Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

Ok so how do you justify this statement/comment to another (calling him intolerant), if he is only doing the same as you did ? Are we now a hypocryt and a fence sitter ?

Where did I claim he was intolerant?:cuckoo:

Put brain in gear before mouth in motion. I NEVER stated he was intolerant.
Are we now a fibber and bull shitter?
Wouldn't it be the reason that you are on this thread, and speaking in the opposite to all who are in defense of Mr.Cathy and his views, and this because you felt that Mr.Cathy's words spoken were intolerant maybe of your views on the subject ? You claimed that you have family members who are gay, so I can only guess that you would think that they should be allowed to be married if they want to (you even said so), and does that place you in line with Mr. Cathy's views on the matter (or) place you in opposition of those views ? Do you feel that Mr. Cathy's words were those of "intolerance" as others have stated here, even though the left has championed the word over the years as well when it comes to certain issues? Where do you stand fence rider ? Oh this is why you ride the fence, because you can jump to either side when ever nessesary right?

So if I disagree with someone I believe they are intolerant?
You are beyond a dumb ass.
Cathy can say whatever the hell he wants to. This is America.
Just because I oppose someone does not mean I believe they are intolerant.
Your arguments are so weak you can not even tell us WHAT YOU THINK.
I do have family members that are gay.
"so I can only guess" BINGO.
You need to grow up.
The views of the minority don't have to override the majority, otherwise we'd be all kissing carpets facing Mecca. But in this case, denying people something that you have yourself because you think that the way their live their lives is wrong, is totally un-American and Taliban-esque. We're supposed to be the land of the free, remember? I don't push my views on you and you don't push your views on me. If you're against gay marriage, ignore them. See how simple that is?
You think it's that simple eh ? What about the attrocious gay pride parade that took place recently in California, that shocked families who were ignorant enough to think that they could go along with that situation, only to have become repulsed and shocked as to what they were exposing their children to, and themselves in that situation when they participated ? I bet alot of people got a good eye opener in that situation, and have probably re-thought their positions on what it is that they are actually supporting in America. Oh and the kissing carpets, well that might very well be next in America, so don't count Obama out yet.

:lmao: Good one. Even though he has nothing to do with it. Still funny how you associate him with that.

As for the parade, just don't go. I'm against eating meat and factory farms repulse me. So I don't eat meat, but if others want to eat unhealthy stuff like Cathy's chicken, go for it. Makes no difference to me. But don't tell me that just because I'm a minority that the majority is going to outlaw a vegetarian meal being called "supper" because the bible says to eat meat. Know what I mean?
I don't think you have to worry about a majority forcing you to eat what you don't want to eat in life, but now with the Obama administration, you might want to watch out for them, because him and his good buddy mayors may want to do just that, soon to be coming in the next 4 years if they get half the chance.
Where did I claim he was intolerant?:cuckoo:

Put brain in gear before mouth in motion. I NEVER stated he was intolerant.
Are we now a fibber and bull shitter?
Wouldn't it be the reason that you are on this thread, and speaking in the opposite to all who are in defense of Mr.Cathy and his views, and this because you felt that Mr.Cathy's words spoken were intolerant maybe of your views on the subject ? You claimed that you have family members who are gay, so I can only guess that you would think that they should be allowed to be married if they want to (you even said so), and does that place you in line with Mr. Cathy's views on the matter (or) place you in opposition of those views ? Do you feel that Mr. Cathy's words were those of "intolerance" as others have stated here, even though the left has championed the word over the years as well when it comes to certain issues? Where do you stand fence rider ? Oh this is why you ride the fence, because you can jump to either side when ever nessesary right?

So if I disagree with someone I believe they are intolerant?
You are beyond a dumb ass.
Cathy can say whatever the hell he wants to. This is America.
Just because I oppose someone does not mean I believe they are intolerant.
Your arguments are so weak you can not even tell us WHAT YOU THINK.
I do have family members that are gay.
"so I can only guess" BINGO.
You need to grow up.
What is it that you dis-agree with then, otherwise when it comes to Mr.Cathy and his opinion ? Do tell...

Then we can tell whether you feel he is intolerant or not according to your opinion.... (checkmate)
You think it's that simple eh ? What about the attrocious gay pride parade that took place recently in California, that shocked families who were ignorant enough to think that they could go along with that situation, only to have become repulsed and shocked as to what they were exposing their children to, and themselves in that situation when they participated ? I bet alot of people got a good eye opener in that situation, and have probably re-thought their positions on what it is that they are actually supporting in America. Oh and the kissing carpets, well that might very well be next in America, so don't count Obama out yet.

