Chew on This One; Trump Won 44% of the Hispanic Voters in Nevada

Yep, the guy that supposedly hates Hispanics and is wanting to deport all of them, he won 44% of Hispanics voters.

When have Trumps critics been right about this guy? I mean like EVER?

Nevada caucuses results: Donald Trump wins Latino vote - CNN Video

The legal immigrant Latinos detest the illegals. Of course, the mainstream press suppresses that notion.



Common knowledge these last 15 years.


So, in other words, it's an outright lie that's gone through the right-wing echo chamber long enough that it's become "true" to you guys.

Why don't you actually look up some polling information on it?

You'll be surprised.

As you know, polling isn't all it's cracked-up to be.


Of course it is.

Why challenge your truthiness with reality, after all?
The legal immigrant Latinos detest the illegals. Of course, the mainstream press suppresses that notion.



Common knowledge these last 15 years.


So, in other words, it's an outright lie that's gone through the right-wing echo chamber long enough that it's become "true" to you guys.

Why don't you actually look up some polling information on it?

You'll be surprised.

As you know, polling isn't all it's cracked-up to be.


Of course it is.

Why challenge your truthiness with reality, after all?

You have your reality, I have mine.

Time will tell which is actual.

Common knowledge these last 15 years.


So, in other words, it's an outright lie that's gone through the right-wing echo chamber long enough that it's become "true" to you guys.

Why don't you actually look up some polling information on it?

You'll be surprised.

As you know, polling isn't all it's cracked-up to be.


Of course it is.

Why challenge your truthiness with reality, after all?

You have your reality, I have mine.

Time will tell which is actual.


I couldn't have put it better myself.

Although I doubt you'll ever let your fantasies go. You'll come up with some way to rationalize it, even after you've been proven wrong.
You libs need to get out more. Anyone who lives on the street level knows that many blacks support Donald trump. And anyone that knows the macho culture of many Latinos knows they respect a man who projects power. Donald trump talks about bringing back jobs. That appeals to all constituencies. The republican turnout doubled the turnout of the last cycle while,the dem turnout was half of 2008.

The real fantasies reside with dems who think a lying and untrustworthy old,white woman who is under fbi investigation is a shoo in for president against the republican field. The top three repubs beat Hilary in head to head according to recent polls. So doc you are the one not dealing with reality

Trump will carve out the Reagan democrats and sizable percentages of the minority voters. Obama is reaping what he sowed.
Yep, the guy that supposedly hates Hispanics and is wanting to deport all of them, he won 44% of Hispanics voters.

When have Trumps critics been right about this guy? I mean like EVER?

Nevada caucuses results: Donald Trump wins Latino vote - CNN Video

The caucus represents less than 1% of the Democrat or Republican party. You'll note that in the video it specifically states that Donald Trump has a very negative rating overall with Latinos. He does he is polling at a negative 75% with them. So a few Republican Latino voters show up and vote for him in Nevada, and based on an entry or exist poll--which means NADA, the media has a hay day with it.
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Conservative Republican Latino's on FOX News have already stated that if Donald Trump is the nominee of the party they have no intentions of helping him defeat Hillary Clinton. Meaning they'll be voting for Hillary Clinton.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

The GOP nominee needs to capture at least 46% of the Latino block to win the White House, and there's not a snow balls chance in Haiti of Trump doing that.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

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Conservative Republican Latino's on FOX News have already stated that if Donald Trump is the nominee of the party they have no intentions of helping him defeat Hillary Clinton. Meaning they'll be voting for Hillary Clinton.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Or it could meant that they plan to sit it out, or it could be just intra-party warfare as these 'leaders' (who elects these mouth pieces anyway?) suck up to the GOP establishment or it could just be that they have not dug into Trumps alleged dissing of Hispanics and believe the lies.

The GOP nominee needs to capture at least 46% of the Latino block to win the White House, and there's not a snow balls chance in Haiti of Trump doing that.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Bah, a study by a Latino advocacy group, chortle.

