Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

You are the hypocrit. You are judging and lecturing me.
The proof is in your posts.
Granny taught me that a true Christian NEVER has to tell, preach and lecture anyone about anything Christian.
True Christians never have to say a word. Folk will know it by YOUR ACTIONS.
Govern yourself accordingly. You are a brain washed cultist.
I will pray for you.

I figured the truth would hurt, and it shows by your reactions in this reply.

If you don't mind, I want you to go and find anything I have been hypocrytical about, and bring it to my attention with links back to each statement that would contridict another statement made by me, thus making me the hypocryt that you just called me. Come on now, put you credibility where your mouth is if you can, we will be waiting.

Granny taught me that a true Christian NEVER has to tell, preach and lecture anyone about anything Christian?

To bad your granny wasn't around to teach the devils students the same thing when it comes to them wanting to teach and preach to everyone about what they believe in about this life, and how they want everyone to just throw away their Christian learnings or beliefs in order to make way for them to rule in this life over the majority, instead of any Christians having the right to do the same.

True Christians never have to say a word eh?, well how about telling that to those who should do the same (lets just all be silent and let the people choose based upon our actions and lives lived by a vote), oh no that wouldn't work for the devils recruiters now would it ? Or rather it would be the perfect dream of the devil to then come true in such a suggestion, wherefore the Christians would somehow apply such a one sided ideal as this would be that you speak of for them. You see only the Christians should be silent in America now, isn't that right by your standard and/or ideology learned in your life ? Who is the cultist ?

So to you, telling minorities how to live is the christian way of life? :lol:
:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

Your "playing the fence" statement is revealing.
You assign a right versus wrong one side or the other argument to ordinary folks.
You claim that one has to be 100% behind Chik Fil A and take their side 100% in this gay issue.
What a shallow juvenile approach.
2 issues, one a business issue and another a legal issue.
Neither of them have NOT ONE DAMN THING to do with your religous beliefs or religion in any way.
But Iran does it your way and allows religion to run their country.
Delta is ready when you are.
Iran does it my way eh (the religious way) as if all religion is somehow equal in your mind or in your implication there of. People are smarter than this, so why do you try and speak in these ways as if they aren't ?

There is only one way, and yes it is true, where as there are many religions sure, yet they melt into the melting pot of that one way (by understanding and knowing God), even though their are many climbing up the mountain from all sides upon the earth, they all reach for the same goals and the same God along the way when making it to the top, but of course there are those who climb beside the others, yet they are only climbing in order to counter those who are climbing for God, and even from around all sides of this earth they are climbing for God in differnet langauges and ways, yet the others who are working for the other self appointed god, climb in hopes to make all others fall all the way back to the bottom somehow, in which they whom chaseth after the truth had begun their long journey from. This nation is being drug all the way back to the bottom, just take a look around and we all can clearly see.

The US has always been a christian nation with religious laws at its foundation... and we've been at war nearly constantly since our inception. Praise the lord and pass the ammunition!!!!
Man can open and close his business when he wants to, it is HIS business.
I do not treat gay folk as sinners.
How have they sinned on me by being gay?
We treat gay folk as equals at my church.
No straight folk are labeled as sinners for their sexual orientation.
Amazing to see the "gays are sinners" and deny them marriage but a man convicted of mass murder can legally be married. The man and a woman argument holds no weight and is absurd.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Okay to smoke, drink and do all kinds of crap banned in The Bible and where are the right wing Onward Christian Soldiers having rallies to fight those folks?
JUST like a man can open and close his business when he wants to and not be labeled anything for it folks can believe what they want to about gay folk being sinners or not and that does not make them right or wrong.
But as usual the religous right wants it both ways.

:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

The biggest load of fiction is the bible, or can you prove any of the major acts or points?

You also mention "the Lord says..." when in fact it's a man who writes that and if he really does hear voices, there's meds for that these days. Or do you have any real proof that the lord spoke to someone?
How old are you? I ask this because I believe that you are very young still, and very green when it comes to attempting to play at the levels in which you are trying or attempting to play at, especially when it comes to having wisdom or dealing with the wise as you attempt to do. Right now you are like a young fly that just bugs people as is found within your adelessence and/or speak found in proof there of, and if you don't change soon, you will someday grow up to be an old fly that really bugs people. Do you like being a pest ? B )
:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

The biggest load of fiction is the bible, or can you prove any of the major acts or points?

