Chew on This One; Trump Won 44% of the Hispanic Voters in Nevada

These are the three interesting points from rdean's posts

3. Latinos in Nevada have been consistently moving away from the Republican party. Recall that in the 2010 general election when Republican Sharon Angle embraced an anti-immigrant platform for her campaign she won only 8% of the Latino vote, to 90% for Harry Reid. In a detailed analysis of the demographics and political profile of Latinos in Nevada Brookings Mountain West summed it up this way:

In sum, based upon analysis of survey data from the 2012 election it appears that within Nevada’s Latino community there are few if any sub‐populations where the Republican Party has much traction. Much of the Republican Party’s struggles with Latino voters in Nevada stems from the inconsistency between the GOP’s policy agenda and the preferences of most Latino voters in the state and the perceived insensitivity of the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, towards the state’s Latino community.​
4. Just looking at Latino participation in the Democratic and Republican caucuses, there were an estimated 16,500 Latinos who participated in the Democratic caucus and cast a Democratic ballot. On the Republican side it was about 6,000 and Trump came away with an estimated 2,600 Latino votes, or only 11% of all Latinos participants in the caucuses.

5. In a poll of Latino voters in general election battleground states (which included Nevada), impreMedia and Latino Decisions found that 80% of Latino voters said Trump’s statements about Mexicans and immigrants gave them a less favorable opinion of the GOP overall. This has been corroborated by Gallup’s monthly tracker and NBC polling, and reported by CNN in their headline “Latinos see Donald Trump as hurting GOP brand“and most recently by Political Science professor Lynn Vavreck writing for the New York Times Upshot who called him “damager-in-chief to the party reputation” among Latinos.​

Every immigrant ethnic group that has migrated to this country began its first couple of generations as Democrat constituencies.

Why? Because that is the Tamany Hall ward politics methodology. The Democrats have been doing this for over 200 years, and they are damned good at it along with advancing the interests of farmers.

What have the Republicans been good at? Offering good policies that defend the interests of the Middle Class in this country and the business leaders. Those two groups had largely the same interests for the longest time, up until FDR won election and that was because the urban population had become the largest and even middle class people wanted some safety network as they lost their ties to extended family in rural areas who could take them in and give them room and board during a bad spell. It was not an uncommon thing previously, to have families suddenly take in an aunt or uncle that was elderly and no longer able to take care of themselves. Democrats offered help for that kind of problem. By 1960, even though Eisenhower had won two terms, the Democrats were looking like they would run American politics in Congress for decades more (they did) and they dominated national politics.

But then another change came to US politics with Nixon and his reaction to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He developed his 'Southern Strategy' and focused on winning whites in the South and destroyed the old yellow dog Democrat South and he won a landslide victory against McGovern in 1972 as the Democrat lurched to the far left.

Since that time the Democrats have been steadily losing support from the integrated Middle Class, and so they have fought to keep new immigrants from assimilating as much as possible. They have advanced 'Identity Politics' and demonized whites in every way imaginable from the mean old bidnessman to the poaching red neck to the old racist cracka to now the Trumpians who the Dems say want to run all the Hispanics out of the country.

But minorities see through this bullshit for the most part now. That W Bush was able to win 40% of the Hispanic vote in Texas in 2004, not because he pandered to them, but because of 911 and the patriotism of Hispanic voters led them to favor the current commander in chief.

Hispanics are not the pile of stupid ass voters that Democrats make them out to be. They will not vote against their own economic interests, and they dont identify with the illegal Julio who lives down the street and who is part of the reason that American born Hispanics are seeing more antipathy from other Americans now. No, he will vote for jobs, and Trump is going to get him those jobs. And if that gets Trump 40% of the Hispanic vote, great, but it is not nearly so important to the Republicans than it is to get the 45% of voters who self identify as conservative to be motivated to go vote for him at the polls, which they didnt do for Romney because the knew Romney for the Vulture Capitalist he is.

So the issue really is not how does Trump pander to Hispanics to get their votes. His challenge is how to get Hispanic votes with issues that also appeal to the Republican middle class conservative base as well.

And I would bet he is able to do it come this November, just like he has manipulated the media into 'financing' his campaign with free air time, just like he has dominated the polls against professional politicians from the day he announced for President.

