Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

All sinners, and that even includes gay and lesbian sinners are welcome in all Christian and Catholic churches that I am familiar with. Closing a business on Sunday is the owner of that business' decision, and it merely makes him/her a Christian observing the tenet that Sunday is a day of rest.

I find it religious bigotry to condemn those that prefer to worship the God of their choice in Church instead of worshiping the mighty dollar they could make by staying open on Sunday.

Blue laws have been virtually eliminated, and I agree with that decision. There are still areas of the country where the sale of alcohol on Sunday is still prohibited, but that is a local decision that is a work in progress by the people in those communities (county or city).

Closing your business on sunday is forcing your religion on others. Since I'm pretty sure a lot of his employees would work on sunday, and a lot of people would buy his products on sunday. So who's not tolerating others? Unless Cathy owns all the outlets, then he's forcing independent owners to close on sunday, most likely against their will.
But at this point, they're making so much money on the religion of hate, I think their about to win an award from the Vatican. :D

You are a rather typical religion hating bigot and are completely wrong. Your refusal to capitalize the S in Sunday says it all. Do you have a link to any of the bullshit you post about 'a lot of his employees would work on Sunday'? Most folks like to go to the beach or watch football on Sunday.

All CFA restaurants are company owned and those that buy a franchise to operate the restaurant sign a contract that clearly states that they will not open on Sunday. No one forces them to sign the contract and there are thousands standing in line to buy a franchise.

They are making money, even though they are closed on Sunday, and religion is about the love of Christ and of one another, even the haters like you.
So you like to watch football. Did you know that to put on a football game you have to hire ushers, players, parking people, beer vendors, cops, announcers, play by play guys, cameramen, directors... newspaper people to cover the game and a ton of other people like subway drivers, bus drivers, coaches, doctors... really a lot of people who enjoy going to work on sunday, just for a football game. Imagine that!!! Just think, you love watching sinners at work!! :D

I get it that people who agree with lesbian hating chicken will buy a franchise. Just look at all the money they're making off of hating gays. The Vatican is so proud. Just like gun makers make a fortune off of 10,000 people a year who die from gunshots every year in the US. Ain't America fucking great? We should figure out a way to make money off of hating arabs, we could make a fortune!!!!!!
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No it's cool that the people are standing up for their right to stand up again, instead of laying down and taking it like they have for so long now in America, and I think this is just the tip of the iceburg that is coming so hang on for the ride everybody.

Exactly, the vast majority of the people understand that marriage should be between a man and woman. I went to CFA yesterday and they have had to put in TWO drive thru lanes. Support for this position is a reality, not a passing fad.

Back long ago, religion thought that the world was flat. They were wrong then also. Or can the majority never be wrong? Like, if the majority voted to put negros back into slavery, would people "understand" that slavery should be between a white man and his *******?

Back long ago, many scholars believed the earth was flat. Good luck with your crusade to get the majority to vote the return to slavery. I vote NAY.
Closing your business on sunday is forcing your religion on others. Since I'm pretty sure a lot of his employees would work on sunday, and a lot of people would buy his products on sunday. So who's not tolerating others? Unless Cathy owns all the outlets, then he's forcing independent owners to close on sunday, most likely against their will.
But at this point, they're making so much money on the religion of hate, I think their about to win an award from the Vatican. :D

You are a rather typical religion hating bigot and are completely wrong. Your refusal to capitalize the S in Sunday says it all. Do you have a link to any of the bullshit you post about 'a lot of his employees would work on Sunday'? Most folks like to go to the beach or watch football on Sunday.

All CFA restaurants are company owned and those that buy a franchise to operate the restaurant sign a contract that clearly states that they will not open on Sunday. No one forces them to sign the contract and there are thousands standing in line to buy a franchise.

