Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

You do not have an argument that has any credibility.
Only hot air.

Are you going to hold your breath until you turn blue?

Facts are not something you deal with, I realize. But marriage as an institution arose some 10 to 20,000 years ago as a the social animals we call "humans" became aware that the tribe or community is better served with nuclear family units. An incentive for males to remain with the female for the purpose of raising children resulted in stronger communities with children who were better trained and disciplined.

So human societies, the world across, independently developed marriage as a means encouraging and often enforcing monogamy between mating pairs.

Now I realize that you are but a spoiled child, that you want what you want because you want it - that no concept of anthropological rationality or societal structure is involved, which is why it's vital for the adults to stand up to you and tell you "no."

So because back then they thought that the world was flat, you gonna stick with that as well? Do you not want societies to evolve, but rather be stuck in time thousands of years ago? In that case, stop using toilet paper, they had none back then. :D
So because back then they thought that the world was flat, you gonna stick with that as well? Do you not want societies to evolve, but rather be stuck in time thousands of years ago? In that case, stop using toilet paper, they had none back then. :D

No moron, marriage conveys an anthropological/evolutionary advantage to the species. Redefining it to appease a special interest is the epitome of the utter stupidity which defines political correctness.

Marriage is the societal union of a mating pair - regardless of whether they succeed in producing offspring.

"Homosexual marriage" is fucking stupidity - akin to "wet fire" or "wise ignorance." You seek to mold reality to your desires. You may be able to create a cadre who demand that black is white, but reality will not alter to your will.
So because back then they thought that the world was flat, you gonna stick with that as well? Do you not want societies to evolve, but rather be stuck in time thousands of years ago? In that case, stop using toilet paper, they had none back then. :D

No moron, marriage conveys an anthropological/evolutionary advantage to the species. Redefining it to appease a special interest is the epitome of the utter stupidity which defines political correctness.

Marriage is the societal union of a mating pair - regardless of whether they succeed in producing offspring.

"Homosexual marriage" is fucking stupidity - akin to "wet fire" or "wise ignorance." You seek to mold reality to your desires. You may be able to create a cadre who demand that black is white, but reality will not alter to your will.
Gays can and do have children. Half the marriages end in divorce. A lot of couples have children but don't marry. And a lot of people get married and don't have children. So marriage is pretty well irrelevant.
The reality is that the majority approves of gay marriage and soon the Supremes will as well. You're welcome to stay stuck in the past, it won't affect me or gay marriage.
I worked a case a few years as I was appointed by the courts.
Double homicide where the dude also killed a small child while he was high on meth.
Convicted as he was guilty as they come. Death penalty.
But he was allowed to get married in prison.
And law abiding gay folk can't.
Some folk are bat shit cRazy. Now gay marriage is weird as far as I am concerned but WHO GIVES A SHIT?
So because back then they thought that the world was flat, you gonna stick with that as well? Do you not want societies to evolve, but rather be stuck in time thousands of years ago? In that case, stop using toilet paper, they had none back then. :D

No moron, marriage conveys an anthropological/evolutionary advantage to the species. Redefining it to appease a special interest is the epitome of the utter stupidity which defines political correctness.

Marriage is the societal union of a mating pair - regardless of whether they succeed in producing offspring.

"Homosexual marriage" is fucking stupidity - akin to "wet fire" or "wise ignorance." You seek to mold reality to your desires. You may be able to create a cadre who demand that black is white, but reality will not alter to your will.

So explain to us how allowing gay folk that happen to be born with an attraction and fall in love with folk of the same sex, representing about 3% of the population, HAS ANY EFFECT WHATSOEVER on anything to do with anthropology and evolution.
How does it interfere IN ANYWAY heterosexual marriage, reproduction, society, heterosexual advantages or disadvantages to the species?
Specifics please.
So because back then they thought that the world was flat, you gonna stick with that as well? Do you not want societies to evolve, but rather be stuck in time thousands of years ago? In that case, stop using toilet paper, they had none back then. :D

No moron, marriage conveys an anthropological/evolutionary advantage to the species. Redefining it to appease a special interest is the epitome of the utter stupidity which defines political correctness.

