Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

Sodomy was a death penalty in Virginia until Jefferson introduced legislation to go easy on gays and just castrate them in 1778.
The Christians objected to that and stuck with the death penalty.
Jesus would have been proud.
Prior to 1962 any homosexual activity was a felony in EVERY state, most with a mandatory 10 year sentence, NO probation.
In 3 states it is still a FELONY to love someone of the same sex and have intimate relations with them.
Amazing that people have NO clue.

I've always thought that Jesus, if he existed, was possibly gay himself, and that's the reason he was crucified.
No he was crucified because he loved us, but he didnot love the sin in which we had encountered, and being gay or committing acts in such are also included in this sin) and therefore we couldnot escape from it on our own, so he lay down his life for us, in order that his sacrifice would be sufficient for us to be saved from these sins, yet only by our acceptance of this act of sacrifice upon our behalfs can we be saved.

Apparently, as legend has it, Jesus hung around with a bunch of guys, only fucked a woman once (to see if he'd like it, he didn't), wore a dress, is always drawn or painted to look effeminate, and he rode that old world symbol of gay pride, the donkey (real men rode horses, only women and children rode donkeys). So it's VERY likely Judas outed him.
Long live intolerance and disrespect for others, may the intolerant hold hands in their un-American disrespect for people who only want equal rights under the law. Rights that many of these same Americans fought for, now denied. Long live hatred of the other. Take a bow America or stay seated you've sunk low under religious bigotry.

its Federal law ?

Constitutional case law, to deny same-sex couples equal access to marriage is a violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. See: Perry v. Brown.

Perry v. Brown case has been appealed to the SCOTUS and may be heard this Fall; however, there is a chance the SCOTUS will refuse to hear it thus affirming the lower court's decision that California's Proposition 8 (an attempt to make gay marriages illegal) violated the Constitutional rights of gays.

Alliance Alert » news from the frontlines of the culture war
its Federal law ?

Constitutional case law, to deny same-sex couples equal access to marriage is a violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. See: Perry v. Brown.

Perry v. Brown case has been appealed to the SCOTUS and may be heard this Fall; however, there is a chance the SCOTUS will refuse to hear it thus affirming the lower court's decision that California's Proposition 8 (an attempt to make gay marriages illegal) violated the Constitutional rights of gays.

Alliance Alert » news from the frontlines of the culture war
The Lord says, that if you teach my children to sin, then it would be better for you to place a talent around your neck, and to sink yourself to the bottom of the sea. I'm guessing that this makes one who does these kinds of teachings or is ok with these kinds of teachings "the lowest human being on the earth" at that point. Think about it people. Where are we going in this nation and world anymore when it comes to what we are teaching the children these days ? Just sayin !
Constitutional case law, to deny same-sex couples equal access to marriage is a violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. See: Perry v. Brown.

Perry v. Brown case has been appealed to the SCOTUS and may be heard this Fall; however, there is a chance the SCOTUS will refuse to hear it thus affirming the lower court's decision that California's Proposition 8 (an attempt to make gay marriages illegal) violated the Constitutional rights of gays.

Alliance Alert » news from the frontlines of the culture war
The Lord says, that if you teach my children to sin, then it would be better for you to place a talent around your neck, and to sink yourself to the bottom of the sea. I'm guessing that this makes one who does these kinds of teachings or is ok with these kinds of teachings "the lowest human being on the earth" at that point. Think about it people. Where are we going in this nation and world anymore when it comes to what we are teaching the children these days ? Just sayin !

I am sure there are a lot of folks out there that are teaching their children to do bad things such as murder, steal cars, loot, embezzle and burn houses down.
Where do you get this stuff beagle? Do you make it up on the fly?
Do parents do that in your neck of the woods? They teach their kids to be criminals?
Move over here to this side of the tracks dude. We raise our kids right over here.
Perry v. Brown case has been appealed to the SCOTUS and may be heard this Fall; however, there is a chance the SCOTUS will refuse to hear it thus affirming the lower court's decision that California's Proposition 8 (an attempt to make gay marriages illegal) violated the Constitutional rights of gays.

Alliance Alert » news from the frontlines of the culture war
The Lord says, that if you teach my children to sin, then it would be better for you to place a talent around your neck, and to sink yourself to the bottom of the sea. I'm guessing that this makes one who does these kinds of teachings or is ok with these kinds of teachings "the lowest human being on the earth" at that point. Think about it people. Where are we going in this nation and world anymore when it comes to what we are teaching the children these days ? Just sayin !

