Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

So you're not disputing my claim that they are extremely anti-gay?
Also, do you think it a tiny wee bit hypocritical that a serious number of priests are pedophiles?
Btw, they use their charitable projects to push their homo hating agenda, as well as their women-as-second-class-citizen agenda by banning contraception... one of the main means of women around the world to climb out of the poverty of having too many children at a too early age.
What other people do in which is by many also considered sin, and even crimes all depending, they will be held accountable for. These are seperate sins or issues that are found in their lives, so one issue at a time here, then we can discuss the other sins that are found in people that are doing things that are not agreed upon just as well. The mixing of these things are a strategy that everyone see's through in life, so try another strategy if you will, because these strategies are getting old, and are seen right through these days I think.

It's called practice what you preach, the pedophile priests should learn that one. Anyways, you're using the old Muslim excuse: it's not the religion that makes the Jihadists, they're another separate matter, when we all know that the religion IS about Jihad. Just like the catholic priesthood and their supposed "vow" of celebacy, which is really about gays and other sexual deviants who don't like women anyways.
When a son is the family "heard the calling", well, it meant he realized he was gay and went to live with the other gays in a monastery away from society otherwise they could be killed for being gay.
You sure are making the good catholics in that group, hate you right about now I bet... LOL

The bad ones are just hiding from you, because you may speak the truth against them (the bad ones that is)...
No one hates homo's, it's just that people have had bad experiences with some of these things in the past, where as they (certain ones) want it there way against other peoples religion, cultures and ways in this nation, and if they don't get their way against another or even against many, then they cry fowel or discrimination in the situation.

People just want to be left alone to live their lives in a Godly manor, in which don't include gay's walking around in front of their children as married, when they are teaching their children that such a thing is not normal and/or is sin. The gay's are never going to stop people from seperating themselves from them, and that is just the cold hard facts of these matters found in life. People whom have family members who have went down this road, yes they have to deal with that in life of course, but they also expect the rest of the nation whom may disagree, to then deal with it also in the way that they want them to, and not by what is dictated to them by their own held beliefs instead.

This nation is getting more and more about people wanting to do all sorts of things in life, in which others don't tend to agree with and rightly so, but in the spirit of compassion, empothy, humbleness and kindness, it is then expected that the people should accept these things now, as based upon these human traits that are found in all human beings, and in fact in many ways it is being done in these ways when people give a little in respect to a person and/or as a human being when they get caught up in these things, but it still don't change what people believe in, and what they teach their children to believe in, so it will always be a tough sell to get everyone on board the acceptance train and you know it.

You can rant and rave on me all you want, but what I speak is the truth and you know it...

I know you speak the truth as you see it. That's all.

Ok, so how do you know when 2 guys walk down the street that they're married? You don't.
You also didn't address my contention that Jesus would not have been a gay basher (I personally think that IF he existed, he might have been gay, but that's another story).
A godly manner? Well, since gays exist, god must have made them in his image as well?
And I agree that there will always be people like you who want to "separate" themselves from gays, as there as about 1000 different hate groups in the US, because we have freedom of speech. So you can hate gays openly like you do, but you can't be openly gay? Man, your kids are going to be really messed up!
Hmmm lets see now, if one is wearing a ring ok, and they are walking, running, stopping and hugging and kissing ok, then what, this only tells me that they are just two joggers out for a morning jog in front of the children playing in the park, and this after a law was passed in which they can be gay and married in the state ? So wow you got me on this one, because that one would be such a hard one to figure out ya know. I believe a three year old could figure that one out... sheesh!
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Hmmm lets see now, if one is wearing a ring ok, and they are walking, running, stopping and hugging and kissing ok, then what, this only tells me that they are just two joggers out for a morning jog in front of the children playing in the park, and this after a law was passed in which they can be gay and married in the state ? So wow you got me on this one, because that one would be such a hard one to figure out ya know. I believe a three year old could figure that one out... sheesh!

First of all, gays rarely if ever hug and kiss in public, there's way too much threat that a gang of homo-haters will attack them.

Second, I think it's seriously doubtful that a 3 year old looks for a ring on 2 guys fingers to try to figure out if they're 2 gay guys or it's just to hetero friends out for a jog. Please try to anchor your arguments in reality, I hate talking with delusional people.

So, if man is made in god's image, is god partially gay?
First of all, gays rarely if ever hug and kiss in public, there's way too much threat that a gang of homo-haters will attack them.

