Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

No I am not saying anything of the sort, because I don't get into the mechanics of any situation involving private or what should be private matters between people and their sex lives, but what people are saying upon the marriage issue or even in their privacy issues as pertaining to these issues I think, is that if they believe that sin in specific areas of life shouldn't involve their areas in life, and that they are wanting their rights to their areas protected equally from what they deem as sinfulness trying to overtake their areas in life, so then there are lines drawn in the sand by all of them, and as long as those lines aren't crossed and are respected, then there is no problem, but as soon as they are crossed, then there is a problem.

Marriage is accepted by most if not 99.9% of the population as being between one man and one woman I think, and therefore these people in that percentage range are teaching their children these things as well. Then comes confusion into the door, screaming from the roof tops that what is being taught is wrong and therefore should be changed, but will it be accepted by the majority, or will the government step in to force the issue against the majority who see it all otherwise ?

Where does it all go from here I wonder ? Will it get better or will it get worse ya think ? Who knows anymore really, because the nation seems to be shrinking instead of growing in space when it comes to lifestyles, cultures and things of this nature growing more and more, in which before had always had plenty of space for these things to co-exist, but yet not trample upon each other all at the same time.

From wiki:
A June 6 CNN/ORC International poll showed that a majority of Americans support same-sex marriage being legalized at 54%, while 42% are opposed.
A May 22 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed that 54% of Americans would support a law in their state making same-sex marriage legal, with 40% opposed.
A May 17–20 ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 53% believe same-sex marriage should be legal, with only 39% opposed, a low-water mark for opposition in any national poll so far.

Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're actually in the MINORITY! So get over it dude. Where is it going from here? Probably to the Supremes who will undoubtedly declare gays and heteros equal. Because they are.

You know something? I think it's offensive for you to be openly bigoted in front of my children, and the majority agrees with me. Does that count in your world?
You can run and tell about these polls all you want (or) even try and use them all you want, but they are not accurate and never will be accurate, just as the Chic-Fil-A appreciation day for example proved, in which was created because of the controversy over the anti-gay marriage opinion by it's CEO, where as it suddenly side swamped the minority whom thought that they had long ago and once and for all wrapped this thing up nice and neatly in a quite little box, but then wham reality strikes in which no poll would have ever gotten this right, because a huge amount of an always quite majority or people whom don't do polls, and for whom are also among many that don't get involved much, felt the direct need all of a sudden to get involved, because another one of their sacred institutions was once again under attack by the radical left in this nation.

This blew away the few in this nation, who always are shouting as loud as they can from the roof top's and 24-7, because they are in a true minority, where as it just blew (their minds), because they couldnot believe that this had happened or rather where on earth did it all of a sudden come from(?) thus giving proof that these polls mean nothing when you finally try and pinch off the jugler vien of the quite majority who sleeps much of the time as a sleeping giant does, and then they finally reacted thus showing that these polls mean nothing and are skewed always once the sleeping giant awakens to check in.

Like I said before, but you don't care to worry about or listen to much, that if you choose to teach your children to sin, then it would be best that you place a talent around your neck according to the Bible, and sink yourself to the bottom of the ocean. This is my beliefs also in life within these words that are spoken either as a parable or as a metophor, so why don't you be a responsible parent, and do the right thing in life for them finally, in which is to teach them what is right instead of what is wrong in life finally ?

Sorry buddy, but homo haters like you are actually IN THE MINORITY!
And nobody TEACHES anyone to be gay, they just are. Shows how little you know about the subject.
I am teaching my children what is right and was is wrong, and wrong is being a bigot like you who doesn't think ALL humans are equal. You have also not put forward why gays are inferior to heteros and that YOU should get to decide how they live their lives. Anyways, your children will grow up and realize what a hateful, small minded person you are. And I sure hope that at least one of them is gay.:D
From wiki:
A June 6 CNN/ORC International poll showed that a majority of Americans support same-sex marriage being legalized at 54%, while 42% are opposed.
A May 22 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed that 54% of Americans would support a law in their state making same-sex marriage legal, with 40% opposed.
A May 17–20 ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 53% believe same-sex marriage should be legal, with only 39% opposed, a low-water mark for opposition in any national poll so far.

Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're actually in the MINORITY! So get over it dude. Where is it going from here? Probably to the Supremes who will undoubtedly declare gays and heteros equal. Because they are.

