Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

Nope, I said from the start that this was a bad idea for the gays on this one and that what this amounts to is free speech and CAthy has every right to say what he wants to.
You and the gays said exactly the same thing.
They said they believed Cathy was intolerant because Cathy disagrees with the gays opinion on gay marriage.
You said you believed I was intolerant because I disagree with CAthy's opinion on gay marriage.
Same thing. You and the gays think alike on this one beagle.
Both of you are wrong, narrow minded on this one.
You were doing so good and then there you went and done it again.

Ok, so now why do I have to be wrong and narrow minded to ? Why can't I just be wrong with you ? Big Grin B )

"went and done it again"
You must also be from Georgia.
I am...Savannah actually..
Why does it have to be a woman and a woman or a man and a man as being married in the situation, I mean why is this sooooo important to this community now ? It goes against the grain and they know it, but they keep pushing the issue so hard against the grain, but why ? It will only bring more trouble their way, because America isn't ready for them to be married and flaunting that in front of the children for whom are still being taught by a majority that it is not the way it is supposed to be in life. Why all the trouble in which to be looked for constantly by this group I wonder ? Are they being led by the devil or something ?

The US isn't ready for gay marriage?
Six states (CT, IA, MA, NH, NY, and VT) plus Washington, D.C. already have the freedom to marry for same-sex couples. In 2012, the legislatures in MD, NJ, and WA passed freedom to marry bills that have not yet taken effect. In NJ, work is underway to override the governor's veto, while in MD and WA, ballot measures to block the freedom to marry must be defeated on the November ballot.

MD, NM, and RI explicitly respect out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples, while nine states now offer broad protections short of marriage. DE, HI, IL, NJ, and RI allow civil union, while CA, OR, NV, and WA offer broad domestic partnership. Four other states (CO, ME, MD, WI) have more limited domestic partnership.

With these advances, a record number of Americans live in states that recognize relationships between same-sex couples:

Over 16% of the U.S. population lives in a state that either has the freedom to marry or honors out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples.
Over 35% of the U.S. population lives in a state with either marriage or a broad legal status such as civil union or domestic partnership.
Over 42% of the U.S. population lives in a state that provides some form of protections for gay couples.
Sadly, the way this is all being done these days within many of these issues, is by subverting the will of the American people who are in the moral majority, and this by way of government oppression now against them, where as what these various heavily controversal diverse elements are now doing at every turn when they get the chance, is going against those who are in the moral majority in this nation, in order to try and bring them to their knees finally on many of the issues. They are issues that have been controversal for America when it comes to these types of things for a long long time now, where as within this moral majority, they think that they still have a voice as a moral majority in this nation when clearly they don't. By using the easily influenced government and rogue biased left leaning activist judges & activist groups, who then influence these judges to rule against the moral majority, and next by way of a left leaning biased media that makes the impression that the people are all on board with this stuff when they are not, is clearly how it is all being done these days as a strategy. This is being done when we clearly see that the people who are in a moral majority are not on board with all of this stuff at all, yet on and on it all goes until the nations polarized bitter end I guess.

People are going to seperate and become even more polarized in this nation as one group forces itself onto another by way of government backing and oppression against them, even though they may be in the majority and unified on an issue, it doesn't matter about that anymore these days, and sadly the federal government has championed this type of forcing action into it's causes and/or top priority's these days, as it is all being done for votes as we clearly see now, and it realizes not that it is seperating the nation and polarizing it, not bringing it together as they think it all is in the end.

The only thing that can be hoped for now by many who are opposed to these things, is that their time is almost past now, so they won't be around to see what this nation is going to be like in the near future for their grandchildren and then their grandchildren if it last that long. The preview is very disturbing now for many, as they wonder where it had all gone wrong in this nation anymore, but then again they now know why as the mystery has now been revealed to them, and to their understanding.

The majority doesn't get to choose how the minority live their lives, that's just not how America works. If you don't like that the slaves have been freed, then just try not to think about it. There's nothing you can do about it anyways, so why worry?
The US isn't ready for gay marriage?
Six states (CT, IA, MA, NH, NY, and VT) plus Washington, D.C. already have the freedom to marry for same-sex couples. In 2012, the legislatures in MD, NJ, and WA passed freedom to marry bills that have not yet taken effect. In NJ, work is underway to override the governor's veto, while in MD and WA, ballot measures to block the freedom to marry must be defeated on the November ballot.

MD, NM, and RI explicitly respect out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples, while nine states now offer broad protections short of marriage. DE, HI, IL, NJ, and RI allow civil union, while CA, OR, NV, and WA offer broad domestic partnership. Four other states (CO, ME, MD, WI) have more limited domestic partnership.

With these advances, a record number of Americans live in states that recognize relationships between same-sex couples:

Over 16% of the U.S. population lives in a state that either has the freedom to marry or honors out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples.
Over 35% of the U.S. population lives in a state with either marriage or a broad legal status such as civil union or domestic partnership.
Over 42% of the U.S. population lives in a state that provides some form of protections for gay couples.
Sadly, the way this is all being done these days within many of these issues, is by subverting the will of the American people who are in the moral majority, and this by way of government oppression now against them, where as what these various heavily controversal diverse elements are now doing at every turn when they get the chance, is going against those who are in the moral majority in this nation, in order to try and bring them to their knees finally on many of the issues. They are issues that have been controversal for America when it comes to these types of things for a long long time now, where as within this moral majority, they think that they still have a voice as a moral majority in this nation when clearly they don't. By using the easily influenced government and rogue biased left leaning activist judges & activist groups, who then influence these judges to rule against the moral majority, and next by way of a left leaning biased media that makes the impression that the people are all on board with this stuff when they are not, is clearly how it is all being done these days as a strategy. This is being done when we clearly see that the people who are in a moral majority are not on board with all of this stuff at all, yet on and on it all goes until the nations polarized bitter end I guess.