Is it just that really or is it that they also know that what they do is odd and not mainstream by most peoples standards kept, so they (most of them maybe) just don't push the issue while out in the public ? However, if become married and legal under such a recognized binding contract, how far will it all begin to progress after that line is crossed in the sand by them, and this is of course what many do fear and/or do wonder about ? Is America truly ready for that answer yet, many of the gay's undoubtedly think so, but the poles may show differently as according to a majority still. Problem is these days, is that it matters not what the people think or want anymore as a community and a nation, but what the courts and judges are pushing on them by way of forcing the issues against what the majority may think otherwise in their wantings or opinions there of.

Second, I think it's seriously doubtful that a 3 year old looks for a ring on 2 guys fingers to try to figure out if they're 2 gay guys or it's just to hetero friends out for a jog. Please try to anchor your arguments in reality, I hate talking with delusional people.

If that three year old see's two guy's kissing on that jog, it matters not about the rest of the indicators, because the kid is fixing to ask a question, and how that question will be answered, will depend upon the parents and their beliefs in which that child belongs to. Now if the parents say that what just happened is wrong to the child, then how will anyone change that answer or say that it was wrong by telling the kid that answer ? Delusional eh? Do you really think that I am the delusional one here ? I think that I am anchored in reality, but that bugs you badly for some reason.

So, if man is made in god's image, is god partially gay?

Image has nothing to do with a man's actions or his choices made in life, didn't you learn this yet when dealing with the civil rights issues upon trying to invoke that issue as the gay issue as well ? Black people are also created by God, just as everyother color was in this nation or world the same, but it is the personal choices that are made by each and everyone of us upon our given free will, that either draws us closer to God or takes us farther away from God.
First of all, gays rarely if ever hug and kiss in public, there's way too much threat that a gang of homo-haters will attack them.

Is it just that really or is it that they also know that what they do is odd and not mainstream by most peoples standards kept, so they (most of them maybe) just don't push the issue while out in the public ? However, if become married and legal under such a recognized binding contract, how far will it all begin to progress after that line is crossed in the sand by them, and this is of course what many do fear and/or do wonder about ? Is America truly ready for that answer yet, many of the gay's undoubtedly think so, but the poles may show differently as according to a majority still. Problem is these days, is that it matters not what the people think or want anymore as a community and a nation, but what the courts and judges are pushing on them by way of forcing the issues against what the majority may think otherwise in their wantings or opinions there of.

Second, I think it's seriously doubtful that a 3 year old looks for a ring on 2 guys fingers to try to figure out if they're 2 gay guys or it's just to hetero friends out for a jog. Please try to anchor your arguments in reality, I hate talking with delusional people.

If that three year old see's two guy's kissing on that jog, it matters not about the rest of the indicators, because the kid is fixing to ask a question, and how that question will be answered, will depend upon the parents and their beliefs in which that child belongs to. Now if the parents say that what just happened is wrong to the child, then how will anyone change that answer or say that it was wrong by telling the kid that answer ? Delusional eh? Do you really think that I am the delusional one here ? I think that I am anchored in reality, but that bugs you badly for some reason.

So, if man is made in god's image, is god partially gay?

Image has nothing to do with a man's actions or his choices made in life, didn't you learn this yet when dealing with the civil rights issues upon trying to invoke that issue as the gay issue as well ? Black people are also created by God, just as everyother color was in this nation or world the same, but it is the personal choices that are made by each and everyone of us upon our given free will, that either draws us closer to God or takes us farther away from God.

Tell us about when you chose your sexual orientation.
How long did you consider the same sex?
First of all, gays rarely if ever hug and kiss in public, there's way too much threat that a gang of homo-haters will attack them.

Is it just that really or is it that they also know that what they do is odd and not mainstream by most peoples standards kept, so they (most of them maybe) just don't push the issue while out in the public ? However, if become married and legal under such a recognized binding contract, how far will it all begin to progress after that line is crossed in the sand by them, and this is of course what many do fear and/or do wonder about ? Is America truly ready for that answer yet, many of the gay's undoubtedly think so, but the poles may show differently as according to a majority still. Problem is these days, is that it matters not what the people think or want anymore as a community and a nation, but what the courts and judges are pushing on them by way of forcing the issues against what the majority may think otherwise in their wantings or opinions there of.

Second, I think it's seriously doubtful that a 3 year old looks for a ring on 2 guys fingers to try to figure out if they're 2 gay guys or it's just to hetero friends out for a jog. Please try to anchor your arguments in reality, I hate talking with delusional people.