You also mention "the Lord says..." when in fact it's a man who writes that and if he really does hear voices, there's meds for that these days. Or do you have any real proof that the lord spoke to someone?
How old are you? I ask this because I believe that you are very young still, and very green when it comes to attempting to play at the levels in which you are trying or attempting to play at, especially when it comes to having wisdom or dealing with the wise as you attempt to do. Right now you are like a young fly that just bugs people as is found within your adelessence and/or speak found in proof there of, and if you don't change soon, you will someday grow up to be an old fly that really bugs people. Do you like being a pest ? B )

How old are you?
I saw first hand gay folks forced out of a church at age 9 in the early 60s and saw the same church turn away blacks that wanted to attend at the same time.
Jesus does not care if you are gay or straight, black or white but the Bible is full of references to acceptance and promotion of slavery and has 3 passages against gay folk.
And most important is the fact that THE LAW, THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION does NOT mention God anywhere.
We are a nation OF LAW, not men and their various changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Get used to it. The United States is founded on THE LAW, not religion.
Again, as a Christian I will pray for your lost soul.
The biggest load of fiction is the bible, or can you prove any of the major acts or points?

You also mention "the Lord says..." when in fact it's a man who writes that and if he really does hear voices, there's meds for that these days. Or do you have any real proof that the lord spoke to someone?
How old are you? I ask this because I believe that you are very young still, and very green when it comes to attempting to play at the levels in which you are trying or attempting to play at, especially when it comes to having wisdom or dealing with the wise as you attempt to do. Right now you are like a young fly that just bugs people as is found within your adelessence and/or speak found in proof there of, and if you don't change soon, you will someday grow up to be an old fly that really bugs people. Do you like being a pest ? B )

How old are you?
I saw first hand gay folks forced out of a church at age 9 in the early 60s and saw the same church turn away blacks that wanted to attend at the same time.
Jesus does not care if you are gay or straight, black or white but the Bible is full of references to acceptance and promotion of slavery and has 3 passages against gay folk.
And most important is the fact that THE LAW, THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION does NOT mention God anywhere.
We are a nation OF LAW, not men and their various changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Get used to it. The United States is founded on THE LAW, not religion.
Again, as a Christian I will pray for your lost soul.

And here it is again folks, the teaming of the gays and the black struggle together in America, and this I guess is being done in order to help the gays have strength in their cause, because they are not being successful at it on their own. This is being done because without it they (the gays) are weak and without the majority agreeing with them on the issues, and this as if the two issues are somehow the same when they are not. Go ask the blacks in California what they think of your tying them together with the black struggle in this way, because the black vote was the deciding vote out there when it came to a man not marrying a man, and a woman not marrying a woman in that state.

Let everyones cause or revolution stand on it's own merits is what I say, then let the people decide by their vote, just like they did in California. Even then the vote is still not accepted sadly enough, and that is ashame and disgrace for what some call a democracy, when it is absolutely not by these measures.
How old are you? I ask this because I believe that you are very young still, and very green when it comes to attempting to play at the levels in which you are trying or attempting to play at, especially when it comes to having wisdom or dealing with the wise as you attempt to do. Right now you are like a young fly that just bugs people as is found within your adelessence and/or speak found in proof there of, and if you don't change soon, you will someday grow up to be an old fly that really bugs people. Do you like being a pest ? B )

How old are you?
I saw first hand gay folks forced out of a church at age 9 in the early 60s and saw the same church turn away blacks that wanted to attend at the same time.
Jesus does not care if you are gay or straight, black or white but the Bible is full of references to acceptance and promotion of slavery and has 3 passages against gay folk.
And most important is the fact that THE LAW, THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION does NOT mention God anywhere.
We are a nation OF LAW, not men and their various changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Get used to it. The United States is founded on THE LAW, not religion.
Again, as a Christian I will pray for your lost soul.

And here it is again folks, the teaming of the gays and the black struggle together in America, and this I guess is being done in order to help the gays have strength in their cause, because they are not being successful at it on their own. This is being done because without it they (the gays) are weak and without the majority agreeing with them on the issues, and this as if the two issues are somehow the same when they are not. Go ask the blacks in California what they think of your tying them together with the black struggle in this way, because the black vote was the deciding vote out there when it came to a man not marrying a man, and a woman not marrying a woman in that state.

Let everyones cause or revolution stand on it's own merits is what I say, then let the people decide by their vote, just like they did in California. Even then the vote is still not accepted sadly enough, and that is ashame and disgrace for what some call a democracy, when it is absolutely not by these measures.

