Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

When the results of that protest was indicative as it was of the whole country's thoughts on the matter, along with the inet social media afterwards to be included into it all as well, then YES I will use that kind of information or results any day as my proof of to you or anyone else on such a matter. Your sources are intelectually dishonest, and everyone knows their games now, where as they are one sided, and therefore are poisonous to America by the ways in which they have been operating under.
Beag, you're so full of shit. Your strawman argument about being in the majority was proven wrong. Take it like a man or be a pussy about it doesn't matter, the facts say that you're wrong.:tongue:
Now who is being intelectually dishonest or rather is following in lock step with a single group instead of listeing to what the majority has to say on the matter, not to leave out or make mention of your so called intelectually fowel mouth on top of that ? :eusa_angel:

Cmon buddy, you think that a CNN/ORC International poll , a NBC News/Wall Street Journal polland an ABC News/Washington Post poll are all wrong on purpose? That it's some kind of gay conspiracy? It's hard to argue with :cuckoo:
I actually at first assumed that you were right, that gay-haters were in the majority, then I looked it up. Turns out, you ARE wrong. Live with it. Better still, let's take a nation-wide vote. :D
Beag, you're so full of shit. Your strawman argument about being in the majority was proven wrong. Take it like a man or be a pussy about it doesn't matter, the facts say that you're wrong.:tongue:
Now who is being intelectually dishonest or rather is following in lock step with a single group instead of listeing to what the majority has to say on the matter, not to leave out or make mention of your so called intelectually fowel mouth on top of that ? :eusa_angel:

Cmon buddy, you think that a CNN/ORC International poll , a NBC News/Wall Street Journal polland an ABC News/Washington Post poll are all wrong on purpose? That it's some kind of gay conspiracy? It's hard to argue with :cuckoo:
I actually at first assumed that you were right, that gay-haters were in the majority, then I looked it up. Turns out, you ARE wrong. Live with it. Better still, let's take a nation-wide vote. :D

Still won't be able to tell ima, now if you were to place a Chic-Fil-A chicken sandwich on the table during the poll taking, then the silent majority will come pouring out with the coffee beans again, then you will once again be able to really smell the coffee brewing again in America on the issue.

The problem with your outlets, is that they have nothing to offer when the poll is being taken or they are offering the wrong information or questions being asked within the poll taking when taken, and that is why the poll numbers are either fabricated or skewed afterwards (they have to be), LOL, because the majority in America doesn't live on this inet like some people do, but the majority loving Chicken eaters sure can mess things up a bit can't they? By (SURPRISING) the one side who thought they had the issue sewn up, so for those who opposed, well they are or have been still digging out from under that one. LOL

Seriously now, when the polls are taken, they are usually wrong always in the ratio's depending on how the poll is taken, and who participates in it when it is taken, and what audience it therefore targets in the process when taken, but take the media out of it, and add a chicken chain, WOW..

It's easy to target an audience and then say that you have taken an honest and fair poll, but how so if the people didnot participate in the right areas or in the right ratios in order to give the poll an honest look at the ratio's that are involved ? We all know this game and it has already been proven over and over again that the polls are not to be lived by or believed as the tell all or know all to these issues, but people still use them regardless in hopes to give their side a bounce every once in a while. The gay's had every opporitunity to represent their side at the Fast food chain also, but it was a pathetic showing for them wasn't it ? Hiding behind the polls is a tactic used also by media and the one sided poll numbers taken, so who follows polls really ? The chicken eaters don't...
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Now who is being intelectually dishonest or rather is following in lock step with a single group instead of listeing to what the majority has to say on the matter, not to leave out or make mention of your so called intelectually fowel mouth on top of that ? :eusa_angel:

Cmon buddy, you think that a CNN/ORC International poll , a NBC News/Wall Street Journal polland an ABC News/Washington Post poll are all wrong on purpose? That it's some kind of gay conspiracy? It's hard to argue with :cuckoo:
I actually at first assumed that you were right, that gay-haters were in the majority, then I looked it up. Turns out, you ARE wrong. Live with it. Better still, let's take a nation-wide vote. :D

Still won't be able to tell ima, now if you were to place a Chic-Fil-A chicken sandwich on the table during the poll taking, then the silent majority will come pouring out with the coffee beans again, then you will once again be able to really smell the coffee brewing again in America on the issue.