People are going to seperate and become even more polarized in this nation as one group forces itself onto another by way of government backing and oppression against them, even though they may be in the majority and unified on an issue, it doesn't matter about that anymore these days, and sadly the federal government has championed this type of forcing action into it's causes and/or top priority's these days, as it is all being done for votes as we clearly see now, and it realizes not that it is seperating the nation and polarizing it, not bringing it together as they think it all is in the end.

The only thing that can be hoped for now by many who are opposed to these things, is that their time is almost past now, so they won't be around to see what this nation is going to be like in the near future for their grandchildren and then their grandchildren if it last that long. The preview is very disturbing now for many, as they wonder where it had all gone wrong in this nation anymore, but then again they now know why as the mystery has now been revealed to them, and to their understanding.

The majority doesn't get to choose how the minority live their lives, that's just not how America works. If you don't like that the slaves have been freed, then just try not to think about it. There's nothing you can do about it anyways, so why worry?
And again the black struggle is invoked for empowerment upon the one side of the argument, even though it doesn't really apply...Sheesh.

I am estatic that slavery was abolished in the nation, as it was not right to enslave a human being, unless that human being was a danger to others or him and/or herself, in which it still remains so with criminals/prisoners in the nation that fill the prisons right now to date. The race card is always played in many issues, even though that card does not apply.
Sadly, the way this is all being done these days within many of these issues, is by subverting the will of the American people who are in the moral majority, and this by way of government oppression now against them, where as what these various heavily controversal diverse elements are now doing at every turn when they get the chance, is going against those who are in the moral majority in this nation, in order to try and bring them to their knees finally on many of the issues. They are issues that have been controversal for America when it comes to these types of things for a long long time now, where as within this moral majority, they think that they still have a voice as a moral majority in this nation when clearly they don't. By using the easily influenced government and rogue biased left leaning activist judges & activist groups, who then influence these judges to rule against the moral majority, and next by way of a left leaning biased media that makes the impression that the people are all on board with this stuff when they are not, is clearly how it is all being done these days as a strategy. This is being done when we clearly see that the people who are in a moral majority are not on board with all of this stuff at all, yet on and on it all goes until the nations polarized bitter end I guess.

People are going to seperate and become even more polarized in this nation as one group forces itself onto another by way of government backing and oppression against them, even though they may be in the majority and unified on an issue, it doesn't matter about that anymore these days, and sadly the federal government has championed this type of forcing action into it's causes and/or top priority's these days, as it is all being done for votes as we clearly see now, and it realizes not that it is seperating the nation and polarizing it, not bringing it together as they think it all is in the end.

The only thing that can be hoped for now by many who are opposed to these things, is that their time is almost past now, so they won't be around to see what this nation is going to be like in the near future for their grandchildren and then their grandchildren if it last that long. The preview is very disturbing now for many, as they wonder where it had all gone wrong in this nation anymore, but then again they now know why as the mystery has now been revealed to them, and to their understanding.

The majority doesn't get to choose how the minority live their lives, that's just not how America works. If you don't like that the slaves have been freed, then just try not to think about it. There's nothing you can do about it anyways, so why worry?
And again the black struggle is invoked for empowerment upon the one side of the argument, even though it doesn't really apply...Sheesh.

I am estatic that slavery was abolished in the nation, as it was not right to enslave a human being, unless that human being was a danger to others or him and/or herself, in which it still remains so with criminals/prisoners in the nation that fill the prisons right now to date. The race card is always played in many issues, even though that card does not apply.

Explain why the black struggle isn't similar to the gay struggle. Both are looking for acceptance as a full human being.
Like I said, the majority doesn't get to tell the minority how to live in the US. The courts are making that clearer every day.
Anyways, just like with blacks, there will always be hard core haters no matter which way society goes. Is that similar? :D
Explain why the black struggle isn't similar to the gay struggle. Both are looking for acceptance as a full human being.
Like I said, the majority doesn't get to tell the minority how to live in the US. The courts are making that clearer every day. Anyways, just like with blacks, there will always be hard core haters no matter which way society goes. Is that similar? :D

Two totally different set of issues altogether and you know it, but it has to be linked or there will be no power or empowerment of one by adoption of as it's equal somehow of the other, and so if they are not linked it has become the fear of the ones adopting the black struggle as their own now, that they will fail if cannot make this connection stick.

This has been a learned thing in society by groups, and especially once they saw or realized the empowerment of the blacks by the government and the courts upon their issue within the nation, where as they (other groups) figure that it could be done in the same way for them if could convince the government & the courts that the their issues are exactly the same issues by coupling them together, when they are not the same at all. Now we are learning that there is a huge problem that has since taken place, of the government trying to pick winners and losers based upon the criteria in which it decided that it should use or go by when supporting or empowering groups over another, because it uses a broad brush that allows some or in some cases many who are in and amongst these groups, to then abuse others outside the group with almost impunity while operating from within these groups, where as the abusers then have the government backing and support while doing so very shockingly enough, thus (the slippery slope syndrone is now revealed), in all of these things.

