Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

You said that a man brought the snake to South Florida? Well imagine that, where as I can't believe that you actually admitted such a thing as this, because I thought you said that a man couldnot have done such things as you put into your example of Noah whom being a man also, in no way could have done (move animals around like that) ?

Here is what your futuristic family light years down the road from you now (if the earth would last that long), might would say when looking back at your time, that in no way could a man have moved a snake to South Florida from somewhere else in the world or ever caused the now read about back then damages to other things within this world, so he would have had to have had help from another planet maybe, but we don't know actually, because all records were burnt up in the "GREAT FIRE" that we read about in which came upon the earth back in those days, but it's good imaginary stuff to now read about, as was found within the artifacts we dug up or that man had somehow written down in record of from that time period, but of course man wrote it right, so it couldn't be true from what we know about man or our kind today or could it be? How would you feel about a futuristic generation looking at your life, works or words in which were real at this time period, as imaginary stuff far away into the past by them, in which was the truth in which you would be screaming from your grave about, but no one is listening anymore ?

Who knows the exact size of the Garden of Eden that existed upon the earth back in the beginning, in which has been expanding from that point ever since, so you say that the animals were all over the earth in the beginning or the whole time ? You believe in the expansion of the universe of course, as stars are being born everyday, every hour and etc., but you can't wrap your head around the inhabitants of this earth expanding from certain areas and lower populations, to the huge and expanded population that we have right now today ? Do you hear the reports that we will be at this number population by this certain date and time, otherwise signaling that the population is still increasing upon this earth and not going in the other direction ? Why is it so hard for you to look back and understand the past better, just as you feel that you understand the future and/or the present ? I know that I am waisting my time with you, but oh well here I am doing this for some un-Godly reason anyway, where as you got me scatching my head now as to why I'm even bothering with you like this.

PS. Again you donot know what species existed back then, so your claims of truth within these area's are false just as well, and this just as you claim others knowledge is false within these areas also.
A man brought ONE snake, not every animal on earth? So now you're saying that Noah went to South America and got some snakes? How did he manage that? Did he have another boat? A spaceship?

2000 or 3000 years ago isn't enough time for evolution of species, so what ever existed in Noah's time exists now, unless it became extinct, usually because of man. So Noah went to every continent and got all the animals? Or they all came to him? And he had enough food for everyone for 40 days?
You know everything, so why don't you go on and tell me or us here Mr. or Mrs. smarty pants.. Oh that's right in another post you claim you don't know, but you figure somehow that I am just dum enough to make you look like you know something (thinking I make you look smarter in your life), when infact you are not that smart at all, just a good bull crapper is what you are, and everyone see's through your bull crap, but do carry on please. LOL

You can't/won't answer my questions so you try to denigrate me. Not surprised really.
That's true!

Ask them what the anomaly was that caused the Big Bang, watch their heads explode.

Not knowing what caused the Big Bang doesn't mean that a god produced it. At this point, we just don't know. But at least scientists are still looking. If religion had had its way, the world would still be flat and at the centre of the universe.
How is it that you know so little as expressed in this post by you, but yet you know how to tell a Christian that everything they believe in is false, and this according to your arrogance on such matters ?

I'm saying that if you think the world was made in 6 days, please provide some actual proof so that I'm not just agreeing to some fairy tale.
And at least I can admit that we don't know everything. But what we do know largely contradicts what's written in the bible. That I do know.
That's true!

Ask them what the anomaly was that caused the Big Bang, watch their heads explode.

Not knowing what caused the Big Bang doesn't mean that a god produced it. At this point, we just don't know. But at least scientists are still looking. If religion had had its way, the world would still be flat and at the centre of the universe.

I suppose you're reference to The Big Bang, is not about some Queer Orgy Filmed on Fire Island.