You know something? I think it's offensive for you to be openly bigoted in front of my children, and the majority agrees with me. Does that count in your world?
You can run and tell about these polls all you want (or) even try and use them all you want, but they are not accurate and never will be accurate, just as the Chic-Fil-A appreciation day for example proved, in which was created because of the controversy over the anti-gay marriage opinion by it's CEO, where as it suddenly side swamped the minority whom thought that they had long ago and once and for all wrapped this thing up nice and neatly in a quite little box, but then wham reality strikes in which no poll would have ever gotten this right, because a huge amount of an always quite majority or people whom don't do polls, and for whom are also among many that don't get involved much, felt the direct need all of a sudden to get involved, because another one of their sacred institutions was once again under attack by the radical left in this nation.

This blew away the few in this nation, who always are shouting as loud as they can from the roof top's and 24-7, because they are in a true minority, where as it just blew (their minds), because they couldnot believe that this had happened or rather where on earth did it all of a sudden come from(?) thus giving proof that these polls mean nothing when you finally try and pinch off the jugler vien of the quite majority who sleeps much of the time as a sleeping giant does, and then they finally reacted thus showing that these polls mean nothing and are skewed always once the sleeping giant awakens to check in.

Like I said before, but you don't care to worry about or listen to much, that if you choose to teach your children to sin, then it would be best that you place a talent around your neck according to the Bible, and sink yourself to the bottom of the ocean. This is my beliefs also in life within these words that are spoken either as a parable or as a metophor, so why don't you be a responsible parent, and do the right thing in life for them finally, in which is to teach them what is right instead of what is wrong in life finally ?

Sorry buddy, but homo haters like you are actually IN THE MINORITY!
And nobody TEACHES anyone to be gay, they just are. Shows how little you know about the subject.
I am teaching my children what is right and was is wrong, and wrong is being a bigot like you who doesn't think ALL humans are equal. You have also not put forward why gays are inferior to heteros and that YOU should get to decide how they live their lives. Anyways, your children will grow up and realize what a hateful, small minded person you are. And I sure hope that at least one of them is gay.:D
And who is actually being hateful here again ?

It's amazing how someone like you cannot see your own hatefullness, ignorance and agressiveness found also in what you believe in life, in which is also being forced into another by your beliefs, even when you are in the minority against the majority on an issue, you still try and spin it to suit your selfish ends, and this even if it destroy's your family, life and this nation because of, you are still willing to do so at any cost. The man spoke his opinion when asked, and thousands showed up to support that opinion, so if you can't handle that, then I don't know what to say to you anymore really.
Most of the rednecks I know in Georgia do not care if gays get married.
They may not agree with it at all but we mind our own business.
Thats all good and dandy if it works that away, but are they minding their own business (or) why do they want to stop free speech or render a majorities opinions, culture, langauge, ideologies, religion as useless in America now, and this in order to then make way for their own lifestyles over and above others maybe ? Otherwise if people disagree with them, will there be push back, and many people think that there will be, just as it has been and always will be I guess. I can't control the masses, and I don't want to try to, so I just live within my means and deal with the cards that are delt to me in life, and if a better hand comes then so be it, but I won't sell out to the devil for that better hand to come, but many will now a days, and they have sadly enough done this in the beating of a single heartbeat (that fast).

Majority opinion means nothing in America in interpreting THE LAW.
We are a republic and are governed by The Constitution.
The Constitution was written to prevent majority rule. The Declaration of Independence was a declaration that there were limitations upon majority rule.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW has nothing to do with majority rule and protects all from majority rule.
Right to trial by jury CAN NOT be taken away by majority rule.
Your majority rule is bully mob rule. Works well in a theocracy which you support.
We prefer freedom and The Constitution this way.
But they do it your way in Iran. Delta is ready when you are!
How do you think that laws in this nation came to be ? It was because either a huge amount of stats began to build up over fewer stats as pertaining to an important issue, thus prompting red flags to be seen where there is a problem. Then those who are in the house of representitives, usually get together and take a vote in order to pass a new law if nessesary, thus overriding by majority vote the few who didnot want the new law passed during the session. The good majority always overrides the minority vote in the house if it is the case, so how do you feel that minorities should get their way against a good majority in the house when voting, if that majority is right on an issue and the minority vote is wrong on an issue ? Just because somehow a bad judge sides with a minority on an issue found in a case, in which they were wrong on, it is that you think that the majority should just let the ruling stand or rather should they contest it to the highest courts, even getting signatures by the thousands to present to the court, along with other evidence showing that what the few or the minority want on some issues, is not what the majority wants on some issues, and therefore the court should highly consider in fairness the majority postion and the minority's position, and then rule upon the evidence and opinions as would be presented by all sides in a case in order to make it's final decision.

