Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

:D Today Chic-Fil-A made history, and so does the power of facebook by staging a support Chic-Fil-A day, where thousands upon thousands turned out in support for the chicken sandwich franchise, thus sending a strong message to those who think that the American voters will just lay silent anymore, when infact they (the boycotters) have another thought coming for sure on that note, because the sleeping giant has once again been awoken.

Today in many states where Chic-Fil-A is located, people came out by the thousands in support of the resteraunt chain, causing traffic jams and flooding in ajoining parking lots and more. It was all due mainly in support of the chain and it's personal right to make a statement, and this when asked about it's values and morals as an American business that is run on those values and morals. It then caused an uprising or uproar amongst a minority of Americans when answered, for whom thought that they could afterwards take on the chain by calling for a boycott of it, but the Americans who support the chain weren't having any of it, so they came out in support of the chain today big time, in one of the biggest (counter boycott) moves the nation has seen in a long time. I have a friend who called me and said his wife waited in line for two hours today, but it was worth the wait no matter he said that she said. My wife just came from up town around 8:00 o'clock PM evening time, and she said that the lines were still long and the chain flooded with supporters still at 8:00 o'clock. It was strong in support of all day long and into the night. I wonder how the Media will cover it ? Lets see who they (the media) really belongs to as well in the situation.

I bet this is what will happen to Obama this election, so he had better get ready for the storm, even though it won't help him none otherwise to get ready and counter the Americans on the same views and ideals in which they have had for Chic-Fil-A, and this especially so if the same turn out happens with this election, that also happened with Chic-Fil-A today. WOW! :clap2:

Get off your high horses you religious zealots. Homosexuality has nothing to do with morality. The animal cruelty that goes into chic-fil-a's chicken sandwiches, however, does. Start focusing on actual suffering and making we can make this world a better place. Otherwise, worship your ideals on your own time.

[ame=]Earthlings - Full length documentary (multi-subtitles) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production - YouTube[/ame]

If you don't have the guts to watch this and learn the TRUTH about where animal products come from, then you shouldn't be buying meat, dairy, or eggs.

I grew up on the farm, you brain-dead citified twit. I've gathered eggs, milked a cow, and butchered hogs, along with catching chickens, wringing their necks, plucking and cleaning them. I've known all my life where the stuff comes from, how you raise it, and how it gets from live to on the table. What; you city people think the stuff just magically appears, skinned and neatly wrapped in the meat department? BWAAAAAAA!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Gawd, if you people weren't serious, you'd be hilarious!
Yet they are serious, and that is what makes them so dangerous, and this because they have away with the youth in this nation, where as they exploit their naive minds (very easily influenced), and that is who they target and are conforming today (these youth) whille the youths parents undoubtedly are un-aware of this huge and empowering (through manipulation of) teaching until it's to late.
Get off your high horses you religious zealots. Homosexuality has nothing to do with morality. The animal cruelty that goes into chic-fil-a's chicken sandwiches, however, does. Start focusing on actual suffering and making we can make this world a better place. Otherwise, worship your ideals on your own time.

Earthlings - Full length documentary (multi-subtitles) - YouTube

Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production - YouTube

If you don't have the guts to watch this and learn the TRUTH about where animal products come from, then you shouldn't be buying meat, dairy, or eggs.

I grew up on the farm, you brain-dead citified twit. I've gathered eggs, milked a cow, and butchered hogs, along with catching chickens, wringing their necks, plucking and cleaning them. I've known all my life where the stuff comes from, how you raise it, and how it gets from live to on the table. What; you city people think the stuff just magically appears, skinned and neatly wrapped in the meat department? BWAAAAAAA!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Gawd, if you people weren't serious, you'd be hilarious!
Yet they are serious, and that is what makes them so dangerous, and this because they have away with the youth in this nation, where as they exploit their naive minds (very easily influenced), and that is who they target and are conforming today (these youth) whille the youths parents undoubtedly are un-aware of this huge and empowering (through manipulation of) teaching until it's to late.