Why, you have the starring role in that movie?
Equal rights are earned? :cuckoo:

For the rest of your rant about the devil and his evildoers, you're seriously out of touch with reality, please seek help.
Any right given a human upon this earth is earned, and if you commit a crime or live your life to hurt other humans while here, then everyone of those rights are taken away (it's called put in prison, executed or if one is lucky jail). Some commit small acts found within their words even and/or smaller issues that don't warrant any consideration of, but yet they are being put on a watch list by their own government, thus causing them to lose their right to privacy as they once knew it, and this is being cried about by many also to date (or) you may be a Sandusky that is free until find that you are violating other peoples rights to not be sodomized, and these victims also having a right to their own safety (especially as children), just as it supposed to be found in this nation always or as it should be, but do you think that Sandusky should have the same equal rights as you continue to have as a free person in this society now, especially once he has lost those rights ? Can Sandusky earn his right to freedom again ? No he can't, but he earned his rights in this nation (before commiting these crimes) as he did, just like everyone else earns their righst in this nation also. Until he commited the terrible acts that he commited he had the same rights in this nation as the rest of us, but then he lost his rights as it should be once he is convicted. What part of these things can't you wrap your little mind around ?

So you're equating convicted felons and others under criminal investigation with homosexuals trying to marry? So how do gays "earn" their rights?
They have rights as everyone else in America does or as Americans do as citizens for whom all live within the public setting together, yet within limited reasoning these rights were born out of or do exist within reason, and this while out and about in America in the public sectors or settings, yet we all only have these specific rights under certain agreed upon terms as found within a majority in America, that does agree upon these rights and agreed upon terms that exist within such rights in which we have always had in America. The right for gays to be married as pertaining to or in opposition to the sacred traditional morals and values held within the various states or even according to the feds by a law signed into place by Clinton, in which now makes marriage between one man and one woman federal law stops them for now getting married if the states refuse this marriage between them, therefore it holds back such a right to be granted unto these gays until further notice or rather maybe that a huge decline of the majority comes about next, that would maybe change the situation for them where ever this may become the case, and this is because the majority vote within these states donot except that marriage would also become between a man and a man or a woman with another woman, but rather it remain sacred between a man and a woman as it always has been according to a majority within the states in which is agreed upon by them (or) is also recognized by the feds in the same respect by law now. There will always be the few gays who want to go public in the face of those in opposition to this always, wherefore the gays are still up against a majority that teach their children that being this way is not an acceptable practice nor should it ever be recognized by marriage in the traditional sense that marriage has always been in America.
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Any right given a human upon this earth is earned, and if you commit a crime or live your life to hurt other humans while here, then everyone of those rights are taken away (it's called put in prison, executed or if one is lucky jail). Some commit small acts found within their words even and/or smaller issues that don't warrant any consideration of, but yet they are being put on a watch list by their own government, thus causing them to lose their right to privacy as they once knew it, and this is being cried about by many also to date (or) you may be a Sandusky that is free until find that you are violating other peoples rights to not be sodomized, and these victims also having a right to their own safety (especially as children), just as it supposed to be found in this nation always or as it should be, but do you think that Sandusky should have the same equal rights as you continue to have as a free person in this society now, especially once he has lost those rights ? Can Sandusky earn his right to freedom again ? No he can't, but he earned his rights in this nation (before commiting these crimes) as he did, just like everyone else earns their righst in this nation also. Until he commited the terrible acts that he commited he had the same rights in this nation as the rest of us, but then he lost his rights as it should be once he is convicted. What part of these things can't you wrap your little mind around ?

So you're equating convicted felons and others under criminal investigation with homosexuals trying to marry? So how do gays "earn" their rights?
They have rights as everyone else in America does or as Americans do as citizens for whom all live within the public setting together, yet within limited reasoning these rights were born out of or do exist within reason, and this while out and about in America in the public sectors or settings, yet we all only have these specific rights under certain agreed upon terms as found within a majority in America, that does agree upon these rights and agreed upon terms that exist within such rights in which we have always had in America. The right for gays to be married as pertaining to or in opposition to the sacred traditional morals and values held within the various states or even according to the feds by a law signed into place by Clinton, in which now makes marriage between one man and one woman federal law stops them for now getting married if the states refuse this marriage between them, therefore it holds back such a right to be granted unto these gays until further notice or rather maybe that a huge decline of the majority comes about next, that would maybe change the situation for them where ever this may become the case, and this is because the majority vote within these states donot except that marriage would also become between a man and a man or a woman with another woman, but rather it remain sacred between a man and a woman as it always has been according to a majority within the states in which is agreed upon by them (or) is also recognized by the feds in the same respect by law now. There will always be the few gays who want to go public in the face of those in opposition to this always, wherefore the gays are still up against a majority that teach their children that being this way is not an acceptable practice nor should it ever be recognized by marriage in the traditional sense that marriage has always been in America.