:lmao: Good one. Even though he has nothing to do with it. Still funny how you associate him with that.

As for the parade, just don't go. I'm against eating meat and factory farms repulse me. So I don't eat meat, but if others want to eat unhealthy stuff like Cathy's chicken, go for it. Makes no difference to me. But don't tell me that just because I'm a minority that the majority is going to outlaw a vegetarian meal being called "supper" because the bible says to eat meat. Know what I mean?
I don't think you have to worry about a majority forcing you to eat what you don't want to eat in life, but now with the Obama administration, you might want to watch out for them, because him and his good buddy mayors may want to do just that, soon to be coming in the next 4 years if they get half the chance.

Get ready for your health insurance company telling you what you can and can not do.
Called Wellness Programs and Humana does it now.
Fat? Lose weight or we drop you or raise the group premiums that you are on a ton.
Smoke? Quit or we drop you period.
Do not participate in our nutrition program? Your ass is fired.
Free market and I am for it. Will lead us away from dependency on group health care plans and government mandates.
:lmao: Good one. Even though he has nothing to do with it. Still funny how you associate him with that.

As for the parade, just don't go. I'm against eating meat and factory farms repulse me. So I don't eat meat, but if others want to eat unhealthy stuff like Cathy's chicken, go for it. Makes no difference to me. But don't tell me that just because I'm a minority that the majority is going to outlaw a vegetarian meal being called "supper" because the bible says to eat meat. Know what I mean?
I don't think you have to worry about a majority forcing you to eat what you don't want to eat in life, but now with the Obama administration, you might want to watch out for them, because him and his good buddy mayors may want to do just that, soon to be coming in the next 4 years if they get half the chance.

Get ready for your health insurance company telling you what you can and can not do.
Called Wellness Programs and Humana does it now.
Fat? Lose weight or we drop you or raise the group premiums that you are on a ton.
Smoke? Quit or we drop you period.
Do not participate in our nutrition program? Your ass is fired.
Free market and I am for it. Will lead us away from dependency on group health care plans and government mandates.
Yep, this is the new way around Obamacare for them I guess, otherwise the loop holes looked for..
Wouldn't it be the reason that you are on this thread, and speaking in the opposite to all who are in defense of Mr.Cathy and his views, and this because you felt that Mr.Cathy's words spoken were intolerant maybe of your views on the subject ? You claimed that you have family members who are gay, so I can only guess that you would think that they should be allowed to be married if they want to (you even said so), and does that place you in line with Mr. Cathy's views on the matter (or) place you in opposition of those views ? Do you feel that Mr. Cathy's words were those of "intolerance" as others have stated here, even though the left has championed the word over the years as well when it comes to certain issues? Where do you stand fence rider ? Oh this is why you ride the fence, because you can jump to either side when ever nessesary right?

So if I disagree with someone I believe they are intolerant?
You are beyond a dumb ass.
Cathy can say whatever the hell he wants to. This is America.
Just because I oppose someone does not mean I believe they are intolerant.
Your arguments are so weak you can not even tell us WHAT YOU THINK.
I do have family members that are gay.
"so I can only guess" BINGO.
You need to grow up.
What is it that you dis-agree with then, otherwise when it comes to Mr.Cathy and his opinion ? Do tell...

Then we can tell whether you feel he is intolerant or not according to your opinion.... (checkmate)

You can tell whether I feel he is intolerant or not BY WHAT I SAY.
I do not believe he is intolerant of gay folks. He hires them.
You are one arrogant prick for telling others what they believe because you are having such a hard time telling us WHAT YOU BELIEVE.
I don't think you have to worry about a majority forcing you to eat what you don't want to eat in life, but now with the Obama administration, you might want to watch out for them, because him and his good buddy mayors may want to do just that, soon to be coming in the next 4 years if they get half the chance.

Get ready for your health insurance company telling you what you can and can not do.
Called Wellness Programs and Humana does it now.
Fat? Lose weight or we drop you or raise the group premiums that you are on a ton.
Smoke? Quit or we drop you period.
Do not participate in our nutrition program? Your ass is fired.
Free market and I am for it. Will lead us away from dependency on group health care plans and government mandates.
Yep, this is the new way around Obamacare for them I guess, otherwise the loop holes looked for..