Are you two serious? So, you think because you grew up on a small, private farm, that's where all animal products comes from? You've obviously attempted to learn nothing since that time. Don't get on that "old man" talk about the youth being perverted. I have learned the truth about where are animal products come from, and you scoff, in your ignorance, THAT is hilarious, and completely pathetic.

It's called FACTORY FARMING. Learn about it. The family farm is dead, at least, statistically. Factory Farming exists to increase efficiency and create economies of scale, as it is in all other industries, except here, it has commodotized living beings who are seen as cogs in a machine, and made to suffer to achieve economic efficiency in order to increase profits for one of the four large corporations who comprise 80% of the market in this industry. 99% of animals used for our food products are raised in factory farms, leaving only %1 to be raised in the ideallic (and nearly extinct) situation you remember, which doesn't even matter, because ALL animals, no matter where they are raised, must be slaughtered in factory slaughter houses where there are "USDA Inspectors", a place where (to save money) "speed" is the name of the game, where animals are commonly stunned incorrectly, meaning they are forced to suffer a torturous death, being (for cows) skinned alive, de-boweled alive, (for chickens and pigs) boiled alive. On factory farms, animals are placed into extremely confined living situations, where they commonly die from the stress, and must be fed anti-biotics in order to remain alive, which humans then ingest, known to cause health problems such as cancer. Not to mention the environmental degradation of factory farming, our water being fowled by the large amount of excrement secreted by livestock that gets dumped into cesspool that then leak into our water table. YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT. I don't care where you grew up. Get with the times.
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LOL... now the mindless want to divert the attention to animal rights, when they know they have a losing argument. Folks, this issue is nothing more than freedom of religion and freedom of speech, and the mindless who forget where those two rules are. I personally have no problem with gay marraige, or anything else two consenting adults want to do. And I believe that to be a "conservative" idea, because the government shouldn't be dictating the lives of consenting adults who don't effect the lives of others through thier actions. But I am not religious, and I will at the same time defend the right for anyone to practice thier religion and voice thier opinion like Cathy did. Again, it's all about freedom of religion and speech, and leftist hypocrsy concerning it.
The intolerance was first shown by those who couldn't stand a business owner voicing his opinion. Like the mayors in San Fran, Chicago, and D.C. who made it a point to make the issue political while being intolerant.

No. Intolerance is thinking that gay people aren't equal to all others.

When did someone say that? Or was that voices in your head? Equal does not mean the same. Men and women can have equal rights, but they are not the same. The owner of Chick Fil A is entitled to his opinion and entitled to share it. The intolerance is from those who think he doesn't have the right to share it. Mayors of 4 cities have gone way beyong intolerance. They want to sanction a business due to the owner's beliefs. Can you imagine if this was a Muslim owned business? This is more about a political agenda and the hypocrsy of the left. (kind of like when NOW had nothing to say about Clinton's antics) If the owner of a business discriminates for any reason based on sexuality, then it's a different story. The owner of Chick Fil A is as tolerant as the next guy. He chooses to believe that marraige is only between a man and woman, under the eyes of God, based on his religion. The people that don't think he has the right to his opinion, are the intolerant ones.

He's allowed to say what he wants, I'll give him that, but everyone is judged on what comes out of their mouths. Like, for example, if he had said "blacks shouldn't marry", he would have been crucified by everyone, just like the senator and what he said about rape.