If that three year old see's two guy's kissing on that jog, it matters not about the rest of the indicators, because the kid is fixing to ask a question, and how that question will be answered, will depend upon the parents and their beliefs in which that child belongs to. Now if the parents say that what just happened is wrong to the child, then how will anyone change that answer or say that it was wrong by telling the kid that answer ? Delusional eh? Do you really think that I am the delusional one here ? I think that I am anchored in reality, but that bugs you badly for some reason.

So, if man is made in god's image, is god partially gay?

Image has nothing to do with a man's actions or his choices made in life, didn't you learn this yet when dealing with the civil rights issues upon trying to invoke that issue as the gay issue as well ? Black people are also created by God, just as everyother color was in this nation or world the same, but it is the personal choices that are made by each and everyone of us upon our given free will, that either draws us closer to God or takes us farther away from God.
C'mon man, 2 gays out jogging and kissing? :lmao: You ARE delusional.
Even heteros don't jog and kiss. Kissing in public just isn't happening from anyone any more.
I mean, like, where do you live? In a fucking gay village? Because unless you go looking for gays kissing on the street (is that it?), I'm not seeing that happen anywhere.

PS Jesus had dark skin, so your hero wasn't even a caucasian. Did you know?
First of all, gays rarely if ever hug and kiss in public, there's way too much threat that a gang of homo-haters will attack them.

Is it just that really or is it that they also know that what they do is odd and not mainstream by most peoples standards kept, so they (most of them maybe) just don't push the issue while out in the public ? However, if become married and legal under such a recognized binding contract, how far will it all begin to progress after that line is crossed in the sand by them, and this is of course what many do fear and/or do wonder about ? Is America truly ready for that answer yet, many of the gay's undoubtedly think so, but the poles may show differently as according to a majority still. Problem is these days, is that it matters not what the people think or want anymore as a community and a nation, but what the courts and judges are pushing on them by way of forcing the issues against what the majority may think otherwise in their wantings or opinions there of.

If that three year old see's two guy's kissing on that jog, it matters not about the rest of the indicators, because the kid is fixing to ask a question, and how that question will be answered, will depend upon the parents and their beliefs in which that child belongs to. Now if the parents say that what just happened is wrong to the child, then how will anyone change that answer or say that it was wrong by telling the kid that answer ? Delusional eh? Do you really think that I am the delusional one here ? I think that I am anchored in reality, but that bugs you badly for some reason.

So, if man is made in god's image, is god partially gay?

Image has nothing to do with a man's actions or his choices made in life, didn't you learn this yet when dealing with the civil rights issues upon trying to invoke that issue as the gay issue as well ? Black people are also created by God, just as everyother color was in this nation or world the same, but it is the personal choices that are made by each and everyone of us upon our given free will, that either draws us closer to God or takes us farther away from God.

Tell us about when you chose your sexual orientation.
How long did you consider the same sex?
What kind of question is that ?
First of all, gays rarely if ever hug and kiss in public, there's way too much threat that a gang of homo-haters will attack them.

Is it just that really or is it that they also know that what they do is odd and not mainstream by most peoples standards kept, so they (most of them maybe) just don't push the issue while out in the public ? However, if become married and legal under such a recognized binding contract, how far will it all begin to progress after that line is crossed in the sand by them, and this is of course what many do fear and/or do wonder about ? Is America truly ready for that answer yet, many of the gay's undoubtedly think so, but the poles may show differently as according to a majority still. Problem is these days, is that it matters not what the people think or want anymore as a community and a nation, but what the courts and judges are pushing on them by way of forcing the issues against what the majority may think otherwise in their wantings or opinions there of.

If that three year old see's two guy's kissing on that jog, it matters not about the rest of the indicators, because the kid is fixing to ask a question, and how that question will be answered, will depend upon the parents and their beliefs in which that child belongs to. Now if the parents say that what just happened is wrong to the child, then how will anyone change that answer or say that it was wrong by telling the kid that answer ? Delusional eh? Do you really think that I am the delusional one here ? I think that I am anchored in reality, but that bugs you badly for some reason.

So, if man is made in god's image, is god partially gay?

Image has nothing to do with a man's actions or his choices made in life, didn't you learn this yet when dealing with the civil rights issues upon trying to invoke that issue as the gay issue as well ? Black people are also created by God, just as everyother color was in this nation or world the same, but it is the personal choices that are made by each and everyone of us upon our given free will, that either draws us closer to God or takes us farther away from God.
C'mon man, 2 gays out jogging and kissing? :lmao: You ARE delusional.
Even heteros don't jog and kiss. Kissing in public just isn't happening from anyone any more.
I mean, like, where do you live? In a fucking gay village? Because unless you go looking for gays kissing on the street (is that it?), I'm not seeing that happen anywhere.