Marriage is the societal union of a mating pair - regardless of whether they succeed in producing offspring.

"Homosexual marriage" is fucking stupidity - akin to "wet fire" or "wise ignorance." You seek to mold reality to your desires. You may be able to create a cadre who demand that black is white, but reality will not alter to your will.
Gays can and do have children. Half the marriages end in divorce. A lot of couples have children but don't marry. And a lot of people get married and don't have children. So marriage is pretty well irrelevant.
The reality is that the majority approves of gay marriage and soon the Supremes will as well. You're welcome to stay stuck in the past, it won't affect me or gay marriage.

Heterosexuals wrote the divorce laws in this country and they are written IN TOTALITY without ANY "anthroplogical, evolutionary" advantages in them anywhere.
Divorce laws are written on the basis that marriage is a legal contract SOLEY.
Child custody is a completely seperate legal argument and law.
If any domestic relations law had ANYTHING whatsoever to do with religous beliefs, "anthropoligical, evolutionary" whatever, divorce WOULD BE BANNED under the law.
Amazing how the religous right are about as ignorant as they come.
We have about run them out of the Republican Party here in Georgia. Working hard on it. We did a few years back with the Pat Robertson crusaders when we exposed their Georgia director was a convicted felon.
But he was agin gay marriage!:lol::lol:
All they have left is to pick on gay folk getting married.
Waste of a true conservative's time.
You do not have an argument that has any credibility.
Only hot air.

Are you going to hold your breath until you turn blue?

Facts are not something you deal with, I realize. But marriage as an institution arose some 10 to 20,000 years ago as a the social animals we call "humans" became aware that the tribe or community is better served with nuclear family units. An incentive for males to remain with the female for the purpose of raising children resulted in stronger communities with children who were better trained and disciplined.

So human societies, the world across, independently developed marriage as a means encouraging and often enforcing monogamy between mating pairs.

Now I realize that you are but a spoiled child, that you want what you want because you want it - that no concept of anthropological rationality or societal structure is involved, which is why it's vital for the adults to stand up to you and tell you "no."

I am 58 years old Moe, was crossing the lines when you were on your mama's tit.
If anyone is spoiled and a pampered baby it is you.
Can not stand it that your religous beliefs are violated by gay folk.
Hate is in you to be seen. You hate gay folks.
Has nothing whatsoever to with the institution of marriage. If it does then you must have a sorry as marriage yourself.
So explain to us how allowing gay folk that happen to be born with an attraction and fall in love with folk of the same sex, representing about 3% of the population, HAS ANY EFFECT WHATSOEVER on anything to do with anthropology and evolution.

A reading comprehension course would do wonders for you.

How does it interfere IN ANYWAY heterosexual marriage, reproduction, society, heterosexual advantages or disadvantages to the species?
Specifics please.

It's tough for you to grasp what is written as you plug your ears and shout "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

Procreation is a biological reality - bummer that you don't like it.

To induce the male, who is not tied to the gestational process, to remain and care for the offspring, which greatly enhances the survival rate of the offspring, certain traits have evolved, including a predisposition toward the formation of families and clans. Further, tribes and societies found that there is a significant advantage to having males care for, feed, and protect their mates and offspring. Not only does this increase the survival rate, but also keeps the males from engaging in as many violent acts as a symbiotic recognition of mutual pacification protects the progeny of all who engage in such a pact.

"Homosexual Marriage" is an oxymoron and utter fucktardation. Marriage benefits society by increasing the survival rate of children, breeding females, and reducing the damage caused by uncontrolled males.

Homosexuals pretending does nothing at all.
So explain to us how allowing gay folk that happen to be born with an attraction and fall in love with folk of the same sex, representing about 3% of the population, HAS ANY EFFECT WHATSOEVER on anything to do with anthropology and evolution.