Nice how you avoid my other posts because you can't answer them.
As for this post, if you're against gay marriage, simply don't marry a gay person. But if Jesus did exist, I seriously doubt that he would have spouted any homophobic statements like you do. Jesus was about love and acceptance, and apparently he never said a cross word about anyone? he was an inclusive person, or so he's portrayed.
So are you actually saying that Jesus was anti-gay?
:D Today Chic-Fil-A made history, and so does the power of facebook by staging a support Chic-Fil-A day, where thousands upon thousands turned out in support for the chicken sandwich franchise, thus sending a strong message to those who think that the American voters will just lay silent anymore, when infact they (the boycotters) have another thought coming for sure on that note, because the sleeping giant has once again been awoken.

Today in many states where Chic-Fil-A is located, people came out by the thousands in support of the resteraunt chain, causing traffic jams and flooding in ajoining parking lots and more. It was all due mainly in support of the chain and it's personal right to make a statement, and this when asked about it's values and morals as an American business that is run on those values and morals. It then caused an uprising or uproar amongst a minority of Americans when answered, for whom thought that they could afterwards take on the chain by calling for a boycott of it, but the Americans who support the chain weren't having any of it, so they came out in support of the chain today big time, in one of the biggest (counter boycott) moves the nation has seen in a long time. I have a friend who called me and said his wife waited in line for two hours today, but it was worth the wait no matter he said that she said. My wife just came from up town around 8:00 o'clock PM evening time, and she said that the lines were still long and the chain flooded with supporters still at 8:00 o'clock. It was strong in support of all day long and into the night. I wonder how the Media will cover it ? Lets see who they (the media) really belongs to as well in the situation.

I bet this is what will happen to Obama this election, so he had better get ready for the storm, even though it won't help him none otherwise to get ready and counter the Americans on the same views and ideals in which they have had for Chic-Fil-A, and this especially so if the same turn out happens with this election, that also happened with Chic-Fil-A today. WOW! :clap2:

Get off your high horses you religious zealots. Homosexuality has nothing to do with morality. The animal cruelty that goes into chic-fil-a's chicken sandwiches, however, does. Start focusing on actual suffering and making we can make this world a better place. Otherwise, worship your ideals on your own time.

[ame=]Earthlings - Full length documentary (multi-subtitles) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production - YouTube[/ame]

If you don't have the guts to watch this and learn the TRUTH about where animal products come from, then you shouldn't be buying meat, dairy, or eggs.
Jesus did not come to abolish God's law but fulfill it.

Jesus did not speak directly against homosexuality? Simply put, He assumed the moral tenets of the Mosaic law, as did the people He spoke to. He also didn’t directly speak against bestiality, genocide, child molestation, or gang rape because these things were assumed, based on the Mosaic Law, to be sinful.

If Jesus was silent on an issue, this did not mean that there was tacit approval of that conduct.
:D Today Chic-Fil-A made history, and so does the power of facebook by staging a support Chic-Fil-A day, where thousands upon thousands turned out in support for the chicken sandwich franchise, thus sending a strong message to those who think that the American voters will just lay silent anymore, when infact they (the boycotters) have another thought coming for sure on that note, because the sleeping giant has once again been awoken.

Today in many states where Chic-Fil-A is located, people came out by the thousands in support of the resteraunt chain, causing traffic jams and flooding in ajoining parking lots and more. It was all due mainly in support of the chain and it's personal right to make a statement, and this when asked about it's values and morals as an American business that is run on those values and morals. It then caused an uprising or uproar amongst a minority of Americans when answered, for whom thought that they could afterwards take on the chain by calling for a boycott of it, but the Americans who support the chain weren't having any of it, so they came out in support of the chain today big time, in one of the biggest (counter boycott) moves the nation has seen in a long time. I have a friend who called me and said his wife waited in line for two hours today, but it was worth the wait no matter he said that she said. My wife just came from up town around 8:00 o'clock PM evening time, and she said that the lines were still long and the chain flooded with supporters still at 8:00 o'clock. It was strong in support of all day long and into the night. I wonder how the Media will cover it ? Lets see who they (the media) really belongs to as well in the situation.

