Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

You still have not explained how gay marriage affects your religous beliefs. How does them getting married infinge on your rights IN ANY WAY?
You claim this nation is big enough for everyone. If you really mean it you would not be opposed to allowing them to get married.
You can still be against it totally and be respected.
I am against many things but do not want to force GOVERNMENT to stop it just because I do not like it.Talk is cheap so which is it?

You shouldn't want government to enforce it either, and this against a moral majority whom does not like it in their space in which they have carved out in it all, and laid claim to as an American Christian style family who would see it as abnormal within their space, but that is what is being done in this nation against many peoples long held beliefs inwhich are the opposite of these things, where as the government is forcing people into allowing certain things now by way of the courts and peer pressure from forces who are few but concentrated thus dominating the issues in these ways, even if those things are way against what the people would allow in freedom there of, it is being forced on them anyway.

Why can't the government just stay out of it, and only enforce the rule of law against anyone who abuses another when breaking the law or commiting an act of abuse against another, in which constitutes breaking the law only ? This should be the only business of the government that it has a stake in within this nation as it has been charged with, among managing it's military and handling properly it's business affairs, and to not be involving itself in fine cutural tuning or toying with areas that it doesn't have a clue on and/or about when it does so, because it makes everything worse when it does these types of things these days, just as it is now doing more and more everyday it seems, and getting it wrong more and more these days it seems. Just look at the nation and the troubles we are having now, but are being swept aside for political correctness that has run amuck, and out of control in this nation now.

What the moral majority wants does not mean a damn thing.
And who decides who is moral and who isn't.
Allowing gay marriage does not have jack shit to do with any troubles anyone has.
Get real. Quit telling you are a live and let live guy.
We know better so quit shitting us. You want to ban others from doing something that you admit has nothing whatsoever to do with your life and has no affect on you.
You are a big government closet liberal.
Tell me what you think decency and morals are and/or do represent in this nation, and should they be taught in this nation, and if you agree that they should be taught, then by whom should they be taught by ? I mean some one has to be in charge and teaching the flock right ? Next tell me what the "opposite" of morals are in this nation (the bad part of our society, and this as according to many in opinion of), and how that "opposite" shouldn't be taught in this nation. Give me some examples of both if you will, as it apears that your moral compass just might be a little off or even broken just a little bit maybe, but I could be wrong.

Then I will attend your class on morals and decency next if you want me to. I'll have to bring my bible though, because that will be my text book on any such subject, as it is the only one I know and do carry with me in life.

What books guide and/or have guided you in life ? Do tell...
So you get to flaunt your homo-hating lifestyle in front of my kids and nobody complains, because I can explain to them what's going on and why people hate gays. You'd rather sweep the whole thing under the carpet.

No you are wrong, you are the one complaining, and this is why you attacked me on this article over Mr.Cathy and Chic-Fil-A's freedom of expression to speak what it believes when he was asked about an opinion, and this upon his religious beliefs held under that specific roof in America, when it comes to gay's being married or getting married.

I do explain to my kids about the birds and the bee's found in the Godly version of what is normal and right, so I ain't sweeping nothing under the rug or carpet on my end, just like you ain't either you say, but remember what I said "whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". It's really that simple really.. Actually I don't hate no one, and I am tolerant of gay's, but I don't have to say to them that they are right or wrong out in the street, and I don't have to say to them that I don't agree with them either out in the street, because I don't allow their lifestyle to intertwine with my lifestyle & space or vice-versa. The public space and everyone respecting each other in that space (upholding certain standards of decency) is essential to American unity, but what goes on in those gay pride parades is not what the ideals of decency is all about according to most in the nation, but to the gay's it is normal somehow ? I think they know it isn't normal, but they are guided by their lust and sin in that lust, in which blinds them to what is or was normal in their lives going way back.

Just as long as they respect my views and space on such matters, we all get along just fine in life. This nation is big, and I don't see why there isn't enough space for people to live their own lives apart from those who want to live their lives in an opposite way. The only time this becomes a problem in America, is when people cross the lines, and try to actively push their lifestyles on or into anothers space when it is not accepted into that space (marriage is a sacred space held onto by religious beliefs). The don't ask don't tell was the right solution for the military in that space, but they weren't satisfied with that either, so away they go onward with Obama's help shockingly, but to what end I do wonder will it all continue to go in this nation now ?

"whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". If that's a quote from the bibble, then it's just some random quote that some guy wrote 1500 years ago or so, that's just the writer's own opinion since he can't know what an invisible being would want since no one's ever seen it. Anyways, who made your invisible guy the arbiter of morals?

Tell us, are you against civil unions as well? Because a lot of homo-haters don't even want gays to have the financial benefits from being wed that heteros enjoy.
What exactly does a civil union entail or mean, and why do people need that in their lives again ? Is it for legal purposes mainly, where as say if two people are living together or not, and one dies maybe or something, then the other person can legally represent or be a claimant in a will or claimant of anothers personal belongings (home, car or property) and such excetra excetra if it is left to that surviving partner in life legally in such a union ?

I can understand and go along with this, if it is in the case of two people living together or not, in which could also include friends from afar, caretakers of the elderly and so on and so forth, if choose this between those who are of two in number, having sound mind and are of sound body in the agreement process when therefore it is all agreed upon, in that a person is chosen for this legal union or uniting by another for said purposes in life, which is in order to leave one not destitue in a case of sudden death or departure in life excetra excetra. A civil union could be for many to legally sign up for and/or do for legal purposes, so I would agree with this exisiting among people who want such a thing as this between them in life.. Nothing wrong with that I don't see.

Example: My aunt may want to leave me her home, because I have lived with her for years taking care of her in a wheel chair, but the rest of the family says over their dead body will I get it, then we could create between us a civil union or agreement of such, where as I could get it legally and garantee her wishes that I would recieve it through such a civil union that we may have gotten for legal purposes right ?
You shouldn't want government to enforce it either, and this against a moral majority whom does not like it in their space in which they have carved out in it all, and laid claim to as an American Christian style family who would see it as abnormal within their space, but that is what is being done in this nation against many peoples long held beliefs inwhich are the opposite of these things, where as the government is forcing people into allowing certain things now by way of the courts and peer pressure from forces who are few but concentrated thus dominating the issues in these ways, even if those things are way against what the people would allow in freedom there of, it is being forced on them anyway.

Why can't the government just stay out of it, and only enforce the rule of law against anyone who abuses another when breaking the law or commiting an act of abuse against another, in which constitutes breaking the law only ? This should be the only business of the government that it has a stake in within this nation as it has been charged with, among managing it's military and handling properly it's business affairs, and to not be involving itself in fine cutural tuning or toying with areas that it doesn't have a clue on and/or about when it does so, because it makes everything worse when it does these types of things these days, just as it is now doing more and more everyday it seems, and getting it wrong more and more these days it seems. Just look at the nation and the troubles we are having now, but are being swept aside for political correctness that has run amuck, and out of control in this nation now.

What the moral majority wants does not mean a damn thing.
And who decides who is moral and who isn't.
Allowing gay marriage does not have jack shit to do with any troubles anyone has.
Get real. Quit telling you are a live and let live guy.
We know better so quit shitting us. You want to ban others from doing something that you admit has nothing whatsoever to do with your life and has no affect on you.
You are a big government closet liberal.
Tell me what you think decency and morals are and/or do represent in this nation, and should they be taught in this nation, and if you agree that they should be taught, then by whom should they be taught by ? I mean some one has to be in charge and teaching the flock right ? Next tell me what the "opposite" of morals are in this nation (the bad part of our society, and this as according to many in opinion of), and how that "opposite" shouldn't be taught in this nation. Give me some examples of both if you will, as it apears that your moral compass just might be a little off or even broken just a little bit maybe, but I could be wrong.

Then I will attend your class on morals and decency next if you want me to. I'll have to bring my bible though, because that will be my text book on any such subject, as it is the only one I know and do carry with me in life.

What books guide and/or have guided you in life ? Do tell...

It is decent and moral to love thy neighbor.
Jesus said so.
And it was translated almost 300 times in the Bible and is the most repeated phrase in The Bible.
Christians govern themselves accordingly.
Either you do so or you don't.
No fence sitting.
Exactly what? Where did Ravi state she wanted their first amendment rights taken away?

She quite clearly sides with those who would abridge Mr. Cathey's First Amendment rights by intimidation, Lulu, and that is quite the same thing. I might point out that simply voicing support for traditional marriage is quite some distance from advocating (much less practicing) "intolerance" of homosexuals, a point lost among those liberals who attempted to create a tempest in a teapot, and got thoroughly rebuked for their effort (even by some of their own, I note). It is more than a little hypocritical to demand "tolerance" when one refuses to extend it to even the mere expression of a contrary point of view.
Ah, it's okay for him to have an opinion but it isn't okay for me to have an opinion.