No loopholes. The insurance companies are the death panels NOW. I own 3 companies and pay enough in premiums per year as what most people make in a year.
Wellness Programs is the best option. Why should I have to pay for people to be fat, smoke and eat unhealthy foods?
So if I disagree with someone I believe they are intolerant?
You are beyond a dumb ass.
Cathy can say whatever the hell he wants to. This is America.
Just because I oppose someone does not mean I believe they are intolerant.
Your arguments are so weak you can not even tell us WHAT YOU THINK.
I do have family members that are gay.
"so I can only guess" BINGO.
You need to grow up.
What is it that you dis-agree with then, otherwise when it comes to Mr.Cathy and his opinion ? Do tell...

Then we can tell whether you feel he is intolerant or not according to your opinion.... (checkmate)

You can tell whether I feel he is intolerant or not BY WHAT I SAY.
I do not believe he is intolerant of gay folks. He hires them.
You are one arrogant prick for telling others what they believe because you are having such a hard time telling us WHAT YOU BELIEVE.
Tell us first, as you came here to badger and curse about the place, otherwise no one went looking for you to ask your opinion, now lets here it since you insist on being here and commenting like you do.. B )

He may hire them of course, because discrimination is illegal in this nation, but that don't change his personal beliefs in life, nor does it change his protocal on how he expects his employee's to carry themselves while working for him and his organization, so being gay and working at Chic-Fil-A is not a problem at all, just like it hasn't been anywhere else in America for quite sometime now, but I garantee you that you cannot or will not bring your sexuality into the workplace or else you will be fired immedaitely, and this goes for straights, gay and/or any other that goes against company policy in life.

Being gay is a personal private issue, and it is not compatible with the workplace or public space, because it is a sexual issue or choice that should remain private and between the people who are involved in such a thing, just like it is for straights for whom it has been forever when it comes to that which I have listed above as well.
What is it that you dis-agree with then, otherwise when it comes to Mr.Cathy and his opinion ? Do tell...

Then we can tell whether you feel he is intolerant or not according to your opinion.... (checkmate)

You can tell whether I feel he is intolerant or not BY WHAT I SAY.
I do not believe he is intolerant of gay folks. He hires them.
You are one arrogant prick for telling others what they believe because you are having such a hard time telling us WHAT YOU BELIEVE.
Tell us first, as you came here to badger and curse about the place, otherwise no one went looking for you to ask your opinion, now lets here it since you insist on being here and commenting like you do.. B )

He may hire them of course, because discrimination is illegal in this nation, but that don't change his personal beliefs in life, nor does it change his protocal on how he expects his employee's to carry themselves while working for him and his organization, so being gay and working at Chic-Fil-A is not a problem at all, just like it hasn't been anywhere else in America for quite sometime now, but I garantee you that you cannot or will not bring your sexuality into the workplace or else you will be fired immedaitely, and this goes for straights, gay and/or any other that goes against company policy in life.

Being gay is a personal private issue, and it is not compatible with the workplace or public space, because it is a sexual issue or choice that should remain private and between the people who are involved in such a thing, just like it is for straights for whom it has been forever when it comes to that which I have listed above as well.

So a man should not bring his wife to any business event because that is a personal issue.
"Let me inbtroduce me to my wife" is a personal issue? You are beyond stupid with your remarks. If a gay woman brings her partner to a business event and introduces her as "my partner" that should not be allowed?
Give it up man. If us red necks in Georgia can figure that this is A NON ISSUE, then you sure can.
Gay this and that is a NON ISSUE. Cathy can say and do as he wants but he is an old fogey and most of the franchise owners could CARE LESS about gay folk.
And I also have a family member that OWNS 2 franchises. NO WHERE in any of the requirements is there any of the goobly gook you speak of in the contract for owning a Chik Fil A.
Chicken sammiches-gay marriage. There IS NO connection. It is a business.
Get ready for your health insurance company telling you what you can and can not do.
Called Wellness Programs and Humana does it now.
Fat? Lose weight or we drop you or raise the group premiums that you are on a ton.
Smoke? Quit or we drop you period.
Do not participate in our nutrition program? Your ass is fired.
Free market and I am for it. Will lead us away from dependency on group health care plans and government mandates.
Yep, this is the new way around Obamacare for them I guess, otherwise the loop holes looked for..