The destruction of our constitution is what has been going on in this nation, where as the minority has been getting it's way against the majority upon many issues that it shouldnot have, where as the majority was railroaded by bad judges on many issues, and they (the majority) just gave up because they never felt that it would actually ever affect them directly in their lives, so they just gave in at the time, instead of standing up for what was right as they should have. Many mistakes have been made over time, but the nation is waking up again, and it's about time I think that it did.
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Thats all good and dandy if it works that away, but are they minding their own business (or) why do they want to stop free speech or render a majorities opinions, culture, langauge, ideologies, religion as useless in America now, and this in order to then make way for their own lifestyles over and above others maybe ? Otherwise if people disagree with them, will there be push back, and many people think that there will be, just as it has been and always will be I guess. I can't control the masses, and I don't want to try to, so I just live within my means and deal with the cards that are delt to me in life, and if a better hand comes then so be it, but I won't sell out to the devil for that better hand to come, but many will now a days, and they have sadly enough done this in the beating of a single heartbeat (that fast).

Majority opinion means nothing in America in interpreting THE LAW.
We are a republic and are governed by The Constitution.
The Constitution was written to prevent majority rule. The Declaration of Independence was a declaration that there were limitations upon majority rule.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW has nothing to do with majority rule and protects all from majority rule.
Right to trial by jury CAN NOT be taken away by majority rule.
Your majority rule is bully mob rule. Works well in a theocracy which you support.
We prefer freedom and The Constitution this way.
But they do it your way in Iran. Delta is ready when you are!
How do you think that laws in this nation came to be ? It was because either a huge amount of stats began to build up over fewer stats as pertaining to an important issue, thus prompting red flags to be seen where there is a problem. Then those who are in the house of representitives, usually get together and take a vote in order to pass a new law if nessesary, thus overriding by majority vote the few who didnot want the new law passed during the session. The good majority always overrides the minority vote in the house if it is the case, so how do you feel that minorities should get their way against a good majority in the house when voting, if that majority is right on an issue and the minority vote is wrong on an issue ? Just because somehow a bad judge sides with a minority on an issue found in a case, in which they were wrong on, it is that you think that the majority should just let the ruling stand or rather should they contest it to the highest courts, even getting signatures by the thousands to present to the court, along with other evidence showing that what the few or the minority want on some issues, is not what the majority wants on some issues, and therefore the court should highly consider in fairness the majority postion and the minority's position, and then rule upon the evidence and opinions as would be presented by all sides in a case in order to make it's final decision.

The destruction of our constitution is what has been going on in this nation, where as the minority has been getting it's way against the majority upon many issues that it shouldnot have, where as the majority was railroaded by bad judges on many issues, and they (the majority) just gave up because they never felt that it would actually ever affect them directly in their lives, so they just gave in at the time, instead of standing up for what was right as they should have. Many mistakes have been made over time, but the nation is waking up again, and it's about time I think that it did.

The judiciary can rule ANY LAW unconstitutional at any time.
The enumeration of powers.
The majority CAN NEVER exercise any majority rule laws without being subject TO THE BILL OF RIGHTS.
Respectfully, you are brainwashed and know nothing about US history and the Constitution.
The powers of the majority in government ARE LIMITED.
Thats all good and dandy if it works that away, but are they minding their own business (or) why do they want to stop free speech or render a majorities opinions, culture, langauge, ideologies, religion as useless in America now, and this in order to then make way for their own lifestyles over and above others maybe ? Otherwise if people disagree with them, will there be push back, and many people think that there will be, just as it has been and always will be I guess. I can't control the masses, and I don't want to try to, so I just live within my means and deal with the cards that are delt to me in life, and if a better hand comes then so be it, but I won't sell out to the devil for that better hand to come, but many will now a days, and they have sadly enough done this in the beating of a single heartbeat (that fast).

Majority opinion means nothing in America in interpreting THE LAW.
We are a republic and are governed by The Constitution.
The Constitution was written to prevent majority rule. The Declaration of Independence was a declaration that there were limitations upon majority rule.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW has nothing to do with majority rule and protects all from majority rule.
Right to trial by jury CAN NOT be taken away by majority rule.
Your majority rule is bully mob rule. Works well in a theocracy which you support.
We prefer freedom and The Constitution this way.
But they do it your way in Iran. Delta is ready when you are!
How do you think that laws in this nation came to be ? It was because either a huge amount of stats began to build up over fewer stats as pertaining to an important issue, thus prompting red flags to be seen where there is a problem. Then those who are in the house of representitives, usually get together and take a vote in order to pass a new law if nessesary, thus overriding by majority vote the few who didnot want the new law passed during the session. The good majority always overrides the minority vote in the house if it is the case, so how do you feel that minorities should get their way against a good majority in the house when voting, if that majority is right on an issue and the minority vote is wrong on an issue ? Just because somehow a bad judge sides with a minority on an issue found in a case, in which they were wrong on, it is that you think that the majority should just let the ruling stand or rather should they contest it to the highest courts, even getting signatures by the thousands to present to the court, along with other evidence showing that what the few or the minority want on some issues, is not what the majority wants on some issues, and therefore the court should highly consider in fairness the majority postion and the minority's position, and then rule upon the evidence and opinions as would be presented by all sides in a case in order to make it's final decision.