He has an opinion, you merely call him and those that share his opinion names, i.e. "intolerant."
No you are wrong, you are the one complaining, and this is why you attacked me on this article over Mr.Cathy and Chic-Fil-A's freedom of expression to speak what it believes when he was asked about an opinion, and this upon his religious beliefs held under that specific roof in America, when it comes to gay's being married or getting married.

I do explain to my kids about the birds and the bee's found in the Godly version of what is normal and right, so I ain't sweeping nothing under the rug or carpet on my end, just like you ain't either you say, but remember what I said "whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". It's really that simple really.. Actually I don't hate no one, and I am tolerant of gay's, but I don't have to say to them that they are right or wrong out in the street, and I don't have to say to them that I don't agree with them either out in the street, because I don't allow their lifestyle to intertwine with my lifestyle & space or vice-versa. The public space and everyone respecting each other in that space (upholding certain standards of decency) is essential to American unity, but what goes on in those gay pride parades is not what the ideals of decency is all about according to most in the nation, but to the gay's it is normal somehow ? I think they know it isn't normal, but they are guided by their lust and sin in that lust, in which blinds them to what is or was normal in their lives going way back.

Just as long as they respect my views and space on such matters, we all get along just fine in life. This nation is big, and I don't see why there isn't enough space for people to live their own lives apart from those who want to live their lives in an opposite way. The only time this becomes a problem in America, is when people cross the lines, and try to actively push their lifestyles on or into anothers space when it is not accepted into that space (marriage is a sacred space held onto by religious beliefs). The don't ask don't tell was the right solution for the military in that space, but they weren't satisfied with that either, so away they go onward with Obama's help shockingly, but to what end I do wonder will it all continue to go in this nation now ?

"whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". If that's a quote from the bibble, then it's just some random quote that some guy wrote 1500 years ago or so, that's just the writer's own opinion since he can't know what an invisible being would want since no one's ever seen it. Anyways, who made your invisible guy the arbiter of morals?

Tell us, are you against civil unions as well? Because a lot of homo-haters don't even want gays to have the financial benefits from being wed that heteros enjoy.
What exactly does a civil union entail or mean, and why do people need that in their lives again ? Is it for legal purposes mainly, where as say if two people are living together or not, and one dies maybe or something, then the other person can legally represent or be a claimant in a will or claimant of anothers personal belongings (home, car or property) and such excetra excetra if it is left to that surviving partner in life legally in such a union ?

I can understand and go along with this, if it is in the case of two people living together or not, in which could also include friends from afar, caretakers of the elderly and so on and so forth, if choose this between those who are of two in number, having sound mind and are of sound body in the agreement process when therefore it is all agreed upon, in that a person is chosen for this legal union or uniting by another for said purposes in life, which is in order to leave one not destitue in a case of sudden death or departure in life excetra excetra. A civil union could be for many to legally sign up for and/or do for legal purposes, so I would agree with this exisiting among people who want such a thing as this between them in life.. Nothing wrong with that I don't see.

Example: My aunt may want to leave me her home, because I have lived with her for years taking care of her in a wheel chair, but the rest of the family says over their dead body will I get it, then we could create between us a civil union or agreement of such, where as I could get it legally and garantee her wishes that I would recieve it through such a civil union that we may have gotten for legal purposes right ?
If it's all about the money and not about a loving relationship like it seems to be in this case, you and your aunt could sign a contract hereby you help her and then get her house (a little greedy, aren't we?), otherwise she could use something called a will. Getting wed is about love and sharing, not about how much money you'll secure (although no one told my brother's 2 ex-wives about that apparently, lol.)
But there are not only marital benefits that you can't get through a contract, but also social recognition of being accepted as married, which fortunately, more states are moving towards.

So, how many times have you told your aunt that it's ok for her to leave you her house? :D
"whom so ever teaches the Lord's little ones to sin, it would be best for him to tie a talent around his neck, and to sink himself to the bottom of the sea". If that's a quote from the bibble, then it's just some random quote that some guy wrote 1500 years ago or so, that's just the writer's own opinion since he can't know what an invisible being would want since no one's ever seen it. Anyways, who made your invisible guy the arbiter of morals?