PS Jesus had dark skin, so your hero wasn't even a caucasian. Did you know?
Are you saying that if they were married, that it shouldn't or wouldn't happen anywhere afterwards ? See this is the garantee's that people want, but are not getting or would be able to trust anyway, so they would rather not take any chances on this getting married stuff is my opinion.
Is it just that really or is it that they also know that what they do is odd and not mainstream by most peoples standards kept, so they (most of them maybe) just don't push the issue while out in the public ? However, if become married and legal under such a recognized binding contract, how far will it all begin to progress after that line is crossed in the sand by them, and this is of course what many do fear and/or do wonder about ? Is America truly ready for that answer yet, many of the gay's undoubtedly think so, but the poles may show differently as according to a majority still. Problem is these days, is that it matters not what the people think or want anymore as a community and a nation, but what the courts and judges are pushing on them by way of forcing the issues against what the majority may think otherwise in their wantings or opinions there of.
If that three year old see's two guy's kissing on that jog, it matters not about the rest of the indicators, because the kid is fixing to ask a question, and how that question will be answered, will depend upon the parents and their beliefs in which that child belongs to. Now if the parents say that what just happened is wrong to the child, then how will anyone change that answer or say that it was wrong by telling the kid that answer ? Delusional eh? Do you really think that I am the delusional one here ? I think that I am anchored in reality, but that bugs you badly for some reason.

Image has nothing to do with a man's actions or his choices made in life, didn't you learn this yet when dealing with the civil rights issues upon trying to invoke that issue as the gay issue as well ? Black people are also created by God, just as everyother color was in this nation or world the same, but it is the personal choices that are made by each and everyone of us upon our given free will, that either draws us closer to God or takes us farther away from God.
C'mon man, 2 gays out jogging and kissing? :lmao: You ARE delusional.
Even heteros don't jog and kiss. Kissing in public just isn't happening from anyone any more.
I mean, like, where do you live? In a fucking gay village? Because unless you go looking for gays kissing on the street (is that it?), I'm not seeing that happen anywhere.

PS Jesus had dark skin, so your hero wasn't even a caucasian. Did you know?
Are you saying that if they were married, that it shouldn't or wouldn't happen anywhere afterwards ? See this is the garantee's that people want, but are not getting or would be able to trust anyway, so they would rather not take any chances on this getting married stuff is my opinion.
Explain to me what being married has to do with 2 people of any kind kissing in public? I don't see anyone going at it in public, does that means that nobody that I encounter is married? :dunno:
Also explain why your own homophobia to closet gays should be what is upheld over the rights of gay people to be considered equal. All humans are equal. ALL. Get it?
C'mon man, 2 gays out jogging and kissing? :lmao: You ARE delusional.
Even heteros don't jog and kiss. Kissing in public just isn't happening from anyone any more.
I mean, like, where do you live? In a fucking gay village? Because unless you go looking for gays kissing on the street (is that it?), I'm not seeing that happen anywhere.

PS Jesus had dark skin, so your hero wasn't even a caucasian. Did you know?
Are you saying that if they were married, that it shouldn't or wouldn't happen anywhere afterwards ? See this is the garantee's that people want, but are not getting or would be able to trust anyway, so they would rather not take any chances on this getting married stuff is my opinion.
Explain to me what being married has to do with 2 people of any kind kissing in public? I don't see anyone going at it in public, does that means that nobody that I encounter is married? :dunno:
Also explain why your own homophobia to closet gays should be what is upheld over the rights of gay people to be considered equal. All humans are equal. ALL. Get it?

We are getting into areas of opinion that can only be answered or decided by the majority vote or upon the majority of opinions in America, whether to accept or not accept these things in which are being proposed, so you are right that I cannot and shouldn't speak for or against those who are for these types of issues by my lonesome, because I am not the athority on such opinions as would be given by all upon these social issues outside of or short of a vote being taken.

The question is this, why is it that a vote on these matters is so restricted or feared by those who engage upon these sorts of social issues in life, to be either opposed or being for them? Instead these issues have to be held up or protected by the government in which said issues have been placed upon by the few who need this protection by the government, because the majority may see or want otherwise on such social issues to lean their way instead, but the government tries to refuse Americans a vote on these types of issues in reagrds to. If these types of social issues are so right, then why does the issues need such protections against the majority who would see these social issues as otherwise wrong for them in the nation or when otherwise they are opposed to ?