The political pros said Trump could not be competitive with Hispanics and that the GOP had to nominate a Hispanic to head the ticket, but Trump has proven that to be complete bullshit too. And when the general election campaign kicks off, and he focuses on winning that election, you will see a shift in Trumps rhetoric and his style to appeal to minority voters. And that is why he will get 30ish% of Hispanics and 10ish% from blacks.

A generation of Hispanics are coming to the polls and they will not vote Republican

Opposition to DREAM and immigration reform
An offensive wall as a symbol
English only laws
Show me your papers laws

Republicans are doomed if they lose the Hispanic vote. Florida, Texas, Colorado, Nevada....all swinging blue

Read post 176 Jake, errrr excuse me, RIGHTWINGER, you are in deep doo, I have proven it, and all the propaganda in the world isn't going to save you-)

Post 176?

Florida is moving to be solidly blue. That hanging chad that gave Bush Florida in 2000 was the last hurrah for Republicanism in Florida.

The Hispanic vote is now solidly Democrat and young Cubans don't vote Republican like their parents did. Thanks to Obama, Cuba will now be on friendly terms and anti-Castro fear mongering won't have the grip on the Cuban vote that it once did

Jake, WINGER, or whatever your moniker is today, you are a piece of work, lol.

You are either ignorant, or a propagandist. In either case, you are so full of misinformation, listening to you is like listening to MSNBC.

Enjoy yourself. Virginia or Penn, pick one of our Waterloo's-) Course, you insist that is not the case, but then what should anyone expect from a full blown, SOCIALIST, PROPAGANDIST-)
lets see how Trump does in Texas with Hispanics

He should lose big time. That is Ted Cruz's state after all. How about if he wins New York which is where Hillary was Senator and Florida where Marco Rubio is the Senator. Would that satisfy you?
Not all Hispanics support allowing Mexico and others to continue to shit on our country. It's time for Mexico and others to be held accountable. They refuse to take care of their own people and ship Thousands of their worst criminals across the border. It's time they contribute a bit.
These are the three interesting points from rdean's posts

3. Latinos in Nevada have been consistently moving away from the Republican party. Recall that in the 2010 general election when Republican Sharon Angle embraced an anti-immigrant platform for her campaign she won only 8% of the Latino vote, to 90% for Harry Reid. In a detailed analysis of the demographics and political profile of Latinos in Nevada Brookings Mountain West summed it up this way:

In sum, based upon analysis of survey data from the 2012 election it appears that within Nevada’s Latino community there are few if any sub‐populations where the Republican Party has much traction. Much of the Republican Party’s struggles with Latino voters in Nevada stems from the inconsistency between the GOP’s policy agenda and the preferences of most Latino voters in the state and the perceived insensitivity of the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, towards the state’s Latino community.​
4. Just looking at Latino participation in the Democratic and Republican caucuses, there were an estimated 16,500 Latinos who participated in the Democratic caucus and cast a Democratic ballot. On the Republican side it was about 6,000 and Trump came away with an estimated 2,600 Latino votes, or only 11% of all Latinos participants in the caucuses.

5. In a poll of Latino voters in general election battleground states (which included Nevada), impreMedia and Latino Decisions found that 80% of Latino voters said Trump’s statements about Mexicans and immigrants gave them a less favorable opinion of the GOP overall. This has been corroborated by Gallup’s monthly tracker and NBC polling, and reported by CNN in their headline “Latinos see Donald Trump as hurting GOP brand“and most recently by Political Science professor Lynn Vavreck writing for the New York Times Upshot who called him “damager-in-chief to the party reputation” among Latinos.​

Every immigrant ethnic group that has migrated to this country began its first couple of generations as Democrat constituencies.

Why? Because that is the Tamany Hall ward politics methodology. The Democrats have been doing this for over 200 years, and they are damned good at it along with advancing the interests of farmers.