Tell us, are you against civil unions as well? Because a lot of homo-haters don't even want gays to have the financial benefits from being wed that heteros enjoy.
What exactly does a civil union entail or mean, and why do people need that in their lives again ? Is it for legal purposes mainly, where as say if two people are living together or not, and one dies maybe or something, then the other person can legally represent or be a claimant in a will or claimant of anothers personal belongings (home, car or property) and such excetra excetra if it is left to that surviving partner in life legally in such a union ?

I can understand and go along with this, if it is in the case of two people living together or not, in which could also include friends from afar, caretakers of the elderly and so on and so forth, if choose this between those who are of two in number, having sound mind and are of sound body in the agreement process when therefore it is all agreed upon, in that a person is chosen for this legal union or uniting by another for said purposes in life, which is in order to leave one not destitue in a case of sudden death or departure in life excetra excetra. A civil union could be for many to legally sign up for and/or do for legal purposes, so I would agree with this exisiting among people who want such a thing as this between them in life.. Nothing wrong with that I don't see.

Example: My aunt may want to leave me her home, because I have lived with her for years taking care of her in a wheel chair, but the rest of the family says over their dead body will I get it, then we could create between us a civil union or agreement of such, where as I could get it legally and garantee her wishes that I would recieve it through such a civil union that we may have gotten for legal purposes right ?
If it's all about the money and not about a loving relationship like it seems to be in this case, you and your aunt could sign a contract hereby you help her and then get her house (a little greedy, aren't we?), otherwise she could use something called a will. Getting wed is about love and sharing, not about how much money you'll secure (although no one told my brother's 2 ex-wives about that apparently, lol.)

But there are not only marital benefits that you can't get through a contract, but also social recognition of being accepted as married, which fortunately, more states are moving towards.

Social recognition eh, by being accepted as being married eh, and this will do what for the gay's finally by what you had written above ? Would this finally give them the right to flaunt their lifestyles openly as a married couple anywhere they choose in the nation afterwards? Will it legally be therefore going against the rights of millions of others who oppose, and for which would oppose such a thing always as would be taught by them unto their children ?

Will they flaunt it in front of those who believe that the practicing of such a thing, and/or the choice made in such a thing as is being gay (((in which many do see as strictly being sin))), continue to be their next move or agenda, which is to flaunt their lifestyle out from under this torn vail now, as to make others suffer or become uncomfortable when they do this in their site and/or against their beliefs ?

Now they whom do oppose, do they not teach their children that it is a sin as based upon their beliefs in which is OK by them to teach in this away to their children ? Yes they do.. The people/parents as best that they can ((teach)) their little ones that it shouldnot be practiced by them in their lives, because it is sin according to what they have always believed and have been taught themselves, and that it would destroy them eventually if they do mess around with it, just as it has done against so many in the past that are on record in such sin in which it did eventually destroy them, and this is for those who had decided that it was OK for them to do this sort of sin, even when the facts didnot make it so once reviewed or is now able to be looked back upon.

Hmmmm, that's odd, where as you responded to me, but my message board never alerted me that you had responded to me

For the record I was using the aunt senario as an example, wherefore my aunt doesn't even live anywhere near to me, like try on the other side of the nation actually, or might as well say on the other side of the planet. I love her and my uncle, but don't get to ever see them other than post cards and some phone calls here and there. Oh and she rents instead of owns, not sorry bout that.. You wish you could call it like you think you know it, but you are off by thousands of miles on this one, as well as being off on your opinion in relation to what I had wrote. Just sayin..
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If you don't know who Rahm is, why are you even commenting in this thread? This entire issue is about one guy's opinion, and the hypocrsy of the left, wanting to take down his business for it.

It makes no sense what you say, so this guy's the official mouthpiece of the whole left? :tinfoil:

No, he is an example of the hypcrisy, as is the mayor of DC, San Fran, and Boston. Three more examples you might want to read about. Do you think these four mayors would even peep, if Chick Fil A was a Muslim owned business ?

Peep, hardly. They would offer them tax incentives and loans to build in their city.
Being obese is a sin yet how many call them sinners?

Is that the 11th Commandment? Thou shalt not be fat!
Well if the sin of glutney, is coulpled with the act of being lazy, and they are precisely woven together in the right situations, then the consequences of becoming fat is a result of sinning by over eating tooo much, and being lazy in these very ways on top of all that.