The destruction of our constitution is what has been going on in this nation, where as the minority has been getting it's way against the majority upon many issues that it shouldnot have, where as the majority was railroaded by bad judges on many issues, and they (the majority) just gave up because they never felt that it would actually ever affect them directly in their lives, so they just gave in at the time, instead of standing up for what was right as they should have. Many mistakes have been made over time, but the nation is waking up again, and it's about time I think that it did.

So now our laws were first enacted because they analized statistics? :lmao:
Bro, are you make this shit up as you go along? :lol:

Btw, isn't our constitution SUPPOSED to protect minorities against the oppression of the majority?
You can run and tell about these polls all you want (or) even try and use them all you want, but they are not accurate and never will be accurate, just as the Chic-Fil-A appreciation day for example proved, in which was created because of the controversy over the anti-gay marriage opinion by it's CEO, where as it suddenly side swamped the minority whom thought that they had long ago and once and for all wrapped this thing up nice and neatly in a quite little box, but then wham reality strikes in which no poll would have ever gotten this right, because a huge amount of an always quite majority or people whom don't do polls, and for whom are also among many that don't get involved much, felt the direct need all of a sudden to get involved, because another one of their sacred institutions was once again under attack by the radical left in this nation.

This blew away the few in this nation, who always are shouting as loud as they can from the roof top's and 24-7, because they are in a true minority, where as it just blew (their minds), because they couldnot believe that this had happened or rather where on earth did it all of a sudden come from(?) thus giving proof that these polls mean nothing when you finally try and pinch off the jugler vien of the quite majority who sleeps much of the time as a sleeping giant does, and then they finally reacted thus showing that these polls mean nothing and are skewed always once the sleeping giant awakens to check in.

Like I said before, but you don't care to worry about or listen to much, that if you choose to teach your children to sin, then it would be best that you place a talent around your neck according to the Bible, and sink yourself to the bottom of the ocean. This is my beliefs also in life within these words that are spoken either as a parable or as a metophor, so why don't you be a responsible parent, and do the right thing in life for them finally, in which is to teach them what is right instead of what is wrong in life finally ?

Sorry buddy, but homo haters like you are actually IN THE MINORITY!
And nobody TEACHES anyone to be gay, they just are. Shows how little you know about the subject.
I am teaching my children what is right and was is wrong, and wrong is being a bigot like you who doesn't think ALL humans are equal. You have also not put forward why gays are inferior to heteros and that YOU should get to decide how they live their lives. Anyways, your children will grow up and realize what a hateful, small minded person you are. And I sure hope that at least one of them is gay.:D
And who is actually being hateful here again ?

It's amazing how someone like you cannot see your own hatefullness, ignorance and agressiveness found also in what you believe in life, in which is also being forced into another by your beliefs, even when you are in the minority against the majority on an issue, you still try and spin it to suit your selfish ends, and this even if it destroy's your family, life and this nation because of, you are still willing to do so at any cost. The man spoke his opinion when asked, and thousands showed up to support that opinion, so if you can't handle that, then I don't know what to say to you anymore really.

Says the guy who's hateful, ignorant and aggressively hating gays by wanting laws to block their attempts at equality.

You keep saying that I'm in the minority, so you're saying that CNN, NBC, ABC, The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post are all full of shit and that you know better than they do? :cuckoo:

I always stand by Cathy's right to say what he wants, but he obviously has to stand by what he says, which I think, he has. And he made a ton of money doing it. It's the American Way!