Should all minority's now, get to tell the majority how to live their lives, and this by government intervention or the courts, even if the majority are living peaceful Christian lives, yet they are lives or lifestyles in which certain minorities detest and do hate? Then wildly enough these haters wish to use the courts and the government to overpower them somehow, and this because their numbers against the majority are weak, but if the feds and the courts get behind them WOW. This has become a major problem in America these days, where as formed or allied groups are chipping away at the majoirty and their American dreams in this nation, and making the majority captives to their will even though they are in the minority while doing this.

Yes, ok just like say within the black group you mention, there will always be hard core haters or vengence seekers in that group, just like with the gay's where as there will be the same, oh wait a minute, well maybe not because the two issues and struggles are not the same are they ?

What is the same however in this nation now or has become more unified together, is the sinners or haters that are now out to destroy the christians at every turn they take, yet they need the ignorance of government to back them and to see them through it all.

Now this struggle amongst the groups, is as old as this world is, so what comes next I wonder in it all ?
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Explain why the black struggle isn't similar to the gay struggle. Both are looking for acceptance as a full human being.
Like I said, the majority doesn't get to tell the minority how to live in the US. The courts are making that clearer every day. Anyways, just like with blacks, there will always be hard core haters no matter which way society goes. Is that similar? :D

Two totally different set of issues altogether and you know it, but it has to be linked or there will be no power or empowerment of one by adoption of as it's equal somehow of the other, and so if they are not linked it has become the fear of the ones adopting the black struggle as their own now, that they will fail if cannot make this connection stick.

This has been a learned thing in society by groups, and especially once they saw or realized the empowerment of the blacks by the government and the courts upon their issue within the nation, where as they (other groups) figure that it could be done in the same way for them if could convince the government & the courts that the their issues are exactly the same issues by coupling them together, when they are not the same at all. Now we are learning that there is a huge problem that has since taken place, of the government trying to pick winners and losers based upon the criteria in which it decided that it should use or go by when supporting or empowering groups over another, because it uses a broad brush that allows some or in some cases many who are in and amongst these groups, to then abuse others outside the group with almost impunity while operating from within these groups, where as the abusers then have the government backing and support while doing so very shockingly enough, thus (the slippery slope syndrone is now revealed), in all of these things.

Should all minority's now, get to tell the majority how to live their lives, and this by government intervention or the courts, even if the majority are living peaceful Christian lives, yet they are lives or lifestyles in which certain minorities detest and do hate? Then wildly enough these haters wish to use the courts and the government to overpower them somehow, and this because their numbers against the majority are weak, but if the feds and the courts get behind them WOW. This has become a major problem in America these days, where as formed or allied groups are chipping away at the majoirty and their American dreams in this nation, and making the majority captives to their will even though they are in the minority while doing this.

Yes, ok just like say within the black group you mention, there will always be hard core haters or vengence seekers in that group, just like with the gay's where as there will be the same, oh wait a minute, well maybe not because the two issues and struggles are not the same are they ?

What is the same however in this nation now or has become more unified together, is the sinners or haters that are now out to destroy the christians at every turn they take, yet they need the ignorance of government to back them and to see them through it all.

Now this struggle amongst the groups, is as old as this world is, so what comes next I wonder in it all ?

For you it's a question of who gets to tell whom how to live, when in reality it's about making everyone EQUAL. If you have something, you can't deny it to others just because you don't like them, it has to be available equally to everyone. You can't stand up and say "only meals with meat can be called breakfast, lunch and supper" because you don't agree with vegetarians. The US doesn't work that way. maybe you should move to Iran? They hate gays too and pass laws against them. You'd love it there.

PS You still didn't explain WHY the black struggle and the gay struggle don't have things in common. You're only defense was "Two totally different set of issues altogether and you know it,". No I don't know. In fact, I know quite the opposite.
The US isn't ready for gay marriage?
Six states (CT, IA, MA, NH, NY, and VT) plus Washington, D.C. already have the freedom to marry for same-sex couples. In 2012, the legislatures in MD, NJ, and WA passed freedom to marry bills that have not yet taken effect. In NJ, work is underway to override the governor's veto, while in MD and WA, ballot measures to block the freedom to marry must be defeated on the November ballot.

MD, NM, and RI explicitly respect out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples, while nine states now offer broad protections short of marriage. DE, HI, IL, NJ, and RI allow civil union, while CA, OR, NV, and WA offer broad domestic partnership. Four other states (CO, ME, MD, WI) have more limited domestic partnership.

With these advances, a record number of Americans live in states that recognize relationships between same-sex couples:

Over 16% of the U.S. population lives in a state that either has the freedom to marry or honors out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples.
Over 35% of the U.S. population lives in a state with either marriage or a broad legal status such as civil union or domestic partnership.
Over 42% of the U.S. population lives in a state that provides some form of protections for gay couples.
Sadly, the way this is all being done these days within many of these issues, is by subverting the will of the American people who are in the moral majority, and this by way of government oppression now against them, where as what these various heavily controversal diverse elements are now doing at every turn when they get the chance, is going against those who are in the moral majority in this nation, in order to try and bring them to their knees finally on many of the issues. They are issues that have been controversal for America when it comes to these types of things for a long long time now, where as within this moral majority, they think that they still have a voice as a moral majority in this nation when clearly they don't. By using the easily influenced government and rogue biased left leaning activist judges & activist groups, who then influence these judges to rule against the moral majority, and next by way of a left leaning biased media that makes the impression that the people are all on board with this stuff when they are not, is clearly how it is all being done these days as a strategy. This is being done when we clearly see that the people who are in a moral majority are not on board with all of this stuff at all, yet on and on it all goes until the nations polarized bitter end I guess.

