Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

chick fil a supports hate

the owner gives money to extremist org's that seek to eliminate Gay people from the planet

they are horrible, just because they have the right to be horrifically disgusting people with their actions, doesnt mean they should not be exposed for the garbage they are

I have gay family members that I LOVE and I support them 100%.
I do not agree with some of the organizations that CFA contributes to but NONE of them advocate killing gays.
Show me and educate me otherwise.

do your own research, it is well known the foreign entity he has contributed to that seeks to eliminate or at a minimum "fix" Gays

OK, I will as I am one here that prefers to do that than rely on other's BS links.
But I do not believe it now.
I have gay family members that I LOVE and I support them 100%.
I do not agree with some of the organizations that CFA contributes to but NONE of them advocate killing gays.
Show me and educate me otherwise.

do your own research, it is well known the foreign entity he has contributed to that seeks to eliminate or at a minimum "fix" Gays

OK, I will as I am one here that prefers to do that than rely on other's BS links.
But I do not believe it now.


these are hate groups, extreme hate groups...

dont pretend to support Gay rights and say you dont know this, or after you are informed as you are now, I assume you will change your position?
Chick-Fil-A's Anti-Gay Donations Totaled Nearly $2 Million In 2010: Report

you should pay me for doing your homework for you

PURE hate

You need to back up the "they are killing gays" claim.
Where is that?
They can do what they want with their $$$. I oppose a lot of things and a lot of folks hate this and that.
Where are the death squads in this?

stop pretending to support Gays, you dont

you cant if you are a rightwinger, sorry

yes, they seek to eliminate Gay people, again, if you arent willing to do the research, then stop posting about what you know nothing about
No one worships the Bible, like I said, it's a tool. Many believe it's the word of God, many more believe it was written by man, inspired by God and therefore has flaws the same as we do. That's why we read it so much. Even as the word of God, it's in written form and therefore not a religious artifact, only a tool. Christians are not suppose to worship idols and I believe that includes books.
Very good point, but it needs to be thrown away by ima (no matter what the very good point is or how good it was when it was made), because he or she must justify their lifestyle or choices now in which they have made, and this no matter what, so it is useless to try and change or argue with them at this point in time. It is that they have now made personal choices in their lives, and so if the book of life (the bible as we read it and believe it) says that he or she is sadly in the wrong when interpreted by us upon our understanding when read it, then in no way will you or I or anyone else ever get through to them on such a point, and this until their own choices come back to bite them hard in their own lives as they have chosen them. Even so they will rebuke what is true or is found to be truth by them, and even within their own sorrows will they still rebuke this truth, in which will be proven to them later on down the line sadly enough, especially when find that they were wrong & the bible was right. This is as it always has been in such cases found over the years, yet sadly to their lack of understanding, and all because of a worldly PRIDE in their lives now, will they then rebuke this truth no matter what, so you at this point are waisting your breath I'm afraid, and so was I at this point in time also.

Beag, I'm genuinely interested to know how you can prove any of the major points in the bible, like making the world in 6 days, Noah, the parting of the sea, making a woman out of a man's rib... Like seriously, they all sound like made up stories, where's the proof?
It's an old game that you are playing, just as the mockers in Jesus time also played this same ancient game, by otherwise demanding our Lord prove himself to them while he was upon the cross & upon the earth. It is the same game back then as it is right now, so it seems that nothing changes along these lines of questioning over the years and/or centuries (of course it doesn't). This game is played by those who are evil to their cores, and therefore work directly for the evil one himself in their lives right now to date. Go into the new testement and read about these things, and by what significance those who are evil upon this earth placed upon the word "IF", and this when they spoke during those times regarding the Lord our God who art in Heaven till this very day, as he had given the ultimate sacrifice for our sins in order that we might be saved for whom do believe, and have faith in this belief until the very end.

Your own character and questioning is proof enough that you are on a side of life that is very dangerous unto your own soul, but you demand proof from me, when all you have to do is listen to your ownself speak, and then for more proof, just go into the Bible and find those who are of the same character or were of the same character for which is exactly as you are, and also for what role that they had played in those times in which your signature is all over, and is found within these same roles in which you and them had played or still play, yet you act as if you donot know this or can't figure this out ? So sad !

