Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

beag is the one trying to put me down for not believing in ghosts and myths and acting like what he believes in is real, when it's all made up stuff. I'm trying to understand his delusion, it's always fascinated me that people can believe in made up shit like it's actually real. That's all. And like beag, it's usually people who can't thinking critically, have no direction in life so they grab onto something popular that gives them a warm fuzzy feeling that no matter how much they suck in this life, when they die, they will be rewarded.

Let them keep on talking, and finally they put that big ole foot right into that big lying mouth.

Now where did I ever put you down for not believing in what I believe in ? Link please....

Pretty much any post in this thread.
You came here, and I didn't go seek you out to personally put you down, but ths is how it is with people like you, where as you come seeking out something in which you feel is opposite from what you believe in, and then you attack. Then when someone who knows nothing of you or where it is that you came in from, tries to defend against your attack, you then claim that the person attacked you first when an on looker wonders in and then is wondering what is going on. Then when the on looker comments with their opinion next, and it is against your ideals or opinion, thus giving strength to mine in this thread, you instantly went into this sympothy role of "he's putting me down" type of senario........ Interesting!
Let them keep on talking, and finally they put that big ole foot right into that big lying mouth.

Now where did I ever put you down for not believing in what I believe in ? Link please....

Pretty much any post in this thread.
You came here, and I didn't go seek you out to personally put you down, but ths is how it is with people like you, where as you come seeking out something in which you feel is opposite from what you believe in, and then you attack. Then when someone who knows nothing of you or where it is that you came in from, tries to defend against your attack, you then claim that the person attacked you first when an on looker wonders in and then is wondering what is going on. Then when the on looker comments with their opinion next, and it is against your ideals or opinion, thus giving strength to mine in this thread, you instantly went into this sympothy role of "he's putting me down" type of senario........ Interesting!

I never said you attacked me first. What I said was that you respond with attempted put downs and that, for a religious person, is kinda hypocritical.

So beag, I'm curious, who wrote the part in the bibble about the world being made in 6 days, and where did he get his information?
Would be nice if these holy rollers were for heterosexual marriage where over 50% fail. Instead of volunteering to do something about that they stick their heads in the sand and have to find someone to persecute.
The gay boogeyman.
Same with gays in the military, used to be with gays teaching in the schools and before that gays were imprisoned.
Allowing gays to marry will affect no one. What we have is a bunch of mother hen busy bodies "Ethel, did you know Seth and Barbara's daughter is a lesbian" "Heavens no Elvira, tell me how you think they do it"
Running clinics at their churches on how to lose weight, quit smoking, stay married and a dozen other things would be a start for the holy rollers.
But they will not do that as the cash would slow down in the plate.
GO AFTER THE GAYS!! It brings cash to the church!!!
Go after the gay's, it brings cash to the church ???? Kidding me right ? You comment on things you have actually no clue what so ever about, but man you try and make it sound so good when you do.. Ever thought about being a car salesman, because I think you might have missed your calling in life.
Would be nice if these holy rollers were for heterosexual marriage where over 50% fail. Instead of volunteering to do something about that they stick their heads in the sand and have to find someone to persecute.
The gay boogeyman.
Same with gays in the military, used to be with gays teaching in the schools and before that gays were imprisoned.
Allowing gays to marry will affect no one. What we have is a bunch of mother hen busy bodies "Ethel, did you know Seth and Barbara's daughter is a lesbian" "Heavens no Elvira, tell me how you think they do it"
Running clinics at their churches on how to lose weight, quit smoking, stay married and a dozen other things would be a start for the holy rollers.
But they will not do that as the cash would slow down in the plate.
GO AFTER THE GAYS!! It brings cash to the church!!!
Go after the gay's, it brings cash to the church ???? Kidding me right ? You comment on things you have actually no clue what so ever about, but man you try and make it sound so good when you do.. Ever thought about being a car salesman, because I think you might have missed your calling in life.

The Vatican is heavily anti-gay and they rake in billions...:eusa_whistle:
Would be nice if these holy rollers were for heterosexual marriage where over 50% fail. Instead of volunteering to do something about that they stick their heads in the sand and have to find someone to persecute.
The gay boogeyman.
Same with gays in the military, used to be with gays teaching in the schools and before that gays were imprisoned.
Allowing gays to marry will affect no one. What we have is a bunch of mother hen busy bodies "Ethel, did you know Seth and Barbara's daughter is a lesbian" "Heavens no Elvira, tell me how you think they do it"
Running clinics at their churches on how to lose weight, quit smoking, stay married and a dozen other things would be a start for the holy rollers.
But they will not do that as the cash would slow down in the plate.
GO AFTER THE GAYS!! It brings cash to the church!!!
Go after the gay's, it brings cash to the church ???? Kidding me right ? You comment on things you have actually no clue what so ever about, but man you try and make it sound so good when you do.. Ever thought about being a car salesman, because I think you might have missed your calling in life.

