Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

Homophobic vile filthy conz are just as bigoted and full of hate and ignorance as the KKK in their day

Wait, the KKK is alive and well, isnt it, bigots

from an outsiders view the bible is a joke
Rep Power: 0


So beag, you too much of a douchebag to answer my question: do you think that Noah actually gathered up 2 of EVERY animal on the earth with food for 40 days and built a boat big enough for everyone that wouldn't sink under the weight of all the excrement produced?
I don't worship a book. You do.

Christians do not worship the Bible, it is a tool. We read it, we study it, we try to interpret it to fit our lives. If someone burns it, they've burned a book.

Meanwhile, the Muslims do worship their Koran and if someone burns it, they kill someone one. The Jews take very good care of their Torah. To them it is more than a book. I had one Jew berate me for the shape of my Bible. I've had my Bible since 2nd grade and I read it frequently. It is not pristine as his Torah was.

Nice try. Christians think that the bible is the word of some invisible superbeing who made them! In other words, you worship it as the word of god.

Talk about intollerance! Poking fun at religion never gets old for you "educated" liberals. Christianity seems to be one brand of cultural heritage you just cannot support. That's ok though, God still loves you.
Christians do not worship the Bible, it is a tool. We read it, we study it, we try to interpret it to fit our lives. If someone burns it, they've burned a book.

Meanwhile, the Muslims do worship their Koran and if someone burns it, they kill someone one. The Jews take very good care of their Torah. To them it is more than a book. I had one Jew berate me for the shape of my Bible. I've had my Bible since 2nd grade and I read it frequently. It is not pristine as his Torah was.

Nice try. Christians think that the bible is the word of some invisible superbeing who made them! In other words, you worship it as the word of god.

Talk about intollerance! Poking fun at religion never gets old for you "educated" liberals. Christianity seems to be one brand of cultural heritage you just cannot support. That's ok though, God still loves you.

Prove it.
I don't worship a book. You do.

Christians do not worship the Bible, it is a tool. We read it, we study it, we try to interpret it to fit our lives. If someone burns it, they've burned a book.

Meanwhile, the Muslims do worship their Koran and if someone burns it, they kill someone one. The Jews take very good care of their Torah. To them it is more than a book. I had one Jew berate me for the shape of my Bible. I've had my Bible since 2nd grade and I read it frequently. It is not pristine as his Torah was.

Nice try. Christians think that the bible is the word of some invisible superbeing who made them! In other words, you worship it as the word of god.

No one worships the Bible, like I said, it's a tool. Many believe it's the word of God, many more believe it was written by man, inspired by God and therefore has flaws the same as we do. That's why we read it so much. Even as the word of God, it's in written form and therefore not a religious artifact, only a tool. Christians are not suppose to worship idols and I believe that includes books.
Homophobic vile filthy conz are just as bigoted and full of hate and ignorance as the KKK in their day

Wait, the KKK is alive and well, isnt it, bigots

from an outsiders view the bible is a joke
Rep Power: 0


So beag, you too much of a douchebag to answer my question: do you think that Noah actually gathered up 2 of EVERY animal on the earth with food for 40 days and built a boat big enough for everyone that wouldn't sink under the weight of all the excrement produced?

Maybe. you presumably grew up in a house that could handle the massive quantities of horseshit that flies out both your holes. Ain't no plumbing system in the world that could discharge all that.
Nice try. Christians think that the bible is the word of some invisible superbeing who made them! In other words, you worship it as the word of god.

Talk about intollerance! Poking fun at religion never gets old for you "educated" liberals. Christianity seems to be one brand of cultural heritage you just cannot support. That's ok though, God still loves you.

Prove it.

He probably doesn't. You are an unloveable tickterd.
Christians do not worship the Bible, it is a tool. We read it, we study it, we try to interpret it to fit our lives. If someone burns it, they've burned a book.