How is it that the character of a person can transend generations, and still be the same character be it either good or bad that was written about so many years ago ? Then think about the truth in this that I speak, and then think about for what it speaks of even further within the word, in which also tells about what will eventually happen to those who have taken on these attributes or chatacteristics within their own lives, as to be found in example of just as well.
Chick Fi LARD did it the old fashioned way: APPEAL TO THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR.

They are an unusually horrible company, they dont just hate Gays, and they really hate Gays, they hate their own franchisees as I read it...

Bull shit. They don't hate anyone. Many do but most do not.
Yes, many folk do hate with a passion gay folk but not the Cathy family.
I do not agree with their opinion that "the gay lifestyle is a choice and a sin" as my church does not believe that.
But just because they believe them does not make them haters of anything.
I know many of these folks and they do not hate gays. In fact a good friend of mine is strict Southern Baptist and just last week I was at the football field and he was at the fence watching practice talking to an openly gay teacher at the school and the discussion was football, not politics or religion.
I KNOW THESE FOLKS, most of them I do not agree with many of their religous beliefs, but they are fine and decent people.
Shame their good name gets slaughtered in the media. Maybe their support of some of the organizations causes some more folk to hate gays but you can not fault them for that.
What I don't understand is this, how can a church say that they are a church that believes in the word of God, for which is found all through their Bibles as pertaining to each period that is being spoken of or is being spoken to, and this as it is found within their bibles to be therefore agreed upon by the church, and is agreed upon that it is their doctrine in which their foundation is built upon (or) that their teachings of the Bible are being done in the spirit of gaining membership or converting people to a better understanding of life, just as it is learned from the book in which they believe in, and do read as truth, but then somehow along the way they become sympothetic with the devil or his ways for which is found along the path in which they begin (straying), to then begin twisting the word to conform to what man decides is his truth, and not that of the Lords truth in which the church therefore was built upon in this truth ?

If entertained by them enough, it causes many a bad thing to begin to come upon them and their society of people in which they have preached to over the years, but now have gone another way. They even place the church in peril itself I think, when this sort of thing begins to go on, but they do it anyway and no matter these days it seems.

I just don't get this really.

Either you believe the Bible and the time periods for which it is speaking to amongst the generations or you don't believe in any of it at all. Right now we are living within the New Testement period, where many understandings are being learned from within these periods as it was written for, and if we just let the wisdom of the period as is found within the book speak to us again, and not deny it as "ima" is trying to do for us all, then we may begin to learn something again. I listen to what the spirit has to say, and I follow no man or woman upon this earth unless they have something profitable to offer in their words spoken, then I may entertain their thoughts for which may become wisdom or profitable unto me, and this as pertaining to the Bible and the word within it that is profitable unto me, and only then will I do this entertaining of.
Very good point, but it needs to be thrown away by ima (no matter what the very good point is or how good it was when it was made), because he or she must justify their lifestyle or choices now in which they have made, and this no matter what, so it is useless to try and change or argue with them at this point in time. It is that they have now made personal choices in their lives, and so if the book of life (the bible as we read it and believe it) says that he or she is sadly in the wrong when interpreted by us upon our understanding when read it, then in no way will you or I or anyone else ever get through to them on such a point, and this until their own choices come back to bite them hard in their own lives as they have chosen them. Even so they will rebuke what is true or is found to be truth by them, and even within their own sorrows will they still rebuke this truth, in which will be proven to them later on down the line sadly enough, especially when find that they were wrong & the bible was right. This is as it always has been in such cases found over the years, yet sadly to their lack of understanding, and all because of a worldly PRIDE in their lives now, will they then rebuke this truth no matter what, so you at this point are waisting your breath I'm afraid, and so was I at this point in time also.

Beag, I'm genuinely interested to know how you can prove any of the major points in the bible, like making the world in 6 days, Noah, the parting of the sea, making a woman out of a man's rib... Like seriously, they all sound like made up stories, where's the proof?
It's an old game that you are playing, just as the mockers in Jesus time also played this same ancient game, by otherwise demanding our Lord prove himself to them while he was upon the cross & upon the earth. It is the same game back then as it is right now, so it seems that nothing changes along these lines of questioning over the years and/or centuries (of course it doesn't). This game is played by those who are evil to their cores, and therefore work directly for the evil one himself in their lives right now to date. Go into the new testement and read about these things, and by what significance those who are evil upon this earth placed upon the word "IF", and this when they spoke during those times regarding the Lord our God who art in Heaven till this very day, as he had given the ultimate sacrifice for our sins in order that we might be saved for whom do believe, and have faith in this belief until the very end.