The Vatican is heavily anti-gay and they rake in billions...:eusa_whistle:

Anti-gay? Have you seen how those clowns at the Vatican dress? How many pairs of red slippers does the average straight guy own?
Pretty much any post in this thread.
You came here, and I didn't go seek you out to personally put you down, but ths is how it is with people like you, where as you come seeking out something in which you feel is opposite from what you believe in, and then you attack. Then when someone who knows nothing of you or where it is that you came in from, tries to defend against your attack, you then claim that the person attacked you first when an on looker wonders in and then is wondering what is going on. Then when the on looker comments with their opinion next, and it is against your ideals or opinion, thus giving strength to mine in this thread, you instantly went into this sympothy role of "he's putting me down" type of senario........ Interesting!

I never said you attacked me first. What I said was that you respond with attempted put downs and that, for a religious person, is kinda hypocritical.

So beag, I'm curious, who wrote the part in the bibble about the world being made in 6 days, and where did he get his information?
Listen ima, you are waisting your time with these rediculous framed questions you keep asking me, so how about moving on to something that you can speak more worldly upon, because you have no understanding of the bible and the spiritual world what so ever, and that is ashame, but it is your choice I understand, and I will honor your choice in that, so how about honoring my choice in what I believe, and also what Mr. Cathy believes as a choice in which he and millions more have made in their lives also that they believe, and as well do teach their children to believe in which is their right to do so last time I checked. So ((No)) you can't have their children's minds to shape and form by what you believe against what they as parents of their own children believe and do teach them, so why don't you just give it up already?
You came here, and I didn't go seek you out to personally put you down, but ths is how it is with people like you, where as you come seeking out something in which you feel is opposite from what you believe in, and then you attack. Then when someone who knows nothing of you or where it is that you came in from, tries to defend against your attack, you then claim that the person attacked you first when an on looker wonders in and then is wondering what is going on. Then when the on looker comments with their opinion next, and it is against your ideals or opinion, thus giving strength to mine in this thread, you instantly went into this sympothy role of "he's putting me down" type of senario........ Interesting!

I never said you attacked me first. What I said was that you respond with attempted put downs and that, for a religious person, is kinda hypocritical.

So beag, I'm curious, who wrote the part in the bibble about the world being made in 6 days, and where did he get his information?
Listen ima, you are waisting your time with these rediculous framed questions you keep asking me, so how about moving on to something that you can speak more worldly upon, because you have no understanding of the bible and the spiritual world what so ever, and that is ashame, but it is your choice I understand, and I will honor your choice in that, so how about honoring my choice in what I believe, and also what Mr. Cathy believes as a choice in which he and millions more have made in their lives also that they believe, and as well do teach their children to believe in which is their right to do so last time I checked. So ((No)) you can't have their children's minds to shape and form by what you believe against what they as parents of their own children believe and do teach them, so why don't you just give it up already?

I'd like to learn about god. Help me get closer to Him. So who wrote the part in the bible about the world being made in 6 days, and where did he get his information?
Would be nice if these holy rollers were for heterosexual marriage where over 50% fail. Instead of volunteering to do something about that they stick their heads in the sand and have to find someone to persecute.
The gay boogeyman.
Same with gays in the military, used to be with gays teaching in the schools and before that gays were imprisoned.
Allowing gays to marry will affect no one. What we have is a bunch of mother hen busy bodies "Ethel, did you know Seth and Barbara's daughter is a lesbian" "Heavens no Elvira, tell me how you think they do it"
Running clinics at their churches on how to lose weight, quit smoking, stay married and a dozen other things would be a start for the holy rollers.
But they will not do that as the cash would slow down in the plate.
GO AFTER THE GAYS!! It brings cash to the church!!!
Go after the gay's, it brings cash to the church ???? Kidding me right ? You comment on things you have actually no clue what so ever about, but man you try and make it sound so good when you do.. Ever thought about being a car salesman, because I think you might have missed your calling in life.