What have the Republicans been good at? Offering good policies that defend the interests of the Middle Class in this country and the business leaders. Those two groups had largely the same interests for the longest time, up until FDR won election and that was because the urban population had become the largest and even middle class people wanted some safety network as they lost their ties to extended family in rural areas who could take them in and give them room and board during a bad spell. It was not an uncommon thing previously, to have families suddenly take in an aunt or uncle that was elderly and no longer able to take care of themselves. Democrats offered help for that kind of problem. By 1960, even though Eisenhower had won two terms, the Democrats were looking like they would run American politics in Congress for decades more (they did) and they dominated national politics.

But then another change came to US politics with Nixon and his reaction to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He developed his 'Southern Strategy' and focused on winning whites in the South and destroyed the old yellow dog Democrat South and he won a landslide victory against McGovern in 1972 as the Democrat lurched to the far left.

Since that time the Democrats have been steadily losing support from the integrated Middle Class, and so they have fought to keep new immigrants from assimilating as much as possible. They have advanced 'Identity Politics' and demonized whites in every way imaginable from the mean old bidnessman to the poaching red neck to the old racist cracka to now the Trumpians who the Dems say want to run all the Hispanics out of the country.

But minorities see through this bullshit for the most part now. That W Bush was able to win 40% of the Hispanic vote in Texas in 2004, not because he pandered to them, but because of 911 and the patriotism of Hispanic voters led them to favor the current commander in chief.

Hispanics are not the pile of stupid ass voters that Democrats make them out to be. They will not vote against their own economic interests, and they dont identify with the illegal Julio who lives down the street and who is part of the reason that American born Hispanics are seeing more antipathy from other Americans now. No, he will vote for jobs, and Trump is going to get him those jobs. And if that gets Trump 40% of the Hispanic vote, great, but it is not nearly so important to the Republicans than it is to get the 45% of voters who self identify as conservative to be motivated to go vote for him at the polls, which they didnt do for Romney because the knew Romney for the Vulture Capitalist he is.

So the issue really is not how does Trump pander to Hispanics to get their votes. His challenge is how to get Hispanic votes with issues that also appeal to the Republican middle class conservative base as well.

And I would bet he is able to do it come this November, just like he has manipulated the media into 'financing' his campaign with free air time, just like he has dominated the polls against professional politicians from the day he announced for President.

The political pros said Trump could not be competitive with Hispanics and that the GOP had to nominate a Hispanic to head the ticket, but Trump has proven that to be complete bullshit too. And when the general election campaign kicks off, and he focuses on winning that election, you will see a shift in Trumps rhetoric and his style to appeal to minority voters. And that is why he will get 30ish% of Hispanics and 10ish% from blacks.

A generation of Hispanics are coming to the polls and they will not vote Republican

Opposition to DREAM and immigration reform
An offensive wall as a symbol
English only laws
Show me your papers laws

Republicans are doomed if they lose the Hispanic vote. Florida, Texas, Colorado, Nevada....all swinging blue

Read post 176 Jake, errrr excuse me, RIGHTWINGER, you are in deep doo, I have proven it, and all the propaganda in the world isn't going to save you-)

Post 176?

Florida is moving to be solidly blue. That hanging chad that gave Bush Florida in 2000 was the last hurrah for Republicanism in Florida.

The Hispanic vote is now solidly Democrat and young Cubans don't vote Republican like their parents did. Thanks to Obama, Cuba will now be on friendly terms and anti-Castro fear mongering won't have the grip on the Cuban vote that it once did

Then maybe you should count the vote on the site I offered there Jake.......errr, rightwinger. Notice it is from the left-) You count, then count again, then count thrice.............then after that, deduct the votes that won't show because of it being Hillary or Bernie; or are you arguing against what even your DEMOCRATIC friends projections are?

Good luck-) Better start thinking about Penn or Virginia, cause that is where it is at. (not to mention a few other paths) Propaganda is good, until someone discovers you are as full of poop as an X-Mas turkey, and that would be YOU!

Pennsylvania and Virginia are now solidly blue

Virginia, once part of a solid south, is now dominated by the DC suburbs which are solid blue
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

Jake, Jake, now there YOU go again! Like your numbers, they are fantastic.

But now, why don't you delve into them a little deeper, and tell all these nice people where almost all of that vote is at!

Here, let me help you, since I don't want you to have to decide which moniker you want to poat it under, Jake or RIGHTWINGER, lol.