Sin consequences can be directly related to or indirectly related to sinfulness and irresponsibility that has run amuck in these days societies.
Would be nice if these holy rollers were for heterosexual marriage where over 50% fail. Instead of volunteering to do something about that they stick their heads in the sand and have to find someone to persecute.
The gay boogeyman.
Same with gays in the military, used to be with gays teaching in the schools and before that gays were imprisoned.
Allowing gays to marry will affect no one. What we have is a bunch of mother hen busy bodies "Ethel, did you know Seth and Barbara's daughter is a lesbian" "Heavens no Elvira, tell me how you think they do it"
Running clinics at their churches on how to lose weight, quit smoking, stay married and a dozen other things would be a start for the holy rollers.
But they will not do that as the cash would slow down in the plate.
GO AFTER THE GAYS!! It brings cash to the church!!!
Go after the gay's, it brings cash to the church ???? Kidding me right ? You comment on things you have actually no clue what so ever about, but man you try and make it sound so good when you do.. Ever thought about being a car salesman, because I think you might have missed your calling in life.

The Vatican is heavily anti-gay and they rake in billions...:eusa_whistle:

They sure are.

Catholic Charities is a network of charities whose aim is "to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same."[5] It is one of the largest charities in the United States.[6] Catholic Charities traces its origin to an orphanage founded in 1727 in New Orleans, Louisiana by the French Ursuline Sisters.[7]

Catholic Charities, USA (CCUSA), with headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, was founded in 1910 as the National Conference of Catholic Charities. In 2010, Catholic Charities' centennial year,[8] more than 1,700 agencies, institutions and organizations composed the Catholic Charities network - including individual organizations of the dioceses, such as the Archdiocese of Chicago. About $2 billion of its budget now comes from the Faith-Based Initiatives Office of the federal government. Nearly 90 cents of every dollar donated to Catholic Charities agencies goes directly to programs and services.[9] In 2008, Catholic Charities agencies served over 8 million individuals.

Together, with the local, diocesan-associated Catholic Charities, it is the second largest social service provider in the United States, surpassed only by the federal government

Being obese is a sin yet how many call them sinners?

Is that the 11th Commandment? Thou shalt not be fat!
Well if the sin of glutney, is coulpled with the act of being lazy, and they are precisely woven together in the right situations, then the consequences of becoming fat is a result of sinning by over eating tooo much, and being lazy in these very ways on top of all that.

Sin consequences can be directly related to or indirectly related to sinfulness and irresponsibility that has run amuck in these days societies.

Good answer. I was merely smarting off and we are all sinners and there is only one way to be forgiven our sins. You and I know what it is. God be with you.
What exactly does a civil union entail or mean, and why do people need that in their lives again ? Is it for legal purposes mainly, where as say if two people are living together or not, and one dies maybe or something, then the other person can legally represent or be a claimant in a will or claimant of anothers personal belongings (home, car or property) and such excetra excetra if it is left to that surviving partner in life legally in such a union ?

I can understand and go along with this, if it is in the case of two people living together or not, in which could also include friends from afar, caretakers of the elderly and so on and so forth, if choose this between those who are of two in number, having sound mind and are of sound body in the agreement process when therefore it is all agreed upon, in that a person is chosen for this legal union or uniting by another for said purposes in life, which is in order to leave one not destitue in a case of sudden death or departure in life excetra excetra. A civil union could be for many to legally sign up for and/or do for legal purposes, so I would agree with this exisiting among people who want such a thing as this between them in life.. Nothing wrong with that I don't see.

Example: My aunt may want to leave me her home, because I have lived with her for years taking care of her in a wheel chair, but the rest of the family says over their dead body will I get it, then we could create between us a civil union or agreement of such, where as I could get it legally and garantee her wishes that I would recieve it through such a civil union that we may have gotten for legal purposes right ?
If it's all about the money and not about a loving relationship like it seems to be in this case, you and your aunt could sign a contract hereby you help her and then get her house (a little greedy, aren't we?), otherwise she could use something called a will. Getting wed is about love and sharing, not about how much money you'll secure (although no one told my brother's 2 ex-wives about that apparently, lol.)

But there are not only marital benefits that you can't get through a contract, but also social recognition of being accepted as married, which fortunately, more states are moving towards.