No loopholes. The insurance companies are the death panels NOW. I own 3 companies and pay enough in premiums per year as what most people make in a year.
Wellness Programs is the best option. Why should I have to pay for people to be fat, smoke and eat unhealthy foods?
When Hitler was attempting to create the perfect race (blonde haired blue eyes, certain height and weight as just some parts of it), he probably would have been making the case that you are making as well in life back then, so where are you heading with all of this maybe ? Is America seeking the perfect race now, and soon the over powering enforcements will be created or rampt up big time in order to someday do so? I mean if we stay on the path that we are on in all of this now, will this result in the same roads he went down eventually ? What ever happened to a soldier lighting up a ciggarett to smoke, once he had gone through a serious battle, and then on to victory afterwards ? Many of these world war two veterans lived very long lives after that war when they came back home, so how is this all such a terrible problem now in America I wonder ? Is it because people have to much time on their hands, and so they are abusing themselves, by not cleansing the body through proper work eithic as it were, so the body is quickly disentigrating right beneath their noses all because of, thus becoming a heavy burden upon the healthcare industry due to the rapid speed up of this disentigrating problem, in which is entrenched in our modern day society now ? What ever happened to thou shalt work by the sweat of ones brow, in order to earn ones keep? Sweating rids the body of poisons and fat that is stored and/or is prone to build up on a body that is being lazy (nothing to do) and is being abused, but are we to blame the person or the economy and/or conditions for which we all now live in this nation for our traggic health situation we have in America now ?

I agree that many should re-consider and learn from their mistakes in life quickly, and we should all look to going after corporations who willingly do things to us that are poisonous and dangerous unto us, and that is found in their products (otherwise we should only be demanding that they take out the bad ingriedients in which they have put in for profits sake galore, and stop them from farming in dangerous ways for profits sake galore), and we should do this through proper regulatory actions, but not to try and stop a product altogether if we can take that product back to it's less harmful state in which it once was in. We could even suggest that a product be re-invented if we have the new safer formulas and recipes found in new creations and studies of said products, and then help the CEO's and manufacturers to change their lines, and then manufacture the new product with government incentives and even subsidies if need be. We should do this in order to help it all along maybe, but to just try and shut stuff down or kill the private sector by being hostile to it in a very big way all of a sudden, is defintely not the answer moving foward as I see it, and it hasn't been the answer as I see it with this administration. Off topic, but just sayin...
Last edited:
You can tell whether I feel he is intolerant or not BY WHAT I SAY.
I do not believe he is intolerant of gay folks. He hires them.
You are one arrogant prick for telling others what they believe because you are having such a hard time telling us WHAT YOU BELIEVE.
Tell us first, as you came here to badger and curse about the place, otherwise no one went looking for you to ask your opinion, now lets here it since you insist on being here and commenting like you do.. B )

He may hire them of course, because discrimination is illegal in this nation, but that don't change his personal beliefs in life, nor does it change his protocal on how he expects his employee's to carry themselves while working for him and his organization, so being gay and working at Chic-Fil-A is not a problem at all, just like it hasn't been anywhere else in America for quite sometime now, but I garantee you that you cannot or will not bring your sexuality into the workplace or else you will be fired immedaitely, and this goes for straights, gay and/or any other that goes against company policy in life.

Being gay is a personal private issue, and it is not compatible with the workplace or public space, because it is a sexual issue or choice that should remain private and between the people who are involved in such a thing, just like it is for straights for whom it has been forever when it comes to that which I have listed above as well.

So a man should not bring his wife to any business event because that is a personal issue.
"Let me inbtroduce me to my wife" is a personal issue? You are beyond stupid with your remarks. If a gay woman brings her partner to a business event and introduces her as "my partner" that should not be allowed?
Give it up man. If us red necks in Georgia can figure that this is A NON ISSUE, then you sure can.
Gay this and that is a NON ISSUE. Cathy can say and do as he wants but he is an old fogey and most of the franchise owners could CARE LESS about gay folk.
And I also have a family member that OWNS 2 franchises. NO WHERE in any of the requirements is there any of the goobly gook you speak of in the contract for owning a Chik Fil A.
Chicken sammiches-gay marriage. There IS NO connection. It is a business.

Why does it have to be a woman and a woman or a man and a man as being married in the situation, I mean why is this sooooo important to this community now ? It goes against the grain and they know it, but they keep pushing the issue so hard against the grain, but why ? It will only bring more trouble their way, because America isn't ready for them to be married and flaunting that in front of the children for whom are still being taught by a majority that it is not the way it is supposed to be in life. Why all the trouble in which to be looked for constantly by this group I wonder ? Are they being led by the devil or something ?
Last edited:
Yep, this is the new way around Obamacare for them I guess, otherwise the loop holes looked for..