I say to clear it all up, then let the people truly decide these issues by vote there of in each state, in which is what happened in California, but then was attacked by those who didnot like the way that the vote came out in that state, but no matter the people in each state should always decide the social issues within their states, and the federal government decide the rest on the matters of the economy and the security in this entire nation.

Sexual status should always be a private matter between the people in this nation, and then legal matters between people should be another according to the government imho.

Legal and private sexual matters are two different things, and should always be kept that away, unless abuse brings sexual matters into the legal relm.
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Are you saying that if they were married, that it shouldn't or wouldn't happen anywhere afterwards ? See this is the garantee's that people want, but are not getting or would be able to trust anyway, so they would rather not take any chances on this getting married stuff is my opinion.
Explain to me what being married has to do with 2 people of any kind kissing in public? I don't see anyone going at it in public, does that means that nobody that I encounter is married? :dunno:
Also explain why your own homophobia to closet gays should be what is upheld over the rights of gay people to be considered equal. All humans are equal. ALL. Get it?

We are getting into areas of opinion that can only be answered or decided by the majority vote or upon the majority of opinions in America, whether to accept or not accept these things in which are being proposed, so you are right that I cannot and shouldn't speak for or against those who are for these types of issues by my lonesome, because I am not the athority on such opinions as would be given by all upon these social issues outside of or short of a vote being taken.

The question is this, why is it that a vote on these matters is so restricted or feared by those who engage upon these sorts of social issues in life, to be either opposed or being for them? Instead these issues have to be held up or protected by the government in which said issues have been placed upon by the few who need this protection by the government, because the majority may see or want otherwise on such social issues to lean their way instead, but the government tries to refuse Americans a vote on these types of issues in reagrds to. If these types of social issues are so right, then why does the issues need such protections against the majority who would see these social issues as otherwise wrong for them in the nation otherwise when opposed to ?

I say to clear it all up, then let the people truly decide these issues by vote there of in each state, in which is what happened in California, but then was attacked by those who didnot like the way that they vote came out in that state, but no matter the people in each state should always decide the social issues within their states, and the federal government decide the rest on the matters of the economy and the security in this nation.

Sexual status should always be a private matter between the people in this nation, and then legal matters between people should be another according to the government imho.

Legal and private sexual matters are two different things, and should always be kept that away, unless abuse brings sexual matters into the legal relm.

You can no more deny gay people equal status to all other humans by a majority vote, than you can vote to have the earth declared flat. There are no grounds of any kind that makes some humans not worth as much as others. We are all equal. You can't go around declaring yourself above some people, that's absurd. Get a grip buddy.
Explain to me what being married has to do with 2 people of any kind kissing in public? I don't see anyone going at it in public, does that means that nobody that I encounter is married? :dunno:
Also explain why your own homophobia to closet gays should be what is upheld over the rights of gay people to be considered equal. All humans are equal. ALL. Get it?

We are getting into areas of opinion that can only be answered or decided by the majority vote or upon the majority of opinions in America, whether to accept or not accept these things in which are being proposed, so you are right that I cannot and shouldn't speak for or against those who are for these types of issues by my lonesome, because I am not the athority on such opinions as would be given by all upon these social issues outside of or short of a vote being taken.

The question is this, why is it that a vote on these matters is so restricted or feared by those who engage upon these sorts of social issues in life, to be either opposed or being for them? Instead these issues have to be held up or protected by the government in which said issues have been placed upon by the few who need this protection by the government, because the majority may see or want otherwise on such social issues to lean their way instead, but the government tries to refuse Americans a vote on these types of issues in reagrds to. If these types of social issues are so right, then why does the issues need such protections against the majority who would see these social issues as otherwise wrong for them in the nation otherwise when opposed to ?

I say to clear it all up, then let the people truly decide these issues by vote there of in each state, in which is what happened in California, but then was attacked by those who didnot like the way that they vote came out in that state, but no matter the people in each state should always decide the social issues within their states, and the federal government decide the rest on the matters of the economy and the security in this nation.

Sexual status should always be a private matter between the people in this nation, and then legal matters between people should be another according to the government imho.

Legal and private sexual matters are two different things, and should always be kept that away, unless abuse brings sexual matters into the legal relm.

You can no more deny gay people equal status to all other humans by a majority vote, than you can vote to have the earth declared flat. There are no grounds of any kind that makes some humans not worth as much as others. We are all equal. You can't go around declaring yourself above some people, that's absurd. Get a grip buddy.
Not what is being said here, but you love to twist and turn something into what you want it to be don't you ? Awe man, and if I didn't respond, what would it apear to others that you imply that me as a person said or didn't say ?