Meanwhile, the Muslims do worship their Koran and if someone burns it, they kill someone one. The Jews take very good care of their Torah. To them it is more than a book. I had one Jew berate me for the shape of my Bible. I've had my Bible since 2nd grade and I read it frequently. It is not pristine as his Torah was.

Nice try. Christians think that the bible is the word of some invisible superbeing who made them! In other words, you worship it as the word of god.

No one worships the Bible, like I said, it's a tool. Many believe it's the word of God, many more believe it was written by man, inspired by God and therefore has flaws the same as we do. That's why we read it so much. Even as the word of God, it's in written form and therefore not a religious artifact, only a tool. Christians are not suppose to worship idols and I believe that includes books.
Very good point, but it needs to be thrown away by ima (no matter what the very good point is or how good it was when it was made), because he or she must justify their lifestyle or choices now in which they have made, and this no matter what, so it is useless to try and change or argue with them at this point in time. It is that they have now made personal choices in their lives, and so if the book of life (the bible as we read it and believe it) says that he or she is sadly in the wrong when interpreted by us upon our understanding when read it, then in no way will you or I or anyone else ever get through to them on such a point, and this until their own choices come back to bite them hard in their own lives as they have chosen them. Even so they will rebuke what is true or is found to be truth by them, and even within their own sorrows will they still rebuke this truth, in which will be proven to them later on down the line sadly enough, especially when find that they were wrong & the bible was right. This is as it always has been in such cases found over the years, yet sadly to their lack of understanding, and all because of a worldly PRIDE in their lives now, will they then rebuke this truth no matter what, so you at this point are waisting your breath I'm afraid, and so was I at this point in time also.
Chick Fi LARD did it the old fashioned way: APPEAL TO THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR.
Nice try. Christians think that the bible is the word of some invisible superbeing who made them! In other words, you worship it as the word of god.

No one worships the Bible, like I said, it's a tool. Many believe it's the word of God, many more believe it was written by man, inspired by God and therefore has flaws the same as we do. That's why we read it so much. Even as the word of God, it's in written form and therefore not a religious artifact, only a tool. Christians are not suppose to worship idols and I believe that includes books.
Very good point, but it needs to be thrown away by ima (no matter what the very good point is or how good it was when it was made), because he or she must justify their lifestyle or choices now in which they have made, and this no matter what, so it is useless to try and change or argue with them at this point in time. It is that they have now made personal choices in their lives, and so if the book of life (the bible as we read it and believe it) says that he or she is sadly in the wrong when interpreted by us upon our understanding when read it, then in no way will you or I or anyone else ever get through to them on such a point, and this until their own choices come back to bite them hard in their own lives as they have chosen them. Even so they will rebuke what is true or is found to be truth by them, and even within their own sorrows will they still rebuke this truth, in which will be proven to them later on down the line sadly enough, especially when find that they were wrong & the bible was right. This is as it always has been in such cases found over the years, yet sadly to their lack of understanding, and all because of a worldly PRIDE in their lives now, will they then rebuke this truth no matter what, so you at this point are waisting your breath I'm afraid, and so was I at this point in time also.

Beag, I'm genuinely interested to know how you can prove any of the major points in the bible, like making the world in 6 days, Noah, the parting of the sea, making a woman out of a man's rib... Like seriously, they all sound like made up stories, where's the proof?
Chick Fi LARD did it the old fashioned way: APPEAL TO THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR.

They are an unusually horrible company, they dont just hate Gays, and they really hate Gays, they hate their own franchisees as I read it...
Bottom line:
Chick Fil A, their owners and their customers can say what they want.
We all can agree or disagree as we all want to whatever side we want.
Taxpayer funds or suppport should never be used to attack the rights of private industry and their opinions as opinions are only words.
If people do not like what businesses say publicly no one forces them to trade there.
Born and raised in the south. Although I do not agree with what many Southern Baptists believe in I will fight to the death for their right to say it. Freedom of speech.
The Cathy family has walked the walk. They do a lot of good. They are fine folks.
If they want to send $$$ to groups that claim quack ideas such as gays can be "cured" and BS as that they have every right to do so. None of my business and I have gay folk in my family.
I am a supporter of gay rights 100% but this fight set them back.
Choose your battles wisely. This one backfired on them, no pun intended.
I see nothing wrong whatsoever with folk that wanted to go support Cathy and his ideas that night at Chick Fil A. Place was packed. I believe in equality for everyone and did not attend but do not oppose the right of anyone to express their opinion by going there that night. MOre power to them as this is America and I respect them for expressing their opinion.
I still eat at Chick Fil A as they have a quality product and good staff and also at a local Italian place that 2 gay guys own.
Chick Fi LARD did it the old fashioned way: APPEAL TO THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR.

