Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

Chick Fil A made history by being the subject of a little general rebellion. People putting millions of dollars on their principles. The first time that has happened in many years.
Our local Chic-Fil-A is still profiting big time from that day, as it was packed again today when I went by it, and I just smiled again a big smile as I road by looking at history still being made in respect to the American people finally having enough of what they were being spoon fed by the feds in this nation for way to long now. Hooray for Chic-Fil-A... B )

Before I went to CFA to support the company I had never been before. Now that I know how good it is, I've been back a few times. Their grilled sandwich is really good.
Chick Fil A made history by being the subject of a little general rebellion. People putting millions of dollars on their principles. The first time that has happened in many years.
Our local Chic-Fil-A is still profiting big time from that day, as it was packed again today when I went by it, and I just smiled again a big smile as I road by looking at history still being made in respect to the American people finally having enough of what they were being spoon fed by the feds in this nation for way to long now. Hooray for Chic-Fil-A... B )

If true, and I doubt it, you conjure up a vision of fat, dumpy ignorant Americans, shoving fatty shit food in their face =

Feeding on hate and fear that they just might be homa-Sacks-shul their own selves.

That's some really sick shit you fools are gobbling down.

Happy Heart Attacks to One and ALL.

Luddly, what you libs refuse to get, is that this was not about hating gays, it was about many, many ordinary Americans being completely fed up with Political Correctness, whether it involves gays or anything else. You finally took PC too far, and you got yourselves bitch slapped for it. Now stop whining.
Our local Chic-Fil-A is still profiting big time from that day, as it was packed again today when I went by it, and I just smiled again a big smile as I road by looking at history still being made in respect to the American people finally having enough of what they were being spoon fed by the feds in this nation for way to long now. Hooray for Chic-Fil-A... B )

If true, and I doubt it, you conjure up a vision of fat, dumpy ignorant Americans, shoving fatty shit food in their face =

Feeding on hate and fear that they just might be homa-Sacks-shul their own selves.

That's some really sick shit you fools are gobbling down.

Happy Heart Attacks to One and ALL.

Luddly, what you libs refuse to get, is that this was not about hating gays, it was about many, many ordinary Americans being completely fed up with Political Correctness, whether it involves gays or anything else. You finally took PC too far, and you got yourselves bitch slapped for it. Now stop whining.

So now its Politically Correct to deny a segment of our society the rights that the entire rest of out society enjoys?

That's a crock and you and i both know it.

I don't care what chick fil a does and I don't care who eats shit that I wouldn't feed my dog. Chow down, die young, who cares? The bible thumper that owns it can spout any hate crap he wants. Who cares? Not me.

What I care about is that scum rw's fight to keep EQUAL RIGHTS that are guaranteed by our Constitution (that the rw's hate) from people they are afraid of.

Its wrong.

Plain and simple.

I value our Constitution and I'll fight you to keep it in force. I'll fight asshole bible thumpers too. He can do what he wants, you can do what you want but what you cannot do is force your hate and fear on others.
So god made the world in 6 days? And he rested on the 7th? Was he tired?

Define the length of a day. How do you know how long a day was back in the beginning?

Axis of the earth turning around the sun.
Actually the days used to be shorter as the gravitational pull of the moon has decreased the days in a year.
The God made the earth in 7 days part of the Bible is myth as is a lot of the Bible.

Doesn't mean that's how the people writing the Bible defined a day.
You need to open your eyes. Try watching some documentaries. They've shown that yes the Pharaoh did have that many horses and chariots, that it was possible the Reed sea that was parted due to some tsunami or earthquake happening at that time in another part of the world. There is a building on Mt Sinai, you can see it from airplanes, it's made of wood. The government won't let anybody in to check it out but there is speculation that was Noah's ark. There's also speculation of other places it could have been. Do you really think all these scientists would go around coming up with examples and proof if there was none? Yes, it's impossible to someone to get 2 of each kind of animal in one building today, does that mean it was impossible several thousand years ago? Or is it possible that Noah only save some of the animals? Or was "the great flood" actually when the flooding of the black sea happened? They've found signs of early settlements on the floor of the black sea. Almost every civilization in history has a story of a great flood, even the Aztecs. Do you think they're all lying?

You don't have to take the Bible verbatim to know that there are truths in it. Do you believe there was a Robin Hood? Yeah, I know, not in the Bible. While historians have found no "real" Robin Hood, they've found several listings of people called "Rob Hood". It's speculated that the tale came from a conglomeration of those people.

Most myths and legends have something they are based on, even those in the Bible. The fact that YOU do not believe it because it's in the Bible doesn't make it any less true. Scientific evidence show that Egypt did suffer from the plagues mentioned in the Bible. They even know scientifically how the first born could have been targeted. Seems that back then, when the grain was scarce, the first born got the most food because he was the most important. There was mold on the grain, and while the others may have gotten sick, the first born ate enough to kill him. Because the Jews had certain laws concerning cleaning out old grain, their kids didn't get the illness. Documentaries are really interesting, try watching some.