They are making money, even though they are closed on Sunday, and religion is about the love of Christ and of one another, even the haters like you.
So you like to watch football. Did you know that to put on a football game you have to hire ushers, players, parking people, beer vendors, cops, announcers, play by play guys, cameramen, directors... newspaper people to cover the game and a ton of other people like subway drivers, bus drivers, coaches, doctors... really a lot of people who enjoy going to work on sunday, just for a football game. Imagine that!!! Just think, you love watching sinners at work!! :D

I get it that people who agree with lesbian hating chicken will buy a franchise. Just look at all the money they're making off of hating gays. The Vatican is so proud. Just like gun m.akers make a fortune off of 10,000 people a year who die from gunshots every year in the US. Ain't America fucking great? We should figure out a way to make money off of hating arabs, we could make a fortune!!!!!!

Football games are played Sunday afternoon after Church and we are all sinners. Without sinners their would be no need for a Church.

Do you really think that lesbian hatred is the driving force behind anyone who owns or seeks to own a CFA franchise? There are fools and there are damned fools and you fit the latter.
You are a rather typical religion hating bigot and are completely wrong. Your refusal to capitalize the S in Sunday says it all. Do you have a link to any of the bullshit you post about 'a lot of his employees would work on Sunday'? Most folks like to go to the beach or watch football on Sunday.

All CFA restaurants are company owned and those that buy a franchise to operate the restaurant sign a contract that clearly states that they will not open on Sunday. No one forces them to sign the contract and there are thousands standing in line to buy a franchise.

They are making money, even though they are closed on Sunday, and religion is about the love of Christ and of one another, even the haters like you.
So you like to watch football. Did you know that to put on a football game you have to hire ushers, players, parking people, beer vendors, cops, announcers, play by play guys, cameramen, directors... newspaper people to cover the game and a ton of other people like subway drivers, bus drivers, coaches, doctors... really a lot of people who enjoy going to work on sunday, just for a football game. Imagine that!!! Just think, you love watching sinners at work!! :D

I get it that people who agree with lesbian hating chicken will buy a franchise. Just look at all the money they're making off of hating gays. The Vatican is so proud. Just like gun m.akers make a fortune off of 10,000 people a year who die from gunshots every year in the US. Ain't America fucking great? We should figure out a way to make money off of hating arabs, we could make a fortune!!!!!!

Football games are played Sunday afternoon after Church and we are all sinners. Without sinners their would be no need for a Church.

Do you really think that lesbian hatred is the driving force behind anyone who owns or seeks to own a CFA franchise? There are fools and there are damned fools and you fit the latter.
A damn fool is someone who eats fast food chicken. I'm a vegetarian, so you can go clog your arteries as much as you want, his chickens are disgusting.
So what do you have against gays? Jesus (if he even existed) was probably gay.
fa·nat·ic   [fuh-nat-ik] Show IPA
a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics.

Fanatic | Define Fanatic at

I tolerate people's faith, doesn't mean that I don't think that religion is stupid. Or that it isn't stupid to worship an invisible being in another dimension that no one has ever seen.

You don't tolerate people's faith at all, if you are critical of their simple ways of observing their faith. Taking off on Sundays is one of them. You are more of a fanatic being a vegetarian. There are more people who practice religion in some form, than people who will not eat meat. Which makes you more the outcast, and more extreme, by your definition.
Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.
Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.

Why is it the religious "right"? Religion is neither left or right. It is the the minority vote (strongly African American) who vote Democrat that kept gay marraige out of California, and they vote left on most everything.. Their politics and religion are two different things. As they should be two seperate things. The mayors of Boston, DC, San Fan, and Chicago are leftist hypocrits, and can't keep their politics out of religion.
Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.

:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.
Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.

Why is it the religious "right"? Religion is neither left or right. It is the the minority vote (strongly African American) who vote Democrat that kept gay marraige out of California, and they vote left on most everything.. Their politics and religion are two different things. As they should be two seperate things. The mayors of Boston, DC, San Fan, and Chicago are leftist hypocrits, and can't keep their politics out of religion.