A reading comprehension course would do wonders for you.

How does it interfere IN ANYWAY heterosexual marriage, reproduction, society, heterosexual advantages or disadvantages to the species?
Specifics please.

It's tough for you to grasp what is written as you plug your ears and shout "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

Procreation is a biological reality - bummer that you don't like it.

To induce the male, who is not tied to the gestational process, to remain and care for the offspring, which greatly enhances the survival rate of the offspring, certain traits have evolved, including a predisposition toward the formation of families and clans. Further, tribes and societies found that there is a significant advantage to having males care for, feed, and protect their mates and offspring. Not only does this increase the survival rate, but also keeps the males from engaging in as many violent acts as a symbiotic recognition of mutual pacification protects the progeny of all who engage in such a pact.

"Homosexual Marriage" is an oxymoron and utter fucktardation. Marriage benefits society by increasing the survival rate of children, breeding females, and reducing the damage caused by uncontrolled males.

Homosexuals pretending does nothing at all.

Homosexual do not procreate.
How does allowing them to marry affect heterosexuals procreating?
"breeding females" DOES NOTHING for society.
Are you really that ignorant?
The family unit includes more than a "breeding female". And how many heterosexual families have NO children?
Under your theory they are inferior also.
Most "uncontrolled males" are heterosexual.
If a red neck heterosexual man like me with 4 grown kids can figure this out how come you are having such a hard time.
But back to the thread: Chik Fil A has backed off their stance and now refuses to fund any of those anti gay entities. They no longer give ANY $$$ to any of those groups as of today.
Chik Fil A just changed their value statement to now include "sexual orientation" in its promise to treat every person with respect.
And their charitable arm has refused to continue funding any organization that is opposed to gay marriage.
You lose. Suck it up. I will shake your hand at the 50 yard line and say "good game".
Been there, done that, the fans wore the T shirts.
What's there to say? You're deluded into thinking that homo-haters are in the majority when clearly they are not. The tide has already turned. When you are over it, maybe we'll have things to discuss, like why you think that gays are inferior human beings? Does it give your own deflated self-image a boost by putting others down?
Arguing is not conversation, and this is what you want is an argument, but I am done arguing with you, especially when you try and insert words into someones mouth (attempted profiling) instead of awaiting for them to speak to what you then try and accuse them of saying before they even have said it, and this you do in order to try and paint someone into a picture that does not reflect the people or persons at all in which you are speaking with, but rather it suits you better if you can create this boogy man in which you look for in the shadows underneath their beds, when that is the last place anyone wants to be is under their beds, in their beds or around their beds, but you try and drag everyone into their beds in order to make some kind of points for them? Very strange indeed !

Answer my question: is it partly because you think that gays are inferior human beings that they shouldn't be allowed to use a specific English word (marriage) and that such a word should be exclusive to you and your kind?
No one can answer that except with a vote, but you won't allow that to happen if can help it, now will you and/or your buddies allow a little ole innocent vote ?

No one thinks that anyone is inferior, second class citizens or any of the other stuff that you try and suggest in which you accuse of, but only that there is a difference in lifestyle choices in life and peoples cultures as is lived, and then there is the seperation of lifestyle choices and sometimes cultures as is found in strong religious or even non-religious views, that will always exist between people who will always view things in the opposite of, and for whom many will always see marriage as being between one man and one woman in their religious and even non-religious views. They will not see it in any other way, nor shall it be for them in their lives to be found on the specific subject of marriage in their view in any other way.

