Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
:D Today Chic-Fil-A made history, and so does the power of facebook by staging a support Chic-Fil-A day, where thousands upon thousands turned out in support for the chicken sandwich franchise, thus sending a strong message to those who think that the American voters will just lay silent anymore, when infact they (the boycotters) have another thought coming for sure on that note, because the sleeping giant has once again been awoken.

Today in many states where Chic-Fil-A is located, people came out by the thousands in support of the resteraunt chain, causing traffic jams and flooding in ajoining parking lots and more. It was all due mainly in support of the chain and it's personal right to make a statement, and this when asked about it's values and morals as an American business that is run on those values and morals. It then caused an uprising or uproar amongst a minority of Americans when answered, for whom thought that they could afterwards take on the chain by calling for a boycott of it, but the Americans who support the chain weren't having any of it, so they came out in support of the chain today big time, in one of the biggest (counter boycott) moves the nation has seen in a long time. I have a friend who called me and said his wife waited in line for two hours today, but it was worth the wait no matter he said that she said. My wife just came from up town around 8:00 o'clock PM evening time, and she said that the lines were still long and the chain flooded with supporters still at 8:00 o'clock. It was strong in support of all day long and into the night. I wonder how the Media will cover it ? Lets see who they (the media) really belongs to as well in the situation.

I bet this is what will happen to Obama this election, so he had better get ready for the storm, even though it won't help him none otherwise to get ready and counter the Americans on the same views and ideals in which they have had for Chic-Fil-A, and this especially so if the same turn out happens with this election, that also happened with Chic-Fil-A today. WOW! :clap2:
No it's cool that the people are standing up for their right to stand up again, instead of laying down and taking it like they have for so long now in America, and I think this is just the tip of the iceburg that is coming so hang on for the ride everybody.
So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The chicken chain (that I avoid because of the inhumane practices toward chickens) obviously hates gay people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

What I don't understand is the idiots that cheer them on.
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....
Tolerance as in being tolerant of, is a loaded word for sure, and it has taken on meanings over the years in which has eroded our society, values and morals over these many years now looking back, so it all depends on what sort of tolerance is asked of the American people anymore, as to whether or not they will go along with a specific tolerance in which is being asked of them, and especially when it comes to the compromising of their morals and values in which has exposed their children, familiy and communities to some horrid things over the years now. To keep ones head in the sand is fruitless anymore, so it's time for a rude awakening finally to come again in America, in which has been asleep for far to long now.
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So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The chicken chain (that I avoid because of the inhumane practices toward chickens) obviously hates gay people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

What I don't understand is the idiots that cheer them on.
Equal rights as in some supposed rights that a few THINK that some should have in this nation, and this over the good majority who are opposed to certain things in which people are calling rights on their own (i.e. not recognized by the citizens at large or the states governments), or are you reffering to the equal rights in which we know are honorable and justifiable, and for which we all do support without a doubt, and for which is known about by all in this nation to date whom are in agreeance with (those rights) ? Many things have been highjacked by groups, and then shoved down the throats of the citizens in which has weakned this nation over time, and has taught the government about the citizens vulnerabilities when let these things just go on without resistance of. It is ashame what has happened over time, and the way I see it by what happend today, it was a standing up again finally about those things inwhich have been shoved down the peoples throats, and I hope that it continues in the right directions.
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So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The chicken chain (that I avoid because of the inhumane practices toward chickens) obviously hates gay people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

What I don't understand is the idiots that cheer them on.
Equal rights as in some supposed rights that a few THINK that some should have in this nation, and this over the good majority who are opposed to certain things in which people are calling rights on their own (i.e. not recognized by the citizens at large or the states governments), or are you reffering to the equal rights in which we know are honorable and justifiable, and for which we all do support without a doubt, and for which is known about by all in this nation to date whom are agreeance with ? Many things have been highjacked by groups, and then shoved down the throats of the citizens in which has weakned this nation over time, and has taught the government about the citizens vulnerabilitiues when let these things just go on without resistance of. It is ashame what has happened over time, and the way I see it by what happend today, it was a standing up again finally about those things inwhich have been shoved down the peoples throats, and I hope that it continues in the right directions.

You say a lot while saying nothing.
So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The left basically rules our nation by fear and intimidation -- a small, intolerant, hateful group of fuckwads who bully the rest of us with lawsuits, Hollywood poison, PC propaganda, the news media, bought politicians. We're constantly bashed and we just take it: Christians, traditionalists, straights, normal families, normal kids, non-drug users, workers, etc. "You suck, you're racist, you're intolerant, backward, inbred, flyover country, blah blah."

So, Ravi, biting into that juicy chicken and those wonderful waffle fries just tastes all the more delicious knowing it hurts you so.

Gotta tell ya, IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD to get back at the liberal asshole elites by supporting CFA.
So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The chicken chain (that I avoid because of the inhumane practices toward chickens) obviously hates gay people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

What I don't understand is the idiots that cheer them on.
Equal rights as in some supposed rights that a few THINK that some should have in this nation, and this over the good majority who are opposed to certain things in which people are calling rights on their own (i.e. not recognized by the citizens at large or the states governments), or are you reffering to the equal rights in which we know are honorable and justifiable, and for which we all do support without a doubt, and for which is known about by all in this nation to date whom are agreeance with ? Many things have been highjacked by groups, and then shoved down the throats of the citizens in which has weakned this nation over time, and has taught the government about the citizens vulnerabilitiues when let these things just go on without resistance of. It is ashame what has happened over time, and the way I see it by what happend today, it was a standing up again finally about those things inwhich have been shoved down the peoples throats, and I hope that it continues in the right directions.