California, Illinois, and Texas! Think the GOP was going to win California or Illinois? NOT! How about the Democrats winning Texas? Ummmmmm, no!

Then explain also to these nice people, which segment of the Hispanic population is MOST AGAINST the Democrats, virtually split 50-50, or even leaning GOP. Here, let me again assist....CUBAN AMERICANS. Oh my, where are they mostly concentrated-) Oh geeze, that would be Florida. Here, let me spell that for you slowly, F-L-O-R-I-D-A!

So you go ahead with your propaganda, and we will use FACTS instead-)
Cubans in Florida are a minority of all Hispanics in the state. And even Cubans sometimes vote Democrat, such as they did in both of Clinton's elections.

In the last presidential election, about 71% of Hispanics nationally voted Democrat. And nationally, Hispanics comprise about 17% of the overall population.

Not gonna debate the issue, because it is what it is. If you educate yourself as to who and why, you will be much better off for it, lol.

You just keep believing your "over all" poll not using subsets, and you will be surprised when Florida is in the GOP column come November.

I am tired of typing explanations as to WHY to lefties, the ones on this board I am attempting to reach know exactly why what I say is true, and if they want to explain it to you, it is up to them.
There is nothing to explain. Cubans make up only about 25 to 30 percent of all Hispanics in Florida. That's an undeniable fact. The majority of non-Cuban Hispanics typically vote Democrat. That is also an undeniable fact. Another undeniable fact... some 71% of Hispanics voted Democrat in the last presidential election. And yet another undeniable fact... Hispanics comprise about 17% of the nation's population.

No wonder you don't want to debate this. :mm:

I want EVERYONE to look at this------------->

Faun has said how Cuban Americans do not count (basically) in Florida, and yet they are leaning moderate, to heavily GOP this time because of the Obama deal with Castro.

OK folks, I am here as I post this in Florida. Didn't Obama and the Democrats carry Florida in 2012? Now remember, there is almost 2 million (well actually about 1.5 million) Cuban, American votes in Florida.

So, everything being equal, (which it won't be because Obama is not running, and instead it is Hillary, or Bernie, meaning Democratic votes are going to tank) how many votes need to either be NOT given to the Democrats because there is no enthusiasm, or switch sides for to the GOP, knowing full well Cuban Americans are pissed beyond belief?

Don't take my word for it, look at the final results. Just put your mouse over Florida, and it gives you the final count in 2012!

2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News

Notice, I made sure I got it from a LEFTY source, so I didn't have to hear how I got it from some RW site.

These lefties are trying EVERYTHING to disuade you that you have even an outside chance, when in fact, you are in the DRIVERS SEAT.

Check out Ohio next! Make Kasich the VP nominee, what you think, lol!

What you are really looking at, is the DEMISE of the Democratic party, if you can swing one more medium state, PERIOD! Oh, we are going to get Iowa this time, and a few others, but one more STATE that is medium, and it is Katie bar the door!

Now I am never, ever, going to explain this again, because the GOP people on here have seen it posted more than once by me. It is the left who wants me to continue explaining it, as they try and find a chink in the logic. THERE ISN'T ANY!

This race will come down to one state. It won't be Florida, and if Kasich is the VP nominee, it won't be Ohio. Want to know what state it will be? Have no idea, but it is going to be one of the lefts that like the idea of slamming the border shut! And that is the brutal truth!

But here, I will give the left something to disagree with me on, since they know I have proven them wrong! Look at Penn-) Lotsa blue collar votes, I choose there that you will meet your Waterloo-)
There is sooo much wrong with this post, I don't even know where to begin?

Let's start with you lying about what I said. I never said Cubans don't count (basically). I said they are outnumbered by other Hispanic groups in Florida by more than a 2 to 1 ratio. I also said while Cubans tend to vote Republican, other Hispanic groups tend to vote Democrat.

Which takes us to your next point, which I have to thank you for since it proves my point exactly. From YOUR link about the 2012 election in Florida...

Cubans ....................... 49% D ... 47% R
All other Hispanics .... 66% D ... 34% R

And lastly, Florida Cubans are not "moderate to heavily GOP" because of Obama. They've been heavily GOP ever since JFK didn't back them up in the Bay of Pigs.