For anyone interested in some pretty fascinating stuff, read the "Biblical Archaeological Review". It's a periodical that explores lots of those stories.
I'm not sure how all christians will take the information, though. I thought I was doing my sister a favor by returning her gift subscription to the "Watchtower" by gifting her with a subscription to this magazine. Went over like a lead balloon.
How old is this review, because there has been a huge push to create all sorts of studies, reviews and opinions now, but they are most all out anymore to disprove the Bible in everyway that they can now. They even wrap it all up in packaging that would make a person think that they are reading or watching something that is Bible friendly, and is still out to strengthen the word instead of trying to destroy it, but then we find that the review or study is created to cast a reasonable doubt somehow for it's readers, and that is what it tries to convict the Bible on. Your sister must be grounded pret-ty good, and therefore she recognized the problem in this work immediately. I like the light hearted humor you used between you and your sister in the post.. B )

It isn't just one review, it's a magazine. I forget how often it is published, once a month or maybe every other month. It actually explores archaeological explorations of biblical sites and history. It's not anti-bible, at least not the last time I subscribed. If you can get hold of one, see if you don't like it.
As far as her grounding, my sister is a Witness. They reject a lot of concepts that other christians accept. At least she has a sense of humor. After listening to her describe what being a Jehovah's Witness was all about, I called her an Amway salesman for god. At least she didn't disown me.
Animals are the same animals they have always been, even if, at different times they didn't look the same as they do now.

Even if you believe in evolution you don't believe that men evolved from apes. They might have evolved from men who, at the time, looked more like monkeys, but the DNA would prove that they were and are humans. The dinosaurs never disappeared, but they look far different today than they did. Today they look like eagles and Komodo Dragons but they are the descendants of the same creatures.

You make absolutely no sense at all. You make less sense every day. Its like you don't know what you're typing.

If you have not been to the museum with the dinosaur with a saddle on its back, you'd love it. Its just as looney as you are.
Ok, then maybe you explain it to us here.... Were waiting, still waiting, and I guess we will still be waiting for a long time, so how long will you take to school us all on the issue or do you just like making noise around the site ?
If true, and I doubt it, you conjure up a vision of fat, dumpy ignorant Americans, shoving fatty shit food in their face =

Feeding on hate and fear that they just might be homa-Sacks-shul their own selves.

That's some really sick shit you fools are gobbling down.

Happy Heart Attacks to One and ALL.

Luddly, what you libs refuse to get, is that this was not about hating gays, it was about many, many ordinary Americans being completely fed up with Political Correctness, whether it involves gays or anything else. You finally took PC too far, and you got yourselves bitch slapped for it. Now stop whining.

So now its Politically Correct to deny a segment of our society the rights that the entire rest of out society enjoys?

That's a crock and you and i both know it.

I don't care what chick fil a does and I don't care who eats shit that I wouldn't feed my dog. Chow down, die young, who cares? The bible thumper that owns it can spout any hate crap he wants. Who cares? Not me.

What I care about is that scum rw's fight to keep EQUAL RIGHTS that are guaranteed by our Constitution (that the rw's hate) from people they are afraid of.

Its wrong.

Plain and simple.

I value our Constitution and I'll fight you to keep it in force. I'll fight asshole bible thumpers too. He can do what he wants, you can do what you want but what you cannot do is force your hate and fear on others.
Who cares eh, but here you are angry as Hell over the issue, and feeling that you need to comment here on the issue because uhhh well ummmm I guess you care, so oh yes you care alright, but you think that we are to dum to realize that you care when commenting like you do, especially with this backed into a corner post that you just wrote. For goodness sakes, can't you be honest for a second here about your feelings on the matter ? You tell someone else that they are making less sense everyday, but then look at your ownself having to eat those very words in which you just accused or attacked another
For anyone interested in some pretty fascinating stuff, read the "Biblical Archaeological Review". It's a periodical that explores lots of those stories.
I'm not sure how all christians will take the information, though. I thought I was doing my sister a favor by returning her gift subscription to the "Watchtower" by gifting her with a subscription to this magazine. Went over like a lead balloon.
How old is this review, because there has been a huge push to create all sorts of studies, reviews and opinions now, but they are most all out anymore to disprove the Bible in everyway that they can now. They even wrap it all up in packaging that would make a person think that they are reading or watching something that is Bible friendly, and is still out to strengthen the word instead of trying to destroy it, but then we find that the review or study is created to cast a reasonable doubt somehow for it's readers, and that is what it tries to convict the Bible on. Your sister must be grounded pret-ty good, and therefore she recognized the problem in this work immediately. I like the light hearted humor you used between you and your sister in the post.. B )

It isn't just one review, it's a magazine. I forget how often it is published, once a month or maybe every other month. It actually explores archaeological explorations of biblical sites and history. It's not anti-bible, at least not the last time I subscribed. If you can get hold of one, see if you don't like it.
As far as her grounding, my sister is a Witness. They reject a lot of concepts that other christians accept. At least she has a sense of humor. After listening to her describe what being a Jehovah's Witness was all about, I called her an Amway salesman for god. At least she didn't disown me.
Smile, and that is all one can expect on the differing of opinions, just as we all have in our daily lives from time to time, but some are so agenda oriented these days, and are working directly for the devil these days, that they will kill someone over an issue, and that is ashame how far this nation has crumbled like this over time, but the majority of the people have been asleep for to long now, and it's high time that they wake back up from their stuper, especially to what has been going on for to long against them now.
If true, and I doubt it, you conjure up a vision of fat, dumpy ignorant Americans, shoving fatty shit food in their face =

Feeding on hate and fear that they just might be homa-Sacks-shul their own selves.