You say a lot while saying nothing.
A liberal has a hard time with these sort sorts of things, so I understand the block you are having.. It's cool!
So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The left basically rules our nation by fear and intimidation -- a small, intolerant, hateful group of fuckwads who bully the rest of us with lawsuits, Hollywood poison, PC propaganda, the news media, bought politicians. We're constantly bashed and we just take it: Christians, traditionalists, straights, normal families, normal kids, non-drug users, workers, etc. "You suck, you're racist, you're intolerant, backward, inbred, flyover country, blah blah."

So, Ravi, biting into that juicy chicken and those wonderful waffle fries just tastes all the more delicious knowing it hurts you so.

Gotta tell ya, IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD to get back at the liberal asshole elites by supporting CFA.
I'm only surprised you didn't work the evil Negroes into your post.
So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The left basically rules our nation by fear and intimidation -- a small, intolerant, hateful group of fuckwads who bully the rest of us with lawsuits, Hollywood poison, PC propaganda, the news media, bought politicians. We're constantly bashed and we just take it: Christians, traditionalists, straights, normal families, normal kids, non-drug users, workers, etc. "You suck, you're racist, you're intolerant, backward, inbred, flyover country, blah blah."

So, Ravi, biting into that juicy chicken and those wonderful waffle fries just tastes all the more delicious knowing it hurts you so.

Gotta tell ya, IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD to get back at the liberal asshole elites by supporting CFA.
I'm only surprised you didn't work the evil Negroes into your post.
You just did, what because he didn't fast enough, so will it work this game of yours ? NOPE !

Are we getting desperate for creating strawmen now ? Yep I think you are ! So you are resorting to the tired old race card now ? yep I think you are.. sigh..
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So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The chicken chain (that I avoid because of the inhumane practices toward chickens) obviously hates gay people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

What I don't understand is the idiots that cheer them on.

Proof of intolerance by Chic Fil A?
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

No, Ravi, the people did NOT applaud intolerance today; instead, they stood up, slapped intolerance in the face, knocked it to the ground, and stomped on it! This time, it was the Left and its minions who were the intolerant ones, in seeking to deny another American the right to state his personal religious views; in seeking to punish a business which has a clear and unambiguous record of NOT discriminating in its actions as a company, simply because its CEO exercised his right of free speech; a right which the Left in its unmitigated arrogance believes belongs exclusively to those it favors, and should be denied to anyone whose views the Left opposes. The overwhelming and thoroughly nauseating hypocrisy of the PC Left in America has finally been exposed for the would-be tyranny it represents, and today, the American people have given it a well-deserved boot in the arse which is LONG overdue.

NO, you on the Left will NOT tell the rest of us what to say, you will NOT tell the rest of us what to believe, and you will NOT tell the rest of us what to think! Today was a Victory for REAL tolerance, a Victory for the Constitution, and a crushing defeat for those who have used Political Correctness and a cult of victimology to intimidate all opposition into silence, lest they be falsely labeled "racist" "homophobic", and "intolerant"! Today the American people by the hundreds of thousands spoke, and their words are clear: "ENOUGH! We will not be intimidated, we will NOT be silent any longer, and WE WILL BE HEARD!" Don't like it? Tough! Deal with it!
So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The left basically rules our nation by fear and intimidation -- a small, intolerant, hateful group of fuckwads who bully the rest of us with lawsuits, Hollywood poison, PC propaganda, the news media, bought politicians. We're constantly bashed and we just take it: Christians, traditionalists, straights, normal families, normal kids, non-drug users, workers, etc. "You suck, you're racist, you're intolerant, backward, inbred, flyover country, blah blah."

So, Ravi, biting into that juicy chicken and those wonderful waffle fries just tastes all the more delicious knowing it hurts you so.

Gotta tell ya, IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD to get back at the liberal asshole elites by supporting CFA.
Exhibit A:

The subject clearly suffers from persecution complex.

A persecution complex is a term given to an array of psychologically complex behaviours, that specifically deals with the perception of being persecuted, for various possible reasons, imagined or real.

People or groups who hold to marginal (non-mainstream) beliefs or theories often display some features of this malady, as a way of explaining why their views are not more widespread. It is also commonly displayed by people or groups whose beliefs actually are comparatively widespread, such as fundamentalist Christians.

Because the subject perceives to be under persecution, the subject now finds great comfort and satisfaction with yet another perception...a lash out and back against a perceived foe by eating tasty chicken in one of the subject's favorite southern establishments.
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So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The chicken chain (that I avoid because of the inhumane practices toward chickens) obviously hates gay people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

What I don't understand is the idiots that cheer them on.

The man said he supported traditional marriage. It's pretty intolerant not to recognize that as a valid opinion and leave it at that.

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