Your own character and questioning is proof enough that you are on a side of life that is very dangerous unto your own soul, but you demand proof from me, when all you have to do is listen to your ownself speak, and then for more proof, just go into the Bible and find those who are of the same character or were of the same character for which is exactly as you are, and also for what role that they had played in those times in which your signature is all over, and is found within these same roles in which you and them had played or still play, yet you act as if you donot know this or can't figure this out ? So sad !

How is it that the character of a person can transend generations, and still be the same character be it either good or bad that was written about so many years ago ? Then think about the truth in this that I speak, and then think about for what it speaks of even further within the word, in which also tells about what will eventually happen to those who have taken on these attributes or chatacteristics within their own lives, as to be found in example of just as well.
Man, you're seriously whacked!

I ask you for proof and you have none, kinda like living your life in a fantasy world.
The bible is just a book written by men. As for Jesus, there is no actual proof that he actually existed. If you have any, I'd be very interested to hear what you have.
PS the devil doesn't exist either. :D
They are an unusually horrible company, they dont just hate Gays, and they really hate Gays, they hate their own franchisees as I read it...

Bull shit. They don't hate anyone. Many do but most do not.
Yes, many folk do hate with a passion gay folk but not the Cathy family.
I do not agree with their opinion that "the gay lifestyle is a choice and a sin" as my church does not believe that.
But just because they believe them does not make them haters of anything.
I know many of these folks and they do not hate gays. In fact a good friend of mine is strict Southern Baptist and just last week I was at the football field and he was at the fence watching practice talking to an openly gay teacher at the school and the discussion was football, not politics or religion.
I KNOW THESE FOLKS, most of them I do not agree with many of their religous beliefs, but they are fine and decent people.
Shame their good name gets slaughtered in the media. Maybe their support of some of the organizations causes some more folk to hate gays but you can not fault them for that.
What I don't understand is this, how can a church say that they are a church that believes in the word of God, for which is found all through their Bibles as pertaining to each period that is being spoken of or is being spoken to, and this as it is found within their bibles to be therefore agreed upon by the church, and is agreed upon that it is their doctrine in which their foundation is built upon (or) that their teachings of the Bible are being done in the spirit of gaining membership or converting people to a better understanding of life, just as it is learned from the book in which they believe in, and do read as truth, but then somehow along the way they become sympothetic with the devil or his ways for which is found along the path in which they begin (straying), to then begin twisting the word to conform to what man decides is his truth, and not that of the Lords truth in which the church therefore was built upon in this truth ?

If entertained by them enough, it causes many a bad thing to begin to come upon them and their society of people in which they have preached to over the years, but now have gone another way. They even place the church in peril itself I think, when this sort of thing begins to go on, but they do it anyway and no matter these days it seems.

I just don't get this really.

Either you believe the Bible and the time periods for which it is speaking to amongst the generations or you don't believe in any of it at all. Right now we are living within the New Testement period, where many understandings are being learned from within these periods as it was written for, and if we just let the wisdom of the period as is found within the book speak to us again, and not deny it as "ima" is trying to do for us all, then we may begin to learn something again. I listen to what the spirit has to say, and I follow no man or woman upon this earth unless they have something profitable to offer in their words spoken, then I may entertain their thoughts for which may become wisdom or profitable unto me, and this as pertaining to the Bible and the word within it that is profitable unto me, and only then will I do this entertaining of.

So how do you explain that most priests are pedophiles? :dunno:
Bull shit. They don't hate anyone. Many do but most do not.
Yes, many folk do hate with a passion gay folk but not the Cathy family.
I do not agree with their opinion that "the gay lifestyle is a choice and a sin" as my church does not believe that.
But just because they believe them does not make them haters of anything.
I know many of these folks and they do not hate gays. In fact a good friend of mine is strict Southern Baptist and just last week I was at the football field and he was at the fence watching practice talking to an openly gay teacher at the school and the discussion was football, not politics or religion.
I KNOW THESE FOLKS, most of them I do not agree with many of their religous beliefs, but they are fine and decent people.
Shame their good name gets slaughtered in the media. Maybe their support of some of the organizations causes some more folk to hate gays but you can not fault them for that.
What I don't understand is this, how can a church say that they are a church that believes in the word of God, for which is found all through their Bibles as pertaining to each period that is being spoken of or is being spoken to, and this as it is found within their bibles to be therefore agreed upon by the church, and is agreed upon that it is their doctrine in which their foundation is built upon (or) that their teachings of the Bible are being done in the spirit of gaining membership or converting people to a better understanding of life, just as it is learned from the book in which they believe in, and do read as truth, but then somehow along the way they become sympothetic with the devil or his ways for which is found along the path in which they begin (straying), to then begin twisting the word to conform to what man decides is his truth, and not that of the Lords truth in which the church therefore was built upon in this truth ?