People are going to seperate and become even more polarized in this nation as one group forces itself onto another by way of government backing and oppression against them, even though they may be in the majority and unified on an issue, it doesn't matter about that anymore these days, and sadly the federal government has championed this type of forcing action into it's causes and/or top priority's these days, as it is all being done for votes as we clearly see now, and it realizes not that it is seperating the nation and polarizing it, not bringing it together as they think it all is in the end.

The only thing that can be hoped for now by many who are opposed to these things, is that their time is almost past now, so they won't be around to see what this nation is going to be like in the near future for their grandchildren and then their grandchildren if it last that long. The preview is very disturbing now for many, as they wonder where it had all gone wrong in this nation anymore, but then again they now know why as the mystery has now been revealed to them, and to their understanding.

The majority doesn't get to choose how the minority live their lives, that's just not how America works. If you don't like that the slaves have been freed, then just try not to think about it. There's nothing you can do about it anyways, so why worry?

Amazes me how many fools believe we are a majority, mob rule, country.
The Constitution protects the rights OF THE INDIVIDUAL, THE MINORITY.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not of majority rule and the various and changing like the wind religgous views of men.
The Founders specifically set it up that way because they knew full well how religion, the Christian religion at that time, FUCKS GOVERNMENTS UP ALL OVER EUROPE, and wanted to ban thgm from doing so here.
Smart fellows they were.
The days of allowing religous opinions to make gay folk 2nd class citizens are over.
The majority doesn't get to choose how the minority live their lives, that's just not how America works. If you don't like that the slaves have been freed, then just try not to think about it. There's nothing you can do about it anyways, so why worry?
And again the black struggle is invoked for empowerment upon the one side of the argument, even though it doesn't really apply...Sheesh.

I am estatic that slavery was abolished in the nation, as it was not right to enslave a human being, unless that human being was a danger to others or him and/or herself, in which it still remains so with criminals/prisoners in the nation that fill the prisons right now to date. The race card is always played in many issues, even though that card does not apply.

Explain why the black struggle isn't similar to the gay struggle. Both are looking for acceptance as a full human being.
Like I said, the majority doesn't get to tell the minority how to live in the US. The courts are making that clearer every day.
Anyways, just like with blacks, there will always be hard core haters no matter which way society goes. Is that similar? :D

If you have to ask the question, you will NEVER understand the answer. Keep on comparing gays to blacks and no one will ever take you seriously.
Sadly, the way this is all being done these days within many of these issues, is by subverting the will of the American people who are in the moral majority, and this by way of government oppression now against them, where as what these various heavily controversal diverse elements are now doing at every turn when they get the chance, is going against those who are in the moral majority in this nation, in order to try and bring them to their knees finally on many of the issues. They are issues that have been controversal for America when it comes to these types of things for a long long time now, where as within this moral majority, they think that they still have a voice as a moral majority in this nation when clearly they don't. By using the easily influenced government and rogue biased left leaning activist judges & activist groups, who then influence these judges to rule against the moral majority, and next by way of a left leaning biased media that makes the impression that the people are all on board with this stuff when they are not, is clearly how it is all being done these days as a strategy. This is being done when we clearly see that the people who are in a moral majority are not on board with all of this stuff at all, yet on and on it all goes until the nations polarized bitter end I guess.

People are going to seperate and become even more polarized in this nation as one group forces itself onto another by way of government backing and oppression against them, even though they may be in the majority and unified on an issue, it doesn't matter about that anymore these days, and sadly the federal government has championed this type of forcing action into it's causes and/or top priority's these days, as it is all being done for votes as we clearly see now, and it realizes not that it is seperating the nation and polarizing it, not bringing it together as they think it all is in the end.

The only thing that can be hoped for now by many who are opposed to these things, is that their time is almost past now, so they won't be around to see what this nation is going to be like in the near future for their grandchildren and then their grandchildren if it last that long. The preview is very disturbing now for many, as they wonder where it had all gone wrong in this nation anymore, but then again they now know why as the mystery has now been revealed to them, and to their understanding.

The majority doesn't get to choose how the minority live their lives, that's just not how America works. If you don't like that the slaves have been freed, then just try not to think about it. There's nothing you can do about it anyways, so why worry?

Amazes me how many fools believe we are a majority, mob rule, country.
The Constitution protects the rights OF THE INDIVIDUAL, THE MINORITY.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not of majority rule and the various and changing like the wind religgous views of men.
The Founders specifically set it up that way because they knew full well how religion, the Christian religion at that time, FUCKS GOVERNMENTS UP ALL OVER EUROPE, and wanted to ban thgm from doing so here.
Smart fellows they were.
You speak of a majority as being a mob or a criminal element and/or a massive group who wants what is bad for their country, and this instead of what is good for their country, along with what is good for their children to be raised in according to that good.