This is the slickness of the left or whatever you claim to be or represent.:eusa_shifty:
We are getting into areas of opinion that can only be answered or decided by the majority vote or upon the majority of opinions in America, whether to accept or not accept these things in which are being proposed, so you are right that I cannot and shouldn't speak for or against those who are for these types of issues by my lonesome, because I am not the athority on such opinions as would be given by all upon these social issues outside of or short of a vote being taken.

The question is this, why is it that a vote on these matters is so restricted or feared by those who engage upon these sorts of social issues in life, to be either opposed or being for them? Instead these issues have to be held up or protected by the government in which said issues have been placed upon by the few who need this protection by the government, because the majority may see or want otherwise on such social issues to lean their way instead, but the government tries to refuse Americans a vote on these types of issues in reagrds to. If these types of social issues are so right, then why does the issues need such protections against the majority who would see these social issues as otherwise wrong for them in the nation otherwise when opposed to ?

I say to clear it all up, then let the people truly decide these issues by vote there of in each state, in which is what happened in California, but then was attacked by those who didnot like the way that they vote came out in that state, but no matter the people in each state should always decide the social issues within their states, and the federal government decide the rest on the matters of the economy and the security in this nation.

Sexual status should always be a private matter between the people in this nation, and then legal matters between people should be another according to the government imho.

Legal and private sexual matters are two different things, and should always be kept that away, unless abuse brings sexual matters into the legal relm.

You can no more deny gay people equal status to all other humans by a majority vote, than you can vote to have the earth declared flat. There are no grounds of any kind that makes some humans not worth as much as others. We are all equal. You can't go around declaring yourself above some people, that's absurd. Get a grip buddy.
Not what is being said here, but you love to twist and turn something into what you want it to be don't you ? Awe man, and if I didn't respond, what would it apear to others that you imply that me as a person said or didn't say ?

This is the slickness of the left or whatever you claim to be or represent.:eusa_shifty:

Are you not presuming that gay love isn't as good as hetero love and isn't worthy of the word marriage, which should be reserved for heteros? And that heteros like you should get to decide if gays can get married or not. That makes you someone who doesn't think ALL humans are equal. Am I not right? Because otherwise, please correct me.
Is it just that really or is it that they also know that what they do is odd and not mainstream by most peoples standards kept, so they (most of them maybe) just don't push the issue while out in the public ? However, if become married and legal under such a recognized binding contract, how far will it all begin to progress after that line is crossed in the sand by them, and this is of course what many do fear and/or do wonder about ? Is America truly ready for that answer yet, many of the gay's undoubtedly think so, but the poles may show differently as according to a majority still. Problem is these days, is that it matters not what the people think or want anymore as a community and a nation, but what the courts and judges are pushing on them by way of forcing the issues against what the majority may think otherwise in their wantings or opinions there of.

If that three year old see's two guy's kissing on that jog, it matters not about the rest of the indicators, because the kid is fixing to ask a question, and how that question will be answered, will depend upon the parents and their beliefs in which that child belongs to. Now if the parents say that what just happened is wrong to the child, then how will anyone change that answer or say that it was wrong by telling the kid that answer ? Delusional eh? Do you really think that I am the delusional one here ? I think that I am anchored in reality, but that bugs you badly for some reason.

Image has nothing to do with a man's actions or his choices made in life, didn't you learn this yet when dealing with the civil rights issues upon trying to invoke that issue as the gay issue as well ? Black people are also created by God, just as everyother color was in this nation or world the same, but it is the personal choices that are made by each and everyone of us upon our given free will, that either draws us closer to God or takes us farther away from God.

Tell us about when you chose your sexual orientation.
How long did you consider the same sex?
What kind of question is that ?

You keep claiming it is a choice.
You can no more deny gay people equal status to all other humans by a majority vote, than you can vote to have the earth declared flat. There are no grounds of any kind that makes some humans not worth as much as others. We are all equal. You can't go around declaring yourself above some people, that's absurd. Get a grip buddy.
Not what is being said here, but you love to twist and turn something into what you want it to be don't you ? Awe man, and if I didn't respond, what would it apear to others that you imply that me as a person said or didn't say ?

