say peaches, arrives causing even more problems.
There's alway lots of young Mexican men looking for work.
Producers of fruit and vegetables in the US are choosing to invest in more and more automated picking/harvesting technology.
In the case of the peach orchard the owner is now planting trees especially being grown and pruned to facilitate automated picking.
The Cartels are destroying thousands of much needed jobs as a result of their greed.

How about fuck the Mexicans. When I was 14/15 growing up in Connecticut - I picked tobacco. Like every other teenager did growing up. The fields were full of Americans doing the work - and it built a strong worth ethic among us.
This country has steadily gone to shit since.
Latino's are going to disappoint Democrats who think they will be a solid voter bloc for them. Most Latinos have no interest in going down the welfare hole and staying poor forever. They come here and look for work, so they can send money to their families back home. A Latino on welfare isn't going to be able to do that.
I had occasion to visit a friend who owns a peach orchard. He hires a travelling group of Mexican pickers each year to pick the crop then the pickers move on.
Here's what I saw first hand and have been told by the orchard owner.......who has been in the business for thirty years.
Nowadays the Mexican pickers are hired in Mexico, by someone who is involved with a Cartel. The pickers have to pay an ongoing fee to the Cartel to keep working on the crew.
The pickers are now all young men who try to send a percentage of what they earn back to their families. Many decide to have the orchard owner send the percentage, usually about 90% back directly to the family. That way the pickers can't drink and gamble their pay away. This also helps keep the pay away from the 'professional' gamblers the Cartel includes with each crew. Oh ya. The Cartel hires professional cards cheats and some 'enforcers' to steal as much hard earned pay as the Cartel can get their hands on. The money is sent back to the Cartel.
The Cartel doesn't like that the pickers ask the orchard owner to safeguard their pay. The Cartel is always claiming the orchard owners are 'cheating' the pickers when it's not true. This causes constant turmoil within the picking crew. Just what the Cartel wants to happen.
Most young pickers who make this agreement with the orchard owners are not hired the following season by the Cartel.
This means each year a 'green' crew not used to picking, say peaches, arrives causing even more problems.
There's alway lots of young Mexican men looking for work.
Producers of fruit and vegetables in the US are choosing to invest in more and more automated picking/harvesting technology.
In the case of the peach orchard the owner is now planting trees especially being grown and pruned to facilitate automated picking.
The Cartels are destroying thousands of much needed jobs as a result of their greed.

Corn, wheat and cotton used to be harvested by hand too

The move to automation is made because hand picking can never compete with technology on that scale
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

Jake, Jake, now there YOU go again! Like your numbers, they are fantastic.

But now, why don't you delve into them a little deeper, and tell all these nice people where almost all of that vote is at!

Here, let me help you, since I don't want you to have to decide which moniker you want to poat it under, Jake or RIGHTWINGER, lol.

California, Illinois, and Texas! Think the GOP was going to win California or Illinois? NOT! How about the Democrats winning Texas? Ummmmmm, no!

Then explain also to these nice people, which segment of the Hispanic population is MOST AGAINST the Democrats, virtually split 50-50, or even leaning GOP. Here, let me again assist....CUBAN AMERICANS. Oh my, where are they mostly concentrated-) Oh geeze, that would be Florida. Here, let me spell that for you slowly, F-L-O-R-I-D-A!

So you go ahead with your propaganda, and we will use FACTS instead-)
Cubans in Florida are a minority of all Hispanics in the state. And even Cubans sometimes vote Democrat, such as they did in both of Clinton's elections.

In the last presidential election, about 71% of Hispanics nationally voted Democrat. And nationally, Hispanics comprise about 17% of the overall population.

Not gonna debate the issue, because it is what it is. If you educate yourself as to who and why, you will be much better off for it, lol.

You just keep believing your "over all" poll not using subsets, and you will be surprised when Florida is in the GOP column come November.

I am tired of typing explanations as to WHY to lefties, the ones on this board I am attempting to reach know exactly why what I say is true, and if they want to explain it to you, it is up to them.
There is nothing to explain. Cubans make up only about 25 to 30 percent of all Hispanics in Florida. That's an undeniable fact. The majority of non-Cuban Hispanics typically vote Democrat. That is also an undeniable fact. Another undeniable fact... some 71% of Hispanics voted Democrat in the last presidential election. And yet another undeniable fact... Hispanics comprise about 17% of the nation's population.

No wonder you don't want to debate this. :mm:
What percentage of the queer vote do saggy tits Hillary and commie socialist Bernie get? 20/80 ?

Perhaps some of the liberturd men in this thread can tell us how they swing. ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can't you troll for dates in a more appropriate forum?
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

Jake, Jake, now there YOU go again! Like your numbers, they are fantastic.

But now, why don't you delve into them a little deeper, and tell all these nice people where almost all of that vote is at!

Here, let me help you, since I don't want you to have to decide which moniker you want to poat it under, Jake or RIGHTWINGER, lol.

California, Illinois, and Texas! Think the GOP was going to win California or Illinois? NOT! How about the Democrats winning Texas? Ummmmmm, no!

