Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

The only sad story is that you profess to be a follower of Jesus, yet you spew all kinds of hatred, scorn, belittling and other insults. Maybe we're talking about a different Jesus? And I think that YOU'RE the deluded one who thinks he can walk on water.
All this because you believe in a book of fairy tales? Cmon, prove ONE major thing, i.e., Noah, the pillar of salt, the parting of the sea... ANYTHING!!!! I dare you. :D

About the gay priests, well, I guess you never got the memo from the Vatican.
Link to my meaness I dare you ! Oh you can't find any with me being mean etc. as you now claim, other than me maybe having to respond to others idiocy and meaness on this site, but even then I am respectful and non-hateful in my responses. I have seen hateful responses and dis-respect on this site, and that is not me, so now you are grabbing at straws I guess.

So god made the world in 6 days? And he rested on the 7th? Was he tired?
What does the word "rest" mean to you ? Would that answer your question ? You always are writing stuff in questions, even though within your questions written, you have answered yourself oddly enough within the question as is written, but you don't see that and go on with the question anyway. B )
So how do you explain that most priests are pedophiles? :dunno:

Link? How do you know that most priests are pedophiles?
ima feels that any information (no matter what the ratio's) is viable in her attacks, and this all due to his or her disgruntleness and disliking of his or her own life as he or she has known it to be, and so their way of venting that disgruntleness is by what he or she is doing in this thread to date.

Good point by the way, but ima thinks he or she is so superior in his or her intelect, that he or she is even smarter than God himself. Now that is an ego of epic proportions in which this ima has, but it is blinding him or her to a life far removed from the woes of this world and such, and with such an ego as this for which is being reviewed here, it is imprisoning him or her to a life as is lived alone most of the time, and this as far as any compassionate loving companionship goes I'm thinking, so we are seeing the results of such an ima life being written about yet again right here on this screen by him and/or by her for all to review upon this inet. It's a sad story so far, it really is..

Are you suggesting he/she/it has finally painted the windows in his/her/its mother's basement black?
It's an old game that you are playing, just as the mockers in Jesus time also played this same ancient game, by otherwise demanding our Lord prove himself to them while he was upon the cross & upon the earth. It is the same game back then as it is right now, so it seems that nothing changes along these lines of questioning over the years and/or centuries (of course it doesn't). This game is played by those who are evil to their cores, and therefore work directly for the evil one himself in their lives right now to date. Go into the new testement and read about these things, and by what significance those who are evil upon this earth placed upon the word "IF", and this when they spoke during those times regarding the Lord our God who art in Heaven till this very day, as he had given the ultimate sacrifice for our sins in order that we might be saved for whom do believe, and have faith in this belief until the very end.

Your own character and questioning is proof enough that you are on a side of life that is very dangerous unto your own soul, but you demand proof from me, when all you have to do is listen to your ownself speak, and then for more proof, just go into the Bible and find those who are of the same character or were of the same character for which is exactly as you are, and also for what role that they had played in those times in which your signature is all over, and is found within these same roles in which you and them had played or still play, yet you act as if you donot know this or can't figure this out ? So sad !

How is it that the character of a person can transend generations, and still be the same character be it either good or bad that was written about so many years ago ? Then think about the truth in this that I speak, and then think about for what it speaks of even further within the word, in which also tells about what will eventually happen to those who have taken on these attributes or chatacteristics within their own lives, as to be found in example of just as well.
Man, you're seriously whacked!

I ask you for proof and you have none, kinda like living your life in a fantasy world.
The bible is just a book written by men. As for Jesus, there is no actual proof that he actually existed. If you have any, I'd be very interested to hear what you have.
PS the devil doesn't exist either. :D

You need to open your eyes. Try watching some documentaries. They've shown that yes the Pharaoh did have that many horses and chariots, that it was possible the Reed sea that was parted due to some tsunami or earthquake happening at that time in another part of the world. There is a building on Mt Sinai, you can see it from airplanes, it's made of wood. The government won't let anybody in to check it out but there is speculation that was Noah's ark. There's also speculation of other places it could have been. Do you really think all these scientists would go around coming up with examples and proof if there was none? Yes, it's impossible to someone to get 2 of each kind of animal in one building today, does that mean it was impossible several thousand years ago? Or is it possible that Noah only save some of the animals? Or was "the great flood" actually when the flooding of the black sea happened? They've found signs of early settlements on the floor of the black sea. Almost every civilization in history has a story of a great flood, even the Aztecs. Do you think they're all lying?