I am sure there are a lot of folks out there that are teaching their children to do bad things such as murder, steal cars, loot, embezzle and burn houses down.
Where do you get this stuff beagle? Do you make it up on the fly?
Do parents do that in your neck of the woods? They teach their kids to be criminals?
Move over here to this side of the tracks dude. We raise our kids right over here.
Hmmm comprehension may be lacking a bit here dawg, so try it again and see if you can get my point being made in all of this... Thanks
I've always thought that Jesus, if he existed, was possibly gay himself, and that's the reason he was crucified.
No he was crucified because he loved us, but he didnot love the sin in which we had encountered, and being gay or committing acts in such are also included in this sin) and therefore we couldnot escape from it on our own, so he lay down his life for us, in order that his sacrifice would be sufficient for us to be saved from these sins, yet only by our acceptance of this act of sacrifice upon our behalfs can we be saved.

Apparently, as legend has it, Jesus hung around with a bunch of guys, only fucked a woman once (to see if he'd like it, he didn't), wore a dress, is always drawn or painted to look effeminate, and he rode that old world symbol of gay pride, the donkey (real men rode horses, only women and children rode donkeys). So it's VERY likely Judas outed him.

Another mindless lefty, intolerant of people's faith
No he was crucified because he loved us, but he didnot love the sin in which we had encountered, and being gay or committing acts in such are also included in this sin) and therefore we couldnot escape from it on our own, so he lay down his life for us, in order that his sacrifice would be sufficient for us to be saved from these sins, yet only by our acceptance of this act of sacrifice upon our behalfs can we be saved.

Apparently, as legend has it, Jesus hung around with a bunch of guys, only fucked a woman once (to see if he'd like it, he didn't), wore a dress, is always drawn or painted to look effeminate, and he rode that old world symbol of gay pride, the donkey (real men rode horses, only women and children rode donkeys). So it's VERY likely Judas outed him.

Another mindless lefty, intolerant of people's faith

Where is the intolerance? All he did was post his opinion.
Constitutional case law, to deny same-sex couples equal access to marriage is a violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. See: Perry v. Brown.

Perry v. Brown case has been appealed to the SCOTUS and may be heard this Fall; however, there is a chance the SCOTUS will refuse to hear it thus affirming the lower court's decision that California's Proposition 8 (an attempt to make gay marriages illegal) violated the Constitutional rights of gays.

Alliance Alert » news from the frontlines of the culture war
The Lord says, that if you teach my children to sin, then it would be better for you to place a talent around your neck, and to sink yourself to the bottom of the sea. I'm guessing that this makes one who does these kinds of teachings or is ok with these kinds of teachings "the lowest human being on the earth" at that point. Think about it people. Where are we going in this nation and world anymore when it comes to what we are teaching the children these days ? Just sayin !
"The Lord says"? Someone's hearing voices? There's a diagnosis for that these days. :D

Ya teaching kids that our planet was made in 6 days and that humans like Noah can live until they're 600 years old is just plain wacky. I can't say that it makes the children any smarter either.
Perry v. Brown case has been appealed to the SCOTUS and may be heard this Fall; however, there is a chance the SCOTUS will refuse to hear it thus affirming the lower court's decision that California's Proposition 8 (an attempt to make gay marriages illegal) violated the Constitutional rights of gays.

Alliance Alert » news from the frontlines of the culture war
The Lord says, that if you teach my children to sin, then it would be better for you to place a talent around your neck, and to sink yourself to the bottom of the sea. I'm guessing that this makes one who does these kinds of teachings or is ok with these kinds of teachings "the lowest human being on the earth" at that point. Think about it people. Where are we going in this nation and world anymore when it comes to what we are teaching the children these days ? Just sayin !
"The Lord says"? Someone's hearing voices? There's a diagnosis for that these days. :D

Ya teaching kids that our planet was made in 6 days and that humans like Noah can live until they're 600 years old is just plain wacky. I can't say that it makes the children any smarter either.
When you read something where someone had spoken, and was therefore written about by another, and you then comprehend or interpret it in that way to your understanding, agreeing with and to your liking also, then what do you say they did afterwards, I mean especially if fowarding that message onward (you again quote the person being written about right?), and this if the message is worth repeating or empowers your opinion because of the specific message that was given, in which was spoken by the original speaker, and yet was written about by another either within the time period it was spoken from or upon (or) afterwards be it some time forward as pertaining to our Lord Christ when he had walked upon this earth, and the accounts there of as were written about by others about that time period and even before then it was written about as well.