No, while the GOP will go for as many Hispanic votes as they can like any other election and any other ethnic group, they will not need to cut so deeply into the Hispanic block to win the election.

It is amazing that educated people can believe that bullshit.
These are the three interesting points from rdean's posts

3. Latinos in Nevada have been consistently moving away from the Republican party. Recall that in the 2010 general election when Republican Sharon Angle embraced an anti-immigrant platform for her campaign she won only 8% of the Latino vote, to 90% for Harry Reid. In a detailed analysis of the demographics and political profile of Latinos in Nevada Brookings Mountain West summed it up this way:

In sum, based upon analysis of survey data from the 2012 election it appears that within Nevada’s Latino community there are few if any sub‐populations where the Republican Party has much traction. Much of the Republican Party’s struggles with Latino voters in Nevada stems from the inconsistency between the GOP’s policy agenda and the preferences of most Latino voters in the state and the perceived insensitivity of the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, towards the state’s Latino community.​

4. Just looking at Latino participation in the Democratic and Republican caucuses, there were an estimated 16,500 Latinos who participated in the Democratic caucus and cast a Democratic ballot. On the Republican side it was about 6,000 and Trump came away with an estimated 2,600 Latino votes, or only 11% of all Latinos participants in the caucuses.

5. In a poll of Latino voters in general election battleground states (which included Nevada), impreMedia and Latino Decisions found that 80% of Latino voters said Trump’s statements about Mexicans and immigrants gave them a less favorable opinion of the GOP overall. This has been corroborated by Gallup’s monthly tracker and NBC polling, and reported by CNN in their headline “Latinos see Donald Trump as hurting GOP brand“and most recently by Political Science professor Lynn Vavreck writing for the New York Times Upshot who called him “damager-in-chief to the party reputation” among Latinos.​
Hey Joe, I have always been on the side of----------> the hardest thing any supporter of a none establishment candidate will have to do, is defeat the GOP, and not the Democrats. Many have tried, all have failed except for Reagan.

Reagan would be a RINO today. That's how nuts your party has gotten and why I left. Next lame argument.

And in all honesty, if all of the candidates besides Trump left were establishment, I would say the odds were with the GOP to defeat him. That is not the case! The only 2 candidates they want are Rubio or Kasich, and that puts them in a very questionable position. The real answer lies with the supporters of Cruz for their theory to work, if they can get him to drop. I have seen polls and internals all over the place suggesting what would happen should Cruz drop, from the lion share going to Rubio, to them going to Trump; depending upon the reason they are supporting a Cruz candidacy.

The thing is, people who support Cruz- the dumb-ass inbred bible thumping moron who hates Gays and Mexicans just like Jesus did - shouldn't be supporting Trump at all. The guy makes his living off of promoting sex and gambling, he's on his third Trophy wife. (Did you see the interview with her yesterday.... Ugh!)

But much like the Evangelicals supported Romney after years of calling Mormons "heretics", they are getting behind Trump because they smell a winner and they are tired of losing.

the problem is,t here is no way a Nazi like Trump should ever be president. "Republicans for Hillary" will be a thing if he's the nominee... or they should be.
No it is not. Trump was very clear that he is against persons entering the U.S. illegally; the majority of which come from Mexico.

You think the bigots like you and Trump really are making a distinction between the Mexicans who are here legally and the ones who snuck in?
Looks to me like President Trump will get the GOP nomination, which of course means, happy days are soon to be here again! What's first - deport filthy Muslims and Mexicans. Next on the agenda? Round-up, question, and deport if necessary those Liberal assholes with socialist/anti-American views. Can't wait. My dick is getting hard just thinking about it.

Trump '16

I hope that was sarcasm.
A great orator. A successful businessman. Takes shit from no one. An undisputed AMERICAN. The military loves him.