I bet this is what will happen to Obama this election, so he had better get ready for the storm, even though it won't help him none otherwise to get ready and counter the Americans on the same views and ideals in which they have had for Chic-Fil-A, and this especially so if the same turn out happens with this election, that also happened with Chic-Fil-A today. WOW! :clap2:

Get off your high horses you religious zealots. Homosexuality has nothing to do with morality. The animal cruelty that goes into chic-fil-a's chicken sandwiches, however, does. Start focusing on actual suffering and making we can make this world a better place. Otherwise, worship your ideals on your own time.

[ame=]Earthlings - Full length documentary (multi-subtitles) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production - YouTube[/ame]

If you don't have the guts to watch this and learn the TRUTH about where animal products come from, then you shouldn't be buying meat, dairy, or eggs.

Christ, another parasitic OWS homo, raining against us normal people that think lesbians are hideous and meat tastes great.
Chick Fil A made history by the number of people willing to support them, and the amount of money they were willing to spend to do it.

It was a little rebellion among the people.
Jesus did not come to abolish God's law but fulfill it.

Jesus did not speak directly against homosexuality? Simply put, He assumed the moral tenets of the Mosaic law, as did the people He spoke to. He also didn’t directly speak against bestiality, genocide, child molestation, or gang rape because these things were assumed, based on the Mosaic Law, to be sinful.

If Jesus was silent on an issue, this did not mean that there was tacit approval of that conduct.

Doesn't mean he was against it either. So how did the anti-gay stuff get in the bible? Just the preference of the guy(s) who wrote it?
So you're equating convicted felons and others under criminal investigation with homosexuals trying to marry? So how do gays "earn" their rights?
They have rights as everyone else in America does or as Americans do as citizens for whom all live within the public setting together, yet within limited reasoning these rights were born out of or do exist within reason, and this while out and about in America in the public sectors or settings, yet we all only have these specific rights under certain agreed upon terms as found within a majority in America, that does agree upon these rights and agreed upon terms that exist within such rights in which we have always had in America. The right for gays to be married as pertaining to or in opposition to the sacred traditional morals and values held within the various states or even according to the feds by a law signed into place by Clinton, in which now makes marriage between one man and one woman federal law stops them for now getting married if the states refuse this marriage between them, therefore it holds back such a right to be granted unto these gays until further notice or rather maybe that a huge decline of the majority comes about next, that would maybe change the situation for them where ever this may become the case, and this is because the majority vote within these states donot except that marriage would also become between a man and a man or a woman with another woman, but rather it remain sacred between a man and a woman as it always has been according to a majority within the states in which is agreed upon by them (or) is also recognized by the feds in the same respect by law now. There will always be the few gays who want to go public in the face of those in opposition to this always, wherefore the gays are still up against a majority that teach their children that being this way is not an acceptable practice nor should it ever be recognized by marriage in the traditional sense that marriage has always been in America.

Nice how you avoid my other posts because you can't answer them.
As for this post, if you're against gay marriage, simply don't marry a gay person. But if Jesus did exist, I seriously doubt that he would have spouted any homophobic statements like you do. Jesus was about love and acceptance, and apparently he never said a cross word about anyone? he was an inclusive person, or so he's portrayed.
So are you actually saying that Jesus was anti-gay?
You need help do you know that? I really am serious because on the one hand you trash Jesus in your words written, then on the other hand or when it is convienant, you try and use him to empower your message.
:D Today Chic-Fil-A made history, and so does the power of facebook by staging a support Chic-Fil-A day, where thousands upon thousands turned out in support for the chicken sandwich franchise, thus sending a strong message to those who think that the American voters will just lay silent anymore, when infact they (the boycotters) have another thought coming for sure on that note, because the sleeping giant has once again been awoken.

Today in many states where Chic-Fil-A is located, people came out by the thousands in support of the resteraunt chain, causing traffic jams and flooding in ajoining parking lots and more. It was all due mainly in support of the chain and it's personal right to make a statement, and this when asked about it's values and morals as an American business that is run on those values and morals. It then caused an uprising or uproar amongst a minority of Americans when answered, for whom thought that they could afterwards take on the chain by calling for a boycott of it, but the Americans who support the chain weren't having any of it, so they came out in support of the chain today big time, in one of the biggest (counter boycott) moves the nation has seen in a long time. I have a friend who called me and said his wife waited in line for two hours today, but it was worth the wait no matter he said that she said. My wife just came from up town around 8:00 o'clock PM evening time, and she said that the lines were still long and the chain flooded with supporters still at 8:00 o'clock. It was strong in support of all day long and into the night. I wonder how the Media will cover it ? Lets see who they (the media) really belongs to as well in the situation.