No loopholes. The insurance companies are the death panels NOW. I own 3 companies and pay enough in premiums per year as what most people make in a year.
Wellness Programs is the best option. Why should I have to pay for people to be fat, smoke and eat unhealthy foods?
When Hitler was attempting to create the perfect race (blonde haired blue eyes, certain height and weight as just some parts of it), he probably would have been making the case that you are making as well in life back then, so where are you heading with all of this maybe ? Is America seeking the perfect race now, and soon the over powering enforcements will be created or rampt up big time in order to someday do so? I mean if we stay on the path that we are on in all of this now, will this result in the same roads he went down eventually ? What ever happened to a soldier lighting up a ciggarett to smoke, once he had gone through a serious battle, and then on to victory afterwards ? Many of these world war two veterans lived very long lives after that war when they came back home, so how is this all such a terrible problem now in America I wonder ? Is it because people have to much time on their hands, and so they are abusing themselves, by not cleansing the body through proper work eithic as it were, so the body is quickly disentigrating right beneath their noses all because of, thus becoming a heavy burden upon the healthcare industry due to the rapid speed up of this disentigrating problem, in which is entrenched in our modern day society now ? What ever happened to thou shalt work by the sweat of ones brow, in order to earn ones keep? Sweating rids the body of poisons and fat that is stored and/or is prone to build up on a body that is being lazy (nothing to do) and is being abused, but are we to blame the person or the economy and/or conditions for which we all now live in this nation for our traggic health situation we have in America now ?

I agree that many should re-consider and learn from their mistakes in life quickly, and we should all look to going after corporations who willingly do things to us that are poisonous and dangerous unto us, and that is found in their products (otherwise we should only be demanding that they take out the bad ingriedients in which they have put in for profits sake galore, and stop them from farming in dangerous ways for profits sake galore), and we should do this through proper regulatory actions, but not to try and stop a product altogether if we can take that product back to it's less harmful state in which it once was in. We could even suggest that a product be re-invented if we have the new safer formulas and recipes found in new creations and studies of said products, and then help the CEO's and manufacturers to change their lines, and then manufacture the new product with government incentives and even subsidies if need be. We should do this in order to help it all along maybe, but to just try and shut stuff down or kill the private sector by being hostile to it in a very big way all of a sudden, is defintely not the answer moving foward as I see it, and it hasn't been the answer as I see it with this administration. Off topic, but just sayin...

You are an idiot.
Tell us first, as you came here to badger and curse about the place, otherwise no one went looking for you to ask your opinion, now lets here it since you insist on being here and commenting like you do.. B )

He may hire them of course, because discrimination is illegal in this nation, but that don't change his personal beliefs in life, nor does it change his protocal on how he expects his employee's to carry themselves while working for him and his organization, so being gay and working at Chic-Fil-A is not a problem at all, just like it hasn't been anywhere else in America for quite sometime now, but I garantee you that you cannot or will not bring your sexuality into the workplace or else you will be fired immedaitely, and this goes for straights, gay and/or any other that goes against company policy in life.

Being gay is a personal private issue, and it is not compatible with the workplace or public space, because it is a sexual issue or choice that should remain private and between the people who are involved in such a thing, just like it is for straights for whom it has been forever when it comes to that which I have listed above as well.

So a man should not bring his wife to any business event because that is a personal issue.
"Let me inbtroduce me to my wife" is a personal issue? You are beyond stupid with your remarks. If a gay woman brings her partner to a business event and introduces her as "my partner" that should not be allowed?
Give it up man. If us red necks in Georgia can figure that this is A NON ISSUE, then you sure can.
Gay this and that is a NON ISSUE. Cathy can say and do as he wants but he is an old fogey and most of the franchise owners could CARE LESS about gay folk.
And I also have a family member that OWNS 2 franchises. NO WHERE in any of the requirements is there any of the goobly gook you speak of in the contract for owning a Chik Fil A.
Chicken sammiches-gay marriage. There IS NO connection. It is a business.

Why does it have to be a woman and a woman or a man and a man as being married in the situation, I mean why is this sooooo important to this community now ? It goes against the grain and they know it, but they keep pushing the issue so hard against the grain, but why ? It will only bring more trouble their way, because America isn't ready for them to be married and flaunting that in front of the children for whom are still being taught by a majority that it is not the way it is supposed to be in life. Why all the trouble in which to be looked for constantly by this group I wonder ? Are they being led by the devil or something ?

The gays are screaming that they believe Cathy is intolerant because Cathy disagrees with the opinions of gays on gay marriage.
YOU are screaming that you believe I am intolerant because I disagree with the opinions of Cathy on gay marriage.