Another good dodge by you once again beagle.
You ask someone else how old they are and when asked yourself you slant, distort and side step.
You are a fraud of the highest order.
Only a DUMBASS believes The United States of America is a democracy. We were never intended to be a democracy.
Democracy is MOB RULE.
The Founders did everything possible TO AVOID democracy, one man one vote. Just like God is NEVER mentioned in THE LAW, THE CONSTITUTION, democracy is not there either.
The Founders deliberately constructed and established a republic to constrain the excesses of democracy, SPECIFICALLY those that wanted to spread their religous influences on others.
They had you in their sights beagle. Weren't they smart?
You and your friends love democracy as that spreads bigger and bigger central governments and your kind wants that to influence it and take it over with YOUR religous beliefs.
Sorry about that Moe, you lose once again.
Something about THE LAW. The United States Constitution.
An interesting document. You should try reading it.
:confused: Playing the fence as you do, is really revealing actually... The Lord says that he detest a fence rider, for he would rather that one be for or either against than to be in the middle. He says that he will spew a person out who is found on the fence as people try to ride it as they do so much these days, thus making them hypocryts sooner or later down this road in which they try and travel upon. During the nations run for many years and centuries now, it had shown that it was a Christian nation in a high percentage of or within a high ratio of, but over the years as the devil has had his way with her (breaking her into pieces by the use of those who he see's usable in this respect), in order that she be broken down to exactly where we all are at right now in this nation, and that is being constantly in a state of confusion, where no one knows if their rights here are even good or not anymore when spoken about, but the devil is the author of confusion, and this is exactly how he has wanted it ever since the nation had gained her independence so many years ago. The proof is right here in these threads and in many other political sites around this net by the thousands, but I guess that is all fiction or make believe just as well when stated, even though the evidence is right before our very eyes.

The biggest load of fiction is the bible, or can you prove any of the major acts or points?

You also mention "the Lord says..." when in fact it's a man who writes that and if he really does hear voices, there's meds for that these days. Or do you have any real proof that the lord spoke to someone?
How old are you? I ask this because I believe that you are very young still, and very green when it comes to attempting to play at the levels in which you are trying or attempting to play at, especially when it comes to having wisdom or dealing with the wise as you attempt to do. Right now you are like a young fly that just bugs people as is found within your adelessence and/or speak found in proof there of, and if you don't change soon, you will someday grow up to be an old fly that really bugs people. Do you like being a pest ? B )

So you're the "wise"? :lmao: Then you must have some actual proof that jesus existed. Or is it "wise" to believe in made up people and an invisible god? Maybe you should buy a dictionary. :D

Notice everyone how beag can't refute what I say.
Then you must have some actual proof that jesus existed.

People don't have proof in any religion. That's why they call it "faith"
Why are you so intolerant of those who wish to observe their faith?
The biggest load of fiction is the bible, or can you prove any of the major acts or points?

You also mention "the Lord says..." when in fact it's a man who writes that and if he really does hear voices, there's meds for that these days. Or do you have any real proof that the lord spoke to someone?
How old are you? I ask this because I believe that you are very young still, and very green when it comes to attempting to play at the levels in which you are trying or attempting to play at, especially when it comes to having wisdom or dealing with the wise as you attempt to do. Right now you are like a young fly that just bugs people as is found within your adelessence and/or speak found in proof there of, and if you don't change soon, you will someday grow up to be an old fly that really bugs people. Do you like being a pest ? B )

How old are you?
I saw first hand gay folks forced out of a church at age 9 in the early 60s and saw the same church turn away blacks that wanted to attend at the same time.
Jesus does not care if you are gay or straight, black or white but the Bible is full of references to acceptance and promotion of slavery and has 3 passages against gay folk.
And most important is the fact that THE LAW, THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION does NOT mention God anywhere.
We are a nation OF LAW, not men and their various changing like the wind religous beliefs.
Get used to it. The United States is founded on THE LAW, not religion.
Again, as a Christian I will pray for your lost soul.

Times have changed since the '60s and the Declaration of Independence had several references to God.

Declaration of Independence:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitles them . . .

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights . . .

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

I don't know what Church you attend, but every single person in the congregation, choir as well as the Pastor in my church are sinners. And that includes any of them that are gay or lesbian.
Then you must have some actual proof that jesus existed.

People don't have proof in any religion. That's why they call it "faith"
Why are you so intolerant of those who wish to observe their faith?

beag is the one trying to put me down for not believing in ghosts and myths and acting like what he believes in is real, when it's all made up stuff. I'm trying to understand his delusion, it's always fascinated me that people can believe in made up shit like it's actually real. That's all. And like beag, it's usually people who can't thinking critically, have no direction in life so they grab onto something popular that gives them a warm fuzzy feeling that no matter how much they suck in this life, when they die, they will be rewarded.
Then you must have some actual proof that jesus existed.