That's some really sick shit you fools are gobbling down.

Happy Heart Attacks to One and ALL.

Luddly, what you libs refuse to get, is that this was not about hating gays, it was about many, many ordinary Americans being completely fed up with Political Correctness, whether it involves gays or anything else. You finally took PC too far, and you got yourselves bitch slapped for it. Now stop whining.

So now its Politically Correct to deny a segment of our society the rights that the entire rest of out society enjoys?

That's a crock and you and i both know it.

I don't care what chick fil a does and I don't care who eats shit that I wouldn't feed my dog. Chow down, die young, who cares? The bible thumper that owns it can spout any hate crap he wants. Who cares? Not me.

What I care about is that scum rw's fight to keep EQUAL RIGHTS that are guaranteed by our Constitution (that the rw's hate) from people they are afraid of.

Its wrong.

Plain and simple.

I value our Constitution and I'll fight you to keep it in force. I'll fight asshole bible thumpers too. He can do what he wants, you can do what you want but what you cannot do is force your hate and fear on others.
My opinion on rights in America: - Equal rights are always earned and are not just a given, as is with any rights we have in America as it's citizens the same should always apply, but for to long now we have seen equal rights given to some individuals that didn't deserve them, especially given freely without question of, and this even when the intention that they (the recipient) had when granted these same equal rights, was to then take those rights and use them against this nation and it's citizens in a bad way, and this once given to them, yet they were still given to them as individuals no matter, even though they were known to be bad people by many qualifiers or flags flying against them.

The bad ones mainly operate as individuals and not as groups, but sometimes these bad charactered individuals who are accepted without question of, do inflitrate the group, and then they begin leading the group astray in America, and that is the goal if they are successful at it, and sometimes they are very sucessful at it.

This is the work of the devil himself, once he gets a person who will work for him, the person then takes the equal rights of freedom in America as granted to him or her, and next begins to use the equal rights of passage in order to destroy with instead of being productive and helpful with.

The bad person then uses this in this way, instead of assisting the nation in good, along with every other good citizen who are granted these same rights due their being good citizens within the nation also, and not bad citizens within the nation who are gaining the same somehow, but shouldn't have gained anything. The feds seemed to have lost their minds in the past over these specific issues as found in ones character, and this within the nation when bad, where as they strictly judged people based on them being in a blanket minority group or being a blanket color within a race or group when protecting them and granting them rights, and not as it should have been where it should always be based upon the individual character instead.

MLK didn't even believe in this type of judgement by the federal government, as he knew that their were those who were amongst the groups as individuals, that would undermine his religious attempts at gaining equal rights for human beings (the good blacks was his goal at the time), but he stressed that they must have good character, and it was not for any human beings whom had bad character regardless of their color or status as a minority, and this as was spoken about in his "I have a dream" speech.

The feds should have promoted good character equally in this nation amongst all races, but this has not been the case sorry to say by them, in which has seperated us all along specific lines to this very day, and all because of this fallacy or error it has since caused a seperation for years due to their idiocy on such matters over time. Now the numbers are just growing, and are including even more and more characters into the equasion as they grow, but what kind of character will this nation continue to support and hold up over another, so that is the question that many now want answered in this nation moving forward. It is no longer a race issue at all in my honest opinion, but rather a character issue amongst the many differing people now, so what is it going to be federal government, what is it going to be ?

I say support Americanism and all Americans of any race or culture (as long as their character or culture is good), and most of all united as American, (letting character fall where it lays on the scale), and if it is good then so be it, but if it is bad then it should be denide the same rights as those who are good always. Example: I would say that a drug dealer shouldnot be able to purchase equally a home in an anti-drug neighborhood or etc., and that is the way it should be in America again. We could keep building on this concept or premise, and the nation may begin turning again for the betterment of all, and this by leaving bad character in the dust finally, but not races or cultures and other that is of good character, where as we should always build them up, thus making America united and strong in character again.
Define the length of a day. How do you know how long a day was back in the beginning?

Axis of the earth turning around the sun.
Actually the days used to be shorter as the gravitational pull of the moon has decreased the days in a year.
The God made the earth in 7 days part of the Bible is myth as is a lot of the Bible.

Doesn't mean that's how the people writing the Bible defined a day.