No loopholes. The insurance companies are the death panels NOW. I own 3 companies and pay enough in premiums per year as what most people make in a year.
Wellness Programs is the best option. Why should I have to pay for people to be fat, smoke and eat unhealthy foods?
When Hitler was attempting to create the perfect race (blonde haired blue eyes, certain height and weight as just some parts of it), he probably would have been making the case that you are making as well in life back then, so where are you heading with all of this maybe ? Is America seeking the perfect race now, and soon the over powering enforcements will be created or rampt up big time in order to someday do so? I mean if we stay on the path that we are on in all of this now, will this result in the same roads he went down eventually ? What ever happened to a soldier lighting up a ciggarett to smoke, once he had gone through a serious battle, and then on to victory afterwards ? Many of these world war two veterans lived very long lives after that war when they came back home, so how is this all such a terrible problem now in America I wonder ? Is it because people have to much time on their hands, and so they are abusing themselves, by not cleansing the body through proper work eithic as it were, so the body is quickly disentigrating right beneath their noses all because of, thus becoming a heavy burden upon the healthcare industry due to the rapid speed up of this disentigrating problem, in which is entrenched in our modern day society now ? What ever happened to thou shalt work by the sweat of ones brow, in order to earn ones keep? Sweating rids the body of poisons and fat that is stored and/or is prone to build up on a body that is being lazy (nothing to do) and is being abused, but are we to blame the person or the economy and/or conditions for which we all now live in this nation for our traggic health situation we have in America now ?

I agree that many should re-consider and learn from their mistakes in life quickly, and we should all look to going after corporations who willingly do things to us that are poisonous and dangerous unto us, and that is found in their products (otherwise we should only be demanding that they take out the bad ingriedients in which they have put in for profits sake galore, and stop them from farming in dangerous ways for profits sake galore), and we should do this through proper regulatory actions, but not to try and stop a product altogether if we can take that product back to it's less harmful state in which it once was in. We could even suggest that a product be re-invented if we have the new safer formulas and recipes found in new creations and studies of said products, and then help the CEO's and manufacturers to change their lines, and then manufacture the new product with government incentives and even subsidies if need be. We should do this in order to help it all along maybe, but to just try and shut stuff down or kill the private sector by being hostile to it in a very big way all of a sudden, is defintely not the answer moving foward as I see it, and it hasn't been the answer as I see it with this administration. Off topic, but just sayin...

You are an idiot.
I can be an idiot in some things, at least I will admit that, unlike others here....LOL

I think I make some valid points in all my mayhem though.. No one is perfect so always remember that, and you will do just fine in life..
So a man should not bring his wife to any business event because that is a personal issue.
"Let me inbtroduce me to my wife" is a personal issue? You are beyond stupid with your remarks. If a gay woman brings her partner to a business event and introduces her as "my partner" that should not be allowed?
Give it up man. If us red necks in Georgia can figure that this is A NON ISSUE, then you sure can.
Gay this and that is a NON ISSUE. Cathy can say and do as he wants but he is an old fogey and most of the franchise owners could CARE LESS about gay folk.
And I also have a family member that OWNS 2 franchises. NO WHERE in any of the requirements is there any of the goobly gook you speak of in the contract for owning a Chik Fil A.
Chicken sammiches-gay marriage. There IS NO connection. It is a business.

Why does it have to be a woman and a woman or a man and a man as being married in the situation, I mean why is this sooooo important to this community now ? It goes against the grain and they know it, but they keep pushing the issue so hard against the grain, but why ? It will only bring more trouble their way, because America isn't ready for them to be married and flaunting that in front of the children for whom are still being taught by a majority that it is not the way it is supposed to be in life. Why all the trouble in which to be looked for constantly by this group I wonder ? Are they being led by the devil or something ?

The gays are screaming that they believe Cathy is intolerant because Cathy disagrees with the opinions of gays on gay marriage.
YOU are screaming that you believe I am intolerant because I disagree with the opinions of Cathy on gay marriage.

No you and the gays are doing the same thing, but you are blaming me for doing what the gays are doing while hiding yours ? I'm confused now.. This has become just one big intolerable mess after another...LOL
Why does it have to be a woman and a woman or a man and a man as being married in the situation, I mean why is this sooooo important to this community now ? It goes against the grain and they know it, but they keep pushing the issue so hard against the grain, but why ? It will only bring more trouble their way, because America isn't ready for them to be married and flaunting that in front of the children for whom are still being taught by a majority that it is not the way it is supposed to be in life. Why all the trouble in which to be looked for constantly by this group I wonder ? Are they being led by the devil or something ?

The gays are screaming that they believe Cathy is intolerant because Cathy disagrees with the opinions of gays on gay marriage.
YOU are screaming that you believe I am intolerant because I disagree with the opinions of Cathy on gay marriage.