You don't have to take the Bible verbatim to know that there are truths in it. Do you believe there was a Robin Hood? Yeah, I know, not in the Bible. While historians have found no "real" Robin Hood, they've found several listings of people called "Rob Hood". It's speculated that the tale came from a conglomeration of those people.

Most myths and legends have something they are based on, even those in the Bible. The fact that YOU do not believe it because it's in the Bible doesn't make it any less true. Scientific evidence show that Egypt did suffer from the plagues mentioned in the Bible. They even know scientifically how the first born could have been targeted. Seems that back then, when the grain was scarce, the first born got the most food because he was the most important. There was mold on the grain, and while the others may have gotten sick, the first born ate enough to kill him. Because the Jews had certain laws concerning cleaning out old grain, their kids didn't get the illness. Documentaries are really interesting, try watching some.

For anyone interested in some pretty fascinating stuff, read the "Biblical Archaeological Review". It's a periodical that explores lots of those stories.
I'm not sure how all christians will take the information, though. I thought I was doing my sister a favor by returning her gift subscription to the "Watchtower" by gifting her with a subscription to this magazine. Went over like a lead balloon.
You need to open your eyes. Try watching some documentaries. They've shown that yes the Pharaoh did have that many horses and chariots, that it was possible the Reed sea that was parted due to some tsunami or earthquake happening at that time in another part of the world. There is a building on Mt Sinai, you can see it from airplanes, it's made of wood. The government won't let anybody in to check it out but there is speculation that was Noah's ark. There's also speculation of other places it could have been. Do you really think all these scientists would go around coming up with examples and proof if there was none? Yes, it's impossible to someone to get 2 of each kind of animal in one building today, does that mean it was impossible several thousand years ago? Or is it possible that Noah only save some of the animals? Or was "the great flood" actually when the flooding of the black sea happened? They've found signs of early settlements on the floor of the black sea. Almost every civilization in history has a story of a great flood, even the Aztecs. Do you think they're all lying?

You don't have to take the Bible verbatim to know that there are truths in it. Do you believe there was a Robin Hood? Yeah, I know, not in the Bible. While historians have found no "real" Robin Hood, they've found several listings of people called "Rob Hood". It's speculated that the tale came from a conglomeration of those people.

Most myths and legends have something they are based on, even those in the Bible. The fact that YOU do not believe it because it's in the Bible doesn't make it any less true. Scientific evidence show that Egypt did suffer from the plagues mentioned in the Bible. They even know scientifically how the first born could have been targeted. Seems that back then, when the grain was scarce, the first born got the most food because he was the most important. There was mold on the grain, and while the others may have gotten sick, the first born ate enough to kill him. Because the Jews had certain laws concerning cleaning out old grain, their kids didn't get the illness. Documentaries are really interesting, try watching some.

I'm not talking about every civilization that had a flood, I'm asking about Noah. So either the flood didn't happen or Noah had about 30,000 animals (about 6,000 species of mammals and 10,000 different kinds of birds, times two, and hoping nobody dies) and if you add reptiles and amphibians that's another 30,000. And where did all the plants come from since 40 days and night of flooding completely would kill all the plants.
Plus all the food for everyone.
So the size of boat mentioned in the bible could never have held that many animals and food...
I'm all for believing, but the story's just not credible.
Are you so sure of the exact amount of species that were living in that time period? I thought you would be one to believe in a certain amount evolving or evolution found amongst the species over time, so do you think that Noah actually rounded up all the species in which you only have records of from your time period into that boat back then (or) was it that he was tasked to bring aboard two of the animals each from his time period, that to be loaded within that boat from that time period? You think in terms of population numbers, but do you think that over 300,000,000 people were on the earth back then? Well the same goes for the animals then and now.

But the bible doesn't endorse evolution, so the amount of animal species on earth is constant and the same amount of species that exist today existed back then.
So how do you explain animals in South America? Did Noah go there to get all those animals? Or did they magically fly over to his boat?
Link to my meaness I dare you ! Oh you can't find any with me being mean etc. as you now claim, other than me maybe having to respond to others idiocy and meaness on this site, but even then I am respectful and non-hateful in my responses. I have seen hateful responses and dis-respect on this site, and that is not me, so now you are grabbing at straws I guess.