So how long is one of those days?
Animals are the same animals they have always been, even if, at different times they didn't look the same as they do now.

Even if you believe in evolution you don't believe that men evolved from apes. They might have evolved from men who, at the time, looked more like monkeys, but the DNA would prove that they were and are humans. The dinosaurs never disappeared, but they look far different today than they did. Today they look like eagles and Komodo Dragons but they are the descendants of the same creatures.
I agree, but are they in the same amount of numbers back then as they are today and/or were they scattered about back then as much they are today or have been in different periods throughout time ? This is something that no one knows or can answer truly today, but I garantee you that a liberal will try their very best to put a scientific answer of somekind to it, even if they have to make one up.

That's true!

Ask them what the anomaly was that caused the Big Bang, watch their heads explode.

Not knowing what caused the Big Bang doesn't mean that a god produced it. At this point, we just don't know. But at least scientists are still looking. If religion had had its way, the world would still be flat and at the centre of the universe.
Are you so sure of the exact amount of species that were living in that time period? I thought you would be one to believe in a certain amount evolving or evolution found amongst the species over time, so do you think that Noah actually rounded up all the species in which you only have records of from your time period into that boat back then (or) was it that he was tasked to bring aboard two of the animals each from his time period, that to be loaded within that boat from that time period? You think in terms of population numbers, but do you think that over 300,000,000 people were on the earth back then? Well the same goes for the animals then and now.

But the bible doesn't endorse evolution, so the amount of animal species on earth is constant and the same amount of species that exist today existed back then.
So how do you explain animals in South America? Did Noah go there to get all those animals? Or did they magically fly over to his boat?
Explain how annoconda's are in South Florida now, did they just magically apear there somehow or better yet explain how a great white shark can be all over the world within any given time period as is now known by scientist who are studying them ? Scientist are making break throughs everyday on that which was for so long unexplained (knowledge explosion), so maybe you should wait on the scientist to finally get around to convincing you, since you don't want to get it from the book that already knows about most of these things in which were touched upon in covering over two thosand years of generations and this world, and even though there is much that is still not known by us, just as the Bible also says, it all will be soon known by us when we come into his kingdom upon that glorious day, and within the twinkling of an eye shall it be that we will be there, and the days of old shall be done.

You're totally brainwashed and can't think for yourself, and especially, you're critical thinking in impaired.
So now you're claiming that all the animals of the world all existed around where Noah was? Anacondas have never existed in the Middle East, they were brought to S.Flo by HUMANS!!!!! And not all shark species live all over the world. Man, lucky for you that breathing is an innate function or you might have trouble figuring that out as well. :lol:
Oh well, at least you have the glorious day when you disappear to look forward to. :D
My opinion on rights in America: - Equal rights are always earned and are not just a given, as is with any rights we have in America as it's citizens the same should always apply, but for to long now we have seen equal rights given to some individuals that didn't deserve them, especially given freely without question of, and this even when the intention that they (the recipient) had when granted these same equal rights, was to then take those rights and use them against this nation and it's citizens in a bad way, and this once given to them, yet they were still given to them as individuals no matter, even though they were known to be bad people by many qualifiers or flags flying against them.

The bad ones mainly operate as individuals and not as groups, but sometimes these bad charactered individuals who are accepted without question of, do inflitrate the group, and then they begin leading the group astray in America, and that is the goal if they are successful at it, and sometimes they are very sucessful at it.

This is the work of the devil himself, once he gets a person who will work for him, the person then takes the equal rights of freedom in America as granted to him or her, and next begins to use the equal rights of passage in order to destroy with instead of being productive and helpful with.

The bad person then uses this in this way, instead of assisting the nation in good, along with every other good citizen who are granted these same rights due their being good citizens within the nation also, and not bad citizens within the nation who are gaining the same somehow, but shouldn't have gained anything. The feds seemed to have lost their minds in the past over these specific issues as found in ones character, and this within the nation when bad, where as they strictly judged people based on them being in a blanket minority group or being a blanket color within a race or group when protecting them and granting them rights, and not as it should have been where it should always be based upon the individual character instead.

MLK didn't even believe in this type of judgement by the federal government, as he knew that their were those who were amongst the groups as individuals, that would undermine his religious attempts at gaining equal rights for human beings (the good blacks was his goal at the time), but he stressed that they must have good character, and it was not for any human beings whom had bad character regardless of their color or status as a minority, and this as was spoken about in his "I have a dream" speech.

The feds should have promoted good character equally in this nation amongst all races, but this has not been the case sorry to say by them, in which has seperated us all along specific lines to this very day, and all because of this fallacy or error it has since caused a seperation for years due to their idiocy on such matters over time. Now the numbers are just growing, and are including even more and more characters into the equasion as they grow, but what kind of character will this nation continue to support and hold up over another, so that is the question that many now want answered in this nation moving forward. It is no longer a race issue at all in my honest opinion, but rather a character issue amongst the many differing people now, so what is it going to be federal government, what is it going to be ?