They are an unusually horrible company, they dont just hate Gays, and they really hate Gays, they hate their own franchisees as I read it...

Bull shit. They don't hate anyone. Many do but most do not.
Yes, many folk do hate with a passion gay folk but not the Cathy family.
I do not agree with their opinion that "the gay lifestyle is a choice and a sin" as my church does not believe that.
But just because they believe them does not make them haters of anything.
I know many of these folks and they do not hate gays. In fact a good friend of mine is strict Southern Baptist and just last week I was at the football field and he was at the fence watching practice talking to an openly gay teacher at the school and the discussion was football, not politics or religion.
I KNOW THESE FOLKS, most of them I do not agree with many of their religous beliefs, but they are fine and decent people.
Shame their good name gets slaughtered in the media. Maybe their support of some of the organizations causes some more folk to hate gays but you can not fault them for that.
chick fil a supports hate

the owner gives money to extremist org's that seek to eliminate Gay people from the planet

they are horrible, just because they have the right to be horrifically disgusting people with their actions, doesnt mean they should not be exposed for the garbage they are
chick fil a supports hate

the owner gives money to extremist org's that seek to eliminate Gay people from the planet

they are horrible, just because they have the right to be horrifically disgusting people with their actions, doesnt mean they should not be exposed for the garbage they are

Shut the fuck up you mongoloid.
chick fil a supports hate

the owner gives money to extremist org's that seek to eliminate Gay people from the planet

they are horrible, just because they have the right to be horrifically disgusting people with their actions, doesnt mean they should not be exposed for the garbage they are

Shut the fuck up you mongoloid.

So, freedom of speech for people like you who promote hate, but not for me, who exposes it


You are a fine example of an American :lol:
chick fil a supports hate

the owner gives money to extremist org's that seek to eliminate Gay people from the planet

they are horrible, just because they have the right to be horrifically disgusting people with their actions, doesnt mean they should not be exposed for the garbage they are

I have gay family members that I LOVE and I support them 100%.
I do not agree with some of the organizations that CFA contributes to but NONE of them advocate killing gays.
Show me and educate me otherwise.
chick fil a supports hate

the owner gives money to extremist org's that seek to eliminate Gay people from the planet

they are horrible, just because they have the right to be horrifically disgusting people with their actions, doesnt mean they should not be exposed for the garbage they are

I have gay family members that I LOVE and I support them 100%.
I do not agree with some of the organizations that CFA contributes to but NONE of them advocate killing gays.
Show me and educate me otherwise.

do your own research, it is well known the foreign entity he has contributed to that seeks to eliminate or at a minimum "fix" Gays
On the flip side this does not do much good either for the anti gay marriage movement.
With all the 100s of other of other problems we face as a nation they were stuck on gay marriage, a NON ISSUE.
But the uproar over free speech was also a NON ISSUE.
They have every damn right there is to say what they want and contribute to what they want.
Amazing though the correct supporters of freedom here do not walk the walk when it comes to the rights of gay folk to get married.
True defenders of freedom seek to protect the rights of those THEY MAY DESPISE THE MOST.
No true conservative opposes gay marriage.
But that still does nothing for the 100% correct case that what CFA and their owners did WAS FREE SPEECH.
I am off to get a sandwich and waffle fries with home made lemonaid.
Before my 1 o'clock meeting.

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