If entertained by them enough, it causes many a bad thing to begin to come upon them and their society of people in which they have preached to over the years, but now have gone another way. They even place the church in peril itself I think, when this sort of thing begins to go on, but they do it anyway and no matter these days it seems.

I just don't get this really.

Either you believe the Bible and the time periods for which it is speaking to amongst the generations or you don't believe in any of it at all. Right now we are living within the New Testement period, where many understandings are being learned from within these periods as it was written for, and if we just let the wisdom of the period as is found within the book speak to us again, and not deny it as "ima" is trying to do for us all, then we may begin to learn something again. I listen to what the spirit has to say, and I follow no man or woman upon this earth unless they have something profitable to offer in their words spoken, then I may entertain their thoughts for which may become wisdom or profitable unto me, and this as pertaining to the Bible and the word within it that is profitable unto me, and only then will I do this entertaining of.

So how do you explain that most priests are pedophiles? :dunno:

Link? How do you know that most priests are pedophiles?
Beag, I'm genuinely interested to know how you can prove any of the major points in the bible, like making the world in 6 days, Noah, the parting of the sea, making a woman out of a man's rib... Like seriously, they all sound like made up stories, where's the proof?
It's an old game that you are playing, just as the mockers in Jesus time also played this same ancient game, by otherwise demanding our Lord prove himself to them while he was upon the cross & upon the earth. It is the same game back then as it is right now, so it seems that nothing changes along these lines of questioning over the years and/or centuries (of course it doesn't). This game is played by those who are evil to their cores, and therefore work directly for the evil one himself in their lives right now to date. Go into the new testement and read about these things, and by what significance those who are evil upon this earth placed upon the word "IF", and this when they spoke during those times regarding the Lord our God who art in Heaven till this very day, as he had given the ultimate sacrifice for our sins in order that we might be saved for whom do believe, and have faith in this belief until the very end.

Your own character and questioning is proof enough that you are on a side of life that is very dangerous unto your own soul, but you demand proof from me, when all you have to do is listen to your ownself speak, and then for more proof, just go into the Bible and find those who are of the same character or were of the same character for which is exactly as you are, and also for what role that they had played in those times in which your signature is all over, and is found within these same roles in which you and them had played or still play, yet you act as if you donot know this or can't figure this out ? So sad !

How is it that the character of a person can transend generations, and still be the same character be it either good or bad that was written about so many years ago ? Then think about the truth in this that I speak, and then think about for what it speaks of even further within the word, in which also tells about what will eventually happen to those who have taken on these attributes or chatacteristics within their own lives, as to be found in example of just as well.
Man, you're seriously whacked!

I ask you for proof and you have none, kinda like living your life in a fantasy world.
The bible is just a book written by men. As for Jesus, there is no actual proof that he actually existed. If you have any, I'd be very interested to hear what you have.
PS the devil doesn't exist either. :D
Whacked eh? I bet you are one of those ones who would say that the "holocoust" never happened either, and would argue that point to know end, just like it is found in another for whom could easily be your associate in this world, the un-famous "Mach-mood Ademajod".