I say support Americanism and all Americans of any race or culture (as long as their character or culture is good), and most of all united as American, (letting character fall where it lays on the scale), and if it is good then so be it, but if it is bad then it should be denide the same rights as those who are good always. Example: I would say that a drug dealer shouldnot be able to purchase equally a home in an anti-drug neighborhood or etc., and that is the way it should be in America again. We could keep building on this concept or premise, and the nation may begin turning again for the betterment of all, and this by leaving bad character in the dust finally, but not races or cultures and other that is of good character, where as we should always build them up, thus making America united and strong in character again.

Equal rights are earned? :cuckoo:

For the rest of your rant about the devil and his evildoers, you're seriously out of touch with reality, please seek help.
But the bible doesn't endorse evolution, so the amount of animal species on earth is constant and the same amount of species that exist today existed back then.
So how do you explain animals in South America? Did Noah go there to get all those animals? Or did they magically fly over to his boat?
Explain how annoconda's are in South Florida now, did they just magically apear there somehow or better yet explain how a great white shark can be all over the world within any given time period as is now known by scientist who are studying them ? Scientist are making break throughs everyday on that which was for so long unexplained (knowledge explosion), so maybe you should wait on the scientist to finally get around to convincing you, since you don't want to get it from the book that already knows about most of these things in which were touched upon in covering over two thosand years of generations and this world, and even though there is much that is still not known by us, just as the Bible also says, it all will be soon known by us when we come into his kingdom upon that glorious day, and within the twinkling of an eye shall it be that we will be there, and the days of old shall be done.

You're totally brainwashed and can't think for yourself, and especially, you're critical thinking in impaired.
So now you're claiming that all the animals of the world all existed around where Noah was? Anacondas have never existed in the Middle East, they were brought to S.Flo by HUMANS!!!!! And not all shark species live all over the world. Man, lucky for you that breathing is an innate function or you might have trouble figuring that out as well. :lol:
Oh well, at least you have the glorious day when you disappear to look forward to. :D
You said that a man brought the snake to South Florida? Well imagine that, where as I can't believe that you actually admitted such a thing as this, because I thought you said that a man couldnot have done such things as you put into your example of Noah whom being a man also, in no way could have done (move animals around like that) ?

Here is what your futuristic family light years down the road from you now (if the earth would last that long), might would say when looking back at your time, that in no way could a man have moved a snake to South Florida from somewhere else in the world or ever caused the now read about back then damages to other things within this world, so he would have had to have had help from another planet maybe, but we don't know actually, because all records were burnt up in the "GREAT FIRE" that we read about in which came upon the earth back in those days, but it's good imaginary stuff to now read about, as was found within the artifacts we dug up or that man had somehow written down in record of from that time period, but of course man wrote it right, so it couldn't be true from what we know about man or our kind today or could it be? How would you feel about a futuristic generation looking at your life, works or words in which were real at this time period, as imaginary stuff far away into the past by them, in which was the truth in which you would be screaming from your grave about, but no one is listening anymore ?

Who knows the exact size of the Garden of Eden that existed upon the earth back in the beginning, in which has been expanding from that point ever since, so you say that the animals were all over the earth in the beginning or the whole time ? You believe in the expansion of the universe of course, as stars are being born everyday, every hour and etc., but you can't wrap your head around the inhabitants of this earth expanding from certain areas and lower populations, to the huge and expanded population that we have right now today ? Do you hear the reports that we will be at this number population by this certain date and time, otherwise signaling that the population is still increasing upon this earth and not going in the other direction ? Why is it so hard for you to look back and understand the past better, just as you feel that you understand the future and/or the present ? I know that I am waisting my time with you, but oh well here I am doing this for some un-Godly reason anyway, where as you got me scatching my head now as to why I'm even bothering with you like this.

PS. Again you donot know what species existed back then, so your claims of truth within these area's are false just as well, and this just as you claim others knowledge is false within these areas also.
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My opinion on rights in America: - Equal rights are always earned and are not just a given, as is with any rights we have in America as it's citizens the same should always apply, but for to long now we have seen equal rights given to some individuals that didn't deserve them, especially given freely without question of, and this even when the intention that they (the recipient) had when granted these same equal rights, was to then take those rights and use them against this nation and it's citizens in a bad way, and this once given to them, yet they were still given to them as individuals no matter, even though they were known to be bad people by many qualifiers or flags flying against them.

The bad ones mainly operate as individuals and not as groups, but sometimes these bad charactered individuals who are accepted without question of, do inflitrate the group, and then they begin leading the group astray in America, and that is the goal if they are successful at it, and sometimes they are very sucessful at it.

This is the work of the devil himself, once he gets a person who will work for him, the person then takes the equal rights of freedom in America as granted to him or her, and next begins to use the equal rights of passage in order to destroy with instead of being productive and helpful with.