Obviously, you have never been to Georgia.
The religous right has tried to take over the Republican party from their inception in the 70s.
Bush I won the primary here and at our convention they came and demanded that Pat Robertson and his anti abortion and anti gay crusade get the nod.
We had TWO DELEGATIONS at the GOP national convention that year and were the laughing stock of the nation.
Had it not been for Bob Barr and other men of courage they religous right kooks would have total control of our party here now.
Same with most southern states.
And I vote Republican since 1972.
Bring back a Goldwater. He warned us about these folks in the 70s.
Barry despised all of them. They ruined our party.
And fuck the Democrats. Just because they take a shit in your face it is okay for Republicans to do it?
What kind of logic is that good man?
Being obese is a sin yet how many call them sinners?

Being obese can be a political statement in America..."I'll eat whatever and whenever I want Michelle...and I'll only eat fried chicken sandwiches to stick it up those lefties and homos!"
Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.

:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

You are the hypocrit. You are judging and lecturing me.
The proof is in your posts.
Granny taught me that a true Christian NEVER has to tell, preach and lecture anyone about anything Christian.
True Christians never have to say a word. Folk will know it by YOUR ACTIONS.
Govern yourself accordingly. You are a brain washed cultist.
I will pray for you.
Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.

:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

Your "playing the fence" statement is revealing.
You assign a right versus wrong one side or the other argument to ordinary folks.
You claim that one has to be 100% behind Chik Fil A and take their side 100% in this gay issue.
What a shallow juvenile approach.
2 issues, one a business issue and another a legal issue.
Neither of them have NOT ONE DAMN THING to do with your religous beliefs or religion in any way.
But Iran does it your way and allows religion to run their country.
Delta is ready when you are.
Being obese is a sin yet how many call them sinners?
Don't have to be mean and call anyone sinners for what might be clearly and directly related to or indirectly related to sinfulness in which they indulge in their daily lives, and in which may have caused their obesity as gained through gluttney/gluttenizing (defined as a sin yes). It will be a punisher for them if they don't get help for their problem sooner or later. All sin spoken about in the Bible has consequences, and if people keep revisiting their sin after knowing better, then it could finally be part of what could finish them off in life, and this whether it be in the short term or in the long term, yet all depending upon the extent of the complications involved in which they had created for themselves and/or had brought upon themselves while toying with sin. Due to created obsessive disorders in which many have created by themselves & for themselves or were heavily influenced by another amongst the generations in doing these things just as well in their life, there is now help for much of it, because it has been recognized as a problem, even when it was told when people engaged that it would be no problem for them, be it in the past or in their futures. Well somebody lied didn't they ?
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Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.

:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

You are the hypocrit. You are judging and lecturing me.
The proof is in your posts.
Granny taught me that a true Christian NEVER has to tell, preach and lecture anyone about anything Christian.
True Christians never have to say a word. Folk will know it by YOUR ACTIONS.
Govern yourself accordingly. You are a brain washed cultist.
I will pray for you.

I figured the truth would hurt, and it shows by your reactions in this reply.

If you don't mind, I want you to go and find anything I have been hypocrytical about, and bring it to my attention with links back to each statement that would contridict another statement made by me, thus making me the hypocryt that you just called me. Come on now, put you credibility where your mouth is if you can, we will be waiting.

Granny taught me that a true Christian NEVER has to tell, preach and lecture anyone about anything Christian?

To bad your granny wasn't around to teach the devils students the same thing when it comes to them wanting to teach and preach to everyone about what they believe in about this life, and how they want everyone to just throw away their Christian learnings or beliefs in order to make way for them to rule in this life over the majority, instead of any Christians having the right to do the same.

True Christians never have to say a word eh?, well how about telling that to those who should do the same (lets just all be silent and let the people choose based upon our actions and lives lived by a vote), oh no that wouldn't work for the devils recruiters now would it ? Or rather it would be the perfect dream of the devil to then come true in such a suggestion, wherefore the Christians would somehow apply such a one sided ideal as this would be that you speak of for them. You see only the Christians should be silent in America now, isn't that right by your standard and/or ideology learned in your life ? Who is the cultist ?
A lot of Christian and Catholic religions and teachings are for sure homophobic and anti-gay, no question. And closing on sunday definitely means you're a hard line religionite.
I find it religiously fanatical to close an entire state on sunday, but societies evolve. Unfortunately, religions not so much. In fact, a lot of Christian religions don't even believe in evolution.