No you and the gays are doing the same thing, but you are blaming me for doing what the gays are doing while hiding yours ? I'm confused now.. This has become just one big intolerable mess after another...LOL

Nope, I said from the start that this was a bad idea for the gays on this one and that what this amounts to is free speech and CAthy has every right to say what he wants to.
You and the gays said exactly the same thing.
They said they believed Cathy was intolerant because Cathy disagrees with the gays opinion on gay marriage.
You said you believed I was intolerant because I disagree with CAthy's opinion on gay marriage.
Same thing. You and the gays think alike on this one beagle.
Both of you are wrong, narrow minded on this one.
Tell us first, as you came here to badger and curse about the place, otherwise no one went looking for you to ask your opinion, now lets here it since you insist on being here and commenting like you do.. B )

He may hire them of course, because discrimination is illegal in this nation, but that don't change his personal beliefs in life, nor does it change his protocal on how he expects his employee's to carry themselves while working for him and his organization, so being gay and working at Chic-Fil-A is not a problem at all, just like it hasn't been anywhere else in America for quite sometime now, but I garantee you that you cannot or will not bring your sexuality into the workplace or else you will be fired immedaitely, and this goes for straights, gay and/or any other that goes against company policy in life.

Being gay is a personal private issue, and it is not compatible with the workplace or public space, because it is a sexual issue or choice that should remain private and between the people who are involved in such a thing, just like it is for straights for whom it has been forever when it comes to that which I have listed above as well.

So a man should not bring his wife to any business event because that is a personal issue.
"Let me inbtroduce me to my wife" is a personal issue? You are beyond stupid with your remarks. If a gay woman brings her partner to a business event and introduces her as "my partner" that should not be allowed?
Give it up man. If us red necks in Georgia can figure that this is A NON ISSUE, then you sure can.
Gay this and that is a NON ISSUE. Cathy can say and do as he wants but he is an old fogey and most of the franchise owners could CARE LESS about gay folk.
And I also have a family member that OWNS 2 franchises. NO WHERE in any of the requirements is there any of the goobly gook you speak of in the contract for owning a Chik Fil A.
Chicken sammiches-gay marriage. There IS NO connection. It is a business.

Why does it have to be a woman and a woman or a man and a man as being married in the situation, I mean why is this sooooo important to this community now ? It goes against the grain and they know it, but they keep pushing the issue so hard against the grain, but why ? It will only bring more trouble their way, because America isn't ready for them to be married and flaunting that in front of the children for whom are still being taught by a majority that it is not the way it is supposed to be in life. Why all the trouble in which to be looked for constantly by this group I wonder ? Are they being led by the devil or something ?

The US isn't ready for gay marriage?
Six states (CT, IA, MA, NH, NY, and VT) plus Washington, D.C. already have the freedom to marry for same-sex couples. In 2012, the legislatures in MD, NJ, and WA passed freedom to marry bills that have not yet taken effect. In NJ, work is underway to override the governor's veto, while in MD and WA, ballot measures to block the freedom to marry must be defeated on the November ballot.

MD, NM, and RI explicitly respect out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples, while nine states now offer broad protections short of marriage. DE, HI, IL, NJ, and RI allow civil union, while CA, OR, NV, and WA offer broad domestic partnership. Four other states (CO, ME, MD, WI) have more limited domestic partnership.

With these advances, a record number of Americans live in states that recognize relationships between same-sex couples:

Over 16% of the U.S. population lives in a state that either has the freedom to marry or honors out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples.
Over 35% of the U.S. population lives in a state with either marriage or a broad legal status such as civil union or domestic partnership.
Over 42% of the U.S. population lives in a state that provides some form of protections for gay couples.
The gays are screaming that they believe Cathy is intolerant because Cathy disagrees with the opinions of gays on gay marriage.
YOU are screaming that you believe I am intolerant because I disagree with the opinions of Cathy on gay marriage.

No you and the gays are doing the same thing, but you are blaming me for doing what the gays are doing while hiding yours ? I'm confused now.. This has become just one big intolerable mess after another...LOL

Nope, I said from the start that this was a bad idea for the gays on this one and that what this amounts to is free speech and CAthy has every right to say what he wants to.
You and the gays said exactly the same thing.
They said they believed Cathy was intolerant because Cathy disagrees with the gays opinion on gay marriage.
You said you believed I was intolerant because I disagree with CAthy's opinion on gay marriage.
Same thing. You and the gays think alike on this one beagle.
Both of you are wrong, narrow minded on this one.
You were doing so good and then there you went and done it again.