So basically, it comes down to his views and the views of his religion are homophobic, and discriminate against gays. You have to at least own up to your words.
Nice how you avoid my other posts because you can't answer them.
As for this post, if you're against gay marriage, simply don't marry a gay person. But if Jesus did exist, I seriously doubt that he would have spouted any homophobic statements like you do. Jesus was about love and acceptance, and apparently he never said a cross word about anyone? he was an inclusive person, or so he's portrayed.
So are you actually saying that Jesus was anti-gay?
You need help do you know that? I really am serious because on the one hand you trash Jesus in your words written, then on the other hand or when it is convienant, you try and use him to empower your message.
You keep avoiding my questions. Was Jesus an inclusive sort of chap or was he anti-gay?
Also, if you think the world was made in 6 days, please provide some actual proof so that I'm not just agreeing to some fairy tale.
And did Noah go get all the animals in South America, Asia and Africa, or did all the animals come to him? Since we know that not all species inhabit all parts of the earth.
And if there was a flood for 40 days, how did the plants survive?

I'm still waiting Beag....
No. Intolerance is thinking that gay people aren't equal to all others.

When did someone say that? Or was that voices in your head? Equal does not mean the same. Men and women can have equal rights, but they are not the same. The owner of Chick Fil A is entitled to his opinion and entitled to share it. The intolerance is from those who think he doesn't have the right to share it. Mayors of 4 cities have gone way beyong intolerance. They want to sanction a business due to the owner's beliefs. Can you imagine if this was a Muslim owned business? This is more about a political agenda and the hypocrsy of the left. (kind of like when NOW had nothing to say about Clinton's antics) If the owner of a business discriminates for any reason based on sexuality, then it's a different story. The owner of Chick Fil A is as tolerant as the next guy. He chooses to believe that marraige is only between a man and woman, under the eyes of God, based on his religion. The people that don't think he has the right to his opinion, are the intolerant ones.

He's allowed to say what he wants, I'll give him that, but everyone is judged on what comes out of their mouths. Like, for example, if he had said "blacks shouldn't marry", he would have been crucified by everyone, just like the senator and what he said about rape.

So basically, it comes down to his views and the views of his religion are homophobic, and discriminate against gays. You have to at least own up to your words.

Sorry, you are wrong again. Homophobia (or fear of gays) has nothing to do with his religious beliefs. I don't fear sheep, but I don't think a human should marry one. If Cathy discriminates for any reason, he should take the consequences. Let me know if that ever happens.
When did someone say that? Or was that voices in your head? Equal does not mean the same. Men and women can have equal rights, but they are not the same. The owner of Chick Fil A is entitled to his opinion and entitled to share it. The intolerance is from those who think he doesn't have the right to share it. Mayors of 4 cities have gone way beyong intolerance. They want to sanction a business due to the owner's beliefs. Can you imagine if this was a Muslim owned business? This is more about a political agenda and the hypocrsy of the left. (kind of like when NOW had nothing to say about Clinton's antics) If the owner of a business discriminates for any reason based on sexuality, then it's a different story. The owner of Chick Fil A is as tolerant as the next guy. He chooses to believe that marraige is only between a man and woman, under the eyes of God, based on his religion. The people that don't think he has the right to his opinion, are the intolerant ones.

He's allowed to say what he wants, I'll give him that, but everyone is judged on what comes out of their mouths. Like, for example, if he had said "blacks shouldn't marry", he would have been crucified by everyone, just like the senator and what he said about rape.

So basically, it comes down to his views and the views of his religion are homophobic, and discriminate against gays. You have to at least own up to your words.

Sorry, you are wrong again. Homophobia (or fear of gays) has nothing to do with his religious beliefs. I don't fear sheep, but I don't think a human should marry one. If Cathy discriminates for any reason, he should take the consequences. Let me know if that ever happens.

So comparing gays to sheep isn't discriminating? You should buy a dictionary.

Cathy is just using religion to make money, it's an old trick, just ask the Vatican.