So god made the world in 6 days? And he rested on the 7th? Was he tired?
What does the word "rest" mean to you ? Would that answer your question ? You always are writing stuff in questions, even though within your questions written, you have answered yourself oddly enough within the question as is written, but you don't see that and go on with the question anyway. B )

So how do you know that the world was made in 6 days?
The only sad story is that you profess to be a follower of Jesus, yet you spew all kinds of hatred, scorn, belittling and other insults. Maybe we're talking about a different Jesus? And I think that YOU'RE the deluded one who thinks he can walk on water.
All this because you believe in a book of fairy tales? Cmon, prove ONE major thing, i.e., Noah, the pillar of salt, the parting of the sea... ANYTHING!!!! I dare you. :D

About the gay priests, well, I guess you never got the memo from the Vatican.
Link to my meaness I dare you ! Oh you can't find any with me being mean etc. as you now claim, other than me maybe having to respond to others idiocy and meaness on this site, but even then I am respectful and non-hateful in my responses. I have seen hateful responses and dis-respect on this site, and that is not me, so now you are grabbing at straws I guess.

So god made the world in 6 days? And he rested on the 7th? Was he tired?

Define the length of a day. How do you know how long a day was back in the beginning?
Link to my meaness I dare you ! Oh you can't find any with me being mean etc. as you now claim, other than me maybe having to respond to others idiocy and meaness on this site, but even then I am respectful and non-hateful in my responses. I have seen hateful responses and dis-respect on this site, and that is not me, so now you are grabbing at straws I guess.

So god made the world in 6 days? And he rested on the 7th? Was he tired?

Define the length of a day. How do you know how long a day was back in the beginning?

Axis of the earth turning around the sun.
Actually the days used to be shorter as the gravitational pull of the moon has decreased the days in a year.
The God made the earth in 7 days part of the Bible is myth as is a lot of the Bible.
Man, you're seriously whacked!

I ask you for proof and you have none, kinda like living your life in a fantasy world.
The bible is just a book written by men. As for Jesus, there is no actual proof that he actually existed. If you have any, I'd be very interested to hear what you have.
PS the devil doesn't exist either. :D

You need to open your eyes. Try watching some documentaries. They've shown that yes the Pharaoh did have that many horses and chariots, that it was possible the Reed sea that was parted due to some tsunami or earthquake happening at that time in another part of the world. There is a building on Mt Sinai, you can see it from airplanes, it's made of wood. The government won't let anybody in to check it out but there is speculation that was Noah's ark. There's also speculation of other places it could have been. Do you really think all these scientists would go around coming up with examples and proof if there was none? Yes, it's impossible to someone to get 2 of each kind of animal in one building today, does that mean it was impossible several thousand years ago? Or is it possible that Noah only save some of the animals? Or was "the great flood" actually when the flooding of the black sea happened? They've found signs of early settlements on the floor of the black sea. Almost every civilization in history has a story of a great flood, even the Aztecs. Do you think they're all lying?

You don't have to take the Bible verbatim to know that there are truths in it. Do you believe there was a Robin Hood? Yeah, I know, not in the Bible. While historians have found no "real" Robin Hood, they've found several listings of people called "Rob Hood". It's speculated that the tale came from a conglomeration of those people.

Most myths and legends have something they are based on, even those in the Bible. The fact that YOU do not believe it because it's in the Bible doesn't make it any less true. Scientific evidence show that Egypt did suffer from the plagues mentioned in the Bible. They even know scientifically how the first born could have been targeted. Seems that back then, when the grain was scarce, the first born got the most food because he was the most important. There was mold on the grain, and while the others may have gotten sick, the first born ate enough to kill him. Because the Jews had certain laws concerning cleaning out old grain, their kids didn't get the illness. Documentaries are really interesting, try watching some.