The problem with your outlets, is that they have nothing to offer when the poll is being taken or they are offering the wrong information or questions being asked within the poll taking when taken, and that is why the poll numbers are either fabricated or skewed afterwards (they have to be), LOL, because the majority in America doesn't live on this inet like some people do, but the majority loving Chicken eaters sure can mess things up a bit can't they? By (SURPRISING) the one side who thought they had the issue sewn up, so for those who opposed, well they are or have been still digging out from under that one. LOL

Seriously now, when the polls are taken, they are usually wrong always in the ratio's depending on how the poll is taken, and who participates in it when it is taken, and what audience it therefore targets in the process when taken, but take the media out of it, and add a chicken chain, WOW..

It's easy to target an audience and then say that you have taken an honest and fair poll, but how so if the people didnot participate in the right areas or in the right ratios in order to give the poll an honest look at the ratio's that are involved ? We all know this game and it has already been proven over and over again that the polls are not to be lived by or believed as the tell all or know all to these issues, but people still use them regardless in hopes to give their side a bounce every once in a while. The gay's had every opporitunity to represent their side at the Fast food chain also, but it was a pathetic showing for them wasn't it ? Hiding behind the polls is a tactic used also by media and the one sided poll numbers taken, so who follows polls really ? The chicken eaters don't...

I'm a vegetarian because eating meat and ESPECIALLY factory farmed chicken like Chic-Filled-Ahole's is extremely bad for your health. So that chicken eaters are wrong about gay marriage is no surprise. Now go worship your invisible god who made gays so real christians like you would have someone to hate.
But even so, a lot of gays probably eat chicken. Or are you going to vote them out of eating chicken next? :lmao:
Cmon buddy, you think that a CNN/ORC International poll , a NBC News/Wall Street Journal polland an ABC News/Washington Post poll are all wrong on purpose? That it's some kind of gay conspiracy? It's hard to argue with :cuckoo:
I actually at first assumed that you were right, that gay-haters were in the majority, then I looked it up. Turns out, you ARE wrong. Live with it. Better still, let's take a nation-wide vote. :D

Still won't be able to tell ima, now if you were to place a Chic-Fil-A chicken sandwich on the table during the poll taking, then the silent majority will come pouring out with the coffee beans again, then you will once again be able to really smell the coffee brewing again in America on the issue.

The problem with your outlets, is that they have nothing to offer when the poll is being taken or they are offering the wrong information or questions being asked within the poll taking when taken, and that is why the poll numbers are either fabricated or skewed afterwards (they have to be), LOL, because the majority in America doesn't live on this inet like some people do, but the majority loving Chicken eaters sure can mess things up a bit can't they? By (SURPRISING) the one side who thought they had the issue sewn up, so for those who opposed, well they are or have been still digging out from under that one. LOL

Seriously now, when the polls are taken, they are usually wrong always in the ratio's depending on how the poll is taken, and who participates in it when it is taken, and what audience it therefore targets in the process when taken, but take the media out of it, and add a chicken chain, WOW..

It's easy to target an audience and then say that you have taken an honest and fair poll, but how so if the people didnot participate in the right areas or in the right ratios in order to give the poll an honest look at the ratio's that are involved ? We all know this game and it has already been proven over and over again that the polls are not to be lived by or believed as the tell all or know all to these issues, but people still use them regardless in hopes to give their side a bounce every once in a while. The gay's had every opporitunity to represent their side at the Fast food chain also, but it was a pathetic showing for them wasn't it ? Hiding behind the polls is a tactic used also by media and the one sided poll numbers taken, so who follows polls really ? The chicken eaters don't...

I'm a vegetarian because eating meat and ESPECIALLY factory farmed chicken like Chic-Filled-Ahole's is extremely bad for your health. So that chicken eaters are wrong about gay marriage is no surprise. Now go worship your invisible god who made gays so real christians like you would have someone to hate.
But even so, a lot of gays probably eat chicken. Or are you going to vote them out of eating chicken next? :lmao:
Eating chicken is extremely bad for ones health eh, well that is very debatable also in life as you know. It all really depends on who you are asking on such a health issue, and how their health is on the issue when asking them, but it is known that there are far more risk to ones health found in other areas of life, especially when it comes to sex and the improper usage of it.

I think I will take the chicken sandwich over some things in life that are chosen by various people anyday.
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Still won't be able to tell ima, now if you were to place a Chic-Fil-A chicken sandwich on the table during the poll taking, then the silent majority will come pouring out with the coffee beans again, then you will once again be able to really smell the coffee brewing again in America on the issue.