The bad person then uses this in this way, instead of assisting the nation in good, along with every other good citizen who are granted these same rights due their being good citizens within the nation also, and not bad citizens within the nation who are gaining the same somehow, but shouldn't have gained anything. The feds seemed to have lost their minds in the past over these specific issues as found in ones character, and this within the nation when bad, where as they strictly judged people based on them being in a blanket minority group or being a blanket color within a race or group when protecting them and granting them rights, and not as it should have been where it should always be based upon the individual character instead.

MLK didn't even believe in this type of judgement by the federal government, as he knew that their were those who were amongst the groups as individuals, that would undermine his religious attempts at gaining equal rights for human beings (the good blacks was his goal at the time), but he stressed that they must have good character, and it was not for any human beings whom had bad character regardless of their color or status as a minority, and this as was spoken about in his "I have a dream" speech.

The feds should have promoted good character equally in this nation amongst all races, but this has not been the case sorry to say by them, in which has seperated us all along specific lines to this very day, and all because of this fallacy or error it has since caused a seperation for years due to their idiocy on such matters over time. Now the numbers are just growing, and are including even more and more characters into the equasion as they grow, but what kind of character will this nation continue to support and hold up over another, so that is the question that many now want answered in this nation moving forward. It is no longer a race issue at all in my honest opinion, but rather a character issue amongst the many differing people now, so what is it going to be federal government, what is it going to be ?

I say support Americanism and all Americans of any race or culture (as long as their character or culture is good), and most of all united as American, (letting character fall where it lays on the scale), and if it is good then so be it, but if it is bad then it should be denide the same rights as those who are good always. Example: I would say that a drug dealer shouldnot be able to purchase equally a home in an anti-drug neighborhood or etc., and that is the way it should be in America again. We could keep building on this concept or premise, and the nation may begin turning again for the betterment of all, and this by leaving bad character in the dust finally, but not races or cultures and other that is of good character, where as we should always build them up, thus making America united and strong in character again.

Equal rights are earned? :cuckoo:

For the rest of your rant about the devil and his evildoers, you're seriously out of touch with reality, please seek help.
Any right given a human upon this earth is earned, and if you commit a crime or live your life to hurt other humans while here, then everyone of those rights are taken away (it's called put in prison, executed or if one is lucky jail). Some commit small acts found within their words even and/or smaller issues that don't warrant any consideration of, but yet they are being put on a watch list by their own government, thus causing them to lose their right to privacy as they once knew it, and this is being cried about by many also to date (or) you may be a Sandusky that is free until find that you are violating other peoples rights to not be sodomized, and these victims also having a right to their own safety (especially as children), just as it supposed to be found in this nation always or as it should be, but do you think that Sandusky should have the same equal rights as you continue to have as a free person in this society now, especially once he has lost those rights ? Can Sandusky earn his right to freedom again ? No he can't, but he earned his rights in this nation (before commiting these crimes) as he did, just like everyone else earns their righst in this nation also. Until he commited the terrible acts that he commited he had the same rights in this nation as the rest of us, but then he lost his rights as it should be once he is convicted. What part of these things can't you wrap your little mind around ?
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Explain how annoconda's are in South Florida now, did they just magically apear there somehow or better yet explain how a great white shark can be all over the world within any given time period as is now known by scientist who are studying them ? Scientist are making break throughs everyday on that which was for so long unexplained (knowledge explosion), so maybe you should wait on the scientist to finally get around to convincing you, since you don't want to get it from the book that already knows about most of these things in which were touched upon in covering over two thosand years of generations and this world, and even though there is much that is still not known by us, just as the Bible also says, it all will be soon known by us when we come into his kingdom upon that glorious day, and within the twinkling of an eye shall it be that we will be there, and the days of old shall be done.

You're totally brainwashed and can't think for yourself, and especially, you're critical thinking in impaired.
So now you're claiming that all the animals of the world all existed around where Noah was? Anacondas have never existed in the Middle East, they were brought to S.Flo by HUMANS!!!!! And not all shark species live all over the world. Man, lucky for you that breathing is an innate function or you might have trouble figuring that out as well. :lol:
Oh well, at least you have the glorious day when you disappear to look forward to. :D
You said that a man brought the snake to South Florida? Well imagine that, where as I can't believe that you actually admitted such a thing as this, because I thought you said that a man couldnot have done such things as you put into your example of Noah whom being a man also, in no way could have done (move animals around like that) ?

Here is what your futuristic family light years down the road from you now (if the earth would last that long), might would say when looking back at your time, that in no way could a man have moved a snake to South Florida from somewhere else in the world or ever caused the now read about back then damages to other things within this world, so he would have had to have had help from another planet maybe, but we don't know actually, because all records were burnt up in the "GREAT FIRE" that we read about in which came upon the earth back in those days, but it's good imaginary stuff to now read about, as was found within the artifacts we dug up or that man had somehow written down in record of from that time period, but of course man wrote it right, so it couldn't be true from what we know about man or our kind today or could it be? How would you feel about a futuristic generation looking at your life, works or words in which were real at this time period, as imaginary stuff far away into the past by them, in which was the truth in which you would be screaming from your grave about, but no one is listening anymore ?