I bet this is what will happen to Obama this election, so he had better get ready for the storm, even though it won't help him none otherwise to get ready and counter the Americans on the same views and ideals in which they have had for Chic-Fil-A, and this especially so if the same turn out happens with this election, that also happened with Chic-Fil-A today. WOW! :clap2:

Get off your high horses you religious zealots. Homosexuality has nothing to do with morality. The animal cruelty that goes into chic-fil-a's chicken sandwiches, however, does. Start focusing on actual suffering and making we can make this world a better place. Otherwise, worship your ideals on your own time.

[ame=]Earthlings - Full length documentary (multi-subtitles) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production - YouTube[/ame]

If you don't have the guts to watch this and learn the TRUTH about where animal products come from, then you shouldn't be buying meat, dairy, or eggs.
Oh brother another agitator sent up from Hell, and for whom is what, maybe one that is willing to use what the devil has caused in this nation over time, to now fight back with or use as amunition on me and my words spoken here?.... Is Chic-Fil-A's name shown anywhere in the video's, and if not, then how do you know that they are involved in what you have presented here ? I don't have time to watch this stuff, so let me know if Chic-Fil-A's name is actually associated with these videos that you have used in your attack, and if so then I may take a glance at them.

I bet you could never put a worm on a fishing hook either could you ? I am not for abuse of animals ever, so let me know if Chic-Fil-A is linked to your videos. Get off the high horse you say ? Hmmmmm isn't it best to be upon a high horse when walking through bull crap as is spewed by someone like you.....LOL
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I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

The intolerance was first shown by those who couldn't stand a business owner voicing his opinion. Like the mayors in San Fran, Chicago, and D.C. who made it a point to make the issue political while being intolerant.
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

The intolerance was first shown by those who couldn't stand a business owner voicing his opinion. Like the mayors in San Fran, Chicago, and D.C. who made it a point to make the issue political while being intolerant.

No. Intolerance is thinking that gay people aren't equal to all others.
They have rights as everyone else in America does or as Americans do as citizens for whom all live within the public setting together, yet within limited reasoning these rights were born out of or do exist within reason, and this while out and about in America in the public sectors or settings, yet we all only have these specific rights under certain agreed upon terms as found within a majority in America, that does agree upon these rights and agreed upon terms that exist within such rights in which we have always had in America. The right for gays to be married as pertaining to or in opposition to the sacred traditional morals and values held within the various states or even according to the feds by a law signed into place by Clinton, in which now makes marriage between one man and one woman federal law stops them for now getting married if the states refuse this marriage between them, therefore it holds back such a right to be granted unto these gays until further notice or rather maybe that a huge decline of the majority comes about next, that would maybe change the situation for them where ever this may become the case, and this is because the majority vote within these states donot except that marriage would also become between a man and a man or a woman with another woman, but rather it remain sacred between a man and a woman as it always has been according to a majority within the states in which is agreed upon by them (or) is also recognized by the feds in the same respect by law now. There will always be the few gays who want to go public in the face of those in opposition to this always, wherefore the gays are still up against a majority that teach their children that being this way is not an acceptable practice nor should it ever be recognized by marriage in the traditional sense that marriage has always been in America.

Nice how you avoid my other posts because you can't answer them.
As for this post, if you're against gay marriage, simply don't marry a gay person. But if Jesus did exist, I seriously doubt that he would have spouted any homophobic statements like you do. Jesus was about love and acceptance, and apparently he never said a cross word about anyone? he was an inclusive person, or so he's portrayed.
So are you actually saying that Jesus was anti-gay?
You need help do you know that? I really am serious because on the one hand you trash Jesus in your words written, then on the other hand or when it is convienant, you try and use him to empower your message.
You keep avoiding my questions. Was Jesus an inclusive sort of chap or was he anti-gay?
Also, if you think the world was made in 6 days, please provide some actual proof so that I'm not just agreeing to some fairy tale.
And did Noah go get all the animals in South America, Asia and Africa, or did all the animals come to him? Since we know that not all species inhabit all parts of the earth.
And if there was a flood for 40 days, how did the plants survive?
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

The intolerance was first shown by those who couldn't stand a business owner voicing his opinion. Like the mayors in San Fran, Chicago, and D.C. who made it a point to make the issue political while being intolerant.