Personally, I'm a vegetarian, so his restaurant is meaningless to me.
I grew up on the farm, you brain-dead citified twit. I've gathered eggs, milked a cow, and butchered hogs, along with catching chickens, wringing their necks, plucking and cleaning them. I've known all my life where the stuff comes from, how you raise it, and how it gets from live to on the table. What; you city people think the stuff just magically appears, skinned and neatly wrapped in the meat department? BWAAAAAAA!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Gawd, if you people weren't serious, you'd be hilarious!
Yet they are serious, and that is what makes them so dangerous, and this because they have away with the youth in this nation, where as they exploit their naive minds (very easily influenced), and that is who they target and are conforming today (these youth) whille the youths parents undoubtedly are un-aware of this huge and empowering (through manipulation of) teaching until it's to late.

Are you two serious? So, you think because you grew up on a small, private farm, that's where all animal products comes from? You've obviously attempted to learn nothing since that time. Don't get on that "old man" talk about the youth being perverted. I have learned the truth about where are animal products come from, and you scoff, in your ignorance, THAT is hilarious, and completely pathetic.

It's called FACTORY FARMING. Learn about it. The family farm is dead, at least, statistically. Factory Farming exists to increase efficiency and create economies of scale, as it is in all other industries, except here, it has commodotized living beings who are seen as cogs in a machine, and made to suffer to achieve economic efficiency in order to increase profits for one of the four large corporations who comprise 80% of the market in this industry. 99% of animals used for our food products are raised in factory farms, leaving only %1 to be raised in the ideallic (and nearly extinct) situation you remember, which doesn't even matter, because ALL animals, no matter where they are raised, must be slaughtered in factory slaughter houses where there are "USDA Inspectors", a place where (to save money) "speed" is the name of the game, where animals are commonly stunned incorrectly, meaning they are forced to suffer a torturous death, being (for cows) skinned alive, de-boweled alive, (for chickens and pigs) boiled alive. On factory farms, animals are placed into extremely confined living situations, where they commonly die from the stress, and must be fed anti-biotics in order to remain alive, which humans then ingest, known to cause health problems such as cancer. Not to mention the environmental degradation of factory farming, our water being fowled by the large amount of excrement secreted by livestock that gets dumped into cesspool that then leak into our water table. YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT. I don't care where you grew up. Get with the times.

I agree that there are differences in which you do speak of, and yes I am ignorant to alot of stuff due to my country living and up bringing in which I still live on a farm, but you have used this in a thread concerning gay's being married or not, and this as in the minds of some or many people who donot believe this to be ok. This has thrown me off a little, because I was trying to tie this into what it has to do with gay's being married in my mind or the freedom of speech issue involved. I think that chickens and corporate abuses has nothing to do with gays getting married at all (or) even about someone answering the question that was asked them about the subject honestly, so how about lets keep it on topic and quit with the distractions in which this has become. Lets instruct the jury to strike this from the record and lets all move forward now please.

I am against corporate abuses always, and this in regards to anything that is being abused, so we shall agree on that always.
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He's allowed to say what he wants, I'll give him that, but everyone is judged on what comes out of their mouths. Like, for example, if he had said "blacks shouldn't marry", he would have been crucified by everyone, just like the senator and what he said about rape.

So basically, it comes down to his views and the views of his religion are homophobic, and discriminate against gays. You have to at least own up to your words.

Sorry, you are wrong again. Homophobia (or fear of gays) has nothing to do with his religious beliefs. I don't fear sheep, but I don't think a human should marry one. If Cathy discriminates for any reason, he should take the consequences. Let me know if that ever happens.

So comparing gays to sheep isn't discriminating? You should buy a dictionary.

Cathy is just using religion to make money, it's an old trick, just ask the Vatican.

Personally, I'm a vegetarian, so his restaurant is meaningless to me.

It's an anology, not a comparison. Nobody compared gays to sheep. You need some comprehension lessons. Cathy may indeed be using religion to make money. How does that change any of my points? He has the right to voice his opinion, and not have idiots like Rahm Emanual jump down his throat, while embracing Louis Farrakan, who is speaks out against gay marraige evry chance he gets.
No. Intolerance is thinking that gay people aren't equal to all others.