No wonder you didn't want to debate this. :mm:
Hispanics will cost the Republicans the Presidency and the Senate in 2016

Poll: Trump will struggle with Hispanic voters

Only 16% of Hispanics would vote for Trump, down from 27% who voted for Romney

Jake, Jake, now there YOU go again! Like your numbers, they are fantastic.

But now, why don't you delve into them a little deeper, and tell all these nice people where almost all of that vote is at!

Here, let me help you, since I don't want you to have to decide which moniker you want to poat it under, Jake or RIGHTWINGER, lol.

California, Illinois, and Texas! Think the GOP was going to win California or Illinois? NOT! How about the Democrats winning Texas? Ummmmmm, no!

Then explain also to these nice people, which segment of the Hispanic population is MOST AGAINST the Democrats, virtually split 50-50, or even leaning GOP. Here, let me again assist....CUBAN AMERICANS. Oh my, where are they mostly concentrated-) Oh geeze, that would be Florida. Here, let me spell that for you slowly, F-L-O-R-I-D-A!

So you go ahead with your propaganda, and we will use FACTS instead-)
Cubans in Florida are a minority of all Hispanics in the state. And even Cubans sometimes vote Democrat, such as they did in both of Clinton's elections.

In the last presidential election, about 71% of Hispanics nationally voted Democrat. And nationally, Hispanics comprise about 17% of the overall population.

Not gonna debate the issue, because it is what it is. If you educate yourself as to who and why, you will be much better off for it, lol.

You just keep believing your "over all" poll not using subsets, and you will be surprised when Florida is in the GOP column come November.

I am tired of typing explanations as to WHY to lefties, the ones on this board I am attempting to reach know exactly why what I say is true, and if they want to explain it to you, it is up to them.
Romney barely won the Cuban vote in 2012. It isn't as conservative of a voting block as you think it is.
Check out his link ... Romney lost the Cuban vote (in FL) to Obama.


That guy doesn't know WTF he's talking about.
Jake, Jake, now there YOU go again! Like your numbers, they are fantastic.

But now, why don't you delve into them a little deeper, and tell all these nice people where almost all of that vote is at!

Here, let me help you, since I don't want you to have to decide which moniker you want to poat it under, Jake or RIGHTWINGER, lol.

California, Illinois, and Texas! Think the GOP was going to win California or Illinois? NOT! How about the Democrats winning Texas? Ummmmmm, no!

Then explain also to these nice people, which segment of the Hispanic population is MOST AGAINST the Democrats, virtually split 50-50, or even leaning GOP. Here, let me again assist....CUBAN AMERICANS. Oh my, where are they mostly concentrated-) Oh geeze, that would be Florida. Here, let me spell that for you slowly, F-L-O-R-I-D-A!

So you go ahead with your propaganda, and we will use FACTS instead-)
Cubans in Florida are a minority of all Hispanics in the state. And even Cubans sometimes vote Democrat, such as they did in both of Clinton's elections.

In the last presidential election, about 71% of Hispanics nationally voted Democrat. And nationally, Hispanics comprise about 17% of the overall population.

Not gonna debate the issue, because it is what it is. If you educate yourself as to who and why, you will be much better off for it, lol.

You just keep believing your "over all" poll not using subsets, and you will be surprised when Florida is in the GOP column come November.

I am tired of typing explanations as to WHY to lefties, the ones on this board I am attempting to reach know exactly why what I say is true, and if they want to explain it to you, it is up to them.
There is nothing to explain. Cubans make up only about 25 to 30 percent of all Hispanics in Florida. That's an undeniable fact. The majority of non-Cuban Hispanics typically vote Democrat. That is also an undeniable fact. Another undeniable fact... some 71% of Hispanics voted Democrat in the last presidential election. And yet another undeniable fact... Hispanics comprise about 17% of the nation's population.

No wonder you don't want to debate this. :mm:

I want EVERYONE to look at this------------->

Faun has said how Cuban Americans do not count (basically) in Florida, and yet they are leaning moderate, to heavily GOP this time because of the Obama deal with Castro.