Yes men wrote the Bible of course, but these were men who were inspired by God through spirtual consciousness and awareness of God in which they did believe and always will believe, to then write down the accounts of a very important message and time period in which would last throughout mankinds passage upon this earth. I don't know why I bother with you, because you are as an evil follower of that which is evil upon this earth, whom seeks to destroy and to tear down for what undoubtedly is your master for whom you do this for, and for whom controls you daily in your life as is eveident therefore upon these boards.
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Apparently, as legend has it, Jesus hung around with a bunch of guys, only fucked a woman once (to see if he'd like it, he didn't), wore a dress, is always drawn or painted to look effeminate, and he rode that old world symbol of gay pride, the donkey (real men rode horses, only women and children rode donkeys). So it's VERY likely Judas outed him.

Another mindless lefty, intolerant of people's faith

Where is the intolerance? All he did was post his opinion.
That's all Mr. Cathy did also, but where is your support for him in this same way?
The Lord says, that if you teach my children to sin, then it would be better for you to place a talent around your neck, and to sink yourself to the bottom of the sea. I'm guessing that this makes one who does these kinds of teachings or is ok with these kinds of teachings "the lowest human being on the earth" at that point. Think about it people. Where are we going in this nation and world anymore when it comes to what we are teaching the children these days ? Just sayin !
"The Lord says"? Someone's hearing voices? There's a diagnosis for that these days. :D

Ya teaching kids that our planet was made in 6 days and that humans like Noah can live until they're 600 years old is just plain wacky. I can't say that it makes the children any smarter either.
When you read something where someone had spoken, and was therefore written about by another, and you then comprehend or interpret it in that way to your understanding, agreeing with and to your liking also, then what do you say they did afterwards, I mean especially if fowarding that message onward (you again quote the person being written about right?), and this if the message is worth repeating or empowers your opinion because of the specific message that was given, in which was spoken by the original speaker, and yet was written about by another either within the time period it was spoken from or upon (or) afterwards be it some time forward as pertaining to our Lord Christ when he had walked upon this earth, and the accounts there of as were written about by others about that time period and even before then it was written about as well.

Yes men wrote the Bible of course, but these were men who were inspired by God through spirtual consciousness and awareness of God in which they did believe and always will believe, to then write down the accounts of a very important message and time period in which would last throughout mankinds passage upon this earth. I don't know why I bother with you, because you are as an evil follower of that which is evil upon this earth, whom seeks to destroy and to tear down for what undoubtedly is your master for whom you do this for, and for whom controls you daily in your life as is eveident therefore upon these boards.

If what Jesus might have actually said was so important, why didn't they write it down while he was talking? I'm pretty sure that writing had been invented already by then.

So you're talking about someone writing down what someone else said decades and in some cases centuries after the fact. It's like someone who died in 1902 has me writing "well, he said this, and this, and walked on water...".

I think if there is a god, he would EXPECT ME to think critically and not just accept the first load of made up stuff that comes down the pipe.
Where is the intolerance? All he did was post his opinion.
That's all Mr. Cathy did also, but where is your support for him in this same way?

I supported him TOTALLY 100% IN ALL MY POSTS.
And you called me a "fence sitter" for doing so.
Ok so how do you justify this statement/comment to another (calling him intolerant), if he is only doing the same as you did ? Are we now a hypocryt and a fence sitter ?
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That's all Mr. Cathy did also, but where is your support for him in this same way?

I supported him TOTALLY 100% IN ALL MY POSTS.
And you called me a "fence sitter" for doing so.
Ok so how do you justify this statement/comment to another (calling him intolerant), if he is only doing the same as you did ? Are we now a hypocryt and a fence sitter ?

Where did I claim he was intolerant?:cuckoo:

Put brain in gear before mouth in motion. I NEVER stated he was intolerant.
Are we now a fibber and bull shitter?
I supported him TOTALLY 100% IN ALL MY POSTS.
And you called me a "fence sitter" for doing so.
Ok so how do you justify this statement/comment to another (calling him intolerant), if he is only doing the same as you did ? Are we now a hypocryt and a fence sitter ?