Social recognition eh, by being accepted as being married eh, and this will do what for the gay's finally by what you had written above ? Would this finally give them the right to flaunt their lifestyles openly as a married couple anywhere they choose in the nation afterwards? Will it legally be therefore going against the rights of millions of others who oppose, and for which would oppose such a thing always as would be taught by them unto their children ?

Will they flaunt it in front of those who believe that the practicing of such a thing, and/or the choice made in such a thing as is being gay (((in which many do see as strictly being sin))), continue to be their next move or agenda, which is to flaunt their lifestyle out from under this torn vail now, as to make others suffer or become uncomfortable when they do this in their site and/or against their beliefs ?

Now they whom do oppose, do they not teach their children that it is a sin as based upon their beliefs in which is OK by them to teach in this away to their children ? Yes they do.. The people/parents as best that they can ((teach)) their little ones that it shouldnot be practiced by them in their lives, because it is sin according to what they have always believed and have been taught themselves, and that it would destroy them eventually if they do mess around with it, just as it has done against so many in the past that are on record in such sin in which it did eventually destroy them, and this is for those who had decided that it was OK for them to do this sort of sin, even when the facts didnot make it so once reviewed or is now able to be looked back upon.

Hmmmm, that's odd, where as you responded to me, but my message board never alerted me that you had responded to me

For the record I was using the aunt senario as an example, wherefore my aunt doesn't even live anywhere near to me, like try on the other side of the nation actually, or might as well say on the other side of the planet. I love her and my uncle, but don't get to ever see them other than post cards and some phone calls here and there. Oh and she rents instead of owns, not sorry bout that.. You wish you could call it like you think you know it, but you are off by thousands of miles on this one, as well as being off on your opinion in relation to what I had wrote. Just sayin..

It's what I've been saying all along, this isn't even about gay marriage, you just hate homos and will try to block anything they do. And you call yourself a Christian? Jesus was all about forgiveness and acceptance, among other nice qualities. I seriously doubt that IF he existed as said, that he be such a homo hater and basher like people like you are. You're delusional buddy.

I was just responding to YOUR story, which is probably true, thou doth protest wayyyy too much.
Go after the gay's, it brings cash to the church ???? Kidding me right ? You comment on things you have actually no clue what so ever about, but man you try and make it sound so good when you do.. Ever thought about being a car salesman, because I think you might have missed your calling in life.

The Vatican is heavily anti-gay and they rake in billions...:eusa_whistle:

They sure are.

Catholic Charities is a network of charities whose aim is "to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same."[5] It is one of the largest charities in the United States.[6] Catholic Charities traces its origin to an orphanage founded in 1727 in New Orleans, Louisiana by the French Ursuline Sisters.[7]

Catholic Charities, USA (CCUSA), with headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, was founded in 1910 as the National Conference of Catholic Charities. In 2010, Catholic Charities' centennial year,[8] more than 1,700 agencies, institutions and organizations composed the Catholic Charities network - including individual organizations of the dioceses, such as the Archdiocese of Chicago. About $2 billion of its budget now comes from the Faith-Based Initiatives Office of the federal government. Nearly 90 cents of every dollar donated to Catholic Charities agencies goes directly to programs and services.[9] In 2008, Catholic Charities agencies served over 8 million individuals.

Together, with the local, diocesan-associated Catholic Charities, it is the second largest social service provider in the United States, surpassed only by the federal government


So you're not disputing my claim that they are extremely anti-gay?
Also, do you think it a tiny wee bit hypocritical that a serious number of priests are pedophiles?
Btw, they use their charitable projects to push their homo hating agenda, as well as their women-as-second-class-citizen agenda by banning contraception... one of the main means of women around the world to climb out of the poverty of having too many children at a too early age.
If it's all about the money and not about a loving relationship like it seems to be in this case, you and your aunt could sign a contract hereby you help her and then get her house (a little greedy, aren't we?), otherwise she could use something called a will. Getting wed is about love and sharing, not about how much money you'll secure (although no one told my brother's 2 ex-wives about that apparently, lol.)

Social recognition eh, by being accepted as being married eh, and this will do what for the gay's finally by what you had written above ? Would this finally give them the right to flaunt their lifestyles openly as a married couple anywhere they choose in the nation afterwards? Will it legally be therefore going against the rights of millions of others who oppose, and for which would oppose such a thing always as would be taught by them unto their children ?