The problem with your outlets, is that they have nothing to offer when the poll is being taken or they are offering the wrong information or questions being asked within the poll taking when taken, and that is why the poll numbers are either fabricated or skewed afterwards (they have to be), LOL, because the majority in America doesn't live on this inet like some people do, but the majority loving Chicken eaters sure can mess things up a bit can't they? By (SURPRISING) the one side who thought they had the issue sewn up, so for those who opposed, well they are or have been still digging out from under that one. LOL

Seriously now, when the polls are taken, they are usually wrong always in the ratio's depending on how the poll is taken, and who participates in it when it is taken, and what audience it therefore targets in the process when taken, but take the media out of it, and add a chicken chain, WOW..

It's easy to target an audience and then say that you have taken an honest and fair poll, but how so if the people didnot participate in the right areas or in the right ratios in order to give the poll an honest look at the ratio's that are involved ? We all know this game and it has already been proven over and over again that the polls are not to be lived by or believed as the tell all or know all to these issues, but people still use them regardless in hopes to give their side a bounce every once in a while. The gay's had every opporitunity to represent their side at the Fast food chain also, but it was a pathetic showing for them wasn't it ? Hiding behind the polls is a tactic used also by media and the one sided poll numbers taken, so who follows polls really ? The chicken eaters don't...

I'm a vegetarian because eating meat and ESPECIALLY factory farmed chicken like Chic-Filled-Ahole's is extremely bad for your health. So that chicken eaters are wrong about gay marriage is no surprise. Now go worship your invisible god who made gays so real christians like you would have someone to hate.
But even so, a lot of gays probably eat chicken. Or are you going to vote them out of eating chicken next? :lmao:
Eating chicken is extremely bad for ones health eh, well that is very debatable also in life as you know. It all really depends on who you are asking on such a health issue, and how their health is on the issue when asking them, but it is known that there are far more risk to ones health found in other areas of life, especially when it comes to sex and the improper usage of it.

I think I will take the chicken sandwich over some things in life that are chosen by various people anyday.

Just as long as now you know that the majority eat chicken and are ok with gay love and marriage.

Just curious, do you often picture in your head 2 guys going at it in the sack?
I'm a vegetarian because eating meat and ESPECIALLY factory farmed chicken like Chic-Filled-Ahole's is extremely bad for your health. So that chicken eaters are wrong about gay marriage is no surprise. Now go worship your invisible god who made gays so real christians like you would have someone to hate.
But even so, a lot of gays probably eat chicken. Or are you going to vote them out of eating chicken next? :lmao:
Eating chicken is extremely bad for ones health eh, well that is very debatable also in life as you know. It all really depends on who you are asking on such a health issue, and how their health is on the issue when asking them, but it is known that there are far more risk to ones health found in other areas of life, especially when it comes to sex and the improper usage of it.

I think I will take the chicken sandwich over some things in life that are chosen by various people anyday.

Just as long as now you know that the majority eat chicken and are ok with gay love and marriage.

Just curious, do you often picture in your head 2 guys going at it in the sack?
I'm sorry, but it apears that you are getting back to your weird side when you post, so I will choose to wait until you post something somewhat inteligent again before I respond, because undoubtedly you are running out of constructive things to say in this conversation, in which has been the case for the most part since we have been conversating in this thread.

Come on now, I know you can do a little better than this, but then again, maybe not. (sigh)
Eating chicken is extremely bad for ones health eh, well that is very debatable also in life as you know. It all really depends on who you are asking on such a health issue, and how their health is on the issue when asking them, but it is known that there are far more risk to ones health found in other areas of life, especially when it comes to sex and the improper usage of it.

I think I will take the chicken sandwich over some things in life that are chosen by various people anyday.

Just as long as now you know that the majority eat chicken and are ok with gay love and marriage.

Just curious, do you often picture in your head 2 guys going at it in the sack?
I'm sorry, but it apears that you are getting back to your weird side when you post, so I will choose to wait until you post something somewhat inteligent again before I respond, because undoubtedly you are running out of constructive things to say in this conversation, in which has been the case for the most part since we have been conversating in this thread.

Come on now, I know you can do a little better than this, but then again, maybe not. (sigh)

What's there to say? You're deluded into thinking that homo-haters are in the majority when clearly they are not. The tide has already turned. When you are over it, maybe we'll have things to discuss, like why you think that gays are inferior human beings? Does it give your own deflated self-image a boost by putting others down?
Just as long as now you know that the majority eat chicken and are ok with gay love and marriage.

Just curious, do you often picture in your head 2 guys going at it in the sack?
I'm sorry, but it apears that you are getting back to your weird side when you post, so I will choose to wait until you post something somewhat inteligent again before I respond, because undoubtedly you are running out of constructive things to say in this conversation, in which has been the case for the most part since we have been conversating in this thread.