No. Intolerance is thinking that gay people aren't equal to all others.

When did someone say that? Or was that voices in your head? Equal does not mean the same. Men and women can have equal rights, but they are not the same. The owner of Chick Fil A is entitled to his opinion and entitled to share it. The intolerance is from those who think he doesn't have the right to share it. Mayors of 4 cities have gone way beyong intolerance. They want to sanction a business due to the owner's beliefs. Can you imagine if this was a Muslim owned business? This is more about a political agenda and the hypocrsy of the left. (kind of like when NOW had nothing to say about Clinton's antics) If the owner of a business discriminates for any reason based on sexuality, then it's a different story. The owner of Chick Fil A is as tolerant as the next guy. He chooses to believe that marraige is only between a man and woman, under the eyes of God, based on his religion. The people that don't think he has the right to his opinion, are the intolerant ones.
. The owner of Chick Fil A is as tolerant as the next guy. He chooses to believe that marraige is only between a man and woman, under the eyes of God, based on his religion.

And under the eyes of Federal law enacted by Clinton.
Chick Fil A made history by the number of people willing to support them, and the amount of money they were willing to spend to do it.

It was a little rebellion among the people.

You mean the amount of $$$ that publicity stunt brought to them.
I eat their sandwiches still, like their food.
And I support 100% whatever they want to say and believe as that is their right of free speech. Plus I do not support government sponsored bans on them for exercising their right to free speech.
But anyone that gives a shit about what a fast food restaurant believes about marriage has a loose screw.
On both sides, gay or straight.
Who cares? Why does it matter so much that a fast food restaurant opposes gay marriage?
Chicken sammiches-gay marriage.
Where is the connection there?
I also agree with the fact that if one opposes gay marriage then do not marry a gay.
Neal Boortz, a strong conservative talk show host, has it right.

It is a NON issue.
:D Today Chic-Fil-A made history, and so does the power of facebook by staging a support Chic-Fil-A day, where thousands upon thousands turned out in support for the chicken sandwich franchise, thus sending a strong message to those who think that the American voters will just lay silent anymore, when infact they (the boycotters) have another thought coming for sure on that note, because the sleeping giant has once again been awoken.

Today in many states where Chic-Fil-A is located, people came out by the thousands in support of the resteraunt chain, causing traffic jams and flooding in ajoining parking lots and more. It was all due mainly in support of the chain and it's personal right to make a statement, and this when asked about it's values and morals as an American business that is run on those values and morals. It then caused an uprising or uproar amongst a minority of Americans when answered, for whom thought that they could afterwards take on the chain by calling for a boycott of it, but the Americans who support the chain weren't having any of it, so they came out in support of the chain today big time, in one of the biggest (counter boycott) moves the nation has seen in a long time. I have a friend who called me and said his wife waited in line for two hours today, but it was worth the wait no matter he said that she said. My wife just came from up town around 8:00 o'clock PM evening time, and she said that the lines were still long and the chain flooded with supporters still at 8:00 o'clock. It was strong in support of all day long and into the night. I wonder how the Media will cover it ? Lets see who they (the media) really belongs to as well in the situation.

I bet this is what will happen to Obama this election, so he had better get ready for the storm, even though it won't help him none otherwise to get ready and counter the Americans on the same views and ideals in which they have had for Chic-Fil-A, and this especially so if the same turn out happens with this election, that also happened with Chic-Fil-A today. WOW! :clap2:

Get off your high horses you religious zealots. Homosexuality has nothing to do with morality. The animal cruelty that goes into chic-fil-a's chicken sandwiches, however, does. Start focusing on actual suffering and making we can make this world a better place. Otherwise, worship your ideals on your own time.

[ame=]Earthlings - Full length documentary (multi-subtitles) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production - YouTube[/ame]

If you don't have the guts to watch this and learn the TRUTH about where animal products come from, then you shouldn't be buying meat, dairy, or eggs.

I grew up on the farm, you brain-dead citified twit. I've gathered eggs, milked a cow, and butchered hogs, along with catching chickens, wringing their necks, plucking and cleaning them. I've known all my life where the stuff comes from, how you raise it, and how it gets from live to on the table. What; you city people think the stuff just magically appears, skinned and neatly wrapped in the meat department? BWAAAAAAA!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Gawd, if you people weren't serious, you'd be hilarious!

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