Will they flaunt it in front of those who believe that the practicing of such a thing, and/or the choice made in such a thing as is being gay (((in which many do see as strictly being sin))), continue to be their next move or agenda, which is to flaunt their lifestyle out from under this torn vail now, as to make others suffer or become uncomfortable when they do this in their site and/or against their beliefs ?

Now they whom do oppose, do they not teach their children that it is a sin as based upon their beliefs in which is OK by them to teach in this away to their children ? Yes they do.. The people/parents as best that they can ((teach)) their little ones that it shouldnot be practiced by them in their lives, because it is sin according to what they have always believed and have been taught themselves, and that it would destroy them eventually if they do mess around with it, just as it has done against so many in the past that are on record in such sin in which it did eventually destroy them, and this is for those who had decided that it was OK for them to do this sort of sin, even when the facts didnot make it so once reviewed or is now able to be looked back upon.

Hmmmm, that's odd, where as you responded to me, but my message board never alerted me that you had responded to me

For the record I was using the aunt senario as an example, wherefore my aunt doesn't even live anywhere near to me, like try on the other side of the nation actually, or might as well say on the other side of the planet. I love her and my uncle, but don't get to ever see them other than post cards and some phone calls here and there. Oh and she rents instead of owns, not sorry bout that.. You wish you could call it like you think you know it, but you are off by thousands of miles on this one, as well as being off on your opinion in relation to what I had wrote. Just sayin..

It's what I've been saying all along, this isn't even about gay marriage, you just hate homos and will try to block anything they do. And you call yourself a Christian? Jesus was all about forgiveness and acceptance, among other nice qualities. I seriously doubt that IF he existed as said, that he be such a homo hater and basher like people like you are. You're delusional buddy.

I was just responding to YOUR story, which is probably true, thou doth protest wayyyy too much.
No one hates homo's, it's just that people have had bad experiences with some of these things in the past, where as they (certain ones) want it there way against other peoples religion, cultures and ways in this nation, and if they don't get their way against another or even against many, then they cry fowel or discrimination in the situation.

People just want to be left alone to live their lives in a Godly manor, in which don't include gay's walking around in front of their children as married, when they are teaching their children that such a thing is not normal and/or is sin. The gay's are never going to stop people from seperating themselves from them, and that is just the cold hard facts of these matters found in life. People whom have family members who have went down this road, yes they have to deal with that in life of course, but they also expect the rest of the nation whom may disagree, to then deal with it also in the way that they want them to, and not by what is dictated to them by their own held beliefs instead.

This nation is getting more and more about people wanting to do all sorts of things in life, in which others don't tend to agree with and rightly so, but in the spirit of compassion, empothy, humbleness and kindness, it is then expected that the people should accept these things now, as based upon these human traits that are found in all human beings, and in fact in many ways it is being done in these ways when people give a little in respect to a person and/or as a human being when they get caught up in these things, but it still don't change what people believe in, and what they teach their children to believe in, so it will always be a tough sell to get everyone on board the acceptance train and you know it.

You can rant and rave on me all you want, but what I speak is the truth and you know it...
The Vatican is heavily anti-gay and they rake in billions...:eusa_whistle:

They sure are.

Catholic Charities is a network of charities whose aim is "to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same."[5] It is one of the largest charities in the United States.[6] Catholic Charities traces its origin to an orphanage founded in 1727 in New Orleans, Louisiana by the French Ursuline Sisters.[7]

Catholic Charities, USA (CCUSA), with headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, was founded in 1910 as the National Conference of Catholic Charities. In 2010, Catholic Charities' centennial year,[8] more than 1,700 agencies, institutions and organizations composed the Catholic Charities network - including individual organizations of the dioceses, such as the Archdiocese of Chicago. About $2 billion of its budget now comes from the Faith-Based Initiatives Office of the federal government. Nearly 90 cents of every dollar donated to Catholic Charities agencies goes directly to programs and services.[9] In 2008, Catholic Charities agencies served over 8 million individuals.