Come on now, I know you can do a little better than this, but then again, maybe not. (sigh)

What's there to say? You're deluded into thinking that homo-haters are in the majority when clearly they are not. The tide has already turned. When you are over it, maybe we'll have things to discuss, like why you think that gays are inferior human beings? Does it give your own deflated self-image a boost by putting others down?
Arguing is not conversation, and this is what you want is an argument, but I am done arguing with you, especially when you try and insert words into someones mouth (attempted profiling) instead of awaiting for them to speak to what you then try and accuse them of saying before they even have said it, and this you do in order to try and paint someone into a picture that does not reflect the people or persons at all in which you are speaking with, but rather it suits you better if you can create this boogy man in which you look for in the shadows underneath their beds, when that is the last place anyone wants to be is under their beds, in their beds or around their beds, but you try and drag everyone into their beds in order to make some kind of points for them? Very strange indeed !
When they had that Stand up for Straight Marriage Day at Chik Fil A day here the cars were lined up a half mile long and the customers were in the lawn at the mall eating it was so crowded.
And good for Chik Fil A.
Recently, a National Guard Unit returned from Afghanistan.
There were no coupons honored that day for discounts on chicken sammiches so I guess all those family values citizens around here had no reason to go and honor those soldiers that day.
But they sure as hell stand up for "family values" when it is gay folk that are looked down on.
Chicken sammiches are far more important than soldiers and their families.
Amazing how stupid Americans have become. Madison Avenue marketing is bought hook, line and sinker.
When they had that Stand up for Straight Marriage Day at Chik Fil A day here the cars were lined up a half mile long and the customers were in the lawn at the mall eating it was so crowded.
And good for Chik Fil A.
Recently, a National Guard Unit returned from Afghanistan.
There were no coupons honored that day for discounts on chicken sammiches so I guess all those family values citizens around here had no reason to go and honor those soldiers that day.
But they sure as hell stand up for "family values" when it is gay folk that are looked down on.
Chicken sammiches are far more important than soldiers and their families.
Amazing how stupid Americans have become. Madison Avenue marketing is bought hook, line and sinker.

Hmmmm, not sure how you are trying to sew something together here really, but this is what goes on today in this nation, wherefore a person and/or a group attempts to sew just about anything/issue together now, and they will do this at any given time in space, while operating between the issues trying to sew them together for malicious reasons or for empowering reasons. They will do this in order to make a point with (or) to build a case for one issue by way of another, and this even if it means sewing issues together that are a million miles a part at any specific time and space in which they exist seperately in, or is found in relation to at any time or space in respect to the places that they are found in.

Though seperate issues are attempted to be brought forward and/or do exist at any given time on any given subject, they always and/or should be looked at differently within the different time zones and spaces in which they do exist seperately in, and are not to be sewn together in these ways in order to create the notion that someone has purposely ignored an issue or does not recognize an issue, just because it wasn't joined in with another in which was attempted to be sewn together for malicious intent on the sewers part when attempted to do this sort of thing.

Sewing together issues is an old tactic that is seen through by those who have now learned over the years of these tactics, in which is no different than the tactic found in example of, by using the black struggle and civil rights created for the blacks specificly in this nation, to be somehow sewn together with every Tom, Dick and Harry's issues now, because it wasn't created for them and their cause or any other cause except for the blacks only, where as the other issues are seperate and should always be looked at as seperate and dealt with as seperate, because they are seperate issues and should be looked at as such. Each issue in this nation is unique and has seperate circumstances involved, so lets just take these things one issue at a time. This way it holds down confusion over all the issues that are brought and are dealt with in this nation.
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I'm sorry, but it apears that you are getting back to your weird side when you post, so I will choose to wait until you post something somewhat inteligent again before I respond, because undoubtedly you are running out of constructive things to say in this conversation, in which has been the case for the most part since we have been conversating in this thread.

Come on now, I know you can do a little better than this, but then again, maybe not. (sigh)

What's there to say? You're deluded into thinking that homo-haters are in the majority when clearly they are not. The tide has already turned. When you are over it, maybe we'll have things to discuss, like why you think that gays are inferior human beings? Does it give your own deflated self-image a boost by putting others down?
Arguing is not conversation, and this is what you want is an argument, but I am done arguing with you, especially when you try and insert words into someones mouth (attempted profiling) instead of awaiting for them to speak to what you then try and accuse them of saying before they even have said it, and this you do in order to try and paint someone into a picture that does not reflect the people or persons at all in which you are speaking with, but rather it suits you better if you can create this boogy man in which you look for in the shadows underneath their beds, when that is the last place anyone wants to be is under their beds, in their beds or around their beds, but you try and drag everyone into their beds in order to make some kind of points for them? Very strange indeed !