People don't have proof in any religion. That's why they call it "faith"
Why are you so intolerant of those who wish to observe their faith?

beag is the one trying to put me down for not believing in ghosts and myths and acting like what he believes in is real, when it's all made up stuff. I'm trying to understand his delusion, it's always fascinated me that people can believe in made up shit like it's actually real. That's all. And like beag, it's usually people who can't thinking critically, have no direction in life so they grab onto something popular that gives them a warm fuzzy feeling that no matter how much they suck in this life, when they die, they will be rewarded.

Nah, it's more than that. All of your posts in this thread have been critical of observance of faith, starting with Cathy choosing to close CFA stores on Sunday. (calling him fanatic) I'll be the first to admit, many use religion as a crutch, or look for answers through religion. But freedom of religion, last I checked, was still in our laws. It's just more PC today to fight for freedom of buggery.
Then you must have some actual proof that jesus existed.

People don't have proof in any religion. That's why they call it "faith"
Why are you so intolerant of those who wish to observe their faith?

beag is the one trying to put me down for not believing in ghosts and myths and acting like what he believes in is real, when it's all made up stuff. I'm trying to understand his delusion, it's always fascinated me that people can believe in made up shit like it's actually real. That's all. And like beag, it's usually people who can't think critically, have no direction in life so they grab onto something popular that gives them a warm fuzzy feeling that no matter how much they suck in this life, when they die, they will be rewarded.

Nah, it's more than that. All of your posts in this thread have been critical of observance of faith, starting with Cathy choosing to close CFA stores on Sunday. (calling him fanatic) I'll be the first to admit, many use religion as a crutch, or look for answers through religion. But freedom of religion, last I checked, was still in our laws. It's just more PC today to fight for freedom of buggery.
I think it's pretty fanatical to close on sunday. I don't care, I'm a vegetarian, and anyways like you say, he can do what he wants, as long as it's not hurting anyone, although by being a bigot, he's getting closer to that line, I would say.

Did you know that a) heteros ingage in anal sex? And b) lesbians don't? And c) Not all gay men are catchers? And d) Some of the most vocal anti-gay people are leading a secret gay life?
Men who are kind to animals are not real men.

Sorry, your fired. Sorry, you cant drink from this fountain or sit at this counter. We only support real men and if your kind to Animals, your a threat to us real men who know Animals are for eatin'.

Sponcered By Daves Dog Burgers and Filets
Then you must have some actual proof that jesus existed.

People don't have proof in any religion. That's why they call it "faith"
Why are you so intolerant of those who wish to observe their faith?

I am not intolerant of anyone.
But when their faith extends to influencing decisions that impact the lives of other lawabiding citizens it is no longer just faith.
That would be POLITICS.
But as I stated earlier I have NO problem with anything Cathy or Chik Fil A said or did.
Free speech.
But I still do not get it.
Chicken sammiches-gay marriage.
Where is the connection here?
Then you must have some actual proof that jesus existed.

People don't have proof in any religion. That's why they call it "faith"
Why are you so intolerant of those who wish to observe their faith?

beag is the one trying to put me down for not believing in ghosts and myths and acting like what he believes in is real, when it's all made up stuff. I'm trying to understand his delusion, it's always fascinated me that people can believe in made up shit like it's actually real. That's all. And like beag, it's usually people who can't thinking critically, have no direction in life so they grab onto something popular that gives them a warm fuzzy feeling that no matter how much they suck in this life, when they die, they will be rewarded.

Let them keep on talking, and finally they put that big ole foot right into that big lying mouth.

Now where did I ever put you down for not believing in what I believe in ? Link please....
You are the hypocrit. You are judging and lecturing me.
The proof is in your posts.
Granny taught me that a true Christian NEVER has to tell, preach and lecture anyone about anything Christian.
True Christians never have to say a word. Folk will know it by YOUR ACTIONS.
Govern yourself accordingly. You are a brain washed cultist.
I will pray for you.

I figured the truth would hurt, and it shows by your reactions in this reply.

If you don't mind, I want you to go and find anything I have been hypocrytical about, and bring it to my attention with links back to each statement that would contridict another statement made by me, thus making me the hypocryt that you just called me. Come on now, put you credibility where your mouth is if you can, we will be waiting.

Granny taught me that a true Christian NEVER has to tell, preach and lecture anyone about anything Christian?

To bad your granny wasn't around to teach the devils students the same thing when it comes to them wanting to teach and preach to everyone about what they believe in about this life, and how they want everyone to just throw away their Christian learnings or beliefs in order to make way for them to rule in this life over the majority, instead of any Christians having the right to do the same.