And what's killing the family in America is marriage, since half of them end in divorce.
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Majority opinion means nothing in America in interpreting THE LAW.
We are a republic and are governed by The Constitution.
The Constitution was written to prevent majority rule. The Declaration of Independence was a declaration that there were limitations upon majority rule.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW has nothing to do with majority rule and protects all from majority rule.
Right to trial by jury CAN NOT be taken away by majority rule.
Your majority rule is bully mob rule. Works well in a theocracy which you support.
We prefer freedom and The Constitution this way.
But they do it your way in Iran. Delta is ready when you are!
How do you think that laws in this nation came to be ? It was because either a huge amount of stats began to build up over fewer stats as pertaining to an important issue, thus prompting red flags to be seen where there is a problem. Then those who are in the house of representitives, usually get together and take a vote in order to pass a new law if nessesary, thus overriding by majority vote the few who didnot want the new law passed during the session. The good majority always overrides the minority vote in the house if it is the case, so how do you feel that minorities should get their way against a good majority in the house when voting, if that majority is right on an issue and the minority vote is wrong on an issue ? Just because somehow a bad judge sides with a minority on an issue found in a case, in which they were wrong on, it is that you think that the majority should just let the ruling stand or rather should they contest it to the highest courts, even getting signatures by the thousands to present to the court, along with other evidence showing that what the few or the minority want on some issues, is not what the majority wants on some issues, and therefore the court should highly consider in fairness the majority postion and the minority's position, and then rule upon the evidence and opinions as would be presented by all sides in a case in order to make it's final decision.

The destruction of our constitution is what has been going on in this nation, where as the minority has been getting it's way against the majority upon many issues that it shouldnot have, where as the majority was railroaded by bad judges on many issues, and they (the majority) just gave up because they never felt that it would actually ever affect them directly in their lives, so they just gave in at the time, instead of standing up for what was right as they should have. Many mistakes have been made over time, but the nation is waking up again, and it's about time I think that it did.

The judiciary can rule ANY LAW unconstitutional at any time.
The enumeration of powers.
The majority CAN NEVER exercise any majority rule laws without being subject TO THE BILL OF RIGHTS.
Respectfully, you are brainwashed and know nothing about US history and the Constitution.
The powers of the majority in government ARE LIMITED.
Yes, the power of the government over the people is limited and rightly so, and that is the way that it should be, but in many cases today, the government has overridden the people in a traggic and wrongful way, and this is why there is so much confusion & suttle anarchy growing in America today.
You keep saying that I'm in the minority, so you're saying that CNN, NBC, ABC, The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post are all full of shit and that you know better than they do?

Not just me, but hundreds of thousands more just like me, except for or rather that they have been away and sleeping in a silent majority for to long now, oh and these media outlets that you quote, well they are pure liberal poison is what they are, where as the good majority in this nation get their news from other sources and rightly so these days.

You are in the minority I'm sure of it, but you are just living in denial is all.. :eusa_whistle:
How do you think that laws in this nation came to be ? It was because either a huge amount of stats began to build up over fewer stats as pertaining to an important issue, thus prompting red flags to be seen where there is a problem. Then those who are in the house of representitives, usually get together and take a vote in order to pass a new law if nessesary, thus overriding by majority vote the few who didnot want the new law passed during the session. The good majority always overrides the minority vote in the house if it is the case, so how do you feel that minorities should get their way against a good majority in the house when voting, if that majority is right on an issue and the minority vote is wrong on an issue ? Just because somehow a bad judge sides with a minority on an issue found in a case, in which they were wrong on, it is that you think that the majority should just let the ruling stand or rather should they contest it to the highest courts, even getting signatures by the thousands to present to the court, along with other evidence showing that what the few or the minority want on some issues, is not what the majority wants on some issues, and therefore the court should highly consider in fairness the majority postion and the minority's position, and then rule upon the evidence and opinions as would be presented by all sides in a case in order to make it's final decision.

The destruction of our constitution is what has been going on in this nation, where as the minority has been getting it's way against the majority upon many issues that it shouldnot have, where as the majority was railroaded by bad judges on many issues, and they (the majority) just gave up because they never felt that it would actually ever affect them directly in their lives, so they just gave in at the time, instead of standing up for what was right as they should have. Many mistakes have been made over time, but the nation is waking up again, and it's about time I think that it did.

The judiciary can rule ANY LAW unconstitutional at any time.
The enumeration of powers.
The majority CAN NEVER exercise any majority rule laws without being subject TO THE BILL OF RIGHTS.
Respectfully, you are brainwashed and know nothing about US history and the Constitution.
The powers of the majority in government ARE LIMITED.
Yes, the power of the government over the people is limited and rightly so, and that is the way that it should be, but in many cases today, the government has overridden the people in a traggic and wrongful way, and this is why there is so much confusion & suttle anarchy growing in America today.