Now if they who oppose gay marriage are given a continued say in the matter, then be ready for the outcome, because it just may be what you refuse to accept of their views, but you won't change them until you become the majority, and that may be a long long time still yet or it may never be the case in America, so who knows really.
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As posted earlier Chik Fil A blinked and did the right thing.
Just as I thought they would.
They NO LONGER are anti gay marriage.
Sorry all you suckers got conned.
End of thread.
Another one bites the dust.
Another win for true conservatives. Less government means more freedom.
Arguing is not conversation, and this is what you want is an argument, but I am done arguing with you, especially when you try and insert words into someones mouth (attempted profiling) instead of awaiting for them to speak to what you then try and accuse them of saying before they even have said it, and this you do in order to try and paint someone into a picture that does not reflect the people or persons at all in which you are speaking with, but rather it suits you better if you can create this boogy man in which you look for in the shadows underneath their beds, when that is the last place anyone wants to be is under their beds, in their beds or around their beds, but you try and drag everyone into their beds in order to make some kind of points for them? Very strange indeed !

Answer my question: is it partly because you think that gays are inferior human beings that they shouldn't be allowed to use a specific English word (marriage) and that such a word should be exclusive to you and your kind?
No one can answer that except with a vote, but you won't allow that to happen if can help it, now will you and/or your buddies allow a little ole innocent vote ?

No one thinks that anyone is inferior, second class citizens or any of the other stuff that you try and suggest in which you accuse of, but only that there is a difference in lifestyle choices in life and peoples cultures as is lived, and then there is the seperation of lifestyle choices and sometimes cultures as is found in strong religious or even non-religious views, that will always exist between people who will always view things in the opposite of, and for whom many will always see marriage as being between one man and one woman in their religious and even non-religious views. They will not see it in any other way, nor shall it be for them in their lives to be found on the specific subject of marriage in their view in any other way.

Now if they who oppose gay marriage are given a continued say in the matter, then be ready for the outcome, because it just may be what you refuse to accept of their views, but you won't change them until you become the majority, and that may be a long long time still yet or it may never be the case in America, so who knows really.
Since I've already established that a majority of Americans are FOR gay marriage, I have no problem with a vote in that sense. But I do find it wrong to vote on not extending a right that I enjoy to people trying to enjoy that same right. I shouldn't have a vote on this (like in California) because I'm voting so that others don't enjoy what i enjoy, and that will always be wrong in the US, it should be decided by legal experts/judges whether this falls under the definition of human right, or whether it should be a human right...

You should try opening your heart a little more to people who are different than you are. That's what Jesus did. Jus' sayin'.
What a majority of Americans are for is moot. I am not for or against gay marriage. I am not for 2 mentally disabled people getting married BUT I OPPOSE GOVERNMENT getting involved.
Government has no business defining marriage between 2 consenting adults that are only marrying each other, are not bro and sis and do not violate any laws.
America is full of fucked up folks that are legally married.
But it is only gay folk that the religous crazies want to ban.
And they will lose, cry and take their ball and go home.
Milk weak.
I'm all for a deal, let gays get married on condition that they stop those stupid "gay pride" parades.
I'm all for a deal, let gays get married on condition that they stop those stupid "gay pride" parades.

Yeah, that sounds like America.
If you don't like gay pride parades, don't go to them. If you don't like gay marriage don't become a lesbian.
Hopefully they will soon be allowed to marry in Washington State.
Homosexual do not procreate.

Gee, imagine the evolutionary implications of that.. Almost like natural selection, removing certain genes from the species...

How does allowing them to marry affect heterosexuals procreating?

Try reading, idiot.

"breeding females" DOES NOTHING for society.
Are you really that ignorant?

Look, you're a child throwing a tantrum, you are not a rational adult. But yes, breeding females are vital to the survival of the species. If the species doesn't reproduce, then extinction is the result.

Look, you want to drink cosmos with pink umbrellas, and will hold your breath until you turn blue if anyone questions you.

But evolution is a natural process and doesn't give a damn about how much Hollywood donates to the corrupt democrats. You can't buy legislators to change natural law to suit your desires.

The family unit includes more than a "breeding female". And how many heterosexual families have NO children?

Yes, you can recite talking points, what you CAN'T do is think. Structure is served by society ENCOURAGING males to remain with breeding females. This is why every last society on Earth has independently established marriage, because it serves a purpose in the survival of the species.