Then explain also to these nice people, which segment of the Hispanic population is MOST AGAINST the Democrats, virtually split 50-50, or even leaning GOP. Here, let me again assist....CUBAN AMERICANS. Oh my, where are they mostly concentrated-) Oh geeze, that would be Florida. Here, let me spell that for you slowly, F-L-O-R-I-D-A!

So you go ahead with your propaganda, and we will use FACTS instead-)
Cubans in Florida are a minority of all Hispanics in the state. And even Cubans sometimes vote Democrat, such as they did in both of Clinton's elections.

In the last presidential election, about 71% of Hispanics nationally voted Democrat. And nationally, Hispanics comprise about 17% of the overall population.

Not gonna debate the issue, because it is what it is. If you educate yourself as to who and why, you will be much better off for it, lol.

You just keep believing your "over all" poll not using subsets, and you will be surprised when Florida is in the GOP column come November.

I am tired of typing explanations as to WHY to lefties, the ones on this board I am attempting to reach know exactly why what I say is true, and if they want to explain it to you, it is up to them.
There is nothing to explain. Cubans make up only about 25 to 30 percent of all Hispanics in Florida. That's an undeniable fact. The majority of non-Cuban Hispanics typically vote Democrat. That is also an undeniable fact. Another undeniable fact... some 71% of Hispanics voted Democrat in the last presidential election. And yet another undeniable fact... Hispanics comprise about 17% of the nation's population.

No wonder you don't want to debate this. :mm:

I want EVERYONE to look at this------------->

Faun has said how Cuban Americans do not count (basically) in Florida, and yet they are leaning moderate, to heavily GOP this time because of the Obama deal with Castro.

OK folks, I am here as I post this in Florida. Didn't Obama and the Democrats carry Florida in 2012? Now remember, there is almost 2 million (well actually about 1.5 million) Cuban, American votes in Florida.

So, everything being equal, (which it won't be because Obama is not running, and instead it is Hillary, or Bernie, meaning Democratic votes are going to tank) how many votes need to either be NOT given to the Democrats because there is no enthusiasm, or switch sides for to the GOP, knowing full well Cuban Americans are pissed beyond belief?

Don't take my word for it, look at the final results. Just put your mouse over Florida, and it gives you the final count in 2012!

2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News

Notice, I made sure I got it from a LEFTY source, so I didn't have to hear how I got it from some RW site.

These lefties are trying EVERYTHING to disuade you that you have even an outside chance, when in fact, you are in the DRIVERS SEAT.

Check out Ohio next! Make Kasich the VP nominee, what you think, lol!

What you are really looking at, is the DEMISE of the Democratic party, if you can swing one more medium state, PERIOD! Oh, we are going to get Iowa this time, and a few others, but one more STATE that is medium, and it is Katie bar the door!

Now I am never, ever, going to explain this again, because the GOP people on here have seen it posted more than once by me. It is the left who wants me to continue explaining it, as they try and find a chink in the logic. THERE ISN'T ANY!

This race will come down to one state. It won't be Florida, and if Kasich is the VP nominee, it won't be Ohio. Want to know what state it will be? Have no idea, but it is going to be one of the lefts that like the idea of slamming the border shut! And that is the brutal truth!

But here, I will give the left something to disagree with me on, since they know I have proven them wrong! Look at Penn-) Lotsa blue collar votes, I choose there that you will meet your Waterloo-)
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

Jake, Jake, now there YOU go again! Like your numbers, they are fantastic.

But now, why don't you delve into them a little deeper, and tell all these nice people where almost all of that vote is at!

Here, let me help you, since I don't want you to have to decide which moniker you want to poat it under, Jake or RIGHTWINGER, lol.

California, Illinois, and Texas! Think the GOP was going to win California or Illinois? NOT! How about the Democrats winning Texas? Ummmmmm, no!

Then explain also to these nice people, which segment of the Hispanic population is MOST AGAINST the Democrats, virtually split 50-50, or even leaning GOP. Here, let me again assist....CUBAN AMERICANS. Oh my, where are they mostly concentrated-) Oh geeze, that would be Florida. Here, let me spell that for you slowly, F-L-O-R-I-D-A!

So you go ahead with your propaganda, and we will use FACTS instead-)
Cubans in Florida are a minority of all Hispanics in the state. And even Cubans sometimes vote Democrat, such as they did in both of Clinton's elections.

In the last presidential election, about 71% of Hispanics nationally voted Democrat. And nationally, Hispanics comprise about 17% of the overall population.

Not gonna debate the issue, because it is what it is. If you educate yourself as to who and why, you will be much better off for it, lol.

You just keep believing your "over all" poll not using subsets, and you will be surprised when Florida is in the GOP column come November.

I am tired of typing explanations as to WHY to lefties, the ones on this board I am attempting to reach know exactly why what I say is true, and if they want to explain it to you, it is up to them.
Romney barely won the Cuban vote in 2012. It isn't as conservative of a voting block as you think it is.
Its not racist to demand our borders be secure and to deport the millions of law breaking asshole illegals back to where they came from. Illegals get the fuck out of our country now, before Trump boots puts his boot in your ass.

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