Where did I claim he was intolerant?:cuckoo:

Put brain in gear before mouth in motion. I NEVER stated he was intolerant.
Are we now a fibber and bull shitter?
Wouldn't it be the reason that you are on this thread, and speaking in the opposite to all who are in defense of Mr.Cathy and his views, and this because you felt that Mr.Cathy's words spoken were intolerant maybe of your views on the subject ? You claimed that you have family members who are gay, so I can only guess that you would think that they should be allowed to be married if they want to (you even said so), and does that place you in line with Mr. Cathy's views on the matter (or) place you in opposition of those views ? Do you feel that Mr. Cathy's words were those of "intolerance" as others have stated here, even though the left has championed the word over the years as well when it comes to certain issues? Where do you stand fence rider ? Oh this is why you ride the fence, because you can jump to either side when ever nessesary right?
Ok so how do you justify this statement/comment to another (calling him intolerant), if he is only doing the same as you did ? Are we now a hypocryt and a fence sitter ?

Where did I claim he was intolerant?:cuckoo:

Put brain in gear before mouth in motion. I NEVER stated he was intolerant.
Are we now a fibber and bull shitter?
Wouldn't it be the reason that you are on this thread, and speaking in the opposite to all who are in defense of Mr.Cathy and his views, and this because you felt that Mr.Cathy's words spoken were intolerant maybe of your views on the subject ? You claimed that you have family members who are gay, so I can only guess that you would think that they should be allowed to be married if they want to (you even said so), and does that place you in line with Mr. Cathy's views on the matter (or) place you in opposition of those views ? Do you feel that Mr. Cathy's words were those of "intolerance" as others have stated here, even though the left has championed the word over the years as well when it comes to certain issues? Where do you stand fence rider ? Oh this is why you ride the fence, because you can jump to either side when ever nessesary right?

Cathy can speak his mind, but what came out what indeed intolerant. See how simple that is?
Where did I claim he was intolerant?:cuckoo:

Put brain in gear before mouth in motion. I NEVER stated he was intolerant.
Are we now a fibber and bull shitter?
Wouldn't it be the reason that you are on this thread, and speaking in the opposite to all who are in defense of Mr.Cathy and his views, and this because you felt that Mr.Cathy's words spoken were intolerant maybe of your views on the subject ? You claimed that you have family members who are gay, so I can only guess that you would think that they should be allowed to be married if they want to (you even said so), and does that place you in line with Mr. Cathy's views on the matter (or) place you in opposition of those views ? Do you feel that Mr. Cathy's words were those of "intolerance" as others have stated here, even though the left has championed the word over the years as well when it comes to certain issues? Where do you stand fence rider ? Oh this is why you ride the fence, because you can jump to either side when ever nessesary right?

Cathy can speak his mind, but what came out what indeed intolerant. See how simple that is?
Ok, but the argument is that is found in all of this, is that isn't the left or people who oppose Mr.Cathy's views when spoken, also "intolerant" as well of his beliefs and views on the subject ? Views in which co-inside with a huge majority whom also feel the same way as he (Mr.Cathy) does on such issues in America? So why does the left or those who oppose Mr. Cathy, wish to have their views honored by the system over the majority, if that majority feels the same way that Mr.Cathy feels on the subject ?

Should the minority on all issues brought (because of them being in a minority in this nation) trump or always over ride the majority on issues in this nation when brought, and if so do explain why it is that you think that should be the case in this nation (without the invoking of the black struggle) when doing so.
Wouldn't it be the reason that you are on this thread, and speaking in the opposite to all who are in defense of Mr.Cathy and his views, and this because you felt that Mr.Cathy's words spoken were intolerant maybe of your views on the subject ? You claimed that you have family members who are gay, so I can only guess that you would think that they should be allowed to be married if they want to (you even said so), and does that place you in line with Mr. Cathy's views on the matter (or) place you in opposition of those views ? Do you feel that Mr. Cathy's words were those of "intolerance" as others have stated here, even though the left has championed the word over the years as well when it comes to certain issues? Where do you stand fence rider ? Oh this is why you ride the fence, because you can jump to either side when ever nessesary right?