Read what Jesus said to Pilot when Pilot asked Jesus to speak in his defense as far as proving something goes, ummmmm but then again it will do no good with you, just as it would have done no good with Pilot as Jesus knew also during that time, because your mind is made up or either you are just pure evil, and thus your own little world in which you live within a world has since been created by you, and this is where the game is being played from, in which is as a thorn being cast into the Christians side by you, and this from your side of the tracks but why? What is it gaining you to be this thorn as you try and be in your life unto others, I mean instead of you just living your life as you see fit & within reason (keeping your bedroom habits to yourself), and letting others live their lives as they see fit and/or within reason in the same ? Are you jealous maybe or are you abused in life, what is it with you I wonder, because it's something bad, but you won't tell that part of it, oh no you won't go there will you?
What I don't understand is this, how can a church say that they are a church that believes in the word of God, for which is found all through their Bibles as pertaining to each period that is being spoken of or is being spoken to, and this as it is found within their bibles to be therefore agreed upon by the church, and is agreed upon that it is their doctrine in which their foundation is built upon (or) that their teachings of the Bible are being done in the spirit of gaining membership or converting people to a better understanding of life, just as it is learned from the book in which they believe in, and do read as truth, but then somehow along the way they become sympothetic with the devil or his ways for which is found along the path in which they begin (straying), to then begin twisting the word to conform to what man decides is his truth, and not that of the Lords truth in which the church therefore was built upon in this truth ?

If entertained by them enough, it causes many a bad thing to begin to come upon them and their society of people in which they have preached to over the years, but now have gone another way. They even place the church in peril itself I think, when this sort of thing begins to go on, but they do it anyway and no matter these days it seems.

I just don't get this really.

Either you believe the Bible and the time periods for which it is speaking to amongst the generations or you don't believe in any of it at all. Right now we are living within the New Testement period, where many understandings are being learned from within these periods as it was written for, and if we just let the wisdom of the period as is found within the book speak to us again, and not deny it as "ima" is trying to do for us all, then we may begin to learn something again. I listen to what the spirit has to say, and I follow no man or woman upon this earth unless they have something profitable to offer in their words spoken, then I may entertain their thoughts for which may become wisdom or profitable unto me, and this as pertaining to the Bible and the word within it that is profitable unto me, and only then will I do this entertaining of.

So how do you explain that most priests are pedophiles? :dunno:

Link? How do you know that most priests are pedophiles?
ima feels that any information (no matter what the ratio's) is viable in her attacks, and this all due to his or her disgruntleness and disliking of his or her own life as he or she has known it to be, and so their way of venting that disgruntleness is by what he or she is doing in this thread to date.

Good point by the way, but ima thinks he or she is so superior in his or her intelect, that he or she is even smarter than God himself. Now that is an ego of epic proportions in which this ima has, but it is blinding him or her to a life far removed from the woes of this world and such, and with such an ego as this for which is being reviewed here, it is imprisoning him or her to a life as is lived alone most of the time, and this as far as any compassionate loving companionship goes I'm thinking, so we are seeing the results of such an ima life being written about yet again right here on this screen by him and/or by her for all to review upon this inet. It's a sad story so far, it really is..
So how do you explain that most priests are pedophiles? :dunno:

Link? How do you know that most priests are pedophiles?
ima feels that any information (no matter what the ratio's) is viable in her attacks, and this all due to his or her disgruntleness and disliking of his or her own life as he or she has known it to be, and so their way of venting that disgruntleness is by what he or she is doing in this thread to date.

Good point by the way, but ima thinks he or she is so superior in his or her intelect, that he or she is even smarter than God himself. Now that is an ego of epic proportions in which this ima has, but it is blinding him or her to a life far removed from the woes of this world and such, and with such an ego as this for which is being reviewed here, it is imprisoning him or her to a life as is lived alone most of the time, and this as far as any compassionate loving companionship goes I'm thinking, so we are seeing the results of such an ima life being written about yet again right here on this screen by him and/or by her for all to review upon this inet. It's a sad story so far, it really is..

The only sad story is that you profess to be a follower of Jesus, yet you spew all kinds of hatred, scorn, belittling and other insults. Maybe we're talking about a different Jesus? And I think that YOU'RE the deluded one who thinks he can walk on water.
All this because you believe in a book of fairy tales? Cmon, prove ONE major thing, i.e., Noah, the pillar of salt, the parting of the sea... ANYTHING!!!! I dare you. :D

About the gay priests, well, I guess you never got the memo from the Vatican.
Beag, I'm genuinely interested to know how you can prove any of the major points in the bible, like making the world in 6 days, Noah, the parting of the sea, making a woman out of a man's rib... Like seriously, they all sound like made up stories, where's the proof?
It's an old game that you are playing, just as the mockers in Jesus time also played this same ancient game, by otherwise demanding our Lord prove himself to them while he was upon the cross & upon the earth. It is the same game back then as it is right now, so it seems that nothing changes along these lines of questioning over the years and/or centuries (of course it doesn't). This game is played by those who are evil to their cores, and therefore work directly for the evil one himself in their lives right now to date. Go into the new testement and read about these things, and by what significance those who are evil upon this earth placed upon the word "IF", and this when they spoke during those times regarding the Lord our God who art in Heaven till this very day, as he had given the ultimate sacrifice for our sins in order that we might be saved for whom do believe, and have faith in this belief until the very end.