All sinners, and that even includes gay and lesbian sinners are welcome in all Christian and Catholic churches that I am familiar with. Closing a business on Sunday is the owner of that business' decision, and it merely makes him/her a Christian observing the tenet that Sunday is a day of rest.

I find it religious bigotry to condemn those that prefer to worship the God of their choice in Church instead of worshiping the mighty dollar they could make by staying open on Sunday.

Blue laws have been virtually eliminated, and I agree with that decision. There are still areas of the country where the sale of alcohol on Sunday is still prohibited, but that is a local decision that is a work in progress by the people in those communities (county or city).
Please prove to me why gays and lesbians are sinners. And please no fiction.

We are all sinners, period.
Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.

:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

Your "playing the fence" statement is revealing.
You assign a right versus wrong one side or the other argument to ordinary folks.
You claim that one has to be 100% behind Chik Fil A and take their side 100% in this gay issue.
What a shallow juvenile approach.
2 issues, one a business issue and another a legal issue.
Neither of them have NOT ONE DAMN THING to do with your religous beliefs or religion in any way.
But Iran does it your way and allows religion to run their country.
Delta is ready when you are.
Iran does it my way eh (the religious way) as if all religion is somehow equal in your mind or in your implication there of. People are smarter than this, so why do you try and speak in these ways as if they aren't ?

There is only one way, and yes it is true, where as there are many religions sure, yet they melt into the melting pot of that one way (by understanding and knowing God), even though their are many climbing up the mountain from all sides upon the earth, they all reach for the same goals and the same God along the way when making it to the top, but of course there are those who climb beside the others, yet they are only climbing in order to counter those who are climbing for God, and even from around all sides of this earth they are climbing for God in differnet langauges and ways, yet the others who are working for the other self appointed god, climb in hopes to make all others fall all the way back to the bottom somehow, in which they whom chaseth after the truth had begun their long journey from. This nation is being drug all the way back to the bottom, just take a look around and we all can clearly see.
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Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.

:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

Your "playing the fence" statement is revealing.
You assign a right versus wrong one side or the other argument to ordinary folks.
You claim that one has to be 100% behind Chik Fil A and take their side 100% in this gay issue.
What a shallow juvenile approach.
2 issues, one a business issue and another a legal issue.
Neither of them have NOT ONE DAMN THING to do with your religous beliefs or religion in any way.
But Iran does it your way and allows religion to run their country.
Delta is ready when you are.
Did I actually say that people had to be 100% behind Chic-Fil-A or else ? Link me to that statement please..
Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.

:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

The biggest load of fiction is the bible, or can you prove any of the major acts or points?

You also mention "the Lord says..." when in fact it's a man who writes that and if he really does hear voices, there's meds for that these days. Or do you have any real proof that the lord spoke to someone?
Being obese is a sin yet how many call them sinners?
Don't have to be mean and call anyone sinners for what might be clearly and directly related to or indirectly related to sinfulness in which they indulge in their daily lives, and in which may have caused their obesity as gained through gluttney/gluttenizing (defined as a sin yes). It will be a punisher for them if they don't get help for their problem sooner or later. All sin spoken about in the Bible has consequences, and if people keep revisiting their sin after knowing better, then it could finally be part of what could finish them off in life, and this whether it be in the short term or in the long term, yet all depending upon the extent of the complications involved in which they had created for themselves and/or had brought upon themselves while toying with sin. Due to created obsessive disorders in which many have created by themselves & for themselves or were heavily influenced by another amongst the generations in doing these things just as well in their life, there is now help for much of it, because it has been recognized as a problem, even when it was told when people engaged that it would be no problem for them, be it in the past or in their futures. Well somebody lied didn't they ?
Anyone without a medical reason for being obese is a FUCKING RETARD!!!!!
Like seriously, how many obese people have won a Nobel or any other worthwhile award?

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