Dear Lord - Obama just can't measure up. Hell, Obama can't measure up to a shit-collector.
Obama, elected president: 2 times
Trump, elected president: zero times

Seems Obama wins that contest.
Looks to me like President Trump will get the GOP nomination, which of course means, happy days are soon to be here again! What's first - deport filthy Muslims and Mexicans. Next on the agenda? Round-up, question, and deport if necessary those Liberal assholes with socialist/anti-American views. Can't wait. My dick is getting hard just thinking about it.

Trump '16
Oh look, someone who gets a tingle in his dick from a candidate kinda like Mathews got a tingle in his leg. I'm happy for you that you found someone who gets you sportin' wood. Lord knows, there isn't a woman on the planet who can do that.
Hey Joe, I have always been on the side of----------> the hardest thing any supporter of a none establishment candidate will have to do, is defeat the GOP, and not the Democrats. Many have tried, all have failed except for Reagan.

Reagan would be a RINO today. That's how nuts your party has gotten and why I left. Next lame argument.

And in all honesty, if all of the candidates besides Trump left were establishment, I would say the odds were with the GOP to defeat him. That is not the case! The only 2 candidates they want are Rubio or Kasich, and that puts them in a very questionable position. The real answer lies with the supporters of Cruz for their theory to work, if they can get him to drop. I have seen polls and internals all over the place suggesting what would happen should Cruz drop, from the lion share going to Rubio, to them going to Trump; depending upon the reason they are supporting a Cruz candidacy.

The thing is, people who support Cruz- the dumb-ass inbred bible thumping moron who hates Gays and Mexicans just like Jesus did - shouldn't be supporting Trump at all. The guy makes his living off of promoting sex and gambling, he's on his third Trophy wife. (Did you see the interview with her yesterday.... Ugh!)

But much like the Evangelicals supported Romney after years of calling Mormons "heretics", they are getting behind Trump because they smell a winner and they are tired of losing.

the problem is,t here is no way a Nazi like Trump should ever be president. "Republicans for Hillary" will be a thing if he's the nominee... or they should be.

Now Joe, Joe.............calling Trump a Nazi is very clever indeed, which means that henceforth, we should call Bernie a former member of the politburo, since indeed he did travel to the USSR on his honeymoon. Kinda funny that SOME on here claim he is a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST, and yet did he travel to one of those countries to view them in operation to mold his ideas? Oh no! He went to the home of Socialism/Marxism, the good ole USSR-) (can't wait for that commercial if he wins the Democratic nomination, can you!)

As far as the rest of your assertions, we both have made our positions abundantly clear, so no need to rehash them. Disagreeing on what millions of people will do when given a choice is guessing this far out, and since we really don't know who/whom is going to be facing who/whom in the general, we are really disagreeing about hypothetical's.

Let's just wait until it becomes clearer, and then we can resume our disagreements while standing on firmer ground.

Have a nice day!
Obama, elected president: 2 times
Trump, elected president: zero times

Obama more fucked up than Carter and Nixon combined - Two terms
Idiots gobbled up his turds like M&M's and believed his lies/horseshit and voted for the dipshit racist - Two times.


How'd it taste?
No it is not. Trump was very clear that he is against persons entering the U.S. illegally; the majority of which come from Mexico.

You think the bigots like you and Trump really are making a distinction between the Mexicans who are here legally and the ones who snuck in?

There is a major distinction. Just ask my wife..... she is 100 percent Mexican. Btw, I showed her the post where you call myself and Trump "bigots". She would like me to remind you that what Trump and myself say about Mexicans entering the U.S. illegally is no different than what Mexican Immigration says about Guatemalens and Salvadorans entering Mexico illegally.

Put your "bigot" card back in your wallet. It's weak.
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

First off, you people have been claiming the end of Trump for months. And every time you people scream, his poll numbers get higher.

So here's just another dog barking at the wind, and wondering why no one cares.

Second, you missed the entire point. We don't care if 27%, or 16% or whatever vote for Trump.

You people on the left claimed that Trump was racists and anti-hispanic. The fact that a sizable chunk of the Hispanic population is willing to vote for Trump, means that apparently he's not as racist as you have claimed.

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