When did someone say that? Or was that voices in your head? Equal does not mean the same. Men and women can have equal rights, but they are not the same. The owner of Chick Fil A is entitled to his opinion and entitled to share it. The intolerance is from those who think he doesn't have the right to share it. Mayors of 4 cities have gone way beyong intolerance. They want to sanction a business due to the owner's beliefs. Can you imagine if this was a Muslim owned business? This is more about a political agenda and the hypocrsy of the left. (kind of like when NOW had nothing to say about Clinton's antics) If the owner of a business discriminates for any reason based on sexuality, then it's a different story. The owner of Chick Fil A is as tolerant as the next guy. He chooses to believe that marraige is only between a man and woman, under the eyes of God, based on his religion. The people that don't think he has the right to his opinion, are the intolerant ones.

He's allowed to say what he wants, I'll give him that, but everyone is judged on what comes out of their mouths. Like, for example, if he had said "blacks shouldn't marry", he would have been crucified by everyone, just like the senator and what he said about rape.

So basically, it comes down to his views and the views of his religion are homophobic, and discriminate against gays. You have to at least own up to your words.
Do you think that there should be absolutely no discrimination/rebuking/seperation to come in life, and this what so ever to be found against anyone, anything or upon any issue that exist in this nation or in the world for that matter between people, and even if or when at odds with the situation, yet all depending on the situations involved, does it still apply openly and/or without borders ?

This is the way the word discrimination or to discriminate is used in this nation (blanketly) to mean one can't ever seperate themselves or ourselves from anything and/or anyone evil, as long as this word is invoked into the conversation anymore, and this even when it doesn't apply by definition into every conversation that is brought, but it is used anyways no matter, as if no one is ever allowed to use it or apply it when it is nessesary against a tresspasser and rightfully so, even if and when it is nessesary to use this action when a person is incompatible to a persons self beliefs, opinions, and their families the same, and this as they (the person or family) sees fit to use it when it is nessesary?

Is it never allowed within their lives as one see's nessesary by him/her/them to use and/or to counter, in order to remain free from unfit acts, indecency, abusiveness etc. in which is all caused by human beings against another, for whom are usually the innocent as is found within their lives or life as they know it and try to live it for whom are then abused by such a thing ?

Does this word have multiple meanings that could apply all depending, or does it only have one meaning, and therefore what is this one meaning that it has and why ? Do explain please !
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When did someone say that? Or was that voices in your head? Equal does not mean the same. Men and women can have equal rights, but they are not the same. The owner of Chick Fil A is entitled to his opinion and entitled to share it. The intolerance is from those who think he doesn't have the right to share it. Mayors of 4 cities have gone way beyong intolerance. They want to sanction a business due to the owner's beliefs. Can you imagine if this was a Muslim owned business? This is more about a political agenda and the hypocrsy of the left. (kind of like when NOW had nothing to say about Clinton's antics) If the owner of a business discriminates for any reason based on sexuality, then it's a different story. The owner of Chick Fil A is as tolerant as the next guy. He chooses to believe that marraige is only between a man and woman, under the eyes of God, based on his religion. The people that don't think he has the right to his opinion, are the intolerant ones.

He's allowed to say what he wants, I'll give him that, but everyone is judged on what comes out of their mouths. Like, for example, if he had said "blacks shouldn't marry", he would have been crucified by everyone, just like the senator and what he said about rape.

So basically, it comes down to his views and the views of his religion are homophobic, and discriminate against gays. You have to at least own up to your words.
Do you think that there should be absolutely no discrimination/rebuking/seperation to come in life, and this what so ever to be found against anyone, anything or upon any issue that exist in this nation or in the world for that matter between people, and even if or when at odds with the situation, yet all depending on the situations involved, does it still apply openly and/or without borders ?