Together, with the local, diocesan-associated Catholic Charities, it is the second largest social service provider in the United States, surpassed only by the federal government


So you're not disputing my claim that they are extremely anti-gay?
Also, do you think it a tiny wee bit hypocritical that a serious number of priests are pedophiles?
Btw, they use their charitable projects to push their homo hating agenda, as well as their women-as-second-class-citizen agenda by banning contraception... one of the main means of women around the world to climb out of the poverty of having too many children at a too early age.
What other people do in which is by many also considered sin, and even crimes all depending, they will be held accountable for. These are seperate sins or issues that are found in their lives, so one issue at a time here, then we can discuss the other sins that are found in people that are doing things that are not agreed upon just as well. The mixing of these things are a strategy that everyone see's through in life, so try another strategy if you will, because these strategies are getting old, and are seen right through these days I think.
Btw, they use their charitable projects to push their homo hating agenda,

And the gay's use the civil rights to push their gay agenda, so they for whom you accuse are equal in these things right ?
It's what I've been saying all along, this isn't even about gay marriage, you just hate homos and will try to block anything they do. And you call yourself a Christian? Jesus was all about forgiveness and acceptance, among other nice qualities. I seriously doubt that IF he existed as said, that he be such a homo hater and basher like people like you are. You're delusional buddy.

I was just responding to YOUR story, which is probably true, thou doth protest wayyyy too much.
No one hates homo's, it's just that people have had bad experiences with some of these things in the past, where as they (certain ones) want it there way against other peoples religion, cultures and ways in this nation, and if they don't get their way against another or even against many, then they cry fowel or discrimination in the situation.

People just want to be left alone to live their lives in a Godly manor, in which don't include gay's walking around in front of their children as married, when they are teaching their children that such a thing is not normal and/or is sin. The gay's are never going to stop people from seperating themselves from them, and that is just the cold hard facts of these matters found in life. People whom have family members who have went down this road, yes they have to deal with that in life of course, but they also expect the rest of the nation whom may disagree, to then deal with it also in the way that they want them to, and not by what is dictated to them by their own held beliefs instead.

This nation is getting more and more about people wanting to do all sorts of things in life, in which others don't tend to agree with and rightly so, but in the spirit of compassion, empothy, humbleness and kindness, it is then expected that the people should accept these things now, as based upon these human traits that are found in all human beings, and in fact in many ways it is being done in these ways when people give a little in respect to a person and/or as a human being when they get caught up in these things, but it still don't change what people believe in, and what they teach their children to believe in, so it will always be a tough sell to get everyone on board the acceptance train and you know it.

You can rant and rave on me all you want, but what I speak is the truth and you know it...

I know you speak the truth as you see it. That's all.

Ok, so how do you know when 2 guys walk down the street that they're married? You don't.
You also didn't address my contention that Jesus would not have been a gay basher (I personally think that IF he existed, he might have been gay, but that's another story).
A godly manner? Well, since gays exist, god must have made them in his image as well?
And I agree that there will always be people like you who want to "separate" themselves from gays, as there as about 1000 different hate groups in the US, because we have freedom of speech. So you can hate gays openly like you do, but you can't be openly gay? Man, your kids are going to be really messed up!
Btw, they use their charitable projects to push their homo hating agenda,

And the gay's use the civil rights to push their gay agenda, so they for whom you accuse are equal in these things right ?

As long as you agree that the Vatican uses its power and money to push its homo hating agenda we're good (and its women as second class citizens agenda as well, among others).

I think that using a civil rights charter or laws to gain equality in certain areas is righteous. Notice how the Vatican doesn't make it a matter of civil rights to squash gays, because what they do is actually against civil rights.
They sure are.


So you're not disputing my claim that they are extremely anti-gay?
Also, do you think it a tiny wee bit hypocritical that a serious number of priests are pedophiles?
Btw, they use their charitable projects to push their homo hating agenda, as well as their women-as-second-class-citizen agenda by banning contraception... one of the main means of women around the world to climb out of the poverty of having too many children at a too early age.
What other people do in which is by many also considered sin, and even crimes all depending, they will be held accountable for. These are seperate sins or issues that are found in their lives, so one issue at a time here, then we can discuss the other sins that are found in people that are doing things that are not agreed upon just as well. The mixing of these things are a strategy that everyone see's through in life, so try another strategy if you will, because these strategies are getting old, and are seen right through these days I think.

It's called practice what you preach, the pedophile priests should learn that one. Anyways, you're using the old Muslim excuse: it's not the religion that makes the Jihadists, they're another separate matter, when we all know that the religion IS about Jihad. Just like the catholic priesthood and their supposed "vow" of celebacy, which is really about gays and other sexual deviants who don't like women anyways.
When a son is the family "heard the calling", well, it meant he realized he was gay and went to live with the other gays in a monastery away from society otherwise they could be killed for being gay.
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