Ok, so now why do I have to be wrong and narrow minded to ? Why can't I just be wrong with you ? Big Grin B )
So a man should not bring his wife to any business event because that is a personal issue.
"Let me inbtroduce me to my wife" is a personal issue? You are beyond stupid with your remarks. If a gay woman brings her partner to a business event and introduces her as "my partner" that should not be allowed?
Give it up man. If us red necks in Georgia can figure that this is A NON ISSUE, then you sure can.
Gay this and that is a NON ISSUE. Cathy can say and do as he wants but he is an old fogey and most of the franchise owners could CARE LESS about gay folk.
And I also have a family member that OWNS 2 franchises. NO WHERE in any of the requirements is there any of the goobly gook you speak of in the contract for owning a Chik Fil A.
Chicken sammiches-gay marriage. There IS NO connection. It is a business.

Why does it have to be a woman and a woman or a man and a man as being married in the situation, I mean why is this sooooo important to this community now ? It goes against the grain and they know it, but they keep pushing the issue so hard against the grain, but why ? It will only bring more trouble their way, because America isn't ready for them to be married and flaunting that in front of the children for whom are still being taught by a majority that it is not the way it is supposed to be in life. Why all the trouble in which to be looked for constantly by this group I wonder ? Are they being led by the devil or something ?

The US isn't ready for gay marriage?
Six states (CT, IA, MA, NH, NY, and VT) plus Washington, D.C. already have the freedom to marry for same-sex couples. In 2012, the legislatures in MD, NJ, and WA passed freedom to marry bills that have not yet taken effect. In NJ, work is underway to override the governor's veto, while in MD and WA, ballot measures to block the freedom to marry must be defeated on the November ballot.

MD, NM, and RI explicitly respect out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples, while nine states now offer broad protections short of marriage. DE, HI, IL, NJ, and RI allow civil union, while CA, OR, NV, and WA offer broad domestic partnership. Four other states (CO, ME, MD, WI) have more limited domestic partnership.

With these advances, a record number of Americans live in states that recognize relationships between same-sex couples:

Over 16% of the U.S. population lives in a state that either has the freedom to marry or honors out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples.
Over 35% of the U.S. population lives in a state with either marriage or a broad legal status such as civil union or domestic partnership.
Over 42% of the U.S. population lives in a state that provides some form of protections for gay couples.
Sadly, the way this is all being done these days within many of these issues, is by subverting the will of the American people who are in the moral majority, and this by way of government oppression now against them, where as what these various heavily controversal diverse elements are now doing at every turn when they get the chance, is going against those who are in the moral majority in this nation, in order to try and bring them to their knees finally on many of the issues. They are issues that have been controversal for America when it comes to these types of things for a long long time now, where as within this moral majority, they think that they still have a voice as a moral majority in this nation when clearly they don't. By using the easily influenced government and rogue biased left leaning activist judges & activist groups, who then influence these judges to rule against the moral majority, and next by way of a left leaning biased media that makes the impression that the people are all on board with this stuff when they are not, is clearly how it is all being done these days as a strategy. This is being done when we clearly see that the people who are in a moral majority are not on board with all of this stuff at all, yet on and on it all goes until the nations polarized bitter end I guess.

People are going to seperate and become even more polarized in this nation as one group forces itself onto another by way of government backing and oppression against them, even though they may be in the majority and unified on an issue, it doesn't matter about that anymore these days, and sadly the federal government has championed this type of forcing action into it's causes and/or top priority's these days, as it is all being done for votes as we clearly see now, and it realizes not that it is seperating the nation and polarizing it, not bringing it together as they think it all is in the end.

The only thing that can be hoped for now by many who are opposed to these things, is that their time is almost past now, so they won't be around to see what this nation is going to be like in the near future for their grandchildren and then their grandchildren if it last that long. The preview is very disturbing now for many, as they wonder where it had all gone wrong in this nation anymore, but then again they now know why as the mystery has now been revealed to them, and to their understanding.
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No you and the gays are doing the same thing, but you are blaming me for doing what the gays are doing while hiding yours ? I'm confused now.. This has become just one big intolerable mess after another...LOL

Nope, I said from the start that this was a bad idea for the gays on this one and that what this amounts to is free speech and CAthy has every right to say what he wants to.
You and the gays said exactly the same thing.
They said they believed Cathy was intolerant because Cathy disagrees with the gays opinion on gay marriage.
You said you believed I was intolerant because I disagree with CAthy's opinion on gay marriage.
Same thing. You and the gays think alike on this one beagle.
Both of you are wrong, narrow minded on this one.
You were doing so good and then there you went and done it again.

Ok, so now why do I have to be wrong and narrow minded to ? Why can't I just be wrong with you ? Big Grin B )

"went and done it again"
You must also be from Georgia.

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