There are many examples of a few now trying to subvert the will of the people in this nation who are in the good majority, and they have figured out how to do so by way of infiltration into the government, court system/law and justice system in this nation, then they use these systems to oppress with and to dictate with against the good majority who are not a threat to this nation, and are not a criminal element in this nation, and never was a threat or hurt to this nation for many many years in it's developement of or it's modernization of. Now they (the good citizens) have been made a threat now by an administration and it's leftist ilk infiltrators, who want not equal rights anylonger as according to these few who weild great power now, but instead want dominance over.

This is the only way they think they can win in all of this culture war, because they refuse to assimilate/co-exist or respect others lifestyles as American, that are lived in a moral and decent respectful way in this nation as it were. If you don't believe me, then just take a look around to see what is happening in all of this, and you will then realize the truth.
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Explain why the black struggle isn't similar to the gay struggle. Both are looking for acceptance as a full human being.
Like I said, the majority doesn't get to tell the minority how to live in the US. The courts are making that clearer every day. Anyways, just like with blacks, there will always be hard core haters no matter which way society goes. Is that similar? :D

Two totally different set of issues altogether and you know it, but it has to be linked or there will be no power or empowerment of one by adoption of as it's equal somehow of the other, and so if they are not linked it has become the fear of the ones adopting the black struggle as their own now, that they will fail if cannot make this connection stick.

This has been a learned thing in society by groups, and especially once they saw or realized the empowerment of the blacks by the government and the courts upon their issue within the nation, where as they (other groups) figure that it could be done in the same way for them if could convince the government & the courts that the their issues are exactly the same issues by coupling them together, when they are not the same at all. Now we are learning that there is a huge problem that has since taken place, of the government trying to pick winners and losers based upon the criteria in which it decided that it should use or go by when supporting or empowering groups over another, because it uses a broad brush that allows some or in some cases many who are in and amongst these groups, to then abuse others outside the group with almost impunity while operating from within these groups, where as the abusers then have the government backing and support while doing so very shockingly enough, thus (the slippery slope syndrone is now revealed), in all of these things.

Should all minority's now, get to tell the majority how to live their lives, and this by government intervention or the courts, even if the majority are living peaceful Christian lives, yet they are lives or lifestyles in which certain minorities detest and do hate? Then wildly enough these haters wish to use the courts and the government to overpower them somehow, and this because their numbers against the majority are weak, but if the feds and the courts get behind them WOW. This has become a major problem in America these days, where as formed or allied groups are chipping away at the majoirty and their American dreams in this nation, and making the majority captives to their will even though they are in the minority while doing this.

Yes, ok just like say within the black group you mention, there will always be hard core haters or vengence seekers in that group, just like with the gay's where as there will be the same, oh wait a minute, well maybe not because the two issues and struggles are not the same are they ?

What is the same however in this nation now or has become more unified together, is the sinners or haters that are now out to destroy the christians at every turn they take, yet they need the ignorance of government to back them and to see them through it all.

Now this struggle amongst the groups, is as old as this world is, so what comes next I wonder in it all ?

For you it's a question of who gets to tell whom how to live, when in reality it's about making everyone EQUAL. If you have something, you can't deny it to others just because you don't like them, it has to be available equally to everyone. You can't stand up and say "only meals with meat can be called breakfast, lunch and supper" because you don't agree with vegetarians. The US doesn't work that way. maybe you should move to Iran? They hate gays too and pass laws against them. You'd love it there.

PS You still didn't explain WHY the black struggle and the gay struggle don't have things in common. You're only defense was "Two totally different set of issues altogether and you know it,". No I don't know. In fact, I know quite the opposite.

So if I have a lawn mower, and my next door neighbor doesn't, and he is a minority on top of that, then according to you I am supposed to share that lawn mower with him, and this regardless of him not proving that he will take care of the lawn mower or even sharing in the expense of the repairs if it breaks either? You see how your ideology on life is flawed here badly ? Next the government stops by and says to me, don't you have a lawn mower ? Yes I do, then I am ordering you to help your neighbor next door to cut his grass with it, and then the government says to me that if you do this, we might let you keep that lawn mower, but if you don't, then we will be by to take it and give it to him. :eusa_silenced:
For you it's a question of who gets to tell whom how to live, when in reality it's about making everyone EQUAL. If you have something, you can't deny it to others just because you don't like them, it has to be available equally to everyone. You can't stand up and say "only meals with meat can be called breakfast, lunch and supper" because you don't agree with vegetarians. The US doesn't work that way. maybe you should move to Iran? They hate gays too and pass laws against them. You'd love it there.

PS You still didn't explain WHY the black struggle and the gay struggle don't have things in common. You're only defense was "Two totally different set of issues altogether and you know it,". No I don't know. In fact, I know quite the opposite.

So if I have a lawn mower, and my next door neighbor doesn't, and he is a minority on top of that, then according to you I am supposed to share that lawn mower with him, and this regardless of him not proving that he will take care of the lawn mower or even sharing in the expense of the repairs if it breaks either? You see how your ideology on life is flawed here badly ? Next the government stops by and says to me, don't you have a lawn mower ? Yes I do, then I am ordering you to help your neighbor next door to cut his grass with it, and then the government says to me that if you do this, we might let you keep that lawn mower, but if you don't, then we will be by to take it and give it to him. :eusa_silenced:

I was talking about rights. If you have a right, it has to be everyone's right, not just yours, and you can't deny them the same right you enjoy just because you don't like anal sex.