Who knows the exact size of the Garden of Eden that existed upon the earth back in the beginning, in which has been expanding from that point ever since, so you say that the animals were all over the earth in the beginning or the whole time ? You believe in the expansion of the universe of course, as stars are being born everyday, every hour and etc., but you can't wrap your head around the inhabitants of this earth expanding from certain areas and lower populations, to the huge and expanded population that we have right now today ? Do you hear the reports that we will be at this number population by this certain date and time, otherwise signaling that the population is still increasing upon this earth and not going in the other direction ? Why is it so hard for you to look back and understand the past better, just as you feel that you understand the future and/or the present ? I know that I am waisting my time with you, but oh well here I am doing this for some un-Godly reason anyway, where as you got me scatching my head now as to why I'm even bothering with you like this.

PS. Again you donot know what species existed back then, so your claims of truth within these area's are false just as well, and this just as you claim others knowledge is false within these areas also.
A man brought ONE snake, not every animal on earth? So now you're saying that Noah went to South America and got some snakes? How did he manage that? Did he have another boat? A spaceship?

2000 or 3000 years ago isn't enough time for evolution of species, so what ever existed in Noah's time exists now, unless it became extinct, usually because of man. So Noah went to every continent and got all the animals? Or they all came to him? And he had enough food for everyone for 40 days?
I agree, but are they in the same amount of numbers back then as they are today and/or were they scattered about back then as much they are today or have been in different periods throughout time ? This is something that no one knows or can answer truly today, but I garantee you that a liberal will try their very best to put a scientific answer of somekind to it, even if they have to make one up.

That's true!

Ask them what the anomaly was that caused the Big Bang, watch their heads explode.

Not knowing what caused the Big Bang doesn't mean that a god produced it. At this point, we just don't know. But at least scientists are still looking. If religion had had its way, the world would still be flat and at the centre of the universe.
How is it that you know so little as expressed in this post by you, but yet you know how to tell a Christian that everything they believe in is false, and this according to your arrogance on such matters ?
I agree, but are they in the same amount of numbers back then as they are today and/or were they scattered about back then as much they are today or have been in different periods throughout time ? This is something that no one knows or can answer truly today, but I garantee you that a liberal will try their very best to put a scientific answer of somekind to it, even if they have to make one up.

That's true!

Ask them what the anomaly was that caused the Big Bang, watch their heads explode.

Not knowing what caused the Big Bang doesn't mean that a god produced it. At this point, we just don't know. But at least scientists are still looking. If religion had had its way, the world would still be flat and at the centre of the universe.

I suppose you're reference to The Big Bang, is not about some Queer Orgy Filmed on Fire Island.
You're totally brainwashed and can't think for yourself, and especially, you're critical thinking in impaired.
So now you're claiming that all the animals of the world all existed around where Noah was? Anacondas have never existed in the Middle East, they were brought to S.Flo by HUMANS!!!!! And not all shark species live all over the world. Man, lucky for you that breathing is an innate function or you might have trouble figuring that out as well. :lol:
Oh well, at least you have the glorious day when you disappear to look forward to. :D
You said that a man brought the snake to South Florida? Well imagine that, where as I can't believe that you actually admitted such a thing as this, because I thought you said that a man couldnot have done such things as you put into your example of Noah whom being a man also, in no way could have done (move animals around like that) ?

Here is what your futuristic family light years down the road from you now (if the earth would last that long), might would say when looking back at your time, that in no way could a man have moved a snake to South Florida from somewhere else in the world or ever caused the now read about back then damages to other things within this world, so he would have had to have had help from another planet maybe, but we don't know actually, because all records were burnt up in the "GREAT FIRE" that we read about in which came upon the earth back in those days, but it's good imaginary stuff to now read about, as was found within the artifacts we dug up or that man had somehow written down in record of from that time period, but of course man wrote it right, so it couldn't be true from what we know about man or our kind today or could it be? How would you feel about a futuristic generation looking at your life, works or words in which were real at this time period, as imaginary stuff far away into the past by them, in which was the truth in which you would be screaming from your grave about, but no one is listening anymore ?

Who knows the exact size of the Garden of Eden that existed upon the earth back in the beginning, in which has been expanding from that point ever since, so you say that the animals were all over the earth in the beginning or the whole time ? You believe in the expansion of the universe of course, as stars are being born everyday, every hour and etc., but you can't wrap your head around the inhabitants of this earth expanding from certain areas and lower populations, to the huge and expanded population that we have right now today ? Do you hear the reports that we will be at this number population by this certain date and time, otherwise signaling that the population is still increasing upon this earth and not going in the other direction ? Why is it so hard for you to look back and understand the past better, just as you feel that you understand the future and/or the present ? I know that I am waisting my time with you, but oh well here I am doing this for some un-Godly reason anyway, where as you got me scatching my head now as to why I'm even bothering with you like this.