Majority MOB RULE is what people are "overriden" with and you are a #1 supporter of that. You claim YOURSELF that the majority should get what they want.
THE LAW, THE CONSTITUTION, THE BILL OF RIGHTS protects us from the likes of you that want to use the power of government to force your majority mob rule dictates on the minorities.
And gay folk are your target.
True freedom is when you seek to protect the rights of everyone, ESPECIALLY those YOU may despise the most.
You seem like a decent guy. I hope that you are not teaching your kids this crap you come up with.
You keep saying that I'm in the minority, so you're saying that CNN, NBC, ABC, The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post are all full of shit and that you know better than they do?

Not just me, but hundreds of thousands more just like me, except for or rather that they have been away and sleeping in a silent majority for to long now, oh and these media outlets that you quote, well they are pure liberal poison is what they are, where as the good majority in this nation get their news from other sources and rightly so these days.

You are in the minority I'm sure of it, but you are just living in denial is all.. :eusa_whistle:
If you're so sure that I'M the one who's in the minority, maybe you can back up your statement with some facts? Or is all you have just stinky air out your poo hole?
The judiciary can rule ANY LAW unconstitutional at any time.
The enumeration of powers.
The majority CAN NEVER exercise any majority rule laws without being subject TO THE BILL OF RIGHTS.
Respectfully, you are brainwashed and know nothing about US history and the Constitution.
The powers of the majority in government ARE LIMITED.
Yes, the power of the government over the people is limited and rightly so, and that is the way that it should be, but in many cases today, the government has overridden the people in a traggic and wrongful way, and this is why there is so much confusion & suttle anarchy growing in America today.

Majority MOB RULE is what people are "overriden" with and you are a #1 supporter of that. You claim YOURSELF that the majority should get what they want.
THE LAW, THE CONSTITUTION, THE BILL OF RIGHTS protects us from the likes of you that want to use the power of government to force your majority mob rule dictates on the minorities.
And gay folk are your target.
True freedom is when you seek to protect the rights of everyone, ESPECIALLY those YOU may despise the most.
You seem like a decent guy. I hope that you are not teaching your kids this crap you come up with.
Twist and spin all you want here, but people know what I am about here within my opinions, and they know what you are about here in your opinions, so don't go fooling yourself that people are as stupid as you might think that they are when spinning like you do, because they aren't as stupid as you think that they are and never will be..

I am against government intrusion and unchecked power by government in this nation, especially in a lot of things, but in order for you and others in the minority on these issues, to get your way against the majority on these issues, and this against those whom are usually in a good majority on these issues, well you and your buddies use the government to overcome and/or oppress with ((in which it was not intended to be used in this way)). Then you try and say that others are using the government in this way, but it is a distraction, when they are not doing this at all, but are rather using the power of the vote found in a good majority, just as it should be used instead. Just sayin!
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You keep saying that I'm in the minority, so you're saying that CNN, NBC, ABC, The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post are all full of shit and that you know better than they do?

Not just me, but hundreds of thousands more just like me, except for or rather that they have been away and sleeping in a silent majority for to long now, oh and these media outlets that you quote, well they are pure liberal poison is what they are, where as the good majority in this nation get their news from other sources and rightly so these days.

You are in the minority I'm sure of it, but you are just living in denial is all.. :eusa_whistle:
If you're so sure that I'M the one who's in the minority, maybe you can back up your statement with some facts? Or is all you have just stinky air out your poo hole?

Prove that you are not in the minority...

My proof - The Chic-Fil-A day illustrated and/or said strongly otherwise, that that majority was against gay marriage and supported Mr. Cathy's position on this when spoken, and this when compared to the anti-supporters verses the supportors on those days in numbers there of.. How hard can it be to see the numbers found in these two sides that were out and about during the support and anti-support days ?
Not just me, but hundreds of thousands more just like me, except for or rather that they have been away and sleeping in a silent majority for to long now, oh and these media outlets that you quote, well they are pure liberal poison is what they are, where as the good majority in this nation get their news from other sources and rightly so these days.

You are in the minority I'm sure of it, but you are just living in denial is all.. :eusa_whistle:
If you're so sure that I'M the one who's in the minority, maybe you can back up your statement with some facts? Or is all you have just stinky air out your poo hole?

Prove that you are not in the minority...

My proof - The Chic-Fil-A day illustrated and/or said strongly otherwise, that that majority was against gay marriage and supported Mr. Cathy's position on this when spoken, and this when compared to the anti-supporters verses the supportors on those days in numbers there of.. How hard can it be to see the numbers found in these two sides that were out and about during the support and anti-support days ?