The Vatican is heavily anti-gay and they rake in billions...:eusa_whistle:
Billions from whom? Ohhhhh must be the majority who believe that the practice is sinful as found in that belief system, and they don't want it to interfer with their beliefs that it is sinful or upon their teachings of this that it is sinful in which they teach to their children to believe so as well, and soooooo that's where all that money comes from in part there of, now who'd a thunk it ? All I can say is do you have billions to counter that system or even the physical numbers strong enough to counter it (or) will you just keep doing it the best way you know how, and that is to fake the numbers and use the minority in number biased media groups like MSNBC, the now rogue justice system at the federal level, the Idiotic ACLU, the attached not to their liking black struggle, the over grown and vulnerable feds who will cater or try to cater to every whim now, and what just so these idiotic senators will stay in power, so they can meet with seventeen year olds behind rest stop restrooms and such (abuse of power?), and this goes for most of them up there sadly enough for whom are using and abusing their power these days. This nation has lost it's way big time, where as it can only be a matter of time before it all just implodes finally under the weight of it all, and you think the economy is bad now? The social issues of this nation has completely wrecked the econmy of this nation, and this by way of the federal governments help sadly enough, and it is only getting worse by the day and by the hour.
I never said you attacked me first. What I said was that you respond with attempted put downs and that, for a religious person, is kinda hypocritical.

So beag, I'm curious, who wrote the part in the bibble about the world being made in 6 days, and where did he get his information?
Listen ima, you are waisting your time with these rediculous framed questions you keep asking me, so how about moving on to something that you can speak more worldly upon, because you have no understanding of the bible and the spiritual world what so ever, and that is ashame, but it is your choice I understand, and I will honor your choice in that, so how about honoring my choice in what I believe, and also what Mr. Cathy believes as a choice in which he and millions more have made in their lives also that they believe, and as well do teach their children to believe in which is their right to do so last time I checked. So ((No)) you can't have their children's minds to shape and form by what you believe against what they as parents of their own children believe and do teach them, so why don't you just give it up already?

I'd like to learn about god. Help me get closer to Him. So who wrote the part in the bible about the world being made in 6 days, and where did he get his information?
Ok, then go read the Bible and learn, but make sure it is the God with a capital G, so why do you ask me or anyone else when you know how to read it yourself? Then just draw your own conclusions from it, just as everyone else has done in the past.

So, if you are so ignorant right now about it all, as you just said you were (lying), then how do you justify trying to tell others that they are wrong in what they believe by calling it fiction, and this once they had read it and say that they do believe ? Oh, it's because you think that you are much smarter than they are, so you don't have to believe in anything other than what you believe in, because it justifies your actions and your words when spoken in your mind, and you want that belief honored no matter what, but yet you won't honor the beliefs of others even in a majority over the few who may think like you do ? Now that is as arrogant as it gets, but you don't see it that way do you ?
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I'd like to learn about god

Can't help you with this, because my God uses the capital G, and your god wished for by you to learn more about or of ((uses the small g)) Two different beings altogether..

I knew you wanted to learn more about this god, and maybe his ways, but I can't help you with that one.
Would be nice if these holy rollers were for heterosexual marriage where over 50% fail. Instead of volunteering to do something about that they stick their heads in the sand and have to find someone to persecute.
The gay boogeyman.
Same with gays in the military, used to be with gays teaching in the schools and before that gays were imprisoned.
Allowing gays to marry will affect no one. What we have is a bunch of mother hen busy bodies "Ethel, did you know Seth and Barbara's daughter is a lesbian" "Heavens no Elvira, tell me how you think they do it"
Running clinics at their churches on how to lose weight, quit smoking, stay married and a dozen other things would be a start for the holy rollers.
But they will not do that as the cash would slow down in the plate.
GO AFTER THE GAYS!! It brings cash to the church!!!

Actually gays were institutionalized. It was considered a mental illness.
Because putting people in a mental hospital is so much better than prison...
Would be nice if these holy rollers were for heterosexual marriage where over 50% fail. Instead of volunteering to do something about that they stick their heads in the sand and have to find someone to persecute.
The gay boogeyman.
Same with gays in the military, used to be with gays teaching in the schools and before that gays were imprisoned.
Allowing gays to marry will affect no one. What we have is a bunch of mother hen busy bodies "Ethel, did you know Seth and Barbara's daughter is a lesbian" "Heavens no Elvira, tell me how you think they do it"
Running clinics at their churches on how to lose weight, quit smoking, stay married and a dozen other things would be a start for the holy rollers.
But they will not do that as the cash would slow down in the plate.
GO AFTER THE GAYS!! It brings cash to the church!!!