For anyone interested in some pretty fascinating stuff, read the "Biblical Archaeological Review". It's a periodical that explores lots of those stories.
I'm not sure how all christians will take the information, though. I thought I was doing my sister a favor by returning her gift subscription to the "Watchtower" by gifting her with a subscription to this magazine. Went over like a lead balloon.
How old is this review, because there has been a huge push to create all sorts of studies, reviews and opinions now, but they are most all out anymore to disprove the Bible in everyway that they can now. They even wrap it all up in packaging that would make a person think that they are reading or watching something that is Bible friendly, and is still out to strengthen the word instead of trying to destroy it, but then we find that the review or study is created to cast a reasonable doubt somehow for it's readers, and that is what it tries to convict the Bible on. Your sister must be grounded pret-ty good, and therefore she recognized the problem in this work immediately. I like the light hearted humor you used between you and your sister in the post.. B )
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So god made the world in 6 days? And he rested on the 7th? Was he tired?

Define the length of a day. How do you know how long a day was back in the beginning?

Axis of the earth turning around the sun.
Actually the days used to be shorter as the gravitational pull of the moon has decreased the days in a year.
The God made the earth in 7 days part of the Bible is myth as is a lot of the Bible.
You still donot know the exact length based upon your quick answer, because the earth and it's axis, speed and other such conditions over time changes daily, yearly and throughout the centuries.

It is that the days have become shorter since the beginning, and the age of man has become shorter as well since the beginning. It all makes since that it would trend in these ways, because we are not here forever in the state of sinfullness and condition in which we now live in upon this earth, and that which has also increased over time, so it only shows if one takes it all in, that we are nearing the final call or have sped up dramatically over time in just about everything that we know of and understand, but still yet no man shall know the time nor the hour, so it best to be ready when the final trumpet sounds.
So god made the world in 6 days? And he rested on the 7th? Was he tired?
What does the word "rest" mean to you ? Would that answer your question ? You always are writing stuff in questions, even though within your questions written, you have answered yourself oddly enough within the question as is written, but you don't see that and go on with the question anyway. B )

So how do you know that the world was made in 6 days?
How do you know that it was not made in 6 days, and therefore the seventh was rested upon ?

You see it is a choice between the two of us to make in our own lives, and it defines what you and I believe that is different from each other in life, and you have no right to try and make me along with countless others believe that we are wrong, and that therefore you as in a few are right in such a mess, and it is just that simple really.
I'm not talking about every civilization that had a flood, I'm asking about Noah. So either the flood didn't happen or Noah had about 30,000 animals (about 6,000 species of mammals and 10,000 different kinds of birds, times two, and hoping nobody dies) and if you add reptiles and amphibians that's another 30,000. And where did all the plants come from since 40 days and night of flooding completely would kill all the plants.
Plus all the food for everyone.
So the size of boat mentioned in the bible could never have held that many animals and food...
I'm all for believing, but the story's just not credible.
Are you so sure of the exact amount of species that were living in that time period? I thought you would be one to believe in a certain amount evolving or evolution found amongst the species over time, so do you think that Noah actually rounded up all the species in which you only have records of from your time period into that boat back then (or) was it that he was tasked to bring aboard two of the animals each from his time period, that to be loaded within that boat from that time period? You think in terms of population numbers, but do you think that over 300,000,000 people were on the earth back then? Well the same goes for the animals then and now.

But the bible doesn't endorse evolution, so the amount of animal species on earth is constant and the same amount of species that exist today existed back then.
So how do you explain animals in South America? Did Noah go there to get all those animals? Or did they magically fly over to his boat?
Explain how annoconda's are in South Florida now, did they just magically apear there somehow or better yet explain how a great white shark can be all over the world within any given time period as is now known by scientist who are studying them ? Scientist are making break throughs everyday on that which was for so long unexplained (knowledge explosion), so maybe you should wait on the scientist to finally get around to convincing you, since you don't want to get it from the book that already knows about most of these things in which were touched upon in covering over two thosand years of generations and this world, and even though there is much that is still not known by us, just as the Bible also says, it all will be soon known by us when we come into his kingdom upon that glorious day, and within the twinkling of an eye shall it be that we will be there, and the days of old shall be done.
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Animals are the same animals they have always been, even if, at different times they didn't look the same as they do now.