This is the slickness of the left or whatever you claim to be or represent.:eusa_shifty:

Are you not presuming that gay love isn't as good as hetero love and isn't worthy of the word marriage, which should be reserved for heteros? And that heteros like you should get to decide if gays can get married or not. That makes you someone who doesn't think ALL humans are equal. Am I not right? Because otherwise, please correct me.
No I am not saying anything of the sort, because I don't get into the mechanics of any situation involving private or what should be private matters between people and their sex lives, but what people are saying upon the marriage issue or even in their privacy issues as pertaining to these issues I think, is that if they believe that sin in specific areas of life shouldn't involve their areas in life, and that they are wanting their rights to their areas protected equally from what they deem as sinfulness trying to overtake their areas in life, so then there are lines drawn in the sand by all of them, and as long as those lines aren't crossed and are respected, then there is no problem, but as soon as they are crossed, then there is a problem.

Marriage is accepted by most if not 99.9% of the population as being between one man and one woman I think, and therefore these people in that percentage range are teaching their children these things as well. Then comes confusion into the door, screaming from the roof tops that what is being taught is wrong and therefore should be changed, but will it be accepted by the majority, or will the government step in to force the issue against the majority who see it all otherwise ?

Where does it all go from here I wonder ? Will it get better or will it get worse ya think ? Who knows anymore really, because the nation seems to be shrinking instead of growing in space when it comes to lifestyles, cultures and things of this nature growing more and more, in which before had always had plenty of space for these things to co-exist, but yet not trample upon each other all at the same time.
Not what is being said here, but you love to twist and turn something into what you want it to be don't you ? Awe man, and if I didn't respond, what would it apear to others that you imply that me as a person said or didn't say ?

This is the slickness of the left or whatever you claim to be or represent.:eusa_shifty:

Are you not presuming that gay love isn't as good as hetero love and isn't worthy of the word marriage, which should be reserved for heteros? And that heteros like you should get to decide if gays can get married or not. That makes you someone who doesn't think ALL humans are equal. Am I not right? Because otherwise, please correct me.
No I am not saying anything of the sort, because I don't get into the mechanics of any situation involving private or what should be private matters between people and their sex lives, but what people are saying upon the marriage issue or even in their privacy issues as pertaining to these issues I think, is that if they believe that sin in specific areas of life shouldn't involve their areas in life, and that they are wanting their rights to their areas protected equally from what they deem as sinfulness trying to overtake their areas in life, so then there are lines drawn in the sand by all of them, and as long as those lines aren't crossed and are respected, then there is no problem, but as soon as they are crossed, then there is a problem.

Marriage is accepted by most if not 99.9% of the population as being between one man and one woman I think, and therefore these people in that percentage range are teaching their children these things as well. Then comes confusion into the door, screaming from the roof tops that what is being taught is wrong and therefore should be changed, but will it be accepted by the majority, or will the government step in to force the issue against the majority who see it all otherwise ?

Where does it all go from here I wonder ? Will it get better or will it get worse ya think ? Who knows anymore really, because the nation seems to be shrinking instead of growing in space when it comes to lifestyles, cultures and things of this nature growing more and more, in which before had always had plenty of space for these things to co-exist, but yet not trample upon each other all at the same time.

From wiki:
A June 6 CNN/ORC International poll showed that a majority of Americans support same-sex marriage being legalized at 54%, while 42% are opposed.
A May 22 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed that 54% of Americans would support a law in their state making same-sex marriage legal, with 40% opposed.
A May 17–20 ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 53% believe same-sex marriage should be legal, with only 39% opposed, a low-water mark for opposition in any national poll so far.

Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're actually in the MINORITY! So get over it dude. Where is it going from here? Probably to the Supremes who will undoubtedly declare gays and heteros equal. Because they are.

You know something? I think it's offensive for you to be openly bigoted in front of my children, and the majority agrees with me. Does that count in your world?
Most of the rednecks I know in Georgia do not care if gays get married.
They may not agree with it at all but we mind our own business.
Are you not presuming that gay love isn't as good as hetero love and isn't worthy of the word marriage, which should be reserved for heteros? And that heteros like you should get to decide if gays can get married or not. That makes you someone who doesn't think ALL humans are equal. Am I not right? Because otherwise, please correct me.
No I am not saying anything of the sort, because I don't get into the mechanics of any situation involving private or what should be private matters between people and their sex lives, but what people are saying upon the marriage issue or even in their privacy issues as pertaining to these issues I think, is that if they believe that sin in specific areas of life shouldn't involve their areas in life, and that they are wanting their rights to their areas protected equally from what they deem as sinfulness trying to overtake their areas in life, so then there are lines drawn in the sand by all of them, and as long as those lines aren't crossed and are respected, then there is no problem, but as soon as they are crossed, then there is a problem.