PS You still didn't explain WHY the black struggle and the gay struggle don't have things in common. You're only defense was "Two totally different set of issues altogether and you know it,". No I don't know. In fact, I know quite the opposite.
I was talking about rights. If you have a right, it has to be everyone's right, not just yours,

I have a right to own my own lawnmower in America, and to cut my own grass with it in America, so should another have a right to use my lawn mower as well if he so chooses, in order to cut his own grass with to ? The government & people like you would eventually make the case for this type of thing these days, so where does it all end, in some sort of utopic fantasy land dreamed up ? Where is the incentives for people to repspect each others individual morally founded rights anymore ? Where is the incentive for people to do better in life anymore ? All the incentives are being taken away by people like you along with an out of touch federal government and court system, that is taking peoples rights away, instead of protecting the moral majority rights as it once did and should always do.

You can't deny them the same right you enjoy just because you don't like anal sex.

So this is what it is all about eh? You think I don't want to allow George to say to Billy in private, "Billy I am sorry, but not tonight says George, because I have diaria".?

What George and Billy do in private is their own business, just don't bring it out or flaunt it in front of my kids, because it is not your right to do this against my right for you not to.

All rights in which people want to have in their cultures or lives are not equal, unless the people decide as a united people in a good majority that they are. How do you think that we have gotten this far in America over the last 200 years ? Not by what is going on today that's for sure. I mean look at the nation because of all of this that you speak right now, it is polarized beyond belief, and it is only going to get worse I think.
I was talking about rights. If you have a right, it has to be everyone's right, not just yours,

I have a right to own my own lawnmower in America, and to cut my own grass with it in America, so should another have a right to use my lawn mower as well if he so chooses, in order to cut his own grass with to ? The government & people like you would eventually make the case for this type of thing these days, so where does it all end, in some sort of utopic fantasy land dreamed up ? Where is the incentives for people to repspect each others individual morally founded rights anymore ? Where is the incentive for people to do better in life anymore ? All the incentives are being taken away by people like you along with an out of touch federal government and court system, that is taking peoples rights away, instead of protecting the moral majority rights as it once did and should always do.

You can't deny them the same right you enjoy just because you don't like anal sex.

So this is what it is all about eh? You think I don't want to allow George to say to Billy in private, "Billy I am sorry, but not tonight says George, because I have diaria".?

What George and Billy do in private is their own business, just don't bring it out or flaunt it in front of my kids, because it is not your right to do this against my right for you not to.

All rights in which people want to have in their cultures or lives are not equal, unless the people decide as a united people in a good majority that they are. How do you think that we have gotten this far in America over the last 200 years ? Not by what is going on today that's for sure. I mean look at the nation because of all of this that you speak right now, it is polarized beyond belief, and it is only going to get worse I think.

He doesn't have a right to come and steal your lawnmower, lol. But he'll have the same right as you do to cut his own grass with his own lawnmower, just like you do.

So you get to flaunt your homo-hating lifestyle in front of my kids and nobody complains because I can explain to them what's going on and why people hate gays. You'd rather sweep the whole thing under the carpet.
So you get to flaunt your homo-hating lifestyle in front of my kids and nobody complains, because I can explain to them what's going on and why people hate gays. You'd rather sweep the whole thing under the carpet.

No you are wrong, you are the one complaining, and this is why you attacked me on this article over Mr.Cathy and Chic-Fil-A's freedom of expression to speak what it believes when he was asked about an opinion, and this upon his religious beliefs held under that specific roof in America, when it comes to gay's being married or getting married.

I do explain to my kids about the birds and the bee's found in the Godly version of what is normal and right, so I ain't sweeping nothing under the rug or carpet on my end, just like you ain't either you say, but remember what I said "whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". It's really that simple really.. Actually I don't hate no one, and I am tolerant of gay's, but I don't have to say to them that they are right or wrong out in the street, and I don't have to say to them that I don't agree with them either out in the street, because I don't allow their lifestyle to intertwine with my lifestyle & space or vice-versa. The public space and everyone respecting each other in that space (upholding certain standards of decency) is essential to American unity, but what goes on in those gay pride parades is not what the ideals of decency is all about according to most in the nation, but to the gay's it is normal somehow ? I think they know it isn't normal, but they are guided by their lust and sin in that lust, in which blinds them to what is or was normal in their lives going way back.

Just as long as they respect my views and space on such matters, we all get along just fine in life. This nation is big, and I don't see why there isn't enough space for people to live their own lives apart from those who want to live their lives in an opposite way. The only time this becomes a problem in America, is when people cross the lines, and try to actively push their lifestyles on or into anothers space when it is not accepted into that space (marriage is a sacred space held onto by religious beliefs). The don't ask don't tell was the right solution for the military in that space, but they weren't satisfied with that either, so away they go onward with Obama's help shockingly, but to what end I do wonder will it all continue to go in this nation now ?
So you get to flaunt your homo-hating lifestyle in front of my kids and nobody complains, because I can explain to them what's going on and why people hate gays. You'd rather sweep the whole thing under the carpet.

No you are wrong, you are the one complaining, and this is why you attacked me on this article over Mr.Cathy and Chic-Fil-A's freedom of expression to speak what it believes when he was asked about an opinion, and this upon his religious beliefs held under that specific roof in America, when it comes to gay's being married or getting married.