This is the way the word discrimination or to discriminate is used in this nation (blanketly) to mean one can't ever seperate themselves or ourselves from anything and/or anyone evil, as long as this word is invoked into the conversation anymore, and this even when it doesn't apply by definition into every conversation that is brought, but it is used anyways no matter, as if no one is ever allowed to use it or apply it when it is nessesary against a tresspasser and rightfully so, even if and when it is nessesary to use this action when a person is incompatible to a persons self beliefs, opinions, and their families the same, and this as they (the person or family) sees fit to use it when it is nessesary?

Is it never allowed within their lives as one see's nessesary by him/her/them to use and/or to counter, in order to remain free from unfit acts, indecency, abusiveness etc. in which is all caused by human beings against another, for whom are usually the innocent as is found within their lives or life as they know it and try to live it for whom are then abused by such a thing ?

Does this word have multiple meanings that could apply all depending, or does it only have one meaning, and therefore what is this one meaning that it has and why ? Do explain please !

We're not talking about every single instance of discrimination, we're talking about gay marriage, (although you'd have to give me a few examples where you think discrimination against any subset of humans is valid, because I'm having trouble coming up with any right now).
Also, I'd like for you to explain to me why gay marriage is evil, I don't get that.
People can have and do have incompatible beliefs, I say live and let live, as long as no one, especially children, are getting harmed. We have enough religious wars in the world today because everyone thinks it's ok to impose their own views on others. Is this what religion is about?
Sorry, you are wrong again. Homophobia (or fear of gays) has nothing to do with his religious beliefs. I don't fear sheep, but I don't think a human should marry one. If Cathy discriminates for any reason, he should take the consequences. Let me know if that ever happens.

So comparing gays to sheep isn't discriminating? You should buy a dictionary.

Cathy is just using religion to make money, it's an old trick, just ask the Vatican.

Personally, I'm a vegetarian, so his restaurant is meaningless to me.

It's an anology, not a comparison. Nobody compared gays to sheep. You need some comprehension lessons. Cathy may indeed be using religion to make money. How does that change any of my points? He has the right to voice his opinion, and not have idiots like Rahm Emanual jump down his throat, while embracing Louis Farrakan, who is speaks out against gay marraige evry chance he gets.

I said he can say what he wants, he can close on sunday... He can burn fucking korans, bibles and torahs in one big pile for all I care. That's what America is all about. But if you say shit like the Senator said about rape, you might get booed. And you might also be wrong. Like the Senator.
I don't know who this Rahm guy is, but there are always crazies who never got their 15 minutes so they come looking for the spotlight. No biggie. Is he crazier that Cathy? Hmmm, let me get out the dooffus yardstick. :D
So comparing gays to sheep isn't discriminating? You should buy a dictionary.

Cathy is just using religion to make money, it's an old trick, just ask the Vatican.

Personally, I'm a vegetarian, so his restaurant is meaningless to me.

It's an anology, not a comparison. Nobody compared gays to sheep. You need some comprehension lessons. Cathy may indeed be using religion to make money. How does that change any of my points? He has the right to voice his opinion, and not have idiots like Rahm Emanual jump down his throat, while embracing Louis Farrakan, who is speaks out against gay marraige evry chance he gets.

I said he can say what he wants, he can close on sunday... He can burn fucking korans, bibles and torahs in one big pile for all I care. That's what America is all about. But if you say shit like the Senator said about rape, you might get booed. And you might also be wrong. Like the Senator.
I don't know who this Rahm guy is, but there are always crazies who never got their 15 minutes so they come looking for the spotlight. No biggie. Is he crazier that Cathy? Hmmm, let me get out the dooffus yardstick. :D

If you don't know who Rahm is, why are you even commenting in this thread? This entire issue is about one guy's opinion, and the hypocrsy of the left, wanting to take down his business for it.
It's an anology, not a comparison. Nobody compared gays to sheep. You need some comprehension lessons. Cathy may indeed be using religion to make money. How does that change any of my points? He has the right to voice his opinion, and not have idiots like Rahm Emanual jump down his throat, while embracing Louis Farrakan, who is speaks out against gay marraige evry chance he gets.