Marriage is accepted by most if not 99.9% of the population as being between one man and one woman I think, and therefore these people in that percentage range are teaching their children these things as well. Then comes confusion into the door, screaming from the roof tops that what is being taught is wrong and therefore should be changed, but will it be accepted by the majority, or will the government step in to force the issue against the majority who see it all otherwise ?

Where does it all go from here I wonder ? Will it get better or will it get worse ya think ? Who knows anymore really, because the nation seems to be shrinking instead of growing in space when it comes to lifestyles, cultures and things of this nature growing more and more, in which before had always had plenty of space for these things to co-exist, but yet not trample upon each other all at the same time.

From wiki:
A June 6 CNN/ORC International poll showed that a majority of Americans support same-sex marriage being legalized at 54%, while 42% are opposed.
A May 22 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed that 54% of Americans would support a law in their state making same-sex marriage legal, with 40% opposed.
A May 17–20 ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 53% believe same-sex marriage should be legal, with only 39% opposed, a low-water mark for opposition in any national poll so far.

Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're actually in the MINORITY! So get over it dude. Where is it going from here? Probably to the Supremes who will undoubtedly declare gays and heteros equal. Because they are.

You know something? I think it's offensive for you to be openly bigoted in front of my children, and the majority agrees with me. Does that count in your world?
You can run and tell about these polls all you want (or) even try and use them all you want, but they are not accurate and never will be accurate, just as the Chic-Fil-A appreciation day for example proved, in which was created because of the controversy over the anti-gay marriage opinion by it's CEO, where as it suddenly side swamped the minority whom thought that they had long ago and once and for all wrapped this thing up nice and neatly in a quite little box, but then wham reality strikes in which no poll would have ever gotten this right, because a huge amount of an always quite majority or people whom don't do polls, and for whom are also among many that don't get involved much, felt the direct need all of a sudden to get involved, because another one of their sacred institutions was once again under attack by the radical left in this nation.

This blew away the few in this nation, who always are shouting as loud as they can from the roof top's and 24-7, because they are in a true minority, where as it just blew (their minds), because they couldnot believe that this had happened or rather where on earth did it all of a sudden come from(?) thus giving proof that these polls mean nothing when you finally try and pinch off the jugler vien of the quite majority who sleeps much of the time as a sleeping giant does, and then they finally reacted thus showing that these polls mean nothing and are skewed always once the sleeping giant awakens to check in.

Like I said before, but you don't care to worry about or listen to much, that if you choose to teach your children to sin, then it would be best that you place a talent around your neck according to the Bible, and sink yourself to the bottom of the ocean. This is my beliefs also in life within these words that are spoken either as a parable or as a metophor, so why don't you be a responsible parent, and do the right thing in life for them finally, in which is to teach them what is right instead of what is wrong in life finally ?
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Most of the rednecks I know in Georgia do not care if gays get married.
They may not agree with it at all but we mind our own business.
Thats all good and dandy if it works that away, but are they minding their own business (or) why do they want to stop free speech or render a majorities opinions, culture, langauge, ideologies, religion as useless in America now, and this in order to then make way for their own lifestyles over and above others maybe ? Otherwise if people disagree with them, will there be push back, and many people think that there will be, just as it has been and always will be I guess. I can't control the masses, and I don't want to try to, so I just live within my means and deal with the cards that are delt to me in life, and if a better hand comes then so be it, but I won't sell out to the devil for that better hand to come, but many will now a days, and they have sadly enough done this in the beating of a single heartbeat (that fast).
Most of the rednecks I know in Georgia do not care if gays get married.
They may not agree with it at all but we mind our own business.
Thats all good and dandy if it works that away, but are they minding their own business (or) why do they want to stop free speech or render a majorities opinions, culture, langauge, ideologies, religion as useless in America now, and this in order to then make way for their own lifestyles over and above others maybe ? Otherwise if people disagree with them, will there be push back, and many people think that there will be, just as it has been and always will be I guess. I can't control the masses, and I don't want to try to, so I just live within my means and deal with the cards that are delt to me in life, and if a better hand comes then so be it, but I won't sell out to the devil for that better hand to come, but many will now a days, and they have sadly enough done this in the beating of a single heartbeat (that fast).

Majority opinion means nothing in America in interpreting THE LAW.
We are a republic and are governed by The Constitution.
The Constitution was written to prevent majority rule. The Declaration of Independence was a declaration that there were limitations upon majority rule.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW has nothing to do with majority rule and protects all from majority rule.
Right to trial by jury CAN NOT be taken away by majority rule.
Your majority rule is bully mob rule. Works well in a theocracy which you support.
We prefer freedom and The Constitution this way.
But they do it your way in Iran. Delta is ready when you are!

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