Even if you believe in evolution you don't believe that men evolved from apes. They might have evolved from men who, at the time, looked more like monkeys, but the DNA would prove that they were and are humans. The dinosaurs never disappeared, but they look far different today than they did. Today they look like eagles and Komodo Dragons but they are the descendants of the same creatures.
BTW, chik fil a is NOT making history. They're just blindly following other hate groups - like Westboro.

Don't think.

Just hate.

And, if you can't face up to your own sexuality, really hate a whole hell of a lot.
Chick Fil A made history by being the subject of a little general rebellion. People putting millions of dollars on their principles. The first time that has happened in many years.
Animals are the same animals they have always been, even if, at different times they didn't look the same as they do now.

Even if you believe in evolution you don't believe that men evolved from apes. They might have evolved from men who, at the time, looked more like monkeys, but the DNA would prove that they were and are humans. The dinosaurs never disappeared, but they look far different today than they did. Today they look like eagles and Komodo Dragons but they are the descendants of the same creatures.
I agree, but are they in the same amount of numbers back then as they are today and/or were they scattered about back then as much they are today or have been in different periods throughout time ? This is something that no one knows or can answer truly today, but I garantee you that a liberal will try their very best to put a scientific answer of somekind to it, even if they have to make one up.
Animals are the same animals they have always been, even if, at different times they didn't look the same as they do now.

Even if you believe in evolution you don't believe that men evolved from apes. They might have evolved from men who, at the time, looked more like monkeys, but the DNA would prove that they were and are humans. The dinosaurs never disappeared, but they look far different today than they did. Today they look like eagles and Komodo Dragons but they are the descendants of the same creatures.
I agree, but are they in the same amount of numbers back then as they are today and/or were they scattered about back then as much they are today or have been in different periods throughout time ? This is something that no one knows or can answer truly today, but I garantee you that a liberal will try their very best to put a scientific answer of somekind to it, even if they have to make one up.

That's true!

Ask them what the anomaly was that caused the Big Bang, watch their heads explode.
Chick Fil A made history by being the subject of a little general rebellion. People putting millions of dollars on their principles. The first time that has happened in many years.
Our local Chic-Fil-A is still profiting big time from that day, as it was packed again today when I went by it, and I just smiled again a big smile as I road by looking at history still being made in respect to the American people finally having enough of what they were being spoon fed by the feds in this nation for way to long now. Hooray for Chic-Fil-A... B )
Animals are the same animals they have always been, even if, at different times they didn't look the same as they do now.

Even if you believe in evolution you don't believe that men evolved from apes. They might have evolved from men who, at the time, looked more like monkeys, but the DNA would prove that they were and are humans. The dinosaurs never disappeared, but they look far different today than they did. Today they look like eagles and Komodo Dragons but they are the descendants of the same creatures.
I agree, but are they in the same amount of numbers back then as they are today and/or were they scattered about back then as much they are today or have been in different periods throughout time ? This is something that no one knows or can answer truly today, but I garantee you that a liberal will try their very best to put a scientific answer of somekind to it, even if they have to make one up.

That's true!

Ask them what the anomaly was that caused the Big Bang, watch their heads explode.
I know right !! LOL
Animals are the same animals they have always been, even if, at different times they didn't look the same as they do now.

Even if you believe in evolution you don't believe that men evolved from apes. They might have evolved from men who, at the time, looked more like monkeys, but the DNA would prove that they were and are humans. The dinosaurs never disappeared, but they look far different today than they did. Today they look like eagles and Komodo Dragons but they are the descendants of the same creatures.

You make absolutely no sense at all. You make less sense every day. Its like you don't know what you're typing.

If you have not been to the museum with the dinosaur with a saddle on its back, you'd love it. Its just as looney as you are.
Chick Fil A made history by being the subject of a little general rebellion. People putting millions of dollars on their principles. The first time that has happened in many years.
Our local Chic-Fil-A is still profiting big time from that day, as it was packed again today when I went by it, and I just smiled again a big smile as I road by looking at history still being made in respect to the American people finally having enough of what they were being spoon fed by the feds in this nation for way to long now. Hooray for Chic-Fil-A... B )

If true, and I doubt it, you conjure up a vision of fat, dumpy ignorant Americans, shoving fatty shit food in their face =

Feeding on hate and fear that they just might be homa-Sacks-shul their own selves.

That's some really sick shit you fools are gobbling down.

Happy Heart Attacks to One and ALL.

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