I know you don't give a damn about science or facts, you want what you want because you want it; but marriage developed to promote a stable and successful clan/tribe/society.

Under your theory they are inferior also.
Most "uncontrolled males" are heterosexual.
If a red neck heterosexual man like me with 4 grown kids can figure this out how come you are having such a hard time.

You're an idiot, attempting to apply your political agenda to biology.

But back to the thread: Chik Fil A has backed off their stance and now refuses to fund any of those anti gay entities. They no longer give ANY $$$ to any of those groups as of today.
Chik Fil A just changed their value statement to now include "sexual orientation" in its promise to treat every person with respect.

Who cares?

Biology isn't altered by political bullying.

And their charitable arm has refused to continue funding any organization that is opposed to gay marriage.

That's not really what they said, but who cares?

You lose. Suck it up. I will shake your hand at the 50 yard line and say "good game".
Been there, done that, the fans wore the T shirts.

Reality isn't changed by political thuggary. You might well intimidate Chick-fil-A, but the anthropological and biological imperative for marriage isn't altered. You have that Stalinist mindset that if you force someone to act against their nature at the point of a bayonet, that you've changed nature. Stalin butchered 65 million people, yet human nature remained unchanged.
I'm all for a deal, let gays get married on condition that they stop those stupid "gay pride" parades.

Yeah, that sounds like America.
If you don't like gay pride parades, don't go to them. If you don't like gay marriage don't become a lesbian.
Hopefully they will soon be allowed to marry in Washington State.

Even most homosexuals are ashamed of those gay pride parades....
I'm all for a deal, let gays get married on condition that they stop those stupid "gay pride" parades.

Yeah, that sounds like America.
If you don't like gay pride parades, don't go to them. If you don't like gay marriage don't become a lesbian.
Hopefully they will soon be allowed to marry in Washington State.

Even most homosexuals are ashamed of those gay pride parades....

And Santa Claus is a pedophile. So what? We need laws for taste?
Homosexual do not procreate.

Gee, imagine the evolutionary implications of that.. Almost like natural selection, removing certain genes from the species...

How does allowing them to marry affect heterosexuals procreating?

Try reading, idiot.

Look, you're a child throwing a tantrum, you are not a rational adult. But yes, breeding females are vital to the survival of the species. If the species doesn't reproduce, then extinction is the result.

Look, you want to drink cosmos with pink umbrellas, and will hold your breath until you turn blue if anyone questions you.

But evolution is a natural process and doesn't give a damn about how much Hollywood donates to the corrupt democrats. You can't buy legislators to change natural law to suit your desires.

Yes, you can recite talking points, what you CAN'T do is think. Structure is served by society ENCOURAGING males to remain with breeding females. This is why every last society on Earth has independently established marriage, because it serves a purpose in the survival of the species.

I know you don't give a damn about science or facts, you want what you want because you want it; but marriage developed to promote a stable and successful clan/tribe/society.

You're an idiot, attempting to apply your political agenda to biology.

Who cares?

Biology isn't altered by political bullying.

And their charitable arm has refused to continue funding any organization that is opposed to gay marriage.

That's not really what they said, but who cares?

You lose. Suck it up. I will shake your hand at the 50 yard line and say "good game".
Been there, done that, the fans wore the T shirts.

Reality isn't changed by political thuggary. You might well intimidate Chick-fil-A, but the anthropological and biological imperative for marriage isn't altered. You have that Stalinist mindset that if you force someone to act against their nature at the point of a bayonet, that you've changed nature. Stalin butchered 65 million people, yet human nature remained unchanged.

Spoiled brat children call names.
That would be you.
Explain how I or anyone could ever intimidate a multi billion dollar corporation.
I own 3 corporations Moe so how I could be "Stalinist" Been voting Republican before you were on your mama's tit.
I contribute more $$$ to Republican candidates than you make in a decade.
Comparing me to Stalin.:lol::lol::lol:
You are the one ranting!
You lose. Now go and cry.

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