I do explain to my kids about the birds and the bee's found in the Godly version of what is normal and right, so I ain't sweeping nothing under the rug or carpet on my end, just like you ain't either you say, but remember what I said "whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". It's really that simple really.. Actually I don't hate no one, and I am tolerant of gay's, but I don't have to say to them that they are right or wrong out in the street, and I don't have to say to them that I don't agree with them either out in the street, because I don't allow their lifestyle to intertwine with my lifestyle & space or vice-versa. The public space and everyone respecting each other in that space (upholding certain standards of decency) is essential to American unity, but what goes on in those gay pride parades is not what the ideals of decency is all about according to most in the nation, but to the gay's it is normal somehow ? I think they know it isn't normal, but they are guided by their lust and sin in that lust, in which blinds them to what is or was normal in their lives going way back.

Just as long as they respect my views and space on such matters, we all get along just fine in life. This nation is big, and I don't see why there isn't enough space for people to live their own lives apart from those who want to live their lives in an opposite way. The only time this becomes a problem in America, is when people cross the lines, and try to actively push their lifestyles on or into anothers space when it is not accepted into that space (marriage is a sacred space held onto by religious beliefs). The don't ask don't tell was the right solution for the military in that space, but they weren't satisfied with that either, so away they go onward with Obama's help shockingly, but to what end I do wonder will it all continue to go in this nation now ?

You still have not explained how gay marriage affects your religous beliefs. How does them getting married infinge on your rights IN ANY WAY?
You claim this nation is big enough for everyone. If you really mean it you would not be opposed to allowing them to get married.
You can still be against it totally and be respected.
I am against many things but do not want to force GOVERNMENT to stop it just because I do not like it.
Talk is cheap so which is it?
So you get to flaunt your homo-hating lifestyle in front of my kids and nobody complains, because I can explain to them what's going on and why people hate gays. You'd rather sweep the whole thing under the carpet.

No you are wrong, you are the one complaining, and this is why you attacked me on this article over Mr.Cathy and Chic-Fil-A's freedom of expression to speak what it believes when he was asked about an opinion, and this upon his religious beliefs held under that specific roof in America, when it comes to gay's being married or getting married.

I do explain to my kids about the birds and the bee's found in the Godly version of what is normal and right, so I ain't sweeping nothing under the rug or carpet on my end, just like you ain't either you say, but remember what I said "whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". It's really that simple really.. Actually I don't hate no one, and I am tolerant of gay's, but I don't have to say to them that they are right or wrong out in the street, and I don't have to say to them that I don't agree with them either out in the street, because I don't allow their lifestyle to intertwine with my lifestyle & space or vice-versa. The public space and everyone respecting each other in that space (upholding certain standards of decency) is essential to American unity, but what goes on in those gay pride parades is not what the ideals of decency is all about according to most in the nation, but to the gay's it is normal somehow ? I think they know it isn't normal, but they are guided by their lust and sin in that lust, in which blinds them to what is or was normal in their lives going way back.

Just as long as they respect my views and space on such matters, we all get along just fine in life. This nation is big, and I don't see why there isn't enough space for people to live their own lives apart from those who want to live their lives in an opposite way. The only time this becomes a problem in America, is when people cross the lines, and try to actively push their lifestyles on or into anothers space when it is not accepted into that space (marriage is a sacred space held onto by religious beliefs). The don't ask don't tell was the right solution for the military in that space, but they weren't satisfied with that either, so away they go onward with Obama's help shockingly, but to what end I do wonder will it all continue to go in this nation now ?

You still have not explained how gay marriage affects your religous beliefs. How does them getting married infinge on your rights IN ANY WAY?
You claim this nation is big enough for everyone. If you really mean it you would not be opposed to allowing them to get married.
You can still be against it totally and be respected.
I am against many things but do not want to force GOVERNMENT to stop it just because I do not like it.Talk is cheap so which is it?

You shouldn't want government to enforce it either, and this against a moral majority whom does not like it in their space in which they have carved out in it all, and laid claim to as an American Christian style family who would see it as abnormal within their space, but that is what is being done in this nation against many peoples long held beliefs inwhich are the opposite of these things, where as the government is forcing people into allowing certain things now by way of the courts and peer pressure from forces who are few but concentrated thus dominating the issues in these ways, even if those things are way against what the people would allow in freedom there of, it is being forced on them anyway.

Why can't the government just stay out of it, and only enforce the rule of law against anyone who abuses another when breaking the law or commiting an act of abuse against another, in which constitutes breaking the law only ? This should be the only business of the government that it has a stake in within this nation as it has been charged with, among managing it's military and handling properly it's business affairs, and to not be involving itself in fine cutural tuning or toying with areas that it doesn't have a clue on and/or about when it does so, because it makes everything worse when it does these types of things these days, just as it is now doing more and more everyday it seems, and getting it wrong more and more these days it seems. Just look at the nation and the troubles we are having now, but are being swept aside for political correctness that has run amuck, and out of control in this nation now.
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No you are wrong, you are the one complaining, and this is why you attacked me on this article over Mr.Cathy and Chic-Fil-A's freedom of expression to speak what it believes when he was asked about an opinion, and this upon his religious beliefs held under that specific roof in America, when it comes to gay's being married or getting married.