I said he can say what he wants, he can close on sunday... He can burn fucking korans, bibles and torahs in one big pile for all I care. That's what America is all about. But if you say shit like the Senator said about rape, you might get booed. And you might also be wrong. Like the Senator.
I don't know who this Rahm guy is, but there are always crazies who never got their 15 minutes so they come looking for the spotlight. No biggie. Is he crazier that Cathy? Hmmm, let me get out the dooffus yardstick. :D

If you don't know who Rahm is, why are you even commenting in this thread? This entire issue is about one guy's opinion, and the hypocrsy of the left, wanting to take down his business for it.

It makes no sense what you say, so this guy's the official mouthpiece of the whole left? :tinfoil:
I said he can say what he wants, he can close on sunday... He can burn fucking korans, bibles and torahs in one big pile for all I care. That's what America is all about. But if you say shit like the Senator said about rape, you might get booed. And you might also be wrong. Like the Senator.
I don't know who this Rahm guy is, but there are always crazies who never got their 15 minutes so they come looking for the spotlight. No biggie. Is he crazier that Cathy? Hmmm, let me get out the dooffus yardstick. :D

If you don't know who Rahm is, why are you even commenting in this thread? This entire issue is about one guy's opinion, and the hypocrsy of the left, wanting to take down his business for it.

It makes no sense what you say, so this guy's the official mouthpiece of the whole left? :tinfoil:

No, he is an example of the hypcrisy, as is the mayor of DC, San Fran, and Boston. Three more examples you might want to read about. Do you think these four mayors would even peep, if Chick Fil A was a Muslim owned business ?
If you don't know who Rahm is, why are you even commenting in this thread? This entire issue is about one guy's opinion, and the hypocrsy of the left, wanting to take down his business for it.

It makes no sense what you say, so this guy's the official mouthpiece of the whole left? :tinfoil:

No, he is an example of the hypcrisy, as is the mayor of DC, San Fran, and Boston. Three more examples you might want to read about. Do you think these four mayors would even peep, if Chick Fil A was a Muslim owned business ?

Dunno, let's see if they ever openly hate gays in the US.
It makes no sense what you say, so this guy's the official mouthpiece of the whole left? :tinfoil:

No, he is an example of the hypcrisy, as is the mayor of DC, San Fran, and Boston. Three more examples you might want to read about. Do you think these four mayors would even peep, if Chick Fil A was a Muslim owned business ?

Dunno, let's see if they ever openly hate gays in the US.
Do gays not hate on many issues in the nation and/or do they also not hate upon specific people or groups in the US, and this as imperfect human beings do or even out in the world for that matter as imperfect human beings do ? Yes they do !!!
It makes no sense what you say, so this guy's the official mouthpiece of the whole left? :tinfoil:

No, he is an example of the hypcrisy, as is the mayor of DC, San Fran, and Boston. Three more examples you might want to read about. Do you think these four mayors would even peep, if Chick Fil A was a Muslim owned business ?

Dunno, let's see if they ever openly hate gays in the US.

You must know nothing about Islam and their practices. Please tell me where Cathy indicated that he hates gay people, (or is that just your emotional over reaction?)
No, he is an example of the hypcrisy, as is the mayor of DC, San Fran, and Boston. Three more examples you might want to read about. Do you think these four mayors would even peep, if Chick Fil A was a Muslim owned business ?

Dunno, let's see if they ever openly hate gays in the US.

You must know nothing about Islam and their practices. Please tell me where Cathy indicated that he hates gay people, (or is that just your emotional over reaction?)

The fact that he's against gay marriage shows that he's homophobic, anti-gay and a loser.
The fact that he closes his restaurant on sundays because of the bible shows that he's a religious fanatic, doesn't understand Jesus' message (Who always was inclusive and not a hater), and is a loser.
It's pretty simple really.

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