Cathy can speak his mind, but what came out what indeed intolerant. See how simple that is?
Ok, but the argument is that is found in all of this, is that isn't the left or people who oppose Mr.Cathy's views when spoken, also "intolerant" as well of his beliefs and views on the subject ? Views in which co-inside with a huge majority whom also feel the same way as he (Mr.Cathy) does on such issues in America? So why does the left or those who oppose Mr. Cathy, wish to have their views honored by the system over the majority, if that majority feels the same way that Mr.Cathy feels on the subject ?

Should the minority on all issues brought (because of them being in a minority in this nation) trump or always over ride the majority on issues in this nation when brought, and if so do explain why it is that you think that should be the case in this nation (without the invoking of the black struggle) when doing so.

The views of the minority don't have to override the majority, otherwise we'd be all kissing carpets facing Mecca. But in this case, denying people something that you have yourself because you think that the way their live their lives is wrong, is totally un-American and Taliban-esque. We're supposed to be the land of the free, remember? I don't push my views on you and you don't push your views on me. If you're against gay marriage, ignore them. See how simple that is?
Cathy can speak his mind, but what came out what indeed intolerant. See how simple that is?
Ok, but the argument is that is found in all of this, is that isn't the left or people who oppose Mr.Cathy's views when spoken, also "intolerant" as well of his beliefs and views on the subject ? Views in which co-inside with a huge majority whom also feel the same way as he (Mr.Cathy) does on such issues in America? So why does the left or those who oppose Mr. Cathy, wish to have their views honored by the system over the majority, if that majority feels the same way that Mr.Cathy feels on the subject ?

Should the minority on all issues brought (because of them being in a minority in this nation) trump or always over ride the majority on issues in this nation when brought, and if so do explain why it is that you think that should be the case in this nation (without the invoking of the black struggle) when doing so.

The views of the minority don't have to override the majority, otherwise we'd be all kissing carpets facing Mecca. But in this case, denying people something that you have yourself because you think that the way their live their lives is wrong, is totally un-American and Taliban-esque. We're supposed to be the land of the free, remember? I don't push my views on you and you don't push your views on me. If you're against gay marriage, ignore them. See how simple that is?
You think it's that simple eh ? What about the attrocious gay pride parade that took place recently in California, that shocked families who were ignorant enough to think that they could go along with that situation, only to have become repulsed and shocked as to what they were exposing their children to, and themselves in that situation when they participated ? I bet alot of people got a good eye opener in that situation, and have probably re-thought their positions on what it is that they are actually supporting in America. Oh and the kissing carpets, well that might very well be next in America, so don't count Obama out yet.
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Ok, but the argument is that is found in all of this, is that isn't the left or people who oppose Mr.Cathy's views when spoken, also "intolerant" as well of his beliefs and views on the subject ? Views in which co-inside with a huge majority whom also feel the same way as he (Mr.Cathy) does on such issues in America? So why does the left or those who oppose Mr. Cathy, wish to have their views honored by the system over the majority, if that majority feels the same way that Mr.Cathy feels on the subject ?

Should the minority on all issues brought (because of them being in a minority in this nation) trump or always over ride the majority on issues in this nation when brought, and if so do explain why it is that you think that should be the case in this nation (without the invoking of the black struggle) when doing so.

The views of the minority don't have to override the majority, otherwise we'd be all kissing carpets facing Mecca. But in this case, denying people something that you have yourself because you think that the way their live their lives is wrong, is totally un-American and Taliban-esque. We're supposed to be the land of the free, remember? I don't push my views on you and you don't push your views on me. If you're against gay marriage, ignore them. See how simple that is?
You think it's that simple eh ? What about the attrocious gay pride parade that took place recently in California, that shocked families who were ignorant enough to think that they could go along with that situation, only to have become repulsed and shocked as to what they were exposing their children to, and themselves in that situation when they participated ? I bet alot of people got a good eye opener in that situation, and have probably re-thought their positions on what it is that they are actually supporting in America. Oh and the kissing carpets, well that might very well be next in America, so don't count Obama out yet.

:lmao: Good one. Even though he has nothing to do with it. Still funny how you associate him with that.

As for the parade, just don't go. I'm against eating meat and factory farms repulse me. So I don't eat meat, but if others want to eat unhealthy stuff like Cathy's chicken, go for it. Makes no difference to me. But don't tell me that just because I'm a minority that the majority is going to outlaw a vegetarian meal being called "supper" because the bible says to eat meat. Know what I mean?

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