Your own character and questioning is proof enough that you are on a side of life that is very dangerous unto your own soul, but you demand proof from me, when all you have to do is listen to your ownself speak, and then for more proof, just go into the Bible and find those who are of the same character or were of the same character for which is exactly as you are, and also for what role that they had played in those times in which your signature is all over, and is found within these same roles in which you and them had played or still play, yet you act as if you donot know this or can't figure this out ? So sad !

How is it that the character of a person can transend generations, and still be the same character be it either good or bad that was written about so many years ago ? Then think about the truth in this that I speak, and then think about for what it speaks of even further within the word, in which also tells about what will eventually happen to those who have taken on these attributes or chatacteristics within their own lives, as to be found in example of just as well.
Man, you're seriously whacked!

I ask you for proof and you have none, kinda like living your life in a fantasy world.
The bible is just a book written by men. As for Jesus, there is no actual proof that he actually existed. If you have any, I'd be very interested to hear what you have.
PS the devil doesn't exist either. :D

You need to open your eyes. Try watching some documentaries. They've shown that yes the Pharaoh did have that many horses and chariots, that it was possible the Reed sea that was parted due to some tsunami or earthquake happening at that time in another part of the world. There is a building on Mt Sinai, you can see it from airplanes, it's made of wood. The government won't let anybody in to check it out but there is speculation that was Noah's ark. There's also speculation of other places it could have been. Do you really think all these scientists would go around coming up with examples and proof if there was none? Yes, it's impossible to someone to get 2 of each kind of animal in one building today, does that mean it was impossible several thousand years ago? Or is it possible that Noah only save some of the animals? Or was "the great flood" actually when the flooding of the black sea happened? They've found signs of early settlements on the floor of the black sea. Almost every civilization in history has a story of a great flood, even the Aztecs. Do you think they're all lying?

You don't have to take the Bible verbatim to know that there are truths in it. Do you believe there was a Robin Hood? Yeah, I know, not in the Bible. While historians have found no "real" Robin Hood, they've found several listings of people called "Rob Hood". It's speculated that the tale came from a conglomeration of those people.

Most myths and legends have something they are based on, even those in the Bible. The fact that YOU do not believe it because it's in the Bible doesn't make it any less true. Scientific evidence show that Egypt did suffer from the plagues mentioned in the Bible. They even know scientifically how the first born could have been targeted. Seems that back then, when the grain was scarce, the first born got the most food because he was the most important. There was mold on the grain, and while the others may have gotten sick, the first born ate enough to kill him. Because the Jews had certain laws concerning cleaning out old grain, their kids didn't get the illness. Documentaries are really interesting, try watching some.
It's an old game that you are playing, just as the mockers in Jesus time also played this same ancient game, by otherwise demanding our Lord prove himself to them while he was upon the cross & upon the earth. It is the same game back then as it is right now, so it seems that nothing changes along these lines of questioning over the years and/or centuries (of course it doesn't). This game is played by those who are evil to their cores, and therefore work directly for the evil one himself in their lives right now to date. Go into the new testement and read about these things, and by what significance those who are evil upon this earth placed upon the word "IF", and this when they spoke during those times regarding the Lord our God who art in Heaven till this very day, as he had given the ultimate sacrifice for our sins in order that we might be saved for whom do believe, and have faith in this belief until the very end.

Your own character and questioning is proof enough that you are on a side of life that is very dangerous unto your own soul, but you demand proof from me, when all you have to do is listen to your ownself speak, and then for more proof, just go into the Bible and find those who are of the same character or were of the same character for which is exactly as you are, and also for what role that they had played in those times in which your signature is all over, and is found within these same roles in which you and them had played or still play, yet you act as if you donot know this or can't figure this out ? So sad !