Actually gays were institutionalized. It was considered a mental illness.
Personally, I think it is a mental illness actually, but I am not for institutionalizing people who are not violent in society or are not a danger to themselves either, but I do think they should seek help with their illness, especially if there are those who are amongst them that see it as an illness, just as the smoker see's their condition as an addictiveness, which inturn is caused by a weakness in their minds that helps them become addicts, and in which in turn brings on the illness later on as a result of their minds addictiveness and weakness to such a thing, in which is something that they had choosen freely to do, and that is found in such an area within their lives as they have since learned about or have known about as such that brought about their illness as a result of.
Would be nice if these holy rollers were for heterosexual marriage where over 50% fail. Instead of volunteering to do something about that they stick their heads in the sand and have to find someone to persecute.
The gay boogeyman.
Same with gays in the military, used to be with gays teaching in the schools and before that gays were imprisoned.
Allowing gays to marry will affect no one. What we have is a bunch of mother hen busy bodies "Ethel, did you know Seth and Barbara's daughter is a lesbian" "Heavens no Elvira, tell me how you think they do it"
Running clinics at their churches on how to lose weight, quit smoking, stay married and a dozen other things would be a start for the holy rollers.
But they will not do that as the cash would slow down in the plate.
GO AFTER THE GAYS!! It brings cash to the church!!!

Actually gays were institutionalized. It was considered a mental illness.

They were sent to PRISON in Georgia.
And mental institutions in other states.
Because people are stupid and believe it is a "choice".
Long history of persecution of gay folk in America.
Sodomy was a death penalty in Virginia until Jefferson introduced legislation to go easy on gays and just castrate them in 1778.
The Christians objected to that and stuck with the death penalty.
Jesus would have been proud.
Prior to 1962 any homosexual activity was a felony in EVERY state, most with a mandatory 10 year sentence, NO probation.
In 3 states it is still a FELONY to love someone of the same sex and have intimate relations with them.
Amazing that people have NO clue.
Listen ima, you are waisting your time with these rediculous framed questions you keep asking me, so how about moving on to something that you can speak more worldly upon, because you have no understanding of the bible and the spiritual world what so ever, and that is ashame, but it is your choice I understand, and I will honor your choice in that, so how about honoring my choice in what I believe, and also what Mr. Cathy believes as a choice in which he and millions more have made in their lives also that they believe, and as well do teach their children to believe in which is their right to do so last time I checked. So ((No)) you can't have their children's minds to shape and form by what you believe against what they as parents of their own children believe and do teach them, so why don't you just give it up already?

I'd like to learn about god. Help me get closer to Him. So who wrote the part in the bible about the world being made in 6 days, and where did he get his information?
Ok, then go read the Bible and learn, but make sure it is the God with a capital G, so why do you ask me or anyone else when you know how to read it yourself? Then just draw your own conclusions from it, just as everyone else has done in the past.

So, if you are so ignorant right now about it all, as you just said you were (lying), then how do you justify trying to tell others that they are wrong in what they believe by calling it fiction, and this once they had read it and say that they do believe ? Oh, it's because you think that you are much smarter than they are, so you don't have to believe in anything other than what you believe in, because it justifies your actions and your words when spoken in your mind, and you want that belief honored no matter what, but yet you won't honor the beliefs of others even in a majority over the few who may think like you do ? Now that is as arrogant as it gets, but you don't see it that way do you ?

We've all seen the movie. So I know a little something about it, in fact when I was little I went to sunday school for a couple of years and also went to a religious school where we took catechism classes as well. But help me get past the first part: who wrote that God made the whole in 6 days and where did he get his info from?
I don't give a crap whether you "honor" my beliefs or not, that's irrelevant. But I've noticed that religious people get offended when you laugh at their belief in an invisible superbeing who rules their world. So maybe if you help me get past the first part of the bible, I'll get closer to understanding why you believe what you do, and it might start to make sense to me.
Sodomy was a death penalty in Virginia until Jefferson introduced legislation to go easy on gays and just castrate them in 1778.
The Christians objected to that and stuck with the death penalty.
Jesus would have been proud.
Prior to 1962 any homosexual activity was a felony in EVERY state, most with a mandatory 10 year sentence, NO probation.
In 3 states it is still a FELONY to love someone of the same sex and have intimate relations with them.
Amazing that people have NO clue.