Answer my question: is it partly because you think that gays are inferior human beings that they shouldn't be allowed to use a specific English word (marriage) and that such a word should be exclusive to you and your kind?
Answer my question: is it partly because you think that gays are inferior human beings that they shouldn't be allowed to use a specific English word (marriage) and that such a word should be exclusive to you and your kind?

When my youngest daughter was about 6, she put a bandaid on a cut I got working in the yard. After that she went around saying she was a doctor.

Only she wasn't a doctor. I didn't think that she is an inferior human being that shouldn't be allowed to use a specific English word (doctor.) I'm just an adult and understand that words have meanings. She wasn't a doctor, and marriage is the joining of a man and a woman in a biological process that is fundamental to mammals. I realize that spoiled children seek to redefine reality to suit their desires, but that adults should not encourage this.
If my church wants to marry 2 gay folk and those that support big government and want big government to ban them from obtaining a marriage I oppose that on strict conservative principles.
No true conservative wants to give government the power to stop 2 LAW ABIDING gay folk from getting married.
Respectfully, I find it so absurd and silly that anyone would oppose gays getting married. It AFFECTS NO ONE.
Oppose it, fine, but it is NONE of your business.
I oppose married couples swapping wives so where are the so called Christians here that are a law banning that?
So silly, only a mother hen busy body People magazine reading fool opposes gay marriage.
If my church wants to marry 2 gay folk and those that support big government and want big government to ban them from obtaining a marriage I oppose that on strict conservative principles.
No true conservative wants to give government the power to stop 2 LAW ABIDING gay folk from getting married.
Respectfully, I find it so absurd and silly that anyone would oppose gays getting married. It AFFECTS NO ONE.
Oppose it, fine, but it is NONE of your business.
I oppose married couples swapping wives so where are the so called Christians here that are a law banning that?
So silly, only a mother hen busy body People magazine reading fool opposes gay marriage.

You don't have a church.

Not since that whole Guyana incident....
Answer my question: is it partly because you think that gays are inferior human beings that they shouldn't be allowed to use a specific English word (marriage) and that such a word should be exclusive to you and your kind?

When my youngest daughter was about 6, she put a bandaid on a cut I got working in the yard. After that she went around saying she was a doctor.

Only she wasn't a doctor. I didn't think that she is an inferior human being that shouldn't be allowed to use a specific English word (doctor.) I'm just an adult and understand that words have meanings. She wasn't a doctor, and marriage is the joining of a man and a woman in a biological process that is fundamental to mammals. I realize that spoiled children seek to redefine reality to suit their desires, but that adults should not encourage this.

Where is YOUR definition of marriage in the law?
We are a NATION OF LAWS, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs.
All you are posting about marriage is your beliefs and other religous beliefs.
What you or I believe the definition is of marriage means nothing. THE LAW is what matters.
And there is NOTHING on that as far as banning gay folk.
If my church wants to marry 2 gay folk and those that support big government and want big government to ban them from obtaining a marriage I oppose that on strict conservative principles.
No true conservative wants to give government the power to stop 2 LAW ABIDING gay folk from getting married.
Respectfully, I find it so absurd and silly that anyone would oppose gays getting married. It AFFECTS NO ONE.
Oppose it, fine, but it is NONE of your business.
I oppose married couples swapping wives so where are the so called Christians here that are a law banning that?
So silly, only a mother hen busy body People magazine reading fool opposes gay marriage.

You don't have a church.

Not since that whole Guyana incident....

You do not have an argument that has any credibility.
Only hot air.
You do not have an argument that has any credibility.
Only hot air.

Are you going to hold your breath until you turn blue?

Facts are not something you deal with, I realize. But marriage as an institution arose some 10 to 20,000 years ago as a the social animals we call "humans" became aware that the tribe or community is better served with nuclear family units. An incentive for males to remain with the female for the purpose of raising children resulted in stronger communities with children who were better trained and disciplined.

So human societies, the world across, independently developed marriage as a means encouraging and often enforcing monogamy between mating pairs.

Now I realize that you are but a spoiled child, that you want what you want because you want it - that no concept of anthropological rationality or societal structure is involved, which is why it's vital for the adults to stand up to you and tell you "no."

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