OK folks, I am here as I post this in Florida. Didn't Obama and the Democrats carry Florida in 2012? Now remember, there is almost 2 million (well actually about 1.5 million) Cuban, American votes in Florida.

So, everything being equal, (which it won't be because Obama is not running, and instead it is Hillary, or Bernie, meaning Democratic votes are going to tank) how many votes need to either be NOT given to the Democrats because there is no enthusiasm, or switch sides for to the GOP, knowing full well Cuban Americans are pissed beyond belief?

Don't take my word for it, look at the final results. Just put your mouse over Florida, and it gives you the final count in 2012!

2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News

Notice, I made sure I got it from a LEFTY source, so I didn't have to hear how I got it from some RW site.

These lefties are trying EVERYTHING to disuade you that you have even an outside chance, when in fact, you are in the DRIVERS SEAT.

Check out Ohio next! Make Kasich the VP nominee, what you think, lol!

What you are really looking at, is the DEMISE of the Democratic party, if you can swing one more medium state, PERIOD! Oh, we are going to get Iowa this time, and a few others, but one more STATE that is medium, and it is Katie bar the door!

Now I am never, ever, going to explain this again, because the GOP people on here have seen it posted more than once by me. It is the left who wants me to continue explaining it, as they try and find a chink in the logic. THERE ISN'T ANY!

This race will come down to one state. It won't be Florida, and if Kasich is the VP nominee, it won't be Ohio. Want to know what state it will be? Have no idea, but it is going to be one of the lefts that like the idea of slamming the border shut! And that is the brutal truth!

But here, I will give the left something to disagree with me on, since they know I have proven them wrong! Look at Penn-) Lotsa blue collar votes, I choose there that you will meet your Waterloo-)
There is sooo much wrong with this post, I don't even know where to begin?

Let's start with you lying about what I said. I never said Cubans don't count (basically). I said they are outnumbered by other Hispanic groups in Florida by more than a 2 to 1 ratio. I also said while Cubans tend to vote Republican, other Hispanic groups tend to vote Democrat.

Which takes us to your next point, which I have to thank you for since it proves my point exactly. From YOUR link about the 2012 election in Florida...

Cubans ....................... 49% D ... 47% R
All other Hispanics .... 66% D ... 34% R

And lastly, Florida Cubans are not "moderate to heavily GOP" because of Obama. They've been heavily GOP ever since JFK didn't back them up in the Bay of Pigs.

No wonder you didn't want to debate this. :mm:
After decades of GOP support, Cubans shifting toward the Democratic Party

After decades of GOP support, Cubans shifting toward the Democratic Party
yeah he pulled himself up by his bootstraps overcoming the Millions he inherited and all the social contacts etc ...he overcame all of it lol

Taking a million and turning it into $10 billion is like taking a thousand and turning it into $10 million, fool.

Lets see you do that, jack ass.

Trump is not for gay marriage, dude.

he just does not want to campaign on the issue.
yeah he pulled himself up by his bootstraps overcoming the Millions he inherited and all the social contacts etc ...he overcame all of it lol

Taking a million and turning it into $10 billion is like taking a thousand and turning it into $10 million, fool.

Lets see you do that, jack ass.

No it isn't. He inherited lots of contacts too. The very rich like to help each other out. He also had enough he never had to worry about healthcare and other issues normal people have.
Democrats are in full blown fear. It is not that Trump is winning, but the turnout the GOP is getting as opposed to the Democrats.

not really. Primary turnout is still low compared to general elections.

What is scary is that Trump is leading having won all of 420K votes, he has eliminated all bot two of his rivals, who are going to have to make a decision whether to all get behind one guy to take him on.

When you get this kind of turnout in a state that has a caucus, that is saying something because they are pain in the frames. What is instantly known by bean counters is----------> if they will come out for this "cluster fu**" of a process to support their candidate, all of them will be there for the general, and a whole lot more.

But that works on the Premise that Trump will be allowed to be the nominee, when the whole structure of the GOP Establishment is starting to rally against him. Do you really think these Trump supporters are going to have a Riot for Rubio after they pull some brokered convention shit to put him on top?
An old timer tells me the RNC can still nominate whomever they wish when it gets to the convention, despite the vote. I think that was prior to 1980, but no longer. Do you know?

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