I do explain to my kids about the birds and the bee's found in the Godly version of what is normal and right, so I ain't sweeping nothing under the rug or carpet on my end, just like you ain't either you say, but remember what I said "whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". It's really that simple really.. Actually I don't hate no one, and I am tolerant of gay's, but I don't have to say to them that they are right or wrong out in the street, and I don't have to say to them that I don't agree with them either out in the street, because I don't allow their lifestyle to intertwine with my lifestyle & space or vice-versa. The public space and everyone respecting each other in that space (upholding certain standards of decency) is essential to American unity, but what goes on in those gay pride parades is not what the ideals of decency is all about according to most in the nation, but to the gay's it is normal somehow ? I think they know it isn't normal, but they are guided by their lust and sin in that lust, in which blinds them to what is or was normal in their lives going way back.

Just as long as they respect my views and space on such matters, we all get along just fine in life. This nation is big, and I don't see why there isn't enough space for people to live their own lives apart from those who want to live their lives in an opposite way. The only time this becomes a problem in America, is when people cross the lines, and try to actively push their lifestyles on or into anothers space when it is not accepted into that space (marriage is a sacred space held onto by religious beliefs). The don't ask don't tell was the right solution for the military in that space, but they weren't satisfied with that either, so away they go onward with Obama's help shockingly, but to what end I do wonder will it all continue to go in this nation now ?

You still have not explained how gay marriage affects your religous beliefs. How does them getting married infinge on your rights IN ANY WAY?
You claim this nation is big enough for everyone. If you really mean it you would not be opposed to allowing them to get married.
You can still be against it totally and be respected.
I am against many things but do not want to force GOVERNMENT to stop it just because I do not like it.Talk is cheap so which is it?

You shouldn't want government to enforce it either, and this against a moral majority whom does not like it in their space in which they have carved out in it all, and laid claim to as an American Christian style family who would see it as abnormal within their space, but that is what is being done in this nation against many peoples long held beliefs inwhich are the opposite of these things, where as the government is forcing people into allowing certain things now by way of the courts and peer pressure from forces who are few but concentrated thus dominating the issues in these ways, even if those things are way against what the people would allow in freedom there of, it is being forced on them anyway.

Why can't the government just stay out of it, and only enforce the rule of law against anyone who abuses another when breaking the law or commiting an act of abuse against another, in which constitutes breaking the law only ? This should be the only business of the government that it has a stake in within this nation as it has been charged with, among managing it's military and handling properly it's business affairs, and to not be involving itself in fine cutural tuning or toying with areas that it doesn't have a clue on and/or about when it does so, because it makes everything worse when it does these types of things these days, just as it is now doing more and more everyday it seems, and getting it wrong more and more these days it seems. Just look at the nation and the troubles we are having now, but are being swept aside for political correctness that has run amuck, and out of control in this nation now.

What the moral majority wants does not mean a damn thing.
And who decides who is moral and who isn't.
Allowing gay marriage does not have jack shit to do with any troubles anyone has.
Get real. Quit telling you are a live and let live guy.
We know better so quit shitting us. You want to ban others from doing something that you admit has nothing whatsoever to do with your life and has no affect on you.
You are a big government closet liberal.
Eat a hamburger...that'll show those damn homos!!!
In fact, eat two, just to reinforce how strongly you feel about this.
So you get to flaunt your homo-hating lifestyle in front of my kids and nobody complains, because I can explain to them what's going on and why people hate gays. You'd rather sweep the whole thing under the carpet.

No you are wrong, you are the one complaining, and this is why you attacked me on this article over Mr.Cathy and Chic-Fil-A's freedom of expression to speak what it believes when he was asked about an opinion, and this upon his religious beliefs held under that specific roof in America, when it comes to gay's being married or getting married.

I do explain to my kids about the birds and the bee's found in the Godly version of what is normal and right, so I ain't sweeping nothing under the rug or carpet on my end, just like you ain't either you say, but remember what I said "whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". It's really that simple really.. Actually I don't hate no one, and I am tolerant of gay's, but I don't have to say to them that they are right or wrong out in the street, and I don't have to say to them that I don't agree with them either out in the street, because I don't allow their lifestyle to intertwine with my lifestyle & space or vice-versa. The public space and everyone respecting each other in that space (upholding certain standards of decency) is essential to American unity, but what goes on in those gay pride parades is not what the ideals of decency is all about according to most in the nation, but to the gay's it is normal somehow ? I think they know it isn't normal, but they are guided by their lust and sin in that lust, in which blinds them to what is or was normal in their lives going way back.

Just as long as they respect my views and space on such matters, we all get along just fine in life. This nation is big, and I don't see why there isn't enough space for people to live their own lives apart from those who want to live their lives in an opposite way. The only time this becomes a problem in America, is when people cross the lines, and try to actively push their lifestyles on or into anothers space when it is not accepted into that space (marriage is a sacred space held onto by religious beliefs). The don't ask don't tell was the right solution for the military in that space, but they weren't satisfied with that either, so away they go onward with Obama's help shockingly, but to what end I do wonder will it all continue to go in this nation now ?

"whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". If that's a quote from the bibble, then it's just some random quote that some guy wrote 1500 years ago or so, that's just the writer's own opinion since he can't know what an invisible being would want since no one's ever seen it. Anyways, who made your invisible guy the arbiter of morals?

Tell us, are you against civil unions as well? Because a lot of homo-haters don't even want gays to have the financial benefits from being wed that heteros enjoy.

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