PS. Again you donot know what species existed back then, so your claims of truth within these area's are false just as well, and this just as you claim others knowledge is false within these areas also.
A man brought ONE snake, not every animal on earth? So now you're saying that Noah went to South America and got some snakes? How did he manage that? Did he have another boat? A spaceship?

2000 or 3000 years ago isn't enough time for evolution of species, so what ever existed in Noah's time exists now, unless it became extinct, usually because of man. So Noah went to every continent and got all the animals? Or they all came to him? And he had enough food for everyone for 40 days?
You know everything, so why don't you go on and tell me or us here Mr. or Mrs. smarty pants.. Oh that's right in another post you claim you don't know, but you figure somehow that I am just dum enough to make you look like you know something (thinking I make you look smarter in your life), when infact you are not that smart at all, just a good bull crapper is what you are, and everyone see's through your bull crap, but do carry on please. LOL
My opinion on rights in America: - Equal rights are always earned and are not just a given, as is with any rights we have in America as it's citizens the same should always apply, but for to long now we have seen equal rights given to some individuals that didn't deserve them, especially given freely without question of, and this even when the intention that they (the recipient) had when granted these same equal rights, was to then take those rights and use them against this nation and it's citizens in a bad way, and this once given to them, yet they were still given to them as individuals no matter, even though they were known to be bad people by many qualifiers or flags flying against them.

The bad ones mainly operate as individuals and not as groups, but sometimes these bad charactered individuals who are accepted without question of, do inflitrate the group, and then they begin leading the group astray in America, and that is the goal if they are successful at it, and sometimes they are very sucessful at it.

This is the work of the devil himself, once he gets a person who will work for him, the person then takes the equal rights of freedom in America as granted to him or her, and next begins to use the equal rights of passage in order to destroy with instead of being productive and helpful with.

The bad person then uses this in this way, instead of assisting the nation in good, along with every other good citizen who are granted these same rights due their being good citizens within the nation also, and not bad citizens within the nation who are gaining the same somehow, but shouldn't have gained anything. The feds seemed to have lost their minds in the past over these specific issues as found in ones character, and this within the nation when bad, where as they strictly judged people based on them being in a blanket minority group or being a blanket color within a race or group when protecting them and granting them rights, and not as it should have been where it should always be based upon the individual character instead.

MLK didn't even believe in this type of judgement by the federal government, as he knew that their were those who were amongst the groups as individuals, that would undermine his religious attempts at gaining equal rights for human beings (the good blacks was his goal at the time), but he stressed that they must have good character, and it was not for any human beings whom had bad character regardless of their color or status as a minority, and this as was spoken about in his "I have a dream" speech.

The feds should have promoted good character equally in this nation amongst all races, but this has not been the case sorry to say by them, in which has seperated us all along specific lines to this very day, and all because of this fallacy or error it has since caused a seperation for years due to their idiocy on such matters over time. Now the numbers are just growing, and are including even more and more characters into the equasion as they grow, but what kind of character will this nation continue to support and hold up over another, so that is the question that many now want answered in this nation moving forward. It is no longer a race issue at all in my honest opinion, but rather a character issue amongst the many differing people now, so what is it going to be federal government, what is it going to be ?

I say support Americanism and all Americans of any race or culture (as long as their character or culture is good), and most of all united as American, (letting character fall where it lays on the scale), and if it is good then so be it, but if it is bad then it should be denide the same rights as those who are good always. Example: I would say that a drug dealer shouldnot be able to purchase equally a home in an anti-drug neighborhood or etc., and that is the way it should be in America again. We could keep building on this concept or premise, and the nation may begin turning again for the betterment of all, and this by leaving bad character in the dust finally, but not races or cultures and other that is of good character, where as we should always build them up, thus making America united and strong in character again.

Equal rights are earned? :cuckoo:

For the rest of your rant about the devil and his evildoers, you're seriously out of touch with reality, please seek help.
Any right given a human upon this earth is earned, and if you commit a crime or live your life to hurt other humans while here, then everyone of those rights are taken away (it's called put in prison, executed or if one is lucky jail). Some commit small acts found within their words even and/or smaller issues that don't warrant any consideration of, but yet they are being put on a watch list by their own government, thus causing them to lose their right to privacy as they once knew it, and this is being cried about by many also to date (or) you may be a Sandusky that is free until find that you are violating other peoples rights to not be sodomized, and these victims also having a right to their own safety (especially as children), just as it supposed to be found in this nation always or as it should be, but do you think that Sandusky should have the same equal rights as you continue to have as a free person in this society now, especially once he has lost those rights ? Can Sandusky earn his right to freedom again ? No he can't, but he earned his rights in this nation (before commiting these crimes) as he did, just like everyone else earns their righst in this nation also. Until he commited the terrible acts that he commited he had the same rights in this nation as the rest of us, but then he lost his rights as it should be once he is convicted. What part of these things can't you wrap your little mind around ?

So you're equating convicted felons and others under criminal investigation with homosexuals trying to marry? So how do gays "earn" their rights?

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