I've always thought that Jesus, if he existed, was possibly gay himself, and that's the reason he was crucified.
I'd like to learn about god. Help me get closer to Him. So who wrote the part in the bible about the world being made in 6 days, and where did he get his information?
Ok, then go read the Bible and learn, but make sure it is the God with a capital G, so why do you ask me or anyone else when you know how to read it yourself? Then just draw your own conclusions from it, just as everyone else has done in the past.

So, if you are so ignorant right now about it all, as you just said you were (lying), then how do you justify trying to tell others that they are wrong in what they believe by calling it fiction, and this once they had read it and say that they do believe ? Oh, it's because you think that you are much smarter than they are, so you don't have to believe in anything other than what you believe in, because it justifies your actions and your words when spoken in your mind, and you want that belief honored no matter what, but yet you won't honor the beliefs of others even in a majority over the few who may think like you do ? Now that is as arrogant as it gets, but you don't see it that way do you ?

We've all seen the movie. So I know a little something about it, in fact when I was little I went to sunday school for a couple of years and also went to a religious school where we took catechism classes as well. But help me get past the first part: who wrote that God made the whole in 6 days and where did he get his info from?
I don't give a crap whether you "honor" my beliefs or not, that's irrelevant. But I've noticed that religious people get offended when you laugh at their belief in an invisible superbeing who rules their world. So maybe if you help me get past the first part of the bible, I'll get closer to understanding why you believe what you do, and it might start to make sense to me.
I am not here to train nor to save you from yourself, that is something only Jesus can do for you personally, so if you don't believe in him at all, then in no way can I help you ever (even though this is not what you want anyway), so go play somewhere else with your petty non-sense, because I tire of such ignorant non-sense you espouse on this thread. You are making a fool of yourself, and people are seeing this, but even then you push foward with your non-sense.
Sodomy was a death penalty in Virginia until Jefferson introduced legislation to go easy on gays and just castrate them in 1778.
The Christians objected to that and stuck with the death penalty.
Jesus would have been proud.
Prior to 1962 any homosexual activity was a felony in EVERY state, most with a mandatory 10 year sentence, NO probation.
In 3 states it is still a FELONY to love someone of the same sex and have intimate relations with them.
Amazing that people have NO clue.

I've always thought that Jesus, if he existed, was possibly gay himself, and that's the reason he was crucified.
No he was crucified because he loved us, but he didnot love the sin in which we had encountered, and being gay or committing acts in such are also included in this sin) and therefore we couldnot escape from it on our own, so he lay down his life for us, in order that his sacrifice would be sufficient for us to be saved from these sins, yet only by our acceptance of this act of sacrifice upon our behalfs can we be saved.
Ok, then go read the Bible and learn, but make sure it is the God with a capital G, so why do you ask me or anyone else when you know how to read it yourself? Then just draw your own conclusions from it, just as everyone else has done in the past.

So, if you are so ignorant right now about it all, as you just said you were (lying), then how do you justify trying to tell others that they are wrong in what they believe by calling it fiction, and this once they had read it and say that they do believe ? Oh, it's because you think that you are much smarter than they are, so you don't have to believe in anything other than what you believe in, because it justifies your actions and your words when spoken in your mind, and you want that belief honored no matter what, but yet you won't honor the beliefs of others even in a majority over the few who may think like you do ? Now that is as arrogant as it gets, but you don't see it that way do you ?

We've all seen the movie. So I know a little something about it, in fact when I was little I went to sunday school for a couple of years and also went to a religious school where we took catechism classes as well. But help me get past the first part: who wrote that God made the whole in 6 days and where did he get his info from?
I don't give a crap whether you "honor" my beliefs or not, that's irrelevant. But I've noticed that religious people get offended when you laugh at their belief in an invisible superbeing who rules their world. So maybe if you help me get past the first part of the bible, I'll get closer to understanding why you believe what you do, and it might start to make sense to me.
I am not here to train nor to save you from yourself, that is something only Jesus can do for you personally, so if you don't believe in him at all, then in no way can I help you ever (even though this is not what you want anyway), so go play somewhere else with your petty non-sense, because I tire of such ignorant non-sense you espouse on this thread. You are making a fool of yourself, and people are seeing this, but even then you push foward with your non-sense.
Looks like YOU need to study the bibble some more, you don't even know who wrote the 6 day thing and where he got his info.

Btw, got any actual proof that Jesus ever existed? Or is it like one of those tooth fairy things?

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