So you're actually trying to take one isolated protest as proof of the whole country? Do you know what the term "intellectually dishonest" means?
I backed up my statement with CNN, ABC, NBC, The Washington Post, The NY Times... You on the other hand, have just ONE isolated protest. Better luck next time. Please try again.
Yes, the power of the government over the people is limited and rightly so, and that is the way that it should be, but in many cases today, the government has overridden the people in a traggic and wrongful way, and this is why there is so much confusion & suttle anarchy growing in America today.

Majority MOB RULE is what people are "overriden" with and you are a #1 supporter of that. You claim YOURSELF that the majority should get what they want.
THE LAW, THE CONSTITUTION, THE BILL OF RIGHTS protects us from the likes of you that want to use the power of government to force your majority mob rule dictates on the minorities.
And gay folk are your target.
True freedom is when you seek to protect the rights of everyone, ESPECIALLY those YOU may despise the most.
You seem like a decent guy. I hope that you are not teaching your kids this crap you come up with.
Twist and spin all you want here, but people know what I am about here within my opinions, and they know what you are about here in your opinions, so don't go fooling yourself that people are as stupid as you might think that they are when spinning like you do, because they aren't as stupid as you think that they are and never will be..

I am against government intrusion and unchecked power by government in this nation, especially in a lot of things, but in order for you and others in the minority on these issues, to get your way against the majority on these issues, and this against those whom are usually in a good majority on these issues, well you and your buddies use the government to overcome and/or oppress with ((in which it was not intended to be used in this way)). Then you try and say that others are using the government in this way, but it is a distraction, when they are not doing this at all, but are rather using the power of the vote found in a good majority, just as it should be used instead. Just sayin!

You are the one that wants to oppress the minority.
And you are pissed that someone has called you out on it.
Get used to it.
Majority MOB RULE is what people are "overriden" with and you are a #1 supporter of that. You claim YOURSELF that the majority should get what they want.
THE LAW, THE CONSTITUTION, THE BILL OF RIGHTS protects us from the likes of you that want to use the power of government to force your majority mob rule dictates on the minorities.
And gay folk are your target.
True freedom is when you seek to protect the rights of everyone, ESPECIALLY those YOU may despise the most.
You seem like a decent guy. I hope that you are not teaching your kids this crap you come up with.
Twist and spin all you want here, but people know what I am about here within my opinions, and they know what you are about here in your opinions, so don't go fooling yourself that people are as stupid as you might think that they are when spinning like you do, because they aren't as stupid as you think that they are and never will be..

I am against government intrusion and unchecked power by government in this nation, especially in a lot of things, but in order for you and others in the minority on these issues, to get your way against the majority on these issues, and this against those whom are usually in a good majority on these issues, well you and your buddies use the government to overcome and/or oppress with ((in which it was not intended to be used in this way)). Then you try and say that others are using the government in this way, but it is a distraction, when they are not doing this at all, but are rather using the power of the vote found in a good majority, just as it should be used instead. Just sayin!

You are the one that wants to oppress the minority.
And you are pissed that someone has called you out on it.
Get used to it.
No, I just don't want the minority oppressing the majority as it has been doing by way of government usage, in which government was not intended for that, nor was it supposed to be used for that.

People now wanting to do things that the good majority find disrespectful and distasteful when it comes to their definition of marriage, as is also found in the eyes of God always, and for whom see's it as normal and sacred between one man and one woman found within the entire universe, and for whom see's it as sacred and holly between one man and one woman when join together in this way, have now had enough of the pandering by government in this nation towards groups whom go against the grain and against the good majority for whom have rights and a culture carved out into this nation and land as well, and their rights and culture are not to be violated or trounced on by the minority on certain issues that are brought forward by some and/or a few in this nation in challenge there of. (Hang on let me take a bite of my chicken sandwich with extra pickels from Chic-Fil-A) ok I'm back.

They (the good majority) wish not for these things to now be around them and their children as found in the opposite there of (turned completely upside down), and so they have had enough of it all, and they want their rights and freedoms restored as it should be in America, especially for what is considered as the good majority, for whom think in these ways that they do against the minority whom think in the ways that they do on some of these issues that are in contrast to. Concerning those rights that were taken from them as a majority by a government who became out of control and pandering to groups for their votes only, has gone far enough, where as the government was pandering to those in a minority, whom then used the power of government to oppress the majority that did see it all as otherwise, but the majority fell to the pressures of those whom had somehow joined together with government to do these things under certain un-American umbrella's in which they had created, and for whom then used these government anti-majority umbrellas created, to get their way against the majority in this nation as it has done, where as by way of government supression upon the majority vote in which was wrong, is the way that they did this.