True Christians never have to say a word eh?, well how about telling that to those who should do the same (lets just all be silent and let the people choose based upon our actions and lives lived by a vote), oh no that wouldn't work for the devils recruiters now would it ? Or rather it would be the perfect dream of the devil to then come true in such a suggestion, wherefore the Christians would somehow apply such a one sided ideal as this would be that you speak of for them. You see only the Christians should be silent in America now, isn't that right by your standard and/or ideology learned in your life ? Who is the cultist ?

So to you, telling minorities how to live is the christian way of life? :lol:
No, but them telling the majority of people how to live their lives or what they should accept in their lives, especially when they who are doing the telling these days, are clearly in the minority within the situations (meaning among the few), and it is a big time wrong that has been going on in this nation for way to long now, because they want it their way only in many things, and they don't allow any other to dare have it in the opposite of their way, and this is especially so if they can help it or can do anything about it. It has since become a huge problem for America these days, and many know it now.
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Then you must have some actual proof that jesus existed.

People don't have proof in any religion. That's why they call it "faith"
Why are you so intolerant of those who wish to observe their faith?

beag is the one trying to put me down for not believing in ghosts and myths and acting like what he believes in is real, when it's all made up stuff. I'm trying to understand his delusion, it's always fascinated me that people can believe in made up shit like it's actually real. That's all. And like beag, it's usually people who can't thinking critically, have no direction in life so they grab onto something popular that gives them a warm fuzzy feeling that no matter how much they suck in this life, when they die, they will be rewarded.

Let them keep on talking, and finally they put that big ole foot right into that big lying mouth.

Now where did I ever put you down for not believing in what I believe in ? Link please....

Pretty much any post in this thread.
I figured the truth would hurt, and it shows by your reactions in this reply.

If you don't mind, I want you to go and find anything I have been hypocrytical about, and bring it to my attention with links back to each statement that would contridict another statement made by me, thus making me the hypocryt that you just called me. Come on now, put you credibility where your mouth is if you can, we will be waiting.

Granny taught me that a true Christian NEVER has to tell, preach and lecture anyone about anything Christian?

To bad your granny wasn't around to teach the devils students the same thing when it comes to them wanting to teach and preach to everyone about what they believe in about this life, and how they want everyone to just throw away their Christian learnings or beliefs in order to make way for them to rule in this life over the majority, instead of any Christians having the right to do the same.

True Christians never have to say a word eh?, well how about telling that to those who should do the same (lets just all be silent and let the people choose based upon our actions and lives lived by a vote), oh no that wouldn't work for the devils recruiters now would it ? Or rather it would be the perfect dream of the devil to then come true in such a suggestion, wherefore the Christians would somehow apply such a one sided ideal as this would be that you speak of for them. You see only the Christians should be silent in America now, isn't that right by your standard and/or ideology learned in your life ? Who is the cultist ?

So to you, telling minorities how to live is the christian way of life? :lol:
No, but them telling the majority of people how to live their lives or what they should accept in their lives, especially when they who are doing the telling these days, are clearly in the minority within the situations (meaning among the few), and it is a big time wrong that has been going on in this nation for way to long now, because they want it their way only in many things, and they don't allow any other to dare have it in the opposite of their way, and this is especially so if they can help it or can do anything about it. It has since become a huge problem for America these days, and many know it now.
Nobody's forcing you to accept gay marriage. If you don't like it, don't marry a gay person. Very simple. But telling gay people they can't marry IS forcing them to accept your agenda.
Personally, I'm for gay marriage, but it's not like I'm keeping myself abreast of what goes on with gay people, I don't care and I don't obsessively follow their actions... unlike some people.

So beag, I'm curious, who wrote the part in the bibble about the world being made in 6 days, and where did he get his information? :dunno:
Would be nice if these holy rollers were for heterosexual marriage where over 50% fail. Instead of volunteering to do something about that they stick their heads in the sand and have to find someone to persecute.
The gay boogeyman.
Same with gays in the military, used to be with gays teaching in the schools and before that gays were imprisoned.
Allowing gays to marry will affect no one. What we have is a bunch of mother hen busy bodies "Ethel, did you know Seth and Barbara's daughter is a lesbian" "Heavens no Elvira, tell me how you think they do it"
Running clinics at their churches on how to lose weight, quit smoking, stay married and a dozen other things would be a start for the holy rollers.
But they will not do that as the cash would slow down in the plate.
GO AFTER THE GAYS!! It brings cash to the church!!!

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