How is it that the character of a person can transend generations, and still be the same character be it either good or bad that was written about so many years ago ? Then think about the truth in this that I speak, and then think about for what it speaks of even further within the word, in which also tells about what will eventually happen to those who have taken on these attributes or chatacteristics within their own lives, as to be found in example of just as well.
Man, you're seriously whacked!

I ask you for proof and you have none, kinda like living your life in a fantasy world.
The bible is just a book written by men. As for Jesus, there is no actual proof that he actually existed. If you have any, I'd be very interested to hear what you have.
PS the devil doesn't exist either. :D

You need to open your eyes. Try watching some documentaries. They've shown that yes the Pharaoh did have that many horses and chariots, that it was possible the Reed sea that was parted due to some tsunami or earthquake happening at that time in another part of the world. There is a building on Mt Sinai, you can see it from airplanes, it's made of wood. The government won't let anybody in to check it out but there is speculation that was Noah's ark. There's also speculation of other places it could have been. Do you really think all these scientists would go around coming up with examples and proof if there was none? Yes, it's impossible to someone to get 2 of each kind of animal in one building today, does that mean it was impossible several thousand years ago? Or is it possible that Noah only save some of the animals? Or was "the great flood" actually when the flooding of the black sea happened? They've found signs of early settlements on the floor of the black sea. Almost every civilization in history has a story of a great flood, even the Aztecs. Do you think they're all lying?

You don't have to take the Bible verbatim to know that there are truths in it. Do you believe there was a Robin Hood? Yeah, I know, not in the Bible. While historians have found no "real" Robin Hood, they've found several listings of people called "Rob Hood". It's speculated that the tale came from a conglomeration of those people.

Most myths and legends have something they are based on, even those in the Bible. The fact that YOU do not believe it because it's in the Bible doesn't make it any less true. Scientific evidence show that Egypt did suffer from the plagues mentioned in the Bible. They even know scientifically how the first born could have been targeted. Seems that back then, when the grain was scarce, the first born got the most food because he was the most important. There was mold on the grain, and while the others may have gotten sick, the first born ate enough to kill him. Because the Jews had certain laws concerning cleaning out old grain, their kids didn't get the illness. Documentaries are really interesting, try watching some.

I'm not talking about every civilization that had a flood, I'm asking about Noah. So either the flood didn't happen or Noah had about 30,000 animals (about 6,000 species of mammals and 10,000 different kinds of birds, times two, and hoping nobody dies) and if you add reptiles and amphibians that's another 30,000. And where did all the plants come from since 40 days and night of flooding completely would kill all the plants.
Plus all the food for everyone.
So the size of boat mentioned in the bible could never have held that many animals and food...
I'm all for believing, but the story's just not credible.
Link? How do you know that most priests are pedophiles?
ima feels that any information (no matter what the ratio's) is viable in her attacks, and this all due to his or her disgruntleness and disliking of his or her own life as he or she has known it to be, and so their way of venting that disgruntleness is by what he or she is doing in this thread to date.

Good point by the way, but ima thinks he or she is so superior in his or her intelect, that he or she is even smarter than God himself. Now that is an ego of epic proportions in which this ima has, but it is blinding him or her to a life far removed from the woes of this world and such, and with such an ego as this for which is being reviewed here, it is imprisoning him or her to a life as is lived alone most of the time, and this as far as any compassionate loving companionship goes I'm thinking, so we are seeing the results of such an ima life being written about yet again right here on this screen by him and/or by her for all to review upon this inet. It's a sad story so far, it really is..

The only sad story is that you profess to be a follower of Jesus, yet you spew all kinds of hatred, scorn, belittling and other insults. Maybe we're talking about a different Jesus? And I think that YOU'RE the deluded one who thinks he can walk on water.
All this because you believe in a book of fairy tales? Cmon, prove ONE major thing, i.e., Noah, the pillar of salt, the parting of the sea... ANYTHING!!!! I dare you. :D

About the gay priests, well, I guess you never got the memo from the Vatican.
Link to my meaness I dare you ! Oh you can't find any with me being mean etc. as you now claim, other than me maybe having to respond to others idiocy and meaness on this site, but even then I am respectful and non-hateful in my responses. I have seen hateful responses and dis-respect on this site, and that is not me, so now you are grabbing at straws I guess.
ima feels that any information (no matter what the ratio's) is viable in her attacks, and this all due to his or her disgruntleness and disliking of his or her own life as he or she has known it to be, and so their way of venting that disgruntleness is by what he or she is doing in this thread to date.

Good point by the way, but ima thinks he or she is so superior in his or her intelect, that he or she is even smarter than God himself. Now that is an ego of epic proportions in which this ima has, but it is blinding him or her to a life far removed from the woes of this world and such, and with such an ego as this for which is being reviewed here, it is imprisoning him or her to a life as is lived alone most of the time, and this as far as any compassionate loving companionship goes I'm thinking, so we are seeing the results of such an ima life being written about yet again right here on this screen by him and/or by her for all to review upon this inet. It's a sad story so far, it really is..

The only sad story is that you profess to be a follower of Jesus, yet you spew all kinds of hatred, scorn, belittling and other insults. Maybe we're talking about a different Jesus? And I think that YOU'RE the deluded one who thinks he can walk on water.
All this because you believe in a book of fairy tales? Cmon, prove ONE major thing, i.e., Noah, the pillar of salt, the parting of the sea... ANYTHING!!!! I dare you. :D

About the gay priests, well, I guess you never got the memo from the Vatican.
Link to my meaness I dare you ! Oh you can't find any with me being mean etc. as you now claim, other than me maybe having to respond to others idiocy and meaness on this site, but even then I am respectful and non-hateful in my responses. I have seen hateful responses and dis-respect on this site, and that is not me, so now you are grabbing at straws I guess.

So god made the world in 6 days? And he rested on the 7th? Was he tired?
Man, you're seriously whacked!

I ask you for proof and you have none, kinda like living your life in a fantasy world.
The bible is just a book written by men. As for Jesus, there is no actual proof that he actually existed. If you have any, I'd be very interested to hear what you have.
PS the devil doesn't exist either. :D

You need to open your eyes. Try watching some documentaries. They've shown that yes the Pharaoh did have that many horses and chariots, that it was possible the Reed sea that was parted due to some tsunami or earthquake happening at that time in another part of the world. There is a building on Mt Sinai, you can see it from airplanes, it's made of wood. The government won't let anybody in to check it out but there is speculation that was Noah's ark. There's also speculation of other places it could have been. Do you really think all these scientists would go around coming up with examples and proof if there was none? Yes, it's impossible to someone to get 2 of each kind of animal in one building today, does that mean it was impossible several thousand years ago? Or is it possible that Noah only save some of the animals? Or was "the great flood" actually when the flooding of the black sea happened? They've found signs of early settlements on the floor of the black sea. Almost every civilization in history has a story of a great flood, even the Aztecs. Do you think they're all lying?

You don't have to take the Bible verbatim to know that there are truths in it. Do you believe there was a Robin Hood? Yeah, I know, not in the Bible. While historians have found no "real" Robin Hood, they've found several listings of people called "Rob Hood". It's speculated that the tale came from a conglomeration of those people.

Most myths and legends have something they are based on, even those in the Bible. The fact that YOU do not believe it because it's in the Bible doesn't make it any less true. Scientific evidence show that Egypt did suffer from the plagues mentioned in the Bible. They even know scientifically how the first born could have been targeted. Seems that back then, when the grain was scarce, the first born got the most food because he was the most important. There was mold on the grain, and while the others may have gotten sick, the first born ate enough to kill him. Because the Jews had certain laws concerning cleaning out old grain, their kids didn't get the illness. Documentaries are really interesting, try watching some.

I'm not talking about every civilization that had a flood, I'm asking about Noah. So either the flood didn't happen or Noah had about 30,000 animals (about 6,000 species of mammals and 10,000 different kinds of birds, times two, and hoping nobody dies) and if you add reptiles and amphibians that's another 30,000. And where did all the plants come from since 40 days and night of flooding completely would kill all the plants.
Plus all the food for everyone.
So the size of boat mentioned in the bible could never have held that many animals and food...
I'm all for believing, but the story's just not credible.
Are you so sure of the exact amount of species that were living in that time period? I thought you would be one to believe in a certain amount evolving or evolution found amongst the species over time, so do you think that Noah actually rounded up all the species in which you only have records of from your time period into that boat back then (or) was it that he was tasked to bring aboard two of the animals each from his time period, that to be loaded within that boat from that time period? You think in terms of population numbers, but do you think that over 300,000,000 people were on the earth back then? Well the same goes for the animals then and now.

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