It was as if the government due to it's greedyness of wanting it's own seperated power, was willing to do anything against the majority in this nation whom had given the government it's power originally, and yet now unfortunately, where as that very government took that power and turned it back against the majority when it (the government) began to think for itself, and would soon think that what it thought as independently operated in that power gained, would also be good for us now when used it on us, instead of what we thought was good for us as a majority in this nation instead. The majority vote should always be considered by our government voted in by us as a majority, to always consider the rights and plight of the majority on most issues because of, instead of this pandering as it did to gain power as seperated from the majority in which it was called upon or created to represent originally.

What we have is a government that is out of control, and has been taken over by those in this nation, whom want what they want against a good majority as found in the United States Citizens on whole, and this no matter what that good majority thinks otherwise. It is wrong what has gone on and for what is going on, and Chic-Fil-A cast that light out into the open for all to see now. The government will use this power as gained now, to cause more damage to America on other issues, and ultimately to take down America as a whole if not recognized finally that it now thinks and acts for itself, instead of being for the American people found in a good majority, just as it should be acting and operating for instead.
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If you're so sure that I'M the one who's in the minority, maybe you can back up your statement with some facts? Or is all you have just stinky air out your poo hole?

Prove that you are not in the minority...

My proof - The Chic-Fil-A day illustrated and/or said strongly otherwise, that that majority was against gay marriage and supported Mr. Cathy's position on this when spoken, and this when compared to the anti-supporters verses the supportors on those days in numbers there of.. How hard can it be to see the numbers found in these two sides that were out and about during the support and anti-support days ?

So you're actually trying to take one isolated protest as proof of the whole country? Do you know what the term "intellectually dishonest" means?
I backed up my statement with CNN, ABC, NBC, The Washington Post, The NY Times... You on the other hand, have just ONE isolated protest. Better luck next time. Please try again.
When the results of that protest was indicative as it was of the whole country's thoughts on the matter, along with the inet social media afterwards to be included into it all as well, then YES I will use that kind of information or results any day as my proof of to you or anyone else on such a matter. Your sources are intelectually dishonest, and everyone knows their games now, where as they are one sided, and therefore are poisonous to America by the ways in which they have been operating under.
Prove that you are not in the minority...

My proof - The Chic-Fil-A day illustrated and/or said strongly otherwise, that that majority was against gay marriage and supported Mr. Cathy's position on this when spoken, and this when compared to the anti-supporters verses the supportors on those days in numbers there of.. How hard can it be to see the numbers found in these two sides that were out and about during the support and anti-support days ?

So you're actually trying to take one isolated protest as proof of the whole country? Do you know what the term "intellectually dishonest" means?
I backed up my statement with CNN, ABC, NBC, The Washington Post, The NY Times... You on the other hand, have just ONE isolated protest. Better luck next time. Please try again.
When the results of that protest was indicative as it was of the whole country's thoughts on the matter, along with the inet social media afterwards to be included into it all as well, then YES I will use that kind of information or results any day as my proof of to you or anyone else on such a matter. Your sources are intelectually dishonest, and everyone knows their games now, where as they are one sided, and therefore are poisonous to America by the ways in which they have been operating under.
Beag, you're so full of shit. Your strawman argument about being in the majority was proven wrong. Take it like a man or be a pussy about it doesn't matter, the facts say that you're wrong.:tongue:
It only shows the power the Republican Party to hate gay people. Hate is what they do best.
So you're actually trying to take one isolated protest as proof of the whole country? Do you know what the term "intellectually dishonest" means?
I backed up my statement with CNN, ABC, NBC, The Washington Post, The NY Times... You on the other hand, have just ONE isolated protest. Better luck next time. Please try again.
When the results of that protest was indicative as it was of the whole country's thoughts on the matter, along with the inet social media afterwards to be included into it all as well, then YES I will use that kind of information or results any day as my proof of to you or anyone else on such a matter. Your sources are intelectually dishonest, and everyone knows their games now, where as they are one sided, and therefore are poisonous to America by the ways in which they have been operating under.
Beag, you're so full of shit. Your strawman argument about being in the majority was proven wrong. Take it like a man or be a pussy about it doesn't matter, the facts say that you're wrong.:tongue:
Now who is being intelectually dishonest or rather is following in lock step with a single group instead of listeing to what the majority has to say on the matter, not to leave out or make mention of your so called intelectually fowel mouth on top of that ? :eusa_angel:
It only shows the power the Republican Party to hate gay people. Hate is what they do best.
Not hate, but rather a disagreement with or over certain subjects or issues in life, but man what it is to disagree with a few people today